14,668 research outputs found

    Study of low gravity propellant transfer Quarterly progress report, 23 Dec. 1970 - 30 Apr. 1971

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    Bellows, metallic diaphragm, and paddle vortex subcritical transfer systems designs and high pressure systems analyses for orbital space station cryogen

    Gated rotation mechanism of site-specific recombination by Ď•C31 integrase

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    Integrases, such as that of the Streptomyces temperate bacteriophage ϕC31, promote site-specific recombination between DNA sequences in the bacteriophage and bacterial genomes to integrate or excise the phage DNA. ϕC31 integrase belongs to the serine recombinase family, a large group of structurally related enzymes with diverse biological functions. It has been proposed that serine integrases use a “subunit rotation” mechanism to exchange DNA strands after double-strand DNA cleavage at the two recombining att sites, and that many rounds of subunit rotation can occur before the strands are religated. We have analyzed the mechanism of ϕC31 integrase-mediated recombination in a topologically constrained experimental system using hybrid “phes” recombination sites, each of which comprises a ϕC31 att site positioned adjacent to a regulatory sequence recognized by Tn3 resolvase. The topologies of reaction products from circular substrates containing two phes sites support a right-handed subunit rotation mechanism for catalysis of both integrative and excisive recombination. Strand exchange usually terminates after a single round of 180° rotation. However, multiple processive “360° rotation” rounds of strand exchange can be observed, if the recombining sites have nonidentical base pairs at their centers. We propose that a regulatory “gating” mechanism normally blocks multiple rounds of strand exchange and triggers product release after a single round

    The effect of internal gravity waves on cloud evolution in sub-stellar atmospheres

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    Context. Sub-stellar objects exhibit photometric variability which is believed to be caused by a number of processes such as magnetically-driven spots or inhomogeneous cloud coverage. Recent sub-stellar models have shown that turbulent flows and waves, including internal gravity waves, may play an important role in cloud evolution.Aims. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of internal gravity waves on dust cloud nucleation and dust growth, and whether observations of the resulting cloud structures could be used to recover atmospheric density information.Methods. For a simplified atmosphere in two dimensions, we numerically solve the governing fluid equations to simulate the effect on dust nucleation and mantle growth as a result of the passage of an internal gravity wave. Furthermore, we derive an expression that relates the properties of the wave-induced cloud structures to observable parameters in order to deduce the atmospheric density.Results. Numerical simulations show that the density, pressure and temperature variations caused by gravity waves lead to an increase of dust nucleation by up to a factor 20, and dust mantle growth rate by up to a factor 1:6, compared to their equilibrium values. Through an exploration of the wider sub-stellar parameter space, we show that in absolute terms, the increase in dust nucleation due to internal gravity waves is stronger in cooler (T dwarfs) and TiO2-rich sub-stellar atmospheres. The relative increase however is greater in warm(L dwarf) and TiO2-poor atmospheres due to conditions less suited for efficient nucleation at equilibrium. These variations lead to banded areas in which dust formation is much more pronounced, and lead to banded cloud structures similar to those observed on Earth. Conclusions. Using the proposed method, potential observations of banded clouds could be used to estimate the atmospheric density of sub-stellar objects

    Physical State of Molecular Gas in High Galactic Latitude Translucent Clouds

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    The rotational transitions of carbon monoxide (CO) are the primary means of investigating the density and velocity structure of the molecular interstellar medium. Here we study the lowest four rotational transitions of CO towards high-latitude translucent molecular clouds (HLCs). We report new observations of the J = (4-3), (2-1), and (1-0) transitions of CO towards eight high-latitude clouds. The new observations are combined with data from the literature to show that the emission from all observed CO transitions is linearly correlated. This implies that the excitation conditions which lead to emission in these transitions are uniform throughout the clouds. Observed 13CO/12CO (1-0) integrated intensity ratios are generally much greater than the expected abundance ratio of the two species, indicating that the regions which emit 12CO (1-0) radiation are optically thick. We develop a statistical method to compare the observed line ratios with models of CO excitation and radiative transfer. This enables us to determine the most likely portion of the physical parameter space which is compatible with the observations. The model enables us to rule out CO gas temperatures greater than 30K since the most likely high-temperature configurations are 1 pc-sized structures aligned along the line of sight. The most probable solution is a high density and low temperature (HDLT) solution. The CO cell size is approximately 0.01 pc (2000 AU). These cells are thus tiny fragments within the 100 times larger CO-emitting extent of a typical high-latitude cloud. We discuss the physical implications of HDLT cells, and we suggest ways to test for their existence.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables, emulateapj To be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Keck Spectroscopy of Faint 3<z<8 Lyman Break Galaxies:- Evidence for a Declining Fraction of Emission Line Sources In the Redshift Range 6<z<8

