6,914 research outputs found

    A Fast Goal Recognition Technique Based on Interaction Estimates

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    Goal Recognition is the task of inferring an actor's goals given some or all of the actor's observed actions. There is considerable interest in Goal Recognition for use in intelligent personal assistants, smart environments, intelligent tutoring systems, and monitoring user's needs. In much of this work, the actor's observed actions are compared against a generated library of plans. Recent work by Ramirez and Geffner makes use of AI planning to determine how closely a sequence of observed actions matches plans for each possible goal. For each goal, this is done by comparing the cost of a plan for that goal with the cost of a plan for that goal that includes the observed actions. This approach yields useful rankings, but is impractical for real-time goal recognition in large domains because of the computational expense of constructing plans for each possible goal. In this paper, we introduce an approach that propagates cost and interaction information in a plan graph, and uses this information to estimate goal probabilities. We show that this approach is much faster, but still yields high quality results

    Solving Complex Multi-UAV Mission Planning Problems using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms

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    Due to recent booming of UAVs technologies, these are being used in many fields involving complex tasks. Some of them involve a high risk to the vehicle driver, such as fire monitoring and rescue tasks, which make UAVs excellent for avoiding human risks. Mission Planning for UAVs is the process of planning the locations and actions (loading/dropping a load, taking videos/pictures, acquiring information) for the vehicles, typically over a time period. These vehicles are controlled from Ground Control Stations (GCSs) where human operators use rudimentary systems. This paper presents a new Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for solving complex Mission Planning Problems (MPP) involving a team of UAVs and a set of GCSs. A hybrid fitness function has been designed using a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) to check if solutions are valid and Pareto-based measures to look for optimal solutions. The algorithm has been tested on several datasets optimizing different variables of the mission, such as the makespan, the fuel consumption, distance, etc. Experimental results show that the new algorithm is able to obtain good solutions, however as the problem becomes more complex, the optimal solutions also become harder to find.Comment: This is a preprint version of the article submitted and published in Soft Computin

    Medical resource use in patients with psoriatic arthritis in a comprehensive rheumatological center in Colombia

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    Psoriatic arthritis (PsA), a chronic systemic inflammatory disorder, impairs the quality of life of patients. The aim of this study was to describe the medical resource use in patients with PsA in a comprehensive rheumatological center in Colombia. We retrospectively analyzed patients diagnosed with PsA who were attended in a center of excellence for rheumatic diseases located in Bogotå, D.C. Colombia, from January to December 2019. A database of medical records was analyzed to identify the use of medical resources classified by specialized physician visits, medications and ambulatory services (e.g., diagnostic, laboratory or image procedures, physical therapy). We reported absolute and relative frequencies among diagnostic groups. This study had no risk for patients. Ninety-six patients with PsA were studied, 57% were women. The mean age was 58.08 (±12.3 years), 90.63% of diagnostic was arthropathic psoriasis, other diagnostics were rheumatoid arthritis without rheumatoid factor, unspecified site (2.08%) and psoriasis, unspecified (2.08%) (ICD-10 code L405, M060, L409, respectively). In terms of treatments, most of the patients used a conventional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), methotrexate was the most frequent (represented the 14% of prescription and 78% of patients). On the other hand, 56.25% of patients receive treatment with biological DMARDs (10% of prescription). Among these biologicals, adalimumab (17.71%) and secukinumab (16.67%) were the most used. Regarding other health services, the visit to the specialist and the RX were the most common (83.33% of patients). Chest RX and column RX (17.71% each) had the highest frequency. This is one of the first approaches to the estimation of use of medical resources of PsA in Colombia. Frequency of DMARS use was associated to the severity and medical control of patients

    Evaluation of circulating type I procollagen propeptides in patients with Paget's disease of bone

