211 research outputs found

    Concurrent and Construct Validity of Methods to Estimate Fat-Free Mass in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults

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    INTRODUCTION: Indirect methodologies are available to estimate fat-free mass (FFM) as a skeletal muscle mass surrogate in field settings at low cost. However, there is a lack of knowledge related with the FMM estimations variability introduced by the available methods and its correlations with performance constructs. The association between repeated measures of FFM by different methodologies and strength tests must provide a valuable construct validity analysis, which allows us to select the best method to assess the functional body composition. PURPOSE: To analyze validity and agreement between laboratory and field methods to estimate FFM in children, adolescents, and young adults, and their relationships with strength. METHODS: We studied a dataset of participants aged 6-21y (531 assessments, 287 boys). FFM was evaluated by isotope dilution method (REF), dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and anthropometry (ANT). Isometric strength was assessed by limb dynamometry and dynamic strength as sprinting and jumping. Concurrent validity was analyzed by differences between methods and concordance correlation coefficient (CCC), agreement by Bland-Altman analysis, and construct validity by individual associations. RESULTS: FFM from ANT had the lowest bias in girls (-2.33±4.41kg, P≤0.0001) and from BIA in boys (-1.79±4.51kg, P≤0.0001). The best CCC was found for FFM-BIA (girls, 0.764; boys, 0.926). The highest correlation with constructs was found for handgrip and FFM-BIA in girls (r=-0.743) and FFM-REF in boys (r=0.812; both P≤0.001). CONCLUSION: Our results showed BIA was the best method to estimate FFM. Nonetheless, there was not a single method which correlated the best with all strength constructs. The low coordinative requirement of isometric strength test could be one of the reasons to find a better correlation with FFM than explosive dynamic tests, and this leads us to speculate that isometric strength is more dependent of body composition than dynamic tests. These findings needed to be refuted with additional constructs

    Diagnosis of bronchial hyperresponsiveness in sport by PC20 value

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    En este trabajo se exponen los criterios de positividad del Comité Olímpico Internacional versus a la Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica. Participaron en este estudio ochenta deportistas de alto rendimiento, realizando una historia clínica, una espirometría de reposo y un test de metacolina. Se analiza la sensibilidad y especificidad del test de metacolina mediante curvas ROC. El comité Internacional antidopaje (WADA) requiere que la disminución sea con un PC20 < a 4mg/ml, mientras que para la práctica clínica este descenso debe presentar un PC20 < 8mg/ml. Los resultados fueron: 25% tuvieron un PC20 > de 8mg/ml; el 61% obtuvieron un PC20 < 4mg/ml y un 14% presentaron un PC20 entre 4 y 8mg/ml, correspondiendo el mejor punto de corte a PC20 de 7,6mg/ml con especificidad de 98,3 y sensibilidad de 100%. Se tendría que determinar los mismos criterios para el diagnóstico de los deportistas y los que no lo son.In this work criteria of the International Olympic Committee versus the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery are exposed. A study was conducted in eighty high performance athletes of several sports . Who underwent a medical history, resting spirometry and a methacholine challenge test. You get the sensitivity and specificity of methacholine challenge test using Receiver Operating Curves (ROC curves). International anti-doping Committee requires that the decline is a PC20 < 4mg/ml, while clinical practice this fall must submit a PC20 < 8mg/ml. Twenty five percent of those studied had a PC20 > of 8mg/ml, 61% had a PC20 < 4mg/ml and 14% had a 4 to 8mg/ml PC20. The best cutoff point was found for a PC20 of 7.6 mg/ml with a specificity of 98.3 and a sensitivity of 100%. It would have to determine the same criteria for positive diagnosis of athletes and those who are not

