799 research outputs found

    Corrosion Control in Industry

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    The economic development of any region, state or country, depends not only on its natural reâ sources and productive activities, but also on the infrastructure that account for the exploitaâ tion, processing and marketing of goods. Irrigation systems, roads, bridges, airports, maritime, land and air transport, school buildings, offices and housing, industrial installations are affectâ ed by corrosion and therefore susceptible to deterioration and degradation processes

    The investigation of dangerous geological processes resulting in land subsidence while designing the main gas pipeline in South Yakutia

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    The number of gas main accidents has increased recently due to dangerous geological processes in underdeveloped areas located in difficult geological conditions. The paper analyses land subsidence caused by karst and thermokarst processes in the right of way, reveals the assessment criteria for geological hazards and creates zoning schemes considering the levels of karst and thermorkarst hazards

    Solvent and A-Site Cation Control Preferred Crystallographic Orientation in Bromine-Based Perovskite Thin Films

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    Preferred crystallographic orientation in polycrystalline films is desirable for efficient charge carrier transport in metal halide perovskites and semiconductors. However, the mechanisms that determine the preferred orientation of halide perovskites are still not well understood. In this work, we investigate crystallographic orientation in lead bromide perovskites. We show that the solvent of the precursor solution and organic A-site cation strongly affect the preferred orientation of the deposited perovskite thin films. Specifically, we show that the solvent, dimethylsulfoxide, influences the early stages of crystallization and induces preferred orientation in the deposited films by preventing colloidal particle interactions. Additionally, the methylammonium A-site cation induces a higher degree of preferred orientation than the formamidinium counterpart. We use density functional theory to show that the lower surface energy of the (100) plane facets in methylammonium-based perovskites, compared to the (110) planes, is the reason for the higher degree of preferred orientation. In contrast, the surface energy of the (100) and (110) facets is similar for formamidinium-based perovskites, leading to lower degree of preferred orientation. Furthermore, we show that different A-site cations do not significantly affect ion diffusion in bromine-based perovskite solar cells but impact ion density and accumulation, leading to increased hysteresis. Our work highlights the interplay between the solvent and organic A-site cation which determine crystallographic orientation and plays a critical role in the electronic properties and ionic migration of solar cells

    Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film solar cells grown by fast thermal evaporation and thermal treatment

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    Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films have been produced via rapid thermal evaporation of off-stoichiometric kesterite powder followed by annealing in an Ar atmosphere. Different heating rates were applied during the thermal treatments. The chemical composition and structural properties of the deposited layers as well as the distribution of the elements through the kesterite thin film have been investigated. The initial growth of a SnS secondary phase during evaporation led to the formation of this secondary phase next to the Mo back contact. Solar cell power conversion efficiencies were limited to values about 3 % due to this secondary phase. Furthermore, an increased open circuit voltage was demonstrated by using a Zn(O,S) buffer layerThis work was supported by DAAD project (INTERKEST, Ref: 57050358), Marie Curie-ITN (KESTCELLS, GA: 316488) and MINECO project (SUNBEAM, ENE2013-49136-C4-3-R). RC and ES acknowledge financial support from Spanish MINECO within the Ramón y Cajal program (RYC-2011-08521) and (RYC-2011-09212) respectively. SG also thanks the Government of Spain for the FPI fellowship (BES-2014-068533)

    Spectroscopic ellipsometry study of Cu2ZnSnSe4 bulk crystals

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    Using spectroscopic ellipsometry we investigated and analyzed the pseudo-optical constants of Cu2ZnSnSe4 bulk crystals, grown by the Bridgman method, over 0.8-4.5 eV photon energy range. The structures found in the spectra of the complex pseudodielectric functions were associated to E0, E1A, and E1B interband transitions and were analyzed in frame of the Adachi's model. The interband transition parameters such as strength, threshold energy, and broadening were evaluated by using the simulated annealing algorithm. In addition, the pseudo-complex refractive index, extinction coefficient, absorption coefficient, and normal-incidence reflectivity were derived over 0.8-4.5 eV photon energy rang

    Towards a ‘Long View’: Historical Perspectives on the Scaling and Replication of Social Ventures

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    Social ventures are now widely regarded as playing an essential role in addressing persistent and pervasive societal challenges. This insight has prompted an active search for readily-scaleable and replicable business models. However, relatively little consideration has been given to the longer-term growth and performance of these hybrid organizational forms. This paper examines how historically-informed research might enhance our understanding of growth processes. It considers the conceptualization of organizational growth in social ventures and the relevance of prevailing constructs. The explanatory potential of ‘long view’ approaches examined by applying three constructs, opportunity recognition, entrepreneurial adjustment, and institutional structure, in a comparative historical analysis of two British social ventures