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    We evaluated circulating aminoterminal and carboxyterminal propeptides of type I procollagen and total alkaline phosphatase levels in eighty consecutive patients affected by Paget's disease of bone. We compared the biochemical data with the extent of bone disease calculated on the basis of the bone scintigraphic indices. Serum aminoterminal propeptide of type I procollagen levels were high in 77% of patients, serum carboxyterminal propeptide of type I procollagen levels in 22% and serum total alkaline phosphatase levels in 76%. We found significant correlations between the three markers studied. The three biochemical markers correlated significantly with the bone scintigraphic activity indices, but the highest correlation coefficient was between the aminoterminal propeptide and total alkaline phosphatase. We conclude that there is a discrepancy between serum levels of the propeptides studied in relation to Paget's disease of bone. The sensitivity of the carboxyterminal propeptide of type I procollagen in this disease is low. In contrast the aminoterminal propeptide may be as sensitive a marker for the evaluation of this disorder as total alkaline phosphatase, and in addition may be more specific

    Bradykinin or Acetylcholine as Vasodilators to Test Endothelial Venous Function in Healthy Subjects

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    INTRODUCTION: The evaluation of endothelial function has been performed in the arterial bed, but recently evaluation within the venous system has also been explored. Endothelial function studies employ different drugs that act as endothelium-dependent vasodilatory response inductors. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to compare the endothelium-dependent venous vasodilator response mediated by either acetylcholine or bradykinin in healthy volunteers. METHODS AND RESULTS: Changes in vein diameter after phenylephrine-induced venoconstriction were measured to compare venodilation induced by acetylcholine or bradykinin (linear variable differential transformer dorsal hand vein technique). We studied 23 healthy volunteers; 31% were male, and the subject had a mean age of 33 ± 8 years and a mean body mass index of 23 ± 2 kg/m2. The maximum endothelium-dependent venodilation was similar for both drugs (p = 0.13), as well as the mean responses for each dose of both drugs (r = 0.96). The maximum responses to acetylcholine and bradykinin also had good agreement. CONCLUSION: There were no differences between acetylcholine and bradykinin as venodilators in this endothelial venous function investigation

    Mercury in archaeological human bone: biogenic or diagenetic?

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    We investigated mercury (Hg) in human bone from archaeological sites in the Iberian Peninsula where the cultural use of cinnabar (HgS) as a pigment, offering or preservative in burial practices has been documented from the 4th to 2nd millennia cal B.C. (Late Neolithic, Copper Age and Bronze Age). Previous analyses have shown high levels of total mercury (THg) in human bone at numerous Neolithic and Chalcolithic sites in this region, but the question remains if this mercury entered the bones via diagenetic processes in the soil, especially where cinnabar powder and paint was found associated with the burials, or if it entered the bone via biogenic pathways from exposure to mercury from using cinnabar in life. We analyzed the humerus, femur, and tibia from a total of 30 individual burials from four Neolithic to Bronze Age sites in Iberia and found low to high values of THg in these bones, with the humerus showing significantly more THg concentrations than other skeletal elements when the THg was greater than 1 ppm. This pattern of Hg deposition in skeletal material from different sites and ages strongly suggests a biogenic origin for the mercury. In addition, absence of detectable Hg in bones with high to low values of THg using SEM EDS analysis further discounts diagenetic intrusion of Hg or cinnabar particles into the bone from the soil. It is likely that greater stress and bone remodeling rates from use of heavy tools and other activities in life are responsible for higher THg in the humerus than other skeletal elements, but additional research is needed to verify this.National Science FoundationNational Science Foundation (NSF) [ECCS-1542174]Spanish GovernmentSpanish Government [HAR2016-78036-P, HAR2016-74846-P, HAR2017-82755-P, HAR2017-83004-P, I + D HAR2017-87324-P]CIAS [PEst-OE/SADG/UI0283/2019]FCTPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology [PTDC/EPH-ARQ/0798/2014]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The histone deacetylase inhibitor SAHA acts in synergism with fenretinide and doxorubicin to control growth of rhabdoid tumor cells

