54,908 research outputs found

    Lake Winona management plan

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    Lake management plan created for Lake Winona (previous plan created in 1992). Includes a historical and present narrative of past management and use, recommendations and goals for fish stocking, operating, future plans and surveys. 3 pages. Part of the Cal R. Fremling Collection.https://openriver.winona.edu/calfremlingpapers/1078/thumbnail.jp

    Artificial substrates for Hexagenia mayfly nymphs

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    Article by Calvin R. Fremling and Gary L. Schoening detailing procedures for making an artificial substrate (or mud bottom/body of water bottom) out of polyvinyl acetate. Fremling and Johnson credited respectively as Winona State College, Winona, Minnesota, 55987, USA, and Ashland Chemical Co., Box 340, Grassilli Station, Linden, New Jersey 07036, U.S.A. Abstract: During our research on Hexagenia larvae, we have developed the construction of cheap and inert artificial substrates for bioassays and observation of the behavior of these nymphs. The substrates are made of a flexible plastic material based on polyvinyl acetate. Observation aquariums and bioassay cuvettes are obtained by making a sealed glass enclosure around each substrate with a special glue for glass. Article offprint from Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ephemeroptera (1973?). 3 pages. Part of the Cal R. Fremling Collection.https://openriver.winona.edu/calfremlingpapers/1035/thumbnail.jp

    Synchronous emergence of Hexagenia bilineata mayflies in the laboratory

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    Article written by L.L. Thomforde and Calvin R. Fremling regarding instructions for mayfly rearing in the controlled setting of a laboratory, including methodology and results. Abstract: Mass emergences of Hexagenia bilineata (Say) from the Upper Mississippi River tend to occur at intervals of about 6-11 days. It has seemed likely that the waves of emergence are indicators that sub-populations or broods have developed sympatrically and that the short-lived adults of one emergence peak are sexually isolated by time from adults of preceding and succeeding peaks. However, preliminary experiments with laboratory populations showed that the progeny resulting from eggs laid during the time of one mass emergence will emerge at intervals and en masse over an 11-month period. It seems probable that the broods in the river may include adults from last-instar nymphs of varying ages which have emerged at the same time. Complete sexual isolation, discrete gene pools, and resulting sympatric speciation of the broods therefore seem unlikely. Fremling and Thomforde are credited as, respectively: Professor of Biology, Winona State College, Winona, Minn. and Biology Instructor, John F. Kennedy High School, Bloomington, Minn. Article reprinted from the Annals of the Entomological Society of America, volume 61, number 5, September 1968. 5 pages. Part of the Cal R. Fremling Collection.https://openriver.winona.edu/calfremlingpapers/1022/thumbnail.jp

    Riverbend Industrial Park HEP values

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    Handwritten notes regarding HEP (Habitat Evaluation Procedure) values and analysis for the Riverbend Industrial Park area. Creator unknown. Undated, but probably created 1980-1990. 2 pages. Part of the Cal R. Fremling Collection.https://openriver.winona.edu/calfremlingpapers/1060/thumbnail.jp

    Acute toxicity of the lampricide 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) to nymphs of mayflies (Hexagenia sp.)

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    Article written by Calvin R. Fremling regarding an experiment with specific toxicants and mayflies. Abstract: A recycling test apparatus and burrow-containing artificial substrates were used to determine the toxicity of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl4-nitrophenol (TFM) against Hexagenia mayfly nymphs. Toxicity was relatively independent of temperature, but was greater in soft water than in hard water, and much greater at low than at high pH\u27s; 12-h LC50\u27s were 4.0 at pH 6.5 and 270.0 at pH 9.5. Published as part of a series: Investigations in Fish Control (issue 58) by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Department of the Interior). 8 pages. Part of the Cal R. Fremling Collection.https://openriver.winona.edu/calfremlingpapers/1027/thumbnail.jp

    Lake Winona meeting minutes, 1995

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    Notes from a Lake Winona meeting with Eric Sorenson, Robert Bollant, Tom Slaggie, Bruce Fuller, Neal Mundahl, Arlyn Runigan, regarding weed cutting in Lake Winona, Riverbend Industrial area, dredging West Lake Winona, and general meeting behavior. 1 page. Part of the Cal R. Fremling Collection.https://openriver.winona.edu/calfremlingpapers/1068/thumbnail.jp

    Dredging feasibility report, 1987

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    Feasibility report redredging of Lake Winona, from April 27, 1987, by Robert J. Bollant, Winona Director of Public Works. Copy is an unannotated duplicate. 9 pages. Part of the Cal R. Fremling Collection.https://openriver.winona.edu/calfremlingpapers/1072/thumbnail.jp

    LCMR revision correspondence

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    Correspondence between John Velin (Director of the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources) and Calvin R. Fremling regarding the LCMR funding proposal, A Cooperative Project Between Winona State University and the City of Winona to Restore Lake Winona Wetlands Dominated by the Noxious Exotic Weed, Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria). Velin\u27s letter requests a revised, reduced proposal from Fremling; Fremling\u27s response describes the revised proposal and briefly details the reductions made (revised proposal not included in folder). 2 pages. Part of the Cal R. Fremling Collection.https://openriver.winona.edu/calfremlingpapers/1041/thumbnail.jp

    Lake Winona dredging finance group

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    Folder of documents regarding the Lake WInona dredging project financing group, including correspondence, notes, cost estimates for dredging Lake Winona and filling Riverbend Industrial Park, special City Council meeting notices and agendas, and statute documents. Corrrespondents include Cal Fremling, Robert J. Bollant, and others. Multiple copies of some memos and letters. 53 pages. Part of the Cal R. Fremling Collection.https://openriver.winona.edu/calfremlingpapers/1099/thumbnail.jp

    Lake Winona weed harvesting recommendations

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    Documents regarding Fremling\u27s recommendations for weed harvesting on Lake Winona, including color-coded maps with further annotations. 5 pages. Part of the Cal R. Fremling Collection.https://openriver.winona.edu/calfremlingpapers/1066/thumbnail.jp