761 research outputs found

    Unusual interplay between copper-spin and vortex dynamics in slightly overdoped La{1.83}Sr{0.17}CuO{4}

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    Our inelastic neutron scattering experiments of the spin excitations in the slightly overdoped La{1.83}Sr{0.17}CuO{4} compound show that, under the application of a magnetic field of 5 Tesla, the low-temperature susceptibility undergoes a weight redistribution centered at the spin-gap energy. Furthermore, by comparing the temperature dependence of the neutron data with ac-susceptibility and magnetization measurements, we conclude that the filling in of the spin gap tracks the irreversibility/melting temperature rather than Tc2, which indicates an unusual interplay between the magnetic vortices and the spin excitations even in the slightly overdoped regime of high-temperature superconductors.Comment: 7 pages, including 5 figure

    Influence of higher d-wave gap harmonics on the dynamical magnetic susceptibility of high-temperature superconductors

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    Using a fermiology approach to the computation of the magnetic susceptibility measured by neutron scattering in hole-doped high-Tc superconductors, we estimate the effects on the incommensurate peaks caused by higher d-wave harmonics of the superconducting order parameter induced by underdoping. The input parameters for the Fermi surface and d-wave gap are taken directly from angle resolved photoemission (ARPES) experiments on Bi{2}Sr{2}CaCu{2}O{8+x} (Bi2212). We find that higher d-wave harmonics lower the momentum dependent spin gap at the incommensurate peaks as measured by the lowest spectral edge of the imaginary part in the frequency dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of Bi2212. This effect is robust whenever the fermiology approach captures the physics of high-Tc superconductors. At energies above the resonance we observe diagonal incommensurate peaks. We show that the crossover from parallel incommensuration below the resonance energy to diagonal incommensuration above it is connected to the values and the degeneracies of the minima of the 2-particle energy continuum.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Occupational noise: auditory and non-auditory consequences

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    Occupational noise exposure accounts for approximately 16% of all disabling hearing losses, but the true value and societal costs may be grossly underestimated because current regulations only identify hearing impairments in the workplace if exposures result in audiometric threshold shifts within a limited frequency region. Research over the past several decades indicates that occupational noise exposures can cause other serious auditory deficits such as tinnitus, hyperacusis, extended high-frequency hearing loss, and poor speech perception in noise. Beyond the audiogram, there is growing awareness that hearing loss is a significant risk factor for other debilitating and potentially life-threatening disorders such as cardiovascular disease and dementia. This review discusses some of the shortcomings and limitations of current noise regulations in the United States and Europe

    Square vortex lattice at anomalously low magnetic fields in electron-doped Nd1.85_{1.85}Ce0.15_{0.15}CuO4_{4}

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    We report here on the first direct observations of the vortex lattice in the bulk of electron-doped Nd1.85_{1.85}Ce0.15_{0.15}CuO4_{4} single crystals. Using small angle neutron scattering, we have observed a square vortex lattice with the nearest-neighbors oriented at 45^{\circ} from the Cu-O bond direction, which is consistent with theories based on the d-wave superconducting gap. However, the square symmetry persists down to unusually low magnetic fields. Moreover, the diffracted intensity from the vortex lattice is found to decrease rapidly with increasing magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 4 Figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    A small angle neutron scattering study of the vortex matter in La{2-x}Sr{x}CuO{4} (x=0.17)

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    The magnetic phase diagram of slightly overdoped La{2-x}Sr{x}CuO{4} (x=0.17) is characterised by a field-induced hexagonal to square transition of the vortex lattice at low fields (~0.4 Tesla) [R. Gilardi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 217003 (2002)]. Here we report on a small angle neutron scattering study of the vortex lattice at higher fields, that reveals no further change of the coordination of the square vortex lattice up to 10.5 Tesla applied perpendicular to the CuO2 planes. Moreover, it is found that the diffraction signal disappears at temperatures well below Tc, due to the melting of the vortex lattice.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures. Presented at the New3SC-4 meeting, San Diego, Jan. 16-21 2003; to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Magnetic-field-induced spin excitations and renormalized spin gap of the underdoped superconductor La1.895_{1.895}Sr0.105_{0.105}CuO4_{4}