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    Using deep Keck spectroscopy of Lyman break galaxies selected from infrared imaging data taken with WFC3/IR onboard the Hubble Space Telescope, we present new evidence for a reversal in the redshift-dependent fraction of star forming galaxies with detectable Lyman alpha emission in the redshift range 6.3 < z < 8.8. Our earlier surveys with the DEIMOS spectrograph demonstrated a significant increase with redshift in the fraction of line emitting galaxies over the interval 4 < z < 6, particularly for intrinsically faint systems which dominate the luminosity density. Using the longer wavelength sensitivities of LRIS and NIRSPEC, we have targeted 19 Lyman break galaxies selected using recent WFC3/IR data whose photometric redshifts are in the range 6.3 < z < 8.8 and which span a wide range of intrinsic luminosities. Our spectroscopic exposures typically reach a 5-sigma sensitivity of < 50 A for the rest-frame equivalent width (EW) of Lyman alpha emission. Despite the high fraction of emitters seen only a few hundred million years later, we find only 2 convincing and 1 possible line emitter in our more distant sample. Combining with published data on a further 7 sources obtained using FORS2 on the ESO VLT, and assuming continuity in the trends found at lower redshift, we discuss the significance of this apparent reversal in the redshift-dependent Lyman alpha fraction in the context of our range in continuum luminosity. Assuming all the targeted sources are at their photometric redshift and our assumptions about the Lyman alpha EW distribution are correct, we would expect to find so few emitters in less than 1% of the realizations drawn from our lower redshift samples. Our new results provide further support for the suggestion that, at the redshifts now being probed spectroscopically, we are entering the era where the intergalactic medium is partially neutral.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Accepted to ApJ 10/1/1

    The DDO IVC Distance Project: Survey Description and the Distance to G139.6+47.6

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    We present a detailed analysis of the distance determination for one intermediate Velocity Cloud (IVC G139.6+47.6) from the ongoing DDO IVC Distance Project. Stars along the line of sight to G139.6+47.6 are examined for the presence of sodium absorption attributable to the cloud, and the distance bracket is established by astrometric and spectroscopic parallax measurements of demonstrated foreground and background stars. We detail our strategy regarding target selection, observational setup, and analysis of the data, including a discussion of wavelength calibration and sky subtraction uncertainties. We find a distance estimate of 129 (+/- 10) pc for the lower limit and 257 (+211-33) pc for the upper limit. Given the high number of stars showing absorption due to this IVC, we also discuss the small-scale covering factor of the cloud and the likely significance of non-detections for subsequent observations of this and other similar IVC's. Distance measurements of the remaining targets in the DDO IVC project will be detailed in a companion paper.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, LaTe

    Systems Technology Laboratory (STL) compendium of utilities

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    Multipurpose programs, routines and operating systems are described. Data conversion and character string comparison subroutine are included. Graphics packages, and file maintenance programs are also included

    Does episiotomy always equate violence in obstetrics? Routine and selective episiotomy in obstetric practice and legal questions

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    OBJECTIVE: The study’s main goal is to figure out whether episiotomy, a widely applied invasive procedure, may constitute a determining factor of liability for practitioners according to the standards of obstetric violence. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The authors have aimed to analyze laws and documentation issued on the matter by sovereign states, statements and remarks from International health organizations, in addition to scientific article available on the main search engines (PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar) and legal databases (Lexis, Justia). RESULTS: The body of research has highlighted the existence of a wide-ranging agreement as to routine episiotomy, deemed to be a scientifically unfounded procedure, and which should, therefore, be avoided. By virtue of that, routine episiotomy might easily give rise to charges and liability for doctors and midwives alike; likewise to claims may stem from a failure to perform an episiotomy when it was actually needed. CONCLUSIONS: Unlike routine episiotomy, selective episiotomy is far more unlikely to cause charges of obstetric violence against operators. Unfortunately, the criteria in order to establish when a selective episiotomy is indicated are far from consistent and would require an additional effort on the part of scientific societies towards a more clearly defined and shared description
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