98 research outputs found

    An Experimental Method for Stereolithic Mandible Fabrication and Image Preparation

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    Reproduction of anatomical structures by rapid prototyping has proven to be a valid adjunct for craniofacial surgery, providing alternative methods to produce prostheses and development of surgical guides. The aim of this study was to introduce a methodology to fabricate asymmetric human mandibles by rapid prototyping to be used in future studies for evaluating mandibular symmetries. Stereolithic models of human mandibles were produced with varying amounts of asymmetry in the condylar neck, ramus and body of the mandible by means of rapid prototyping. A method for production of the synthetic mandibles was defined. Model preparation, landmark description and development of the experimental model were described. A series of synthetic mandibles ranging in asymmetry were accurately produced from a scanned human mandible. A method for creating the asymmetries, fabricating, coating and landmarking the synthetic mandibles was formulated. A description for designing a reproducible experimental model for image acquisition was also outlined. Production of synthetic mandibles by stereolithic modeling is a viable method for creating skeletal experimental models with known amounts of asymmetry

    A spindle cell carcinoma presenting with osseous metaplasia in the gingiva: a case report with immunohistochemical analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spindle cell carcinoma (SpCC) is a rare, high malignant variant of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which shows biphasic proliferation of conventional SCC component and malignant spindle shape cells with sarcomatous appearance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A case of Spindle cell carcinoma with bone-like calcified materials, occurring at the mandibular molar region of 71-years-old Japanese male patient was presented with gross finding, histological findings and MRI image. To identify the characteristics of the bone-like materials, immunohistochemistry were performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Histologically, the cancer cells were composed of spindle cells and epithelial cells which form nests with prominent keratinization. Histological findings showed typical histology of the SpCC, however, as an uncommon finding, spatters of calcified, bone-like materials were observed in between the cancer cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed that cancer cells were positive for cytokeratins and vimentin to a varying degree and negative for Desmin, S-100, Osteopontin, BMP-2 or BMP-4. These findings implied that the calcified materials were formed by metaplasia of the stromal cells.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Bone-like materials formation by osseous and/or cartilaginous metaplasia of the stroma in the carcinoma has been reported. However, the detailed mechanism of these metaplasia and affection on the clinical feature, prognosis and therapies are not well established. In summary, we presented an unique case of SpCC, which has not been described in the literature.</p

    Evolutionary continuous cellular automaton for the simulation of wet etching of quartz

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    Anisotropic wet chemical etching of quartz is a bulk micromachining process for the fabrication of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), such as resonators and temperature sensors. Despite the success of the continuous cellular automaton for the simulation of wet etching of silicon, the simulation of the same process for quartz has received little attention-especially from an atomistic perspective-resulting in a lack of accurate modeling tools. This paper analyzes the crystallographic structure of the main surface orientations of quartz and proposes a novel classification of the surface atoms as well as an evolutionary algorithm to determine suitable values for the corresponding atomistic removal rates. Not only does the presented evolutionary continuous cellular automaton reproduce the correct macroscopic etch rate distribution for quartz hemispheres, but it is also capable of performing fast and accurate 3D simulations of MEMS structures. This is shown by several comparisons between simulated and experimental results and, in particular, by a detailed, quantitative comparison for an extensive collection of trench profiles. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.We are grateful to D Cheng and K Sato (Nagoya University, Japan) for providing part of the experimental data. We acknowledge support by the JAE-Doc grant form the Junta para la Ampliacion de Estudios program co-funded by FSE, the Ramon y Cajal Fellowship Program by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, NANO-IKER Project (IE11-304) from the ETORTEK program by the Basque Government and the Professor Partnership Program by NVIDIA Corporation.Ferrando Jódar, N.; Gosalvez Ayuso, MA.; Colom Palero, RJ. (2012). Evolutionary continuous cellular automaton for the simulation of wet etching of quartz. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 22(2). https://doi.org/10.1088/0960-1317/22/2/025021S222Hida, H., Shikida, M., Fukuzawa, K., Murakami, S., Sato, K., Asaumi, K., … Sato, K. (2008). Fabrication of a quartz tuning-fork probe with a sharp tip for AFM systems. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 148(1), 311-318. doi:10.1016/j.sna.2008.08.021Oh, H., Kim, G., Seo, H., Song, Y., Lee, K., & Yang, S. S. (2010). Fabrication of micro-lens array using quartz wet etching and polymer. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 164(1-2), 161-167. doi:10.1016/j.sna.2010.10.003Xing, Y., Gosálvez, M. A., & Sato, K. (2007). Step flow-based cellular automaton for the simulation of anisotropic etching of complex MEMS structures. New Journal of Physics, 9(12), 436-436. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/9/12/436Zhou, Z., Huang, Q., Li, W., & Deng, W. (2007). A cellular automaton-based simulator for silicon anisotropic etching processes considering high index planes. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 17(4), S38-S49. doi:10.1088/0960-1317/17/4/s03Gosalvez, M. A., Yan Xing, & Sato, K. (2008). Analytical Solution of the Continuous Cellular Automaton for Anisotropic Etching. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 17(2), 410-431. doi:10.1109/jmems.2008.916339Zhou, Z., Huang, Q., & Li, W. (2009). Modeling and Simulations of Anisotropic Etching of Silicon in Alkaline Solutions with Experimental Verification. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 156(2), F29. doi:10.1149/1.3031485Rangsten, P., Hedlund, C., Katardjiev, I. V., & Bäcklund, Y. (1998). Etch rates of crystallographic planes inZ-cut quartz - experiments and simulation. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 8(1), 1-6. doi:10.1088/0960-1317/8/1/001Tellier, C. R., & Leblois, T. G. (2000). Micromachining of quartz plates: determination of a database by combined stereographic analysis and 3-D simulation of etching shapes. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 47(5), 1204-1216. doi:10.1109/58.869067Hedlund, C., Lindberg, U., Bucht, U., & Soderkvist, J. (1993). Anisotropic etching of Z-cut quartz. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 3(2), 65-73. doi:10.1088/0960-1317/3/2/006Liang, J., Kohsaka, F., Matsuo, T., & Ueda, T. (2007). Wet Etched High Aspect Ratio Microstructures on Quartz for MEMS Applications. IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 127(7), 337-342. doi:10.1541/ieejsmas.127.337Gosálvez, M. A., Xing, Y., Sato, K., & Nieminen, R. M. (2009). Discrete and continuous cellular automata for the simulation of propagating surfaces. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 155(1), 98-112. doi:10.1016/j.sna.2009.08.012Zhenjun Zhu, & Chang Liu. (2000). Micromachining process simulation using a continuous cellular automata method. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 9(2), 252-261. doi:10.1109/84.846706Gosálvez, M. A., Xing, Y., Sato, K., & Nieminen, R. M. (2008). Atomistic methods for the simulation of evolving surfaces. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18(5), 055029. doi:10.1088/0960-1317/18/5/055029Ferrando, N., Gosálvez, M. A., Cerdá, J., Gadea, R., & Sato, K. (2011). Octree-based, GPU implementation of a continuous cellular automaton for the simulation of complex, evolving surfaces. Computer Physics Communications, 182(3), 628-640. doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2010.11.004Mühlenbein, H., & Schlierkamp-Voosen, D. (1993). Predictive Models for the Breeder Genetic Algorithm I. Continuous Parameter Optimization. Evolutionary Computation, 1(1), 25-49. doi:10.1162/evco.1993.1.1.25Kohsaka, F., Liang, J., Matsuo, T., & Ueda, T. (2007). High Sensitive Tilt Sensor for Quartz Micromachining. IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 127(10), 431-436. doi:10.1541/ieejsmas.127.43