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    High-resolution neutron inelastic scattering experiments in applied magnetic fields have been performed on La1.895_{1.895}Sr0.105_{0.105}CuO4_{4} (LSCO). In zero field, the temperature dependence of the low-energy peak intensity at the incommensurate momentum-transfer $\mathbf{Q}^{\ }_{\mathrm{IC}}=(0.5,0.5\pm\delta,0),(0.5\pm\delta,0.5,0)exhibitsananomalyatthesuperconducting exhibits an anomaly at the superconducting T^{\}_{c}$ which broadens and shifts to lower temperature upon the application of a magnetic field along the c-axis. A field-induced enhancement of the spectral weight is observed, but only at finite energy transfers and in an intermediate temperature range. These observations establish the opening of a strongly downward renormalized spin gap in the underdoped regime of LSCO. This behavior contrasts with the observed doping dependence of most electronic energy features.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Direct observation of the flux-line vortex glass phase in a type II superconductor

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    The order of the vortex state in La_{1.9} Sr_{0.1} CuO_{4} is probed using muon spin rotation and small-angle neutron scattering. A transition from a Bragg glass to a vortex glass is observed, where the latter is composed of disordered vortex lines. In the vicinity of the transition the microscopic behavior reflects a delicate interplay of thermally-induced and pinning-induced disorder.Comment: 14 pages, 4 colour figures include

    Muons as Local Probes of Three-body Correlations in the Mixed State of Type-II Superconductors

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    The vortex glass state formed by magnetic flux lines in a type-II superconductor is shown to possess non-trivial three-body correlations. While such correlations are usually difficult to measure in glassy systems, the magnetic fields associated with the flux vortices allow us to probe these via muon-spin rotation measurements of the local field distribution. We show via numerical simulations and analytic calculations that these observations provide detailed microscopic insight into the local order of the vortex glass and more generally validate a theoretical framework for correlations in glassy systems.Comment: 4+ pages, high-quality figures available on reques

    How to humiliate and shame: A reporter's guide to the power of the mugshot

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    This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Social Semiotics, 24(1), 56-87, 2014, copyright Taylor & Francis, available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/The judicial photograph – the “mugshot” – is a ubiquitous and instantly recognisable form, appearing in the news media, on the internet, on book covers, law enforcement noticeboards and in many other mediums. This essay attempts to situate the mugshot in a historical and theoretical context to explain the explicit and implicit meaning of the genre as it has developed, focussing in particular on their use in the UK media in late modernity. The analysis is based on the author's reflexive practice as a journalist covering crime in the national news media for 30 years and who has used mugshots to illustrate stories for their explicit and specific content. The author argues that the visual limitations of the standardised “head and shoulders” format of the mugshot make it a robust subject for analysing the changing meaning of images over time. With little variation in the image format, arguments for certain accreted layers of signification are easier to make. Within a few years of the first appearance of the mugshot form in the mid-19th century, it was adopted and adapted as a research tool by scientists and criminologists. While the positivist scientists claimed empirical objectivity we can now see that mugshots played a part in the construction of subjective notions of “the other”, “the lesser” or “sub-human” on the grounds of class, race and religion. These dehumanising ideas later informed the theorists and bureaucrats of National Socialist ideology from the 1920s to 1940s. The author concludes that once again the mugshot has become, in certain parts of the media, a signifier widely used to exclude or deride certain groups. In late modernity, the part of the media that most use mugshots – the tabloid press and increasingly tabloid TV – is part of a neo-liberal process that, in a conscious commercial appeal to the paying audience, seeks to separate rather than unify wider society