    Effects of land vs. Aquatic plyometric training on vertical jump

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los efectos de dos programas de entrenamiento pliométrico (inmersión vs. seco) sobre el salto vertical. 65 hombres físicamente activos fueron asignados aleatoriamente a tres grupos: entrenamiento pliométrico acuático (EPA, n 20), entrenamiento pliométrico (EP, n=20) y grupo control (GC, n=25). Los grupos EPA y EP entrenaron 2 sesiones por semana durante 10 semanas, mientras que GC no realizó entrenamiento alguno. El volumen de entrenamiento fue aumentado desde 10 series de 10 repeticiones en la primera semana hasta 10 series de 55 repeticiones en la última. Tanto EPA como EP aumentaron su rendimiento en CMJ y SJ con respecto al pretest (P≤0,001) sin encontrar diferencias significativas entre grupos, mientras que GC no mostró cambios. Como conclusión, el EPA puede ser un método alternativo a EP ya que ambos producen similares mejoras sobre el salto vertical y el estrés mecánico producido por EPA es menoThe aim of this study was to compare the effects of two plyometric training program (aquatic vs. land) on vertical jump. 65 male physical education students took part in this study and were randomly assigned to three groups: aquatic plyometric training group (APT, n = 20), plyometric training group (PT, n = 20) and control group (CG, n = 25). The training program was performed for 10 weeks with a frequency of 2 sessions per week. Volume was increased from 10 sets of 10 repetitions to 10 sets of 55 repetitions. Both APT and PT increased the performance in CMJ and SJ with respect to pretest (P ≤ .001), whereas CG remained unaltered. No statistically significant difference was observed between APT and PT. In conclusion, APT may be an alternative method to PT, because both training protocols have produced similar gains in the vertical jump, but APT might cause lower mechanical stres

    Nuclear effects in g1A(x,Q2)g_{1A}(x,Q^2) at small xx in deep inelastic scattering on 7^7Li and 3^3He

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    We suggest to use polarized nuclear targets of 7^7Li and 3^3He to study nuclear effects in the spin dependent structure functions g1A(x,Q2)g_{1A}(x,Q^2). These effects are expected to be enhanced by a factor of two as compared to the unpolarized targets. We predict a significant xx dependence at 104÷103x0.210^{-4} \div 10^{-3} \leq x \leq 0.2 of g1A(x,Q2)/g1N(x,Q2)g_{1A}(x,Q^2)/g_{1N}(x,Q^2) due to nuclear shadowing and nuclear enhancement. The effect of nuclear shadowing at x103x \approx 10^{-3} is of an order of 16% for g1A=7n.s.3/2(x,Q2)/g1Nn.s.(x,Q2)g_{1A=7}^{n.s. 3/2}(x,Q^2)/g_{1N}^{n.s.}(x,Q^2) and 10% for g1A=3n.s(x,Q2)/g1Nn.s.(x,Q2)g_{1A=3}^{n.s}(x,Q^2)/g_{1N}^{n.s.}(x,Q^2). By imposing the requirement that the Bjorken sum rule is satisfied we model the effect of enhancement. We find the effect of enhancement at x0.125(0.15)x \approx 0.125 (0.15) to be of an order of 20(55)20 (55)% for g1A=7n.s.3/2(x,Q2)/g1Nn.s.(x,Q2)g_{1A=7}^{n.s. 3/2}(x,Q^2)/g_{1N}^{n.s.}(x,Q^2) and 14(40)14 (40)% for g1A=3n.s(x,Q2)/g1Nn.s.(x,Q2)g_{1A=3}^{n.s}(x,Q^2)/g_{1N}^{n.s.}(x,Q^2), if enhancement occupies the region 0.05x0.20.05 \leq x \leq 0.2 (0.1x0.20.1 \leq x \leq 0.2). We predict a 2% effect in the difference of the scattering cross sections of deep inelastic scattering of an unpolarized projectile off 7^7Li with MJM_{J}=3/2 and MJM_{J}=1/2. We also show explicitly that the many-nucleon description of deep inelastic scattering off 7^7Li becomes invalid in the enhancement region 0.05<x0.20.05 < x \leq 0.2.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, RevTe