    A histological and micro-CT investigation in to the effect of NGF and EGF on the periodontal, alveolar bone, root and pulpal healing of replanted molars in a rat model - a pilot study

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    Background: This study aims to investigate, utilising micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and histology, whether the topical application of nerve growth factor (NGF) and/or epidermal growth factor (EGF) can enhance periodontal, alveolar bone, root and pulpal tissue regeneration while minimising the risk of pulpal necrosis, root resorption and ankylosis of replanted molars in a rat model. Methods: Twelve four-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups: sham, collagen, EGF and NGF. The maxillary right first molar was elevated and replanted with or without a collagen membrane impregnated with either the growth factors EGF or NGF, or a saline solution. Four weeks after replantation, the animals were sacrificed and the posterior maxilla was assessed using histological and micro-CT analysis. The maxillary left first molar served as the control for the corresponding right first molar. Results: Micro-CT analysis revealed a tendency for all replanted molars to have reduced root length, root volume, alveolar bone height and inter-radicular alveolar bone volume. It appears that the use of the collagen membrane had a negative effect while no positive effect was noted with the incorporation of EGF or NGF. Histologically, the incorporation of the collagen membrane was found to negatively affect pulpal, root, periodontal and alveolar bone healing with pulpal inflammation and hard tissue formation, extensive root resorption and alveolar bone fragmentation. The incorporation of EGF and NGF did not improve root, periodontal or alveolar bone healing. However, EGF was found to improve pulp vascularisation while NGF improved pulpal architecture and cell organisation, although not to the level of the control group.Conclusions: Results indicate a possible benefit on pulpal vascularisation and pulpal cell organisation following the incorporation of EGF and NGF, respectively, into the alveolar socket of replanted molars in the rat model. No potential benefit of EGF and NGF was detected in periodontal or root healing, while the use of a collagen membrane carrier was found to have a negative effect on the healing response

    A Case of Unerupted Lower Primary Second Molar Associated with Compound Odontoma

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    Odontoma is the most common type of benign odontogenic tumor, and often causes disturbances in the eruption of its associated tooth. Odontomas usually occur in the permanent dentition, and rarely occur solely in the primary dentition. This case report documents a six-year-old-child with a compound odontoma located in the mandible, which caused the impaction of the primary second molar

    The role of CCN2 in cartilage and bone development

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    CCN2, a classical member of the CCN family of matricellular proteins, is a key molecule that conducts cartilage development in a harmonized manner through novel molecular actions. During vertebrate development, all cartilage is primarily formed by a process of mesenchymal condensation, while CCN2 is induced to promote this process. Afterwards, cartilage develops into several subtypes with different fates and missions, in which CCN2 plays its proper roles according to the corresponding microenvironments. The history of CCN2 in cartilage and bone began with its re-discovery in the growth cartilage in long bones, which determines the skeletal size through the process of endochondral ossification. CCN2 promotes physiological developmental processes not only in the growth cartilage but also in the other types of cartilages, i.e., Meckel’s cartilage representing temporary cartilage without autocalcification, articular cartilage representing hyaline cartilage with physical stiffness, and auricular cartilage representing elastic cartilage. Together with its significant role in intramembranous ossification, CCN2 is regarded as a conductor of skeletogenesis. During cartilage development, the CCN2 gene is dynamically regulated to yield stage-specific production of CCN2 proteins at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. New functional aspects of known biomolecules have been uncovered during the course of investigating these regulatory systems in chondrocytes. Since CCN2 promotes integrated regeneration as well as generation (=development) of these tissues, its utility in regenerative therapy targeting chondrocytes and osteoblasts is indicated, as has already been supported by experimental evidence obtained in vivo