12,632 research outputs found

    Study of an engine flow diverter system for a large scale ejector powered aircraft model

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    Requirements were established for a conceptual design study to analyze and design an engine flow diverter system and to include accommodations for an ejector system in an existing 3/4 scale fighter model equipped with YJ-79 engines. Model constraints were identified and cost-effective limited modification was proposed to accept the ejectors, ducting and flow diverter valves. Complete system performance was calculated and a versatile computer program capable of analyzing any ejector system was developed

    Occultation analysis of BATSE data: Operational aspects

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    The Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) large area detectors are being used to monitor hard x-ray/gamma ray sources on a daily basis for evidence of transient behavior. Flux measurements are performed using a simple earth occultation technique. Daily searches are also being performed to detect occultation steps of sources which are not being routinely monitored. Topics concerning the operational aspects of the occultation measurements are presented. Preliminary spectral results are also presented for several of the brighter sources

    Import, export, and recycling of dissolved nutrients in the Ogeechee River estuary (Georgia, USA)

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    We constructed an empirical mass balance model of nutrient fluxes in the Ogeechee River estuary (Georgia, USA) from eight surveys of seasonal estuarine nutrient concentrations during 2015 and 2016. The model results indicated a net removal of dissolved phosphorus and a net production of dissolved nitrogen (N) within the estuary over an annual cycle. During summer and autumn low flow periods, much of the dissolved N discharged to the ocean seems to be recycled into the estuary in the form of phytoplankton biomass. As a result, the outwelled N is not new nitrogen fueling coastal production but is nitrogen trapped within a recycling loop across the ocean–estuarine boundary. Higher flows in the fall and winter lead to direct discharge of nutrients with minimal recycling. A balanced N budget for the Ogeechee River estuary requires that estuarine N-fixation must exceed burial and denitrification losses within the estuary

    X-ray scattering from surfaces: discrete and continuous components of roughness

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    Incoherent surface scattering yields a statistical description of the surface, due to the ensemble averaging over many independently sampled volumes. Depending on the state of the surface and direction of the scattering vector relative to the surface normal, the height distribution is discrete, continuous, or a combination of the two. We present a treatment for the influence of multimodal surface height distributions on Crystal Truncation Rod scattering. The effects of a multimodal height distribution are especially evident during in situ monitoring of layer-by-layer thin-film growth via Pulsed Laser Deposition. We model the total height distribution as a convolution of discrete and continuous components, resulting in a broadly applicable parameterization of surface roughness which can be applied to other scattering probes, such as electrons and neutrons. Convolution of such distributions could potentially be applied to interface or chemical scattering. Here we find that this analysis describes accurately our experimental studies of SrTiO3 annealing and homoepitaxial growth.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Uncertainty of Exploitation Estimates Made from Tag Returns

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    Functional consequences of sphingomyelinase-induced changes in erythrocyte membrane structure.

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    Inflammation enhances the secretion of sphingomyelinases (SMases). SMases catalyze the hydrolysis of sphingomyelin into phosphocholine and ceramide. In erythrocytes, ceramide formation leads to exposure of the removal signal phosphatidylserine (PS), creating a potential link between SMase activity and anemia of inflammation. Therefore, we studied the effects of SMase on various pathophysiologically relevant parameters of erythrocyte homeostasis. Time-lapse confocal microscopy revealed a SMase-induced transition from the discoid to a spherical shape, followed by PS exposure, and finally loss of cytoplasmic content. Also, SMase treatment resulted in ceramide-associated alterations in membrane-cytoskeleton interactions and membrane organization, including microdomain formation. Furthermore, we observed increases in membrane fragility, vesiculation and invagination, and large protein clusters. These changes were associated with enhanced erythrocyte retention in a spleen-mimicking model. Erythrocyte storage under blood bank conditions and during physiological aging increased the sensitivity to SMase. A low SMase activity already induced morphological and structural changes, demonstrating the potential of SMase to disturb erythrocyte homeostasis. Our analyses provide a comprehensive picture in which ceramide-induced changes in membrane microdomain organization disrupt the membrane-cytoskeleton interaction and membrane integrity, leading to vesiculation, reduced deformability, and finally loss of erythrocyte content. Understanding these processes is highly relevant for understanding anemia during chronic inflammation, especially in critically ill patients receiving blood transfusions

