89 research outputs found

    The Association between Hormonal Injection Contraceptive and Blood Pressure in Women of Reproductive Age at Kembangan Communityhealth Center, Jakarta

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    Background: The association between hormonal injection contraceptive and hypertension has been long well-established. However, little is known about the relative odds of hypertension in women who used hormonal injection contraceptive in Jakarta. This study aimed to estimate the association between hormonal injection contraceptive and hypertension in women of reproductive age at Kembangan Community Health Center, Jakarta. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectioal study conducted at Kembangan Community Health Center, Jakarta in June 2014. A sample of 161 women of reproductive age was selected for this study by fixed exposure sampling, consisting of 80 women who had used hormonal injection con­tra­ceptive and 81 women who had used non-hormonal contraceptive. The dependent variable was blood pressure. The independent variable was use of hormonal injection contraceptive. The blood pressure was measured by sphygmomanometer. The data on the use of hormonal injection contraceptive was taken from the health record at Kembangan Community Health Center. The magnitude of the association between hormonal injection contraceptive and hypertension was measured by OR and tested by Chi-square. Results: The odds of hypertension increased with the use of hormonal injection contraceptive (OR= 7.82; 95% CI= 2.23 to 27.43; p= 0.001). Conclusion: Women who have used hormonal injection contraceptive at Kembangan Community Health Center, Jakarta, have eight times as many odds of hypertension than those who have use non-hormonal injection contraceptive. The health personnel at Community Health Center should be aware and monitor blood pressure of women who use hormonal injection contraceptive regularly in order to early detect hypertension and take the necessary action. Keywords: hormonal injection contraceptive, hypertensio

    The Utilization of Deep Learning in Forecasting The Inflation Rate of Education Costs in Malang

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    The public needs information about the predicted inflation rate for education costs to manage family finances and prepare education funds. This information is also beneficial for the government to create policies in education. Malang is one of the educational cities in Indonesia, but research on the prediction of the inflation rate of education costs in the city still needs to be made available. Besides, the researchers have yet to find previous studies on forecasting that used the specific inflation rate for education costs in Indonesia by applying the Deep Learning method, especially those using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) data for the Education Expenditure Group. This research aims to develop a model to forecast the inflation of education costs in Malang using the Deep Learning Method. This research was conducted using Consumer Price Index (CPI) data for the Education Expenditure Group in Malang during 1996-2021s taken from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Malang. The forecasting method used is the Long and Short-Term Memory (LSTM) method, which is a development of the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). The results showed that it achieved the best accuracy by a model with one hidden layer and four hidden nodes, namely MAPE=2.8765% and RMSE=8.37

    Pengembangan Instrumen Tes Kemampuan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Tema Energi Ramah Lingkungan Pada Siswa Kelas IX

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    The problem with test instruments made by teachers tends to test more aspects of memory without honing the ability to think at a high level of students is what prompted this research. The purpose of this study was to develop a high level thinking test instrument designed for grade IX students on the theme of environmentally friendly energy. The method used is Research and Development (R&D) consisting of potential problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision and product trials. This research resulted in the form of a high level thinking test instrument. The test instrument has been tested for feasibility based on expert validation obtaining a validity level of 98.36% (very valid) with details of material expert validation of 97.77% and science teacher experts of 98.96%. Based on the test of test instruments on 105 students measured by Anates software version 4.0.5, the results obtained 20 valid questions with moderate difficulty, reliability of 0.85 (high reliability) and good differentiating power as many as 5 questions and sufficient differentiating power as many as 15 questions. Therefore, it can be concluded that the test instrument with an overall product efficiency value obtained based on student responses is 89.12% (very efficient).  The results of the development of test instruments can be used for further research that will measure the level of ability with high level thinking in class IX students on the theme of environmentally friendly energy.Permasalahan pada instrumen tes yang dibuat oleh guru cenderung lebih banyak menguji aspek ingatan tanpa mengasah kemampuan dengan berpikir dalam tingkat tinggi siswa inilah yang mendorong dilakukannya penelitian ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan instrumen tes kemampuan dengan berpikir dalam tingkat tinggi yang dirancang untuk siswa kelas IX pada tema energi ramah lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan model Sugiyono yang terdiri dari potensi masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain dan uji coba produk. Penelitian ini menghasilkan berupa instrumen tes berpikir dalam tingkat tinggi. Instrumen tes telah diuji kelayakan berdasarkan validasi ahli memperoleh tingkat kevalidan sebesar 98,36% (sangat valid) dengan rincian validasi ahli materi sebesar 97,77% dan ahli guru IPA sebesar 98,96%. Berdasarkan uji coba instrumen tes pada 105 siswa yang diukur dengan software Anates versi 4.0.5 didapatkan hasil 20 soal valid dengan tingkat kesukaran sedang, reliabilitas sebesar 0,85 (reliabilitas tinggi) dan daya pembeda baik sebanyak 5 soal serta daya pembeda cukup sebanyak 15 soal. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan instrumen tes dengan nilai efisiensi produk secara keseluruhan yang diperoleh berdasarkan respon siswa sebesar 89,12% (sangat efisien). Dari hasil pengembangan instrumen tes dapat digunakan untuk penelitian selanjutnya yang akan mengukur tingkat kemampuan dengan berpikir dalam tingkat tinggi pada siswa kelas IX tema energi ramah lingkungan