    Current methods of soccer match analysis

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    Ha sido realizada una revisión de 86 artículos, con el objetivo de analizar a través de los estudios más recientes los beneficios y limitaciones de los nuevos sistemas para el análisis del futbolista durante el partido, debido a que las mayores exigencias en el rendimiento del fútbol moderno está obligando a replantearse cuáles son sus demandas físicas, así como los modelos de planificación y los métodos de entrenamiento tradicionales. Los resultados muestran que el vídeo análisis asistido por ordenador para la codificación de los patrones de movimiento y la tecnología GPS se presentan como herramientas de gran utilidad para conocer mejor la carga física del jugador, mientras que el diseño observacional facilita la evaluación del comportamiento técnico-táctico del futbolista y el equipo. Como conclusión podemos decir que hemos observado sin embargo una metodología diferente entre las opciones comerciales disponibles y una tecnología ubicada todavía en una etapa inicial de desarrolloA review of 86 references has been made, in order to analyze through the most recent studies the benefits and limitations of the new systems for the analysis of soccer player during the match, due to the fact that the greater performance requirements of modern soccer is forcing to review his physical demands, as well as planning models and traditional training methods. The results show that the computer-aided video analysis for coding movement patterns and the GPS technology are presented as very useful tools for a better understanding of the players physical load, whereas the observational design facilitates assessment of the technical-tactical behavior of the soccer player and the team. In conclusion we can say that we have however observed a different methodology among the available commercial options and a technology still placed at an initial stage of development

    Efficacy of different recovery strategies in elite soccer players

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    Una correcta estrategia de recuperación (ER) tras la competición o el entrenamiento de alta intensidad en fútbol ayudará a no disminuir el rendimiento y a prevenir lesiones. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la eficacia de diferentes estrategias de recuperación combinadas en comparación con una simple, tras una sesión de entrenamiento específico de fútbol. Participaron 20 jugadores de fútbol de élite y se utilizaron cuatro estrategias de recuperación de forma aleatoria y contrabalanceada a lo largo de 4 semanas de entrenamiento. Se midió temperatura timpánica y las escalas subjetiva Total Quality Recovery (TQR) y Category Ratio Scale (CR10). Los resultados exponen que ninguna de las ER estudiadas muestra ser más eficaz que las demás. No obstante, la realización de protocolos de recuperación combinados llevados a cabo tras la sesión de entrenamiento de fútbol, tiende a una mayor eficacia respecto al protocolo que incluía únicamente estiramientosAfter a soccer match or high intensity training, suitable recovery will help not to decrease performance and to prevent injuries. The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of different combined recovery strategies in comparison with a simple one, after a specific soccer training session. Twenty elite players participated in the study. A randomized crossover design was used to determine the effect of 4 post-training session recovery strategies. Tympanic temperature was measured, as well as Total Quality Recovery (TQR) and Category Ratio Scale (CR10) subjective scales. Results show that none of the recovery strategies proved more effective than others. However, the use of combined strategies tended to be more effective than a simple strategy after a high intensity training session in socce

    Probing small-x parton densities in proton- proton (-nucleus) collisions in the very forward direction

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    We present calculations of several pp scattering cross sections with potential applications at the LHC. Significantly large rates for momentum fraction, x, as low as 10^-7 are obtained, allowing for possible extraction of quark and gluon densities in the proton and nuclei down to these small x values provided a detector with good acceptance at maximal rapidities is used.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 12 figures, uses revtex.st

    Differentially expressed genes in platinum-resistant high-grade serous ovarian cancer

