40,798 research outputs found

    Voltage and current spectra for matrix power converters

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    Matrix power converters are used for transforming one alternating-current power supply to another, with different peak voltage and frequency. There are three input lines, with sinusoidally varying voltages which are 120◦ out of phase one from another, and the output is to be delivered as a similar three-phase supply. The matrix converter switches rapidly, to connect each output line in sequence to each of the input lines in an attempt to synthesize the prescribed output voltages. The switching is carried out at high frequency and it is of practical importance to know the frequency spectra of the output voltages and of the input and output currents. We determine in this paper these spectra using a new method, which has significant advantages over the prior default method (a multiple Fourier series technique), leading to a considerably more direct calculation. In particular, the determination of the input current spectrum is feasible here, whereas it would be a significantly more daunting procedure using the prior method instead

    The role of local structure in dynamical arrest

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    Amorphous solids, or glasses, are distinguished from crystalline solids by their lack of long-range structural order. At the level of two-body structural correlations, glassformers show no qualitative change upon vitrifying from a supercooled liquid. Nonetheless the dynamical properties of a glass are so much slower that it appears to take on the properties of a solid. While many theories of the glass transition focus on dynamical quantities, a solid's resistance to flow is often viewed as a consequence of its structure. Here we address the viewpoint that this remains the case for a glass. Recent developments using higher-order measures show a clear emergence of structure upon dynamical arrest in a variety of glass formers and offer the tantalising hope of a structural mechanism for arrest. However a rigorous fundamental identification of such a causal link between structure and arrest remains elusive. We undertake a critical survey of this work in experiments, computer simulation and theory and discuss what might strengthen the link between structure and dynamical arrest. We move on to highlight the relationship between crystallisation and glass-forming ability made possible by this deeper understanding of the structure of the liquid state, and emphasize the potential to design materials with optimal glassforming and crystallisation ability, for applications such as phase-change memory. We then consider aspects of the phenomenology of glassy systems where structural measures have yet to make a large impact, such as polyamorphism (the existence of multiple liquid states), aging (the time-evolution of non-equilibrium materials below their glass transition) and the response of glassy materials to external fields such as shear.Comment: 70 page

    Synchronization Limits of Chaotic Circuits

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    Through system modeling with electronic circuits, two circuits were constructed that exhibit chaos over a wide ranges of initial conditions. The two circuits were one that modeled an algebraically simple “jerk” function and a resistor-inductor-diode (RLD) circuit where the diode was reverse-biased on the positive voltage cycle of the alternating current source. Using simulation data from other experiments, the waveforms, bifurcation plots, and phase space plots of the concrete circuit were verified. Identical circuits were then built containing variable components and coupled to their original, matching circuits. The variable components were used to observe a wide range of conditions to establish the desynchronization parameters and the range of synchronization

    Bicategories of spans as cartesian bicategories

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    Bicategories of spans are characterized as cartesian bicategories in which every comonad has an Eilenberg-Moore ob ject and every left adjoint arrow is comonadic

    Ignition and combustion characteristics of metallized propellants

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    During this reporting period, theoretical work on the secondary atomization process was continued and the experimental apparatus was improved. A one-dimensional model of a rocket combustor, incorporating multiple droplet size classes, slurry combustion, secondary atomization, radiation heat transfer, and two-phase slip between slurry droplets and the gas flow was derived and a computer code was written to implement this model. The STANJAN chemical equilibrium solver was coupled with this code to yield gas temperature, density, and composition as functions of axial location. Preliminary results indicate that the model is performing correctly, given current model assumptions. Radiation heat transfer in the combustion chamber is treated as an optically-thick participating media problem requiring a solution of the radiative transfer equation. A cylindrical P sub 1 approximation was employed to yield an analytical expression for chamber-wall heat flux at each axial location. The code exercised to determine the effects of secondary atomization intensity, defined as the number of secondary drops produced per initial drop, on chamber burnout distance and final Al2O3 agglomerate diameter. These results indicate that only weak secondary atomization is required to significantly reduce these two parameters. Stronger atomization intensities were found to yield decreasing marginal benefits. The experimental apparatus was improved to reduce building vibration effects on the optical system alignment. This was accomplished by mounting the burner and the transmitting/receiving optics on a single frame supported by vibration-isolation legs. Calibration and shakedown tests indicate that vibration problems were eliminated and that the system is performing correctly