    The utilization of deep learning in forecasting the inflation rate of education costs in Malang

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    The public need information about the predicted inflation rate for education costs to manage family finances and prepare education funds. This information is also beneficial for the government to create policies in edu-cation. The aim of this research is to develop a model to forecast the inflation on education costs in Malang using the Deep Learning Method. This research was conducted using Consumer Price Index (CPI) data for the Education Expenditure Group in Malang in 1996-2021, which was taken from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Malang. The forecasting method used is the Long and Short-Term Memory (LSTM) method, which is a development of the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). The results showed that it achieved the best accuracy by a model with 1 hidden layer and 4 hidden nodes, namely MAPE=2.8765% and RMSE=8.37

    Using Electronic Institutions to secure Grid environments

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    Abstract. As the technical infrastructure to support Grid environments matures, attention must be focused on integrating such technical infrastructure with technologies to support more dynamic access to services, and ensuring that such access is appropriately monitored and secured. Such capabilities will be key in providing a safe environment that allow the creation of virtual organisations at run time. This paper addresses this issue by analysing how work from within the field of Electronic Institutions (EIs) can be employed to provide security support for Grid environments, and introduces the notion of a Semantic Firewall (SFW) responsible for mediating interactions with protected services given a set of access policies. An overarching guideline is that such integration should be pragmatic, taking into account the real-life lessons learned whilst developing, deploying and using the GRIA infrastructure for Grid environments

    An intelligent multi-agent memory assistant

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    World population is ageing and increasingly scarce resources are required to cover the needs of everyone adequately. Medical conditions, especially memory problems, restrict the daily life of a broad slice of the elderly population, affect their independence. To prevent this, providing the right care and assistance while having in mind the costs implicated is essential. One possible path is to work with resources that we already have today and create innovative solutions to achieve the required level of support. There are not many solution either technological or not to prevent memory loss. In this work we present a possible solution aimed at restoring or maintaining the independence of elderly people, through the use of so-called Memory Assistants. We thus present an Intelligent Multi-Agent Memory Assistant designed to help people with memory problems remember their events and activities. The implementation of an event manager, free time manger, medication remainder and a sensory system, to manage and monitor the user, we aim to improve their quality of life and increase their independence

    An Agent Architecture for Concurrent Bilateral Negotiations

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    Abstract. We present an architecture that makes use of symbolic decision-making to support agents participating in concurrent bilateral negotiations. The architecture is a revised version of previous work with the KGP model [23, 12], which we specialise with knowledge about the agent’s self, the negotiation opponents and the environment. Our work combines the specification of domain-independent decision-making with a new protocol for concurrent negotiation that revisits the well-known alternating offers protocol [22]. We show how the decision-making can be specialised to represent the agent’s strategies, utilities and prefer-ences using a Prolog-like meta-program. The work prepares the ground for supporting decision-making in concurrent bilateral negotiations that is more lightweight than previous work and contributes towards a fully developed model of the architecture

    Development of mobile billing application system for PAMDES water meter data logging

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    Along with the growth of Sindangsari's population, the water requirement in this village has increased. So, the drinking water company (PAMDES) in this village must be able to manage the available water to meet the necessities of public life. Now, the water company is still collecting and recording water meters manually. It is very risky to consider the water condition in the village because an officer can make a human error while recording the water meter's value. When the water meter recorder is damaged, the officer estimates the water meter's value. An application is needed to manage bills and record water meters to avoid this in previous studies using the Internet of Things (IoT) or mobile applications that must be sent online to the server in real-time. This solution is not suitable for the internet condition in Indonesia, which is not evenly distributed to remote villages. This study proposes to use a mobile application that can store data on mobile devices. When the internet connection is unavailable, it can be sent later when it is available again. In this study, data obtained that the condition of the meter recorder from 672 customers, 37 water meters recorder is damaged. In addition, water meter data is also obtained for the following month's bill and data on average water usage of 10,661m3 per month. With these data, it is found that the minimum water requirement is 10,661 m3 per month. It is hoped that the application for billing management and recording of PAMDES water meters in Sindangsari village, Cikoneng sub-district, Ciamis district can help increase PAMDES management capacity