    Field Theory And Second Renormalization Group For Multifractals In Percolation

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    The field-theory for multifractals in percolation is reformulated in such a way that multifractal exponents clearly appear as eigenvalues of a second renormalization group. The first renormalization group describes geometrical properties of percolation clusters, while the second-one describes electrical properties, including noise cumulants. In this context, multifractal exponents are associated with symmetry-breaking fields in replica space. This provides an explanation for their observability. It is suggested that multifractal exponents are ''dominant'' instead of ''relevant'' since there exists an arbitrary scale factor which can change their sign from positive to negative without changing the Physics of the problem.Comment: RevTex, 10 page

    Polychrome: Creating and Assessing Qualitative Palettes with Many Colors

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    Although R includes numerous tools for creating color palettes to display continuous data, facilities for displaying categorical data primarily use the RColorBrewer package, which is, by default, limited to 12 colors. The colorspace package can produce more colors, but it is not immediately clear how to use it to produce colors that can be reliably distingushed in different kinds of plots. However, applications to genomics would be enhanced by the ability to display at least the 24 human chromosomes in distinct colors, as is common in technologies like spectral karyotyping. In this article, we describe the Polychrome package, which can be used to construct palettes with at least 24 colors that can be distinguished by most people with normal color vision. Polychrome includes a variety of visualization methods allowing users to evaluate the proposed palettes. In addition, we review the history of attempts to construct qualitative color palettes with many colors

    Catastrophic Phase Transitions and Early Warnings in a Spatial Ecological Model

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    Gradual changes in exploitation, nutrient loading, etc. produce shifts between alternative stable states (ASS) in ecosystems which, quite often, are not smooth but abrupt or catastrophic. Early warnings of such catastrophic regime shifts are fundamental for designing management protocols for ecosystems. Here we study the spatial version of a popular ecological model, involving a logistically growing single species subject to exploitation, which is known to exhibit ASS. Spatial heterogeneity is introduced by a carrying capacity parameter varying from cell to cell in a regular lattice. Transport of biomass among cells is included in the form of diffusion. We investigate whether different quantities from statistical mechanics -like the variance, the two-point correlation function and the patchiness- may serve as early warnings of catastrophic phase transitions between the ASS. In particular, we find that the patch-size distribution follows a power law when the system is close to the catastrophic transition. We also provide links between spatial and temporal indicators and analyze how the interplay between diffusion and spatial heterogeneity may affect the earliness of each of the observables. We find that possible remedial procedures, which can be followed after these early signals, are more effective as the diffusion becomes lower. Finally, we comment on similarities and differences between these catastrophic shifts and paradigmatic thermodynamic phase transitions like the liquid-vapour change of state for a fluid like water

    The effects of recruitment to direct predator cues on predator responses in meerkats

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    Behavioral responses of animals to direct predator cues (DPCs; e.g., urine) are common and may improve their survival. We investigated wild meerkat (Suricata suricatta) responses to DPCs by taking an experimental approach. When meerkats encounter a DPC they often recruit group members by emitting a call type, which causes the group members to interrupt foraging and approach the caller. The aim of this study was to identify the qualities of olfactory predator cues, which affect the strength of response by meerkats, and determine the benefits of responses to such cues. Experimental exposure to dog (Canis lupus) urine as a DPC revealed that the recruited individuals increased vigilance to fresh urine in comparison to older urine, whereas a higher quantity of urine did not induce such an effect. Both freshness and higher quantities increased the proportion of group members recruited. These results indicate that recruitment might play a crucial role in correctly assessing the current level of danger and that recruiting might facilitate group decision making. To test the prediction that the reaction to a DPC enhances early predator response, we presented a DPC of a predator and a control cue of a herbivore, and each time simultaneously moved a full-mounted caracal (Caracal caracal) in the vicinity of the group. Meerkats responded earlier to the caracal when the DPC was presented, indicating that the response to a DPC facilitates predator response and that they use information from the cue that reliably reflects the risk in the current momen
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