91 research outputs found

    Interactions between vaccinia virus and sensitized macrophages in vitro

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    The action of peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) from normal and vaccinia virus infected mice on infectious vaccinia virus particles was investigatedin vitro. PEC from immune mice showed a significantly higher infectivity titre reduction (virus clearance, VC) than normal cells. This effect could be clearly attributed to the macrophage. Vaccinia virus multiplied in PEC from normal animals while there was no virus propagation in cells from immunized mice. The release of adsorbed or engulfed virus was reduced significantly in PEC from immunized animals. Anti-vaccinia-antibodies seem to activate normal macrophages to increased virus clearance. This stimulating effect was demonstrable only in the IgG fraction of the antiserum. The activity of macrophages from mice injected three times over a period of 14 days with vaccinia virus could be entirely blocked with anti-mouse-IgG, while PEC from mice injected one time six days previously were not inhibited

    Origin of the Pseudogap in High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors

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    Cuprate high-temperature superconductors exhibit a pseudogap in the normal state that decreases monotonically with increasing hole doping and closes at x \approx 0.19 holes per planar CuO2 while the superconducting doping range is 0.05 < x < 0.27 with optimal Tc at x \approx 0.16. Using ab initio quantum calculations at the level that leads to accurate band gaps, we found that four-Cu-site plaquettes are created in the vicinity of dopants. At x \approx 0.05 the plaquettes percolate, so that the Cu dx2y2/O p{\sigma} orbitals inside the plaquettes now form a band of states along the percolating swath. This leads to metallic conductivity and below Tc to superconductivity. Plaquettes disconnected from the percolating swath are found to have degenerate states at the Fermi level that split and lead to the pseudogap. The pseudogap can be calculated by simply counting the spatial distribution of isolated plaquettes, leading to an excellent fit to experiment. This provides strong evidence in favor of inhomogeneous plaquettes in cuprates.Comment: 24 pages (4 pages main text plus 20 pages supplement

    Magnetorheology in an aging, yield stress matrix fluid

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    Field-induced static and dynamic yield stresses are explored for magnetorheological (MR) suspensions in an aging, yield stress matrix fluid composed of an aqueous dispersion of Laponite® clay. Using a custom-built magnetorheometry fixture, the MR response is studied for magnetic field strengths up to 1 T and magnetic particle concentrations up to 30 v%. The yield stress of the matrix fluid, which serves to inhibit sedimentation of dispersed carbonyl iron magnetic microparticles, is found to have a negligible effect on the field-induced static yield stress for sufficient applied fields, and good agreement is observed between field-induced static and dynamic yield stresses for all but the lowest field strengths and particle concentrations. These results, which generally imply a dominance of inter-particle dipolar interactions over the matrix fluid yield stress, are analyzed by considering a dimensionless magnetic yield parameter that quantifies the balance of stresses on particles. By characterizing the applied magnetic field in terms of the average particle magnetization, a rheological master curve is generated for the field-induced static yield stress that indicates a concentration–magnetization superposition. The results presented herein will provide guidance to formulators of MR fluids and designers of MR devices who require a field-induced static yield stress and a dispersion that is essentially indefinitely stable to sedimentation.Petroleum Research Fund (ACS-PRF Grant No. 49956-ND9)American Chemical Society (ACS-PRF Grant No. 49956-ND9

    THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS A Quasi-Three Dimensional Calculation System for the Flow Within Transonic Compressor Blade Rows

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    ABSTRACT A calculation system has been set up to predict both the internal flow field and the overall performance of a transonic compressor blade row. The system iterates between an inviscid-viscous time-marching blade-to-blade (Si) treatment and a streamline curvature throughflow calculation for the pitchwise-averaged flow in the meridional plane (S2). A blade geometry package and a data transfer/display program are used to link the Si and S2 methods to give a semi-automatic convergence procedure. The only empirically-based correlation or correction required is an extra loss imposed near the blade hub and tip to allow for end effects. The system has been applied to a high bypass ratio transonic fan rotor near design point. The converged solution was in good agreement with the measured performance

    The Design of an Advanced Civil Fan Rotor

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