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify genes and pathways differentially expressed in platinum resistant high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) when compared to sensitive HGSOC. Methods: A total of 37 patients with HGSOC tissue samples underwent RNA sequencing performed by TEMPUS (N=37, 21 platinum sensitive, 16 resistant; 85% Stage III-IV; 58% received neoadjuvant chemotherapy). RNA gene expression data and significantly impacted pathways were analyzed using Advaita Bio\u27s iPathwayGuide. Differentially expressed (DE) genes were identified using FDR of 0.05 and fold-change of 1.5. Genes from several impacted canonical metabolic pathways were validated by PCR against external data sets in a separate ovarian cancer sample group (n=15), platinum resistant ovarian cancer mouse tumor model, and wild-type sensitive and platinum resistant ovarian cancer cell lines. Relative gene expression was calculated using the comparative Ct method, also referred to as the “2 DDCT”, using L27 as internal control gene. Results: We identified 177 differentially expressed (DE) genes out of a total of 16,607 genes (1.1%) with measured expression. 15 pathways were found to be significantly impacted. Of the 15 canonical pathways, all were up regulated in the resistant HGSOC and the majority of the most significantly altered (5/10) were related to metabolism (Retinol metabolism (p-value = 0.002); Tyrosine Metabolism (p-value = 0.005); Tryptophan Metabolism (p-value = 0.009); and Phenylalanine Metabolism (p-value = 0.012); CYP Drug Metabolism (p-value = 0.022)). A total of 3 separate genes from the CYP family and two from the Dopa Decarboxylase family of genes were validated against an external data set of human ovarian tissue samples, cell lines, mouse ovarian tumor model, and found to have similarly increased gene expression in the genes tested in the platinum resistant groups. Compilation of KEGG analysis and the common network genes revealed pathways associated with amino acid metabolism to be most significantly altered. Conclusions: We describe the identification of a unique transcriptomic profile associated with platinum resistance. Interestingly, the main pathways identified are related to metabolism, suggesting that the survival to chemotherapy demands a major metabolic adaptation. These findings also represent a first step towards the identification of biomarkers for the detection of chemo-resistant disease and metabolism-based drug targets specific for chemo-resistant tumors. Further validation of this model is required in order to determine its clinical value

    Physiological responses in a simulated canarian wrestling contest

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    La Lucha Canaria (LC) ha sido recientemente reconocida como deporte por el Consejo Superior de Deportes, aunque su origen se pierde en el tiempo. Sin embargo, no hay ningún trabajo en la bibliografía científica que describa qué ocurre fisiológicamente durante la competición en esta modalidad de lucha, y éste es el objetivo del presente trabajo. Con una muestra de 12 luchadores de alto nivel (puntales) simulamos el sistema de competición actual en Lucha Canaria. Se estudió la frecuencia cardiaca, la tensión arterial y la concentración de lactato en sangre en diferentes momentos de la simulación. Los patrones observados de respuesta de FC, TA y lactato, caracterizan a la competición en LC como un ejercicio intermitente, con picos de intensidad que superan el umbral láctico y determinan incrementos importantes de FC y TA sistólica. Este estudio es el primero en que se valora la respuesta fisiológica del luchador canario en competición.The aim of this article is to describe what happens from a physiological point of view in a Canarian Wrestling (CW) contest. The Spanish National Sports Council recognized Canarian Wrestling as a sport on June 1st, 2009, although its origin is not very well documented. No scientific article exists in the scientific literature to describe what happens physiologically during a CW contest. Twelve high level wrestlers were recruited to simulate a CW match. The study involved data about heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP) and blood lactate levels (L) at different moments of the combat. The conclusions of the data observed concerning HR, BP and L classify Canarian Wrestling as an intermittent exercise, with intensity peaks that exceed the lactic threshold and high levels of HR and systolic BP. This is the first paper in which the physiological responses in a Canarian Wrestling competition are reported

    Regge Analysis of Diffractive and Leading Baryon Structure Functions from DIS

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    In this paper we present a combined analysis of the H1 data on leading baryon and diffractive structure functions from DIS, which are handled as two components of the same semi-inclusive process. The available structure function data are analyzed in a series of fits in which three main exchanges are taking into account: pomeron, reggeon and pion. For each of these contributions, Regge factorization of the correspondent structure function is assumed. By this procedure, we extract information about the interface between the diffractive, pomeron-dominated, region and the leading proton spectrum, which is mostly ruled by secondary exchanges. One of the main results is that the relative reggeon contribution to the semi-inclusive structure function is much smaller than the one obtained from a analysis of the diffractive structure function alone.Comment: ps file, 22 pages, 5 figures. Totally revised version with major changes, to appear in Physical Review