1,948 research outputs found

    Hierarchical factor structure of the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale short form (IUS-12) in the Italian version

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    Despite widespread use, few translations are available for the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale short form (IUS-12) as well as limited research on its psychometric properties in Italy. Moreover, recent evidence has suggested a multifaceted hierarchical structure for this scale. We compared the two-factor model to second-order and bi-factor models, in which a General IU factor was posited with two more narrow factors: Prospective IU and Inhibitory IU. Models were tested on a pooled dataset of students (N = 609) taking the IUS-12 alone or with other IUS-27 items. The bi-factor model fitted the sample data better than alternative models. The general factor accounted for 80% of the item variance. Presentation mode did not impact scalar invariance. Convergent validity with neuroticism, need for closure, and the uncertainty response scale was high for the total score. As such, scoring the IUS-12 total score is recommended in clinical research and assessmen

    Death by Detox: Substance Withdrawal, a Possible Death Row for Individuals in Custody

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    Suffering through substance withdrawal is a major problem for the majority of individuals in custody, yet there are no guidelines or standards to ensure their safety. Instead, individuals in custody are having their Constitutional rights violated and many die at the hands of the justice system. When their families seek accountability for the lack of adequate care provided by correctional facilities and employees, families are faced with a lack of consistency from one circuit to the next for knowing as to the correct standard to have a successful claim. Strain v. Regalado was a chance for the Supreme Court to address this issue, but by denying cert in that case, the Court has signed off on the injustice these individuals face. This note proposed having the subjective prong for the deliberate indifference claim for inadequate medical care for withdrawal for individuals in custody presumed. Allowing the subjective prong to be presumed better aligns with the reality of this issue because correctional officers see many inmates suffering withdrawal and the symptoms which indicate the need for medical intervention are similar to those that would indicate a medical need in any other situation. Additionally, correctional officers are purportedly held to a higher standard. This note then proposed a federal standard for claims and medical care. These are both basic rights in the United States, unless and until a person is in custody

    Fruit, Fiber, and Fire: A Cultural History of Modern Agriculture in New Mexico

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    In New Mexico, no crops have defined the people and their landscape in the industrial era more than apples, cotton, and chile peppers. They illustrate, more than any other three crops in twentieth-century New Mexico, how agriculture has spurred migrations of plants and people, and in turn, shaped the culture of the place. The physical origins, the shifting cultural meanings, and the environmental and market requirements of these three iconic plants all broadly point to the convergence in New Mexico of diverse regional attitudes toward industry in agriculture. These three crops, all industrialized at different times in the twentieth century and in very different ways, in turn help illuminate New Mexico’s long and fraught relationship with modernity. As this dissertation illustrates, for much of the twentieth century modernization did not simply radiate from cities into its hinterlands; rather, the broad project of modernity, and resistance to it, has often originated in farm fields, at agricultural festivals, and in agrarian stories. A central premise to this investigation is that there is neither a single form of industrial agriculture nor a single form of traditional agriculture; rather, many ever-changing approaches of agriculture have often existed in tandem, often influencing each other in surprising ways. Through examining how various approaches to agriculture have relied upon, benefited from, or challenged each other, simple dichotomies between industrial and non-industrial agriculture disappear. In their place emerges a more nuanced portrait of an ever-changing, creative agricultural landscape that defies teleological narratives of inevitable and ever-increasing resource and labor exploitation that often accompany discussions of agricultural industrialization. Agricultural industrialization in the twentieth century, this dissertation shows, followed a nonlinear and highly contingent path

    The Genus Salix in Iowa

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    The genus Salix has long and justly been considered a difficult one to study. It is not that the genus is so large, there being only some 200 living species known, or that these species are so variable in themselves, although a few of them are known to be very much so. The chief difficulty lies in the dioecious character of the plants, and the fact that in the majority of the species the flowers are produced before the leaves appear, or at least before they are large enough to become characteristic

    The wonder and angst of exploring the unknown: Introduction to the special issue on intolerance of uncertainty

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    Interest in the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty (IU) and emotional disorders has rapidly increased over the last decade. Early theory and research focused on the relationship between IU and generalized anxiety disorder in particular; but, the roles that IU and the underlying 'fear of the unknown' play in the development, maintenance, and treatment of a broad array of emotional disorders have been explored more recently. This introduction provides a brief overview of the contributions to the special issue, which (a) summarize our current state of knowledge, (b) describe innovative methods for assessing and increasing our understanding IU within the context of various emotions and emotional disorders, (c) investigate associations between IU and therapeutic change, and (d) propose future research directions

    An Anatomical Study of the Leaves of Eragrostis

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    This study was undertaken in order to ascertain if the anatomical characters in the leaves of this genus were sufficiently well marked and constant to be of value in identifying the different species. The result of similar studies by others have been encouraging. Prominent among these is the series of excellent papers by Theodore Holm, who has studied six genera - Uniola, Distichlis, Pleuropogon, Leersia, Oryza, and Amphicarpum, and considers the anatomical characters of all except Distichlis to be a reliable basis for determining the different species. Emma Sirrine and Emma Pammel have studied Sporobolus and Pancum and conclude that the species in these genera, so far as studied, may be differentiated by means of their anatomical structure

    Two-fireball phenomenon and the multiperipheral model

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    Journal ArticleIn the context of the Chew-Snider version of the Amati-Bertocchi-Fubini-Stanghellini-Tonin pion-exchange model, we investigate certain multiperipheral mechanisms that could account for those phenomena that have hitherto motivated the two-fireball model. These mechanisms are (1) double diffractive dissociation, (2) the presence of a sequence of neutral particles on the multiperipheral chain, and (3) statistical fluctuations in the log tanθ spectrum. At cosmic-ray energies they are of equal importance

    Horse nettle as a troublesome weed in Iowa. Two other troublesome weeds. Potato scab.

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    Horse Nettle is a deep-rooting perennial, propagating freely by its underground rootstocks, the running roots are often three feet long; stem from one to two feet high, somewhat straggling, half shrubby at the base; stem hairy or merely roughish with minute hairs which are star-shaped, also armed with stout subulate yellowish prickles which are usually numerous; leaves oblong or sometimes ovate, obtusely sinuate, toothed or lobed or deeply cut, two to four inches long. The flowers are borne in what are called racemes, which later become one-sided; the outer part of the flower, the calyx, consists of slender lobes, the corolla is light blue or white, an inch or less in diameter. The flowers are followed by the yelow globose berries, half to three-quarters of an inch in diameter. The small seeds are yellowish, a little less than one-twelfth of an inch long, minutely roughened

    Aerial Stand Volume Table for Plains Cottonwood in Eastern Colorado

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