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    Background: Rhabdoid tumors are highly aggressive malignancies affecting infants and very young children. In many instances these tumors are resistant to conventional type chemotherapy necessitating alternative approaches. Methods: Proliferation assays (MTT), apoptosis (propidium iodide/annexin V) and cell cycle analysis (DAPI), RNA expression microarrays and western blots were used to identify synergism of the HDAC (histone deacetylase) inhibitor SAHA with fenretinide, tamoxifen and doxorubicin in rhabdoidtumor cell lines. Results: HDAC1 and HDAC2 are overexpressed in primary rhabdoid tumors and rhabdoid tumor cell lines. Targeting HDACs in rhabdoid tumors induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. On the other hand HDAC inhibition induces deregulated gene programs (MYCC-, RB program and the stem cell program) in rhabdoid tumors. These programs are in general associated with cell cycle progression. Targeting these activated pro-proliferative genes by combined approaches of HDAC-inhibitors plus fenretinide, which inhibits cyclinD1, exhibit strong synergistic effects on induction of apoptosis. Furthermore, HDAC inhibition sensitizes rhabdoid tumor cell lines to cell death induced by chemotherapy. Conclusion: Our data demonstrate that HDAC inhibitor treatment in combination with fenretinide or conventional chemotherapy is a promising tool for the treatment of chemoresistant rhabdoid tumors.<br

    Evaluation of Textural and Sensory Properties on Typical Spanish Small Cakes Designed Using Alternative Flours

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    [EN] The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of wheat flour substitution with toasted corn, quinoa, and sorghum flours on the overall perception and texture of typical Spanish small cakes named madeleine. In order to evaluate these characteristics, a texture profile analysis (TPA) and a sensory analysis were carried out. TPA showed that the replacement of wheat flour by sorghum flour did not affect significantly texture parameters of cakes. Hedonic sensory tests were also conducted revealing that the cake prepared with sorghum flour was highly appreciated by the consumers as it got scores similar to traditional cakes made with wheat flour.Casas Moreno, MDM.; Barreto Palacios, VJ.; GonzĂĄlez Carrascosa, R.; Iborra Bernad, MDC.; AndrĂ©s Bello, MD.; MartĂ­nez MonzĂł, J.; GarcĂ­a-Segovia, P. (2015). Evaluation of Textural and Sensory Properties on Typical Spanish Small Cakes Designed Using Alternative Flours. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology. 13(1):19-28. doi:10.1080/15428052.2014.952475S1928131Baldwin, R. R., Baldry, R. P., & Johansen, R. G. (1972). Fat systems for bakery products. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 49(8), 473-477. doi:10.1007/bf02582482Beleia, A., Miller, R. A., & Hoseney, R. C. (1996). Starch Gelatinization in Sugar Solutions. Starch - Starke, 48(7-8), 259-262. doi:10.1002/star.19960480705Brannan, G. L., Setser, C. S., Kemp, K. E., Seib, P. A., & Roozeboom, K. (2001). Sensory Characteristics of Grain Sorghum Hybrids with Potential for Use in Human Food. Cereal Chemistry Journal, 78(6), 693-700. doi:10.1094/cchem.2001.78.6.693Cauvain, S. P., & Young, L. S. (Eds.). (2006). Baked Products. doi:10.1002/9780470995907Chieh, C. (s. f.). Water. Bakery Products, 211-232. doi:10.1002/9780470277553.ch11Conforti, F. D. (s. f.). Cake Manufacture. Bakery Products, 393-410. doi:10.1002/9780470277553.ch22Ghotra, B. S., Dyal, S. D., & Narine, S. S. (2002). Lipid shortenings: a review. Food Research International, 35(10), 1015-1048. doi:10.1016/s0963-9969(02)00163-1Kiosseoglou, V., & Paraskevopoulou, A. (s. f.). Eggs. Bakery Products, 161-172. doi:10.1002/9780470277553.ch8Lai, H.-M., & Lin, T.-C. (s. f.). Bakery Products: Science and Technology. Bakery Products, 3-68. doi:10.1002/9780470277553.ch1Lau, M. ., Tang, J., & Paulson, A. . (2000). Texture profile and turbidity of gellan/gelatin mixed gels. Food Research International, 33(8), 665-671. doi:10.1016/s0963-9969(00)00111-3LINDLEY, M. G. (1987). Sucrose in baked products. Nutrition Bulletin, 12(1), 41-45. doi:10.1111/j.1467-3010.1987.tb00011.xMastromatteo, M., Chillo, S., Iannetti, M., Civica, V., & Del Nobile, M. A. (2011). Formulation optimisation of gluten-free functional spaghetti based on quinoa, maize and soy flours. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 46(6), 1201-1208. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2621.2011.02613.xOreopoulou, V. (s. f.). Fat Replacers. Bakery Products, 193-210. doi:10.1002/9780470277553.ch10Peressini, D., Pin, M., & Sensidoni, A. (2011). Rheology and breadmaking performance of rice-buckwheat batters supplemented with hydrocolloids. Food Hydrocolloids, 25(3), 340-349. doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2010.06.012Sanz, T., Salvador, A., Baixauli, R., & Fiszman, S. M. (2009). Evaluation of four types of resistant starch in muffins. II. Effects in texture, colour and consumer response. European Food Research and Technology, 229(2), 197-204. doi:10.1007/s00217-009-1040-1Taylor, J. R. N., Schober, T. J., & Bean, S. R. (2006). Novel food and non-food uses for sorghum and millets. Journal of Cereal Science, 44(3), 252-271. doi:10.1016/j.jcs.2006.06.009Wilderjans, E., Luyts, A., Brijs, K., & Delcour, J. A. (2013). Ingredient functionality in batter type cake making. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 30(1), 6-15. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2013.01.001Wilderjans, E., Pareyt, B., Goesaert, H., Brijs, K., & Delcour, J. A. (2008). The role of gluten in a pound cake system: A model approach based on gluten–starch blends. Food Chemistry, 110(4), 909-915. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2008.02.079Wilson, N. L. W. (2011). How the Cookie Crumbles: A Case Study of Gluten-Free Cookies and Random Utility. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 94(2), 576-582. doi:10.1093/ajae/aar081Zhu, J.-H., Yang, X.-Q., Ahmad, I., Li, L., Wang, X.-Y., & Liu, C. (2008). Rheological properties of Îș-carrageenan and soybean glycinin mixed gels. Food Research International, 41(3), 219-228. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2007.11.00

    Quantitative trait loci affecting pathogen resistance and ripening of grapevines

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    Grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) form the basis of viticulture, and are susceptible to diseases such as downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) and powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator). Therefore, successful viticulture programs require the use of pesticides. Breeding for resistance is the only eco-friendly solution. Marker-assisted selection is currently widely used for grapevine breeding. Consequently, traits of interest must be tagged with molecular markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTL). We herein present our findings regarding genetic mapping and QTL analysis of resistance to downy and powdery mildew diseases in the progenies of the GF.GA-47-42 (‘Bacchus’ × ‘Seyval’) × ‘Villard blanc’ cross. Simple sequence repeats and single nucleotide polymorphisms of 151 individuals were analyzed. A map consisting of 543 loci was screened for QTL analyses based on phenotypic variations observed in plants grown in the field or under controlled conditions. A major QTL for downy mildew resistance was detected on chromosome 18. For powdery mildew resistance, a QTL was identified on chromosome 15. This QTL was replaced by a novel QTL on chromosome 18 in 2003 (abnormally high temperatures) and 2004. Subsequently, both QTLs functioned together. Additionally, variations in the timing of the onset of veraison, which is a crucial step during grape ripening, were studied to identify genomic regions affecting this trait. A major QTL was detected on linkage group 16, which was supplemented by a minor QTL on linkage group 18. This study provides useful information regarding novel QTL-linked markers relevant for the breeding of disease-resistant grapevines adapted to current climatic conditions
