40 research outputs found

    Analytical relationship for the cranking inertia

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    The wave function of a spheroidal harmonic oscillator without spin-orbit interaction is expressed in terms of associated Laguerre and Hermite polynomials. The pairing gap and Fermi energy are found by solving the BCS system of two equations. Analytical relationships for the matrix elements of inertia are obtained function of the main quantum numbers and potential derivative. They may be used to test complex computer codes one should develop in a realistic approach of the fission dynamics. The results given for the 240^{240}Pu nucleus are compared with a hydrodynamical model. The importance of taking into account the correction term due to the variation of the occupation number is stressed.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Liquid Drop Stability of a Superdeformed Prolate Semi-Spheroidal Atomic Cluster

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    Analytical relationships for the surface and curvature energies of oblate and prolate semi-spheroidal atomic clusters have been obtained. By modifying the cluster shape from a spheroid to a semi-spheroid the most stable shape was changed from a sphere to a superdeformed prolate semi-spheroid (including the flat surface of the end cap). Potential energy surfaces vs. deformation and the number of atoms, N, illustrate this property independent of N.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figurex, revtex

    Cluster Radioactivity

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    Cluster radioactivity (spontaneous emission of heavy particles from nuclei) is presented from a theoretical point of view in good agreement with experimental results. After a brief historical account, we give details about the analytical super asymmetric fission (ASAF) model extensively used for predicting the half-lives of heavy and superheavy (Z ≥ 104) elements. For the already measured 26 cluster decays (from 14C to 32,34Si of parent nuclides with Z = 87-96) it is clear that cluster radioactivity is a rare phenomenon in the best case about 9 orders of magnitude weaker than the competing alpha decay. Then we show the theoretical possibility of a strong cluster decay compared to alpha decay for some superheavy nuclei with Z ≥ 122, e.g. 306122; 310-314122; 306-324124, and 311-323124

    Deformed two center shell model

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    A highly specialized two-center shell model has been developed accounting for the splitting of a deformed parent nucleus into two ellipsoidaly deformed fragments. The potential is based on deformed oscillator wells in direct correspondance with the shape change of the nuclear system. For the first time a potential responsible for the necking part between the fragments is introduced on potential theory basis. As a direct consequence, spin-orbit {\bf ls} and {\bf l2^2} operators are calculated as shape dependent. Level scheme evolution along the fission path for pairs of ellipsoidaly deformed fragments is calculated. The Strutinsky method yields the shell corrections for different mass asymmetries from the superheavy nucleus 306^{306}122 and 252^{252}Cf all along the splitting process.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figure

    Alpha-decay lifetimes semiempirical relationship including shell effects

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    A new version of the semiempirical formula based on fission approach of alpha decay is derived, by using the optimum values of the fitting parameters determined for even-even nuclei, combined with hindrance factors for even-odd, odd-even, and odd-odd nuclides. The deviations from experimental data for two regions of nuclear chart (493 alpha emitters with Z=52-118 and 142 transuranium nuclei including superheavies (Z=92-118), respectively) are compared with those obtained by using the universal curve and the Viola-Seaborg semiempirical relationship.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, revtex

    Heavy particle radioactivities of superheavy nuclei

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    The concept of heavy particle radioactivity (HPR) is changed to allow emitted particles with Z_e>28 from parents with Z>110 and daughter around 208Pb. Calculations for superheavy (SH) nuclei with Z=104-124 are showing a trend toward shorter half-lives and larger branching ratio relative to alpha decay for heavier SHs. It is possible to find regions in which HPR is stronger than alpha decay. The new mass table AME11 and the theoretical KTUY05 and FRDM95 masses are used to determine the released energy. For 124 we found isotopes with half-lives in the range of ns to ps.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figurex, revtex4-

    Synthesis of 298114 within isobaric reaction channels

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    Cold fusion channels are sought for the synthesis of 298114 superheavy element. The deformation energy is calculated within a multidimensional space of deformation for a two-spheroid fusion type configuration. A very complete binary macroscopic-microscopic method is used to compute the liquid drop and the shell correction terms. Static barriers are obtained by minimization over four free parameters defining the shape. The tensor of inertia is calculated with the hydrodynamical Werner–Wheeler model. Finally, the penetrability is obtained by minimizing the action integral