    Ignition and combustion characteristics of metallized propellants

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    Experimental and analytical investigations focusing on secondary atomization and ignition characteristics of aluminum/liquid hydrocarbon slurry propellants were conducted. Experimental efforts included the application of a laser-based, two-color, forward-scatter technique to simultaneously measure free-flying slurry droplet diameters and velocities for droplet diameters in the range of 10-200 microns. A multi-diffusion flame burner was used to create a high-temperature environment into which a dilute stream of slurry droplets could be introduced. Narrowband measurements of radiant emission were used to determine if ignition of the aluminum in the slurry droplet had occurred. Models of slurry droplet shell formation were applied to aluminum/liquid hydrocarbon propellants and used to ascertain the effects of solids loading and ultimate particle size on the minimum droplet diameter that will permit secondary atomization. For a 60 weight-percent Al slurry, the limiting critical diameter was predicted to be 34.7 microns which is somewhat greater than the 20-25 micron limiting diameters determined in the experiments. A previously developed model of aluminum ignition in a slurry droplet was applied to the present experiments and found to predict ignition times in reasonable agreement with experimental measurements. A model was also developed that predicts the mechanical stress in the droplet shell and a parametric study was conducted. A one-dimensional model of a slurry-fueled rocket combustion chamber was developed. This model includes the processes of liquid hydrocarbon burnout, secondary atomization, aluminum ignition, and aluminum combustion. Also included is a model for radiant heat transfer from the hot aluminum oxide particles to the chamber walls. Exercising this model shows that only a modest amount of secondary atomization is required to reduce residence times for aluminum burnout, and thereby maintain relatively short chamber lengths. The model also predicts radiant heat transfer losses to the walls to be only approximately 3 percent of the fuel energy supplied. Additional work is required to determine the effects of secondary atomization on two-phase losses in the nozzle

    Ignition and combustion characteristics of metallized propellants

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    Over the past six months, experimental investigations were continued and theoretical work on the secondary atomization process was begun. Final shakedown of the sizing/velocity measuring system was completed and the aluminum combustion detection system was modified and tested. Atomizer operation was improved to allow steady state operation over long periods of time for several slurries. To validate the theoretical modeling, work involving carbon slurry atomization and combustion was begun and qualitative observations were made. Simultaneous measurements of aluminum slurry droplet size distributions and detection of burning aluminum particles were performed at several axial locations above the burner. The principle theoretical effort was the application of a rigid shell formation model to aluminum slurries and an investigation of the effects of various parameters on the shell formation process. This shell formation model was extended to include the process leading up to droplet disruption, and previously developed analytical models were applied to yield theoretical aluminum agglomerate ignition and combustion times. The several theoretical times were compared with the experimental results

    Maximum Angular Separation Epochs for Exoplanet Imaging Observations

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    Direct imaging of exoplanets presents both significant challenges and significant gains. The advantages primarily lie in receiving emitted and, with future instruments, reflected photons at phase angles not accessible by other techniques, enabling the potential for atmospheric studies and the detection of rotation and surface features. The challenges are numerous and include coronagraph development and achieving the necessary contrast ratio. Here, we address the specific challenge of determining epochs of maximum angular separation for the star and planet. We compute orbital ephemerides for known transiting and radial velocity planets, taking Keplerian orbital elements into account. We provide analytical expressions for angular star--planet separation as a function of the true anomaly, including the locations of minimum and maximum. These expressions are used to calculate uncertainties for maximum angular separation as a function of time for the known exoplanets, and we provide strategies for improving ephemerides with application to proposed and planned imaging missions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa