258 research outputs found

    A Large Brightness Enhancement of the QSO 0957+561 A Component

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    We report an increase of more than 0.2 mag in the optical brightness of the leading image (A) of the gravitational lens Q0957+561, detected during the 09/2000 -- 06/2001 monitoring campaign (2001 observing season). The brightening is similar to or even greater than the largest change ever detected during the 20 years of monitoring of this system. We discuss two different provisional explanations to this event: intrinsic source variability or microlensing (either short timescale microlensing or cessation of the historical microlensing). An exhaustive photometric monitoring of Q0957+561 is needed until summer of 2002 and during 2003 to discriminate between these possibilities.Comment: 13 pages including 3 figures and 1 table. Accepted for publication in ApJ Let

    Further Investigation of the Time Delay, Magnification Ratios, and Variability in the Gravitational Lens 0218+357

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    High precision VLA flux density measurements for the lensed images of 0218+357 yield a time delay of 10.1(+1.5-1.6)days (95% confidence). This is consistent with independent measurements carried out at the same epoch (Biggs et al. 1999), lending confidence in the robustness of the time delay measurement. However, since both measurements make use of the same features in the light curves, it is possible that the effects of unmodelled processes, such as scintillation or microlensing, are biasing both time delay measurements in the same way. Our time delay estimates result in confidence intervals that are somewhat larger than those of Biggs et al., probably because we adopt a more general model of the source variability, allowing for constant and variable components. When considered in relation to the lens mass model of Biggs et al., our best-fit time delay implies a Hubble constant of H_o = 71(+17-23) km/s-Mpc for Omega_o=1 and lambda_o=0 (95% confidence; filled beam). This confidence interval for H_o does not reflect systematic error, which may be substantial, due to uncertainty in the position of the lens galaxy. We also measure the flux ratio of the variable components of 0218+357, a measurement of a small region that should more closely represent the true lens magnification ratio. We find ratios of 3.2(+0.3-0.4) (95% confidence; 8 GHz) and 4.3(+0.5-0.8) (15 GHz). Unlike the reported flux ratios on scales of 0.1", these ratios are not strongly significantly different. We investigate the significance of apparent differences in the variability properties of the two images of the background active galactic nucleus. We conclude that the differences are not significant, and that time series much longer than our 100-day time series will be required to investigate propagation effects in this way.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Light curve data may be found at http://space.mit.edu/RADIO/papers.htm

    Variaciones espaciales y temporales del registro del límite K/T en Haiti: implicaciones acerca del evento o eventos

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    El registro en la capa del límite K/T (KTB), en diferentes localidades de la Península Meridional de Haití, muestra claras evidencias de disrupciones físicas causadas por el impacto postulado de un bólico al final del Maastrichtiense. Tanto el registro bioestratigráfico como el litológico de la capa KTB, en diferentes localidades, muestra también diversos grados de mezcla, con componentes faunísticos de edades congruentes con los bioeventos característicos de la transición del límite, equivalentes a la parte terminal de la Zona de Abathomphalus mayaroensis y partes de las Zonas de Guembelitria cretacea y de Parvularugoglobigerina eugubina. La nanoflora calcárea también muestra taxones de la transición, concurrentes con los datos de foraminíferos, e indicativos de las Subzonas de Micula murus y Micula prinsii, así como de la Subzona de Cruciplacolithus primus (CP1a), del Paleoceno basal. La capa del límite tiene variaciones en su potencia, con un máximo de 75cm en el estratotipo de la Formación Beloc, y a techo de la capa principal tectítica hay un máximo de iridio. Los análisis geoquímicos y la datación radiométrica han demostrado también que las esférulas son tectitas (Premo e Izett, 1991) que pueden estar relacionadas cronológicamente con el evento de impacto registrado en Chicxulub, Yucatán, México, hace 65 Ma. Aún más, las delicadas estructuras sedimentarias primarias en la capa del límite son constantes en todos los afloramientos, aunque hay diferencias espaciales incluso a corta distancia. Además, en las áreas adyacentes al estratotipo (Platon Piton y Madame Toussaint) se encuentra una capa volcanogénica, bajo el nivel tectítico principal relacionado con el evento de Chicxulub, que muestra una laminación cruzada, tanto conspicua como críptica, indicativa de procesos de flujo complejos, multifásicos y subacuáticos que afectaron a la sedimentación de forma parecida a la del lecho KTB. Se conocen tales estructuras como características de la acción de ondas oscilantes sobre la cohesión de los sedimentos. El movimiento de las aguas asociado con un seiche es el único análogo actual conocido de un flujo subacuático que proporcione un mecanismo plausible para explicar el que varios niveles de la columna de agua, en una gran cuenca, pueden oscilar para desarrollar las estructuras observadas. Dada la magnitud del impacto del bólido, debieron desarrollarse ‘megaseiches’ en los océanos a escala mundial y, subsecuéntemente, se producirían otros ‘megaseiches’ más localizados durante los reajustes principales de la corteza. Esos fenómenos pueden así explicar la heterogeneidad de pautas y discrepancias faunísticas observadas en varias localidades del KTB, de distinta profundidad de depósito, en el mundo. Las estructuras representan un registro de los movimientos del agua y de la resuspensión de los sedimentos en momentos diferentes. Tal como se ha observado en seiches modernos a pequeña escala, la duración y atenuación de los movimientos del agua y la magnitud de la tracción y resuspensión estuvieron controlados por diversos modos oscilatorios que dieron lugar a complejas estructuras sedimentarias y al retrabajamiento de los microfósiles

    Small structure, big significance: seed morphology of South American species of M itracarpus (Rubiaceae - Spermacoceae)

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    Mitracarpus Zuce, ex Schult. & Schult.f. comprises about 50 species distributed mainly throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the New World, from Southern United States to central Argentina. Considering the importance of micromorphological characters for the taxonomy of Spermacoceae s.s. (Rubiaceae), the present study aimed to analyse the taxonomic significance of seed micromorphology in Mitracarpus species from South America. The seeds of 29 species were analysed through light microscopy and scanning electrón microscopy (SEM). For SEM analyses the seeds were mounted on stubs, air dried, covered with gold-palladium. The analyses revealed four pattems and eight subtypes in Mitracarpus, based mainly on the shape of the ventral groove and exotesta features: (1) X-shaped groove: 1.1. reticulate-areolate exotesta, without cruciform depression (M eritricoides, M. parvulus, M. longicalyx, M. nitidus)', 1.2. reticulate-areolate exotesta, with cruciform depression (M. albomarginatus, M. bacigalupoae, M. femandesii); 1.3. reticulate-foveate exotesta, without cruciform depression (M. brasiliensis, M. federalensis, M. hirtus, M. microspermus, M. nitidus, M. polygonifolius); 1.4. papillate exotesta, without cruciform depression (M. pusillus, M. recurvatus, M. steyermarkii); 1.5. reticulate-foveate exotesta, with cruciform depression (M. anthospermoides,M. carajasensis,M. baturitensis,M. bicrucis,M. frigidus); (2) Inverted-Y-shaped groove, reticulate-foveate exotesta, without cruciform depression (M. eichleri, M. salzmannianus, M. semirianus); (3) Rectangularquadrangular-shaped groove, reticulate-areolate exotesta, without cruciform depression (M hasslerianus, M. Ihotzkyanus, M. megapotamicus, M. rigidifolius); (4) Oblong-shaped groove, reticulate-foveate exotesta, without cruciform depression (M. diversifolius). The data obtained here have shown the systematic importance o f seed characteristics in Mitracarpus, as well their valué to indicate affinities among species. It is expected that this study regarding the seed characters in Mitracarpus can provide a potential source o f apomorphies to discem the clades in future molecular phylogenetic analyses. Acknowledgements: FUNCAP (Process BP5-0197-00136.01.00/22); Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; KLARF (Kew Latín American Research Fellowships Programme); CONICET

    Grown-up stars physics with MATISSE

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    MATISSE represents a great opportunity to image the environment around massive and evolved stars. This will allow one to put constraints on the circumstellar structure, on the mass ejection of dust and its reorganization , and on the dust-nature and formation processes. MATISSE measurements will often be pivotal for the understanding of large multiwavelength datasets on the same targets collected through many high-angular resolution facilities at ESO like sub-millimeter interferometry (ALMA), near-infrared adaptive optics (NACO, SPHERE), interferometry (PIONIER, GRAVITY), spectroscopy (CRIRES), and mid-infrared imaging (VISIR). Among main sequence and evolved stars, several cases of interest have been identified that we describe in this paper.Comment: SPIE, Jun 2016, Edimbourgh, Franc

    A Robust Determination of the Time Delay in 0957+561A,B and a Measurement of the Global Value of Hubble's Constant

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    Photometric monitoring of the gravitational lens system 0957+561A,B in the g and r bands with the Apache Point Observatory (APO) 3.5 m telescope during 1996 shows a sharp g band event in the trailing (B) image light curve at the precise time predicted from the observation of an event during 1995 in the leading (A) image with a delay of 415 days. This success confirms the "short delay," and the lack of any feature at a delay near 540 days rejects the "long delay" for this system, resolving a long-standing controversy. A series of statistical analyses of our light curve data yield a best fit delay of 417 +/- 3 days (95% confidence interval). Recent improvements in the modeling of the lens system (consisting of a galaxy and cluster) allow us to derive a value of the global (at z = 0.36) value of Hubble's constant H_0 using Refsdal's method, a simple and direct distance determination based on securely understood physics and geometry. The result is H_0 = 63 +/- 12 km/s/Mpc (for Omega = 1) where this 95% confidence interval is dominated by remaining lens model uncertainties.Comment: accepted by ApJ, AASTeX 4.0 preprint, 4 PostScript figure

    Antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals: results from the second point prevalence survey (PPS) of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use, 2016 to 2017

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    Antimicrobial agents used to treat infections are life-saving. Overuse may result in more frequent adverse effects and emergence of multidrug-resistant microorganisms. In 2016-17, we performed the second point-prevalence survey (PPS) of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals. We included 1,209 hospitals and 310,755 patients in 28 of 31 European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA) countries. The weighted prevalence of antimicrobial use in the EU/EEA was 30.5% (95% CI: 29.2-31.9%). The most common indication for prescribing antimicrobials was treatment of a community-acquired infection, followed by treatment of HAI and surgical prophylaxis. Over half (54.2%) of antimicrobials for surgical prophylaxis were prescribed for more than 1 day. The most common infections treated by antimicrobials were respiratory tract infections and the most commonly prescribed antimicrobial agents were penicillins with beta-lactamase inhibitors. There was wide variation of patients on antimicrobials, in the selection of antimicrobial agents and in antimicrobial stewardship resources and activities across the participating countries. The results of the PPS provide detailed information on antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals, enable comparisons between countries and hospitals, and highlight key areas for national and European action that will support efforts towards prudent use of antimicrobials

    Growth of palladium nanoparticles on nanostructured highly ordered pyrolytic graphite

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    We report on the growth of palladium nanoparticles on the basal plane of as-cleaved highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) samples, and on CO2 ion sputtered nanostructured HOPG surfaces. The morphology of Pd nanostructures grown at room temperature is investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The STM observations indicate that the morphology of the Pd films is strongly dependent on the HOPG surface. Stabilized Pd particles only form on the sputtered surface, while ramified Pd particles decorate the clean HOPG terraces. The prestructuring of HOPG surface leads to a selective location of particles at the rim of the nanopits generated by the CO2 ion sputtering and annealing of the surface. The correlation between size, form, density, spatial distribution of the Pd nanoparticles and the quantity of metal added on surface is discussed. We also describe trench channeling of graphite or graphene basal planes by means of Pd nanoparticles in an ambient environment. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Automatic registration with continuous pose updates for marker-less surgical navigation in spine surgery

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    Established surgical navigation systems for pedicle screw placement have been proven to be accurate, but still reveal limitations in registration or surgical guidance. Registration of preoperative data to the intraoperative anatomy remains a time-consuming, error-prone task that includes exposure to harmful radiation. Surgical guidance through conventional displays has well-known drawbacks, as information cannot be presented in-situ and from the surgeon's perspective. Consequently, radiation-free and more automatic registration methods with subsequent surgeon-centric navigation feedback are desirable. In this work, we present a marker-less approach that automatically solves the registration problem for lumbar spinal fusion surgery in a radiation-free manner. A deep neural network was trained to segment the lumbar spine and simultaneously predict its orientation, yielding an initial pose for preoperative models, which then is refined for each vertebra individually and updated in real-time with GPU acceleration while handling surgeon occlusions. An intuitive surgical guidance is provided thanks to the integration into an augmented reality based navigation system. The registration method was verified on a public dataset with a median of 100% successful registrations, a median target registration error of 2.7 mm, a median screw trajectory error of 1.6°and a median screw entry point error of 2.3 mm. Additionally, the whole pipeline was validated in an ex-vivo surgery, yielding a 100% screw accuracy and a median target registration error of 1.0 mm. Our results meet clinical demands and emphasize the potential of RGB-D data for fully automatic registration approaches in combination with augmented reality guidance