3,640 research outputs found

    Coupling between static friction force and torque for a tripod

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    If a body is resting on a flat surface, the maximal static friction force before motion sets in is reduced if an external torque is also applied. The coupling between the static friction force and static friction torque is nontrivial as our studies for a tripod lying on horizontal flat surface show. In this article we report on a series of experiments we performed on a tripod and compare these with analytical and numerical solutions. It turns out that the coupling between force and torque reveals information about the microscopic properties at the onset to sliding.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, revte

    Coupling between static friction force and torque

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    We show that the static friction force which must be overcome to render a sticking contact sliding is reduced if an external torque is also exerted. As a test system we study a planar disk lying on horizontal flat surface. We perform experiments and compare with analytical results to find that the coupling between static friction force and torque is nontrivial: It is not determined by the Coulomb friction laws alone, instead it depends on the microscopic details of friction. Hence, we conclude that the macroscopic experiment presented here reveals details about the microscopic processes lying behind friction.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, revte

    RAD54 family translocases counter genotoxic effects of RAD51 in human tumor cells.

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    The RAD54 family DNA translocases have several biochemical activities. One activity, demonstrated previously for the budding yeast translocases, is ATPase-dependent disruption of RAD51-dsDNA binding. This activity is thought to promote dissociation of RAD51 from heteroduplex DNA following strand exchange during homologous recombination. In addition, previous experiments in budding yeast have shown that the same activity of Rad54 removes Rad51 from undamaged sites on chromosomes; mutants lacking Rad54 accumulate nonrepair-associated complexes that can block growth and lead to chromosome loss. Here, we show that human RAD54 also promotes the dissociation of RAD51 from dsDNA and not ssDNA. We also show that translocase depletion in tumor cell lines leads to the accumulation of RAD51 on chromosomes, forming complexes that are not associated with markers of DNA damage. We further show that combined depletion of RAD54L and RAD54B and/or artificial induction of RAD51 overexpression blocks replication and promotes chromosome segregation defects. These results support a model in which RAD54L and RAD54B counteract genome-destabilizing effects of direct binding of RAD51 to dsDNA in human tumor cells. Thus, in addition to having genome-stabilizing DNA repair activity, human RAD51 has genome-destabilizing activity when expressed at high levels, as is the case in many human tumors

    Growth of Patterned Surfaces

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    During epitaxial crystal growth a pattern that has initially been imprinted on a surface approximately reproduces itself after the deposition of an integer number of monolayers. Computer simulations of the one-dimensional case show that the quality of reproduction decays exponentially with a characteristic time which is linear in the activation energy of surface diffusion. We argue that this life time of a pattern is optimized, if the characteristic feature size of the pattern is larger than (D/F)1/(d+2)(D/F)^{1/(d+2)}, where DD is the surface diffusion constant, FF the deposition rate and dd the surface dimension.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, uses psfig; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Does Young's equation hold on the nanoscale? A Monte Carlo test for the binary Lennard-Jones fluid

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    When a phase-separated binary (A+BA+B) mixture is exposed to a wall, that preferentially attracts one of the components, interfaces between A-rich and B-rich domains in general meet the wall making a contact angle θ\theta. Young's equation describes this angle in terms of a balance between the ABA-B interfacial tension γAB\gamma_{AB} and the surface tensions γwA\gamma_{wA}, γwB\gamma_{wB} between, respectively, the AA- and BB-rich phases and the wall, γABcosθ=γwAγwB\gamma _{AB} \cos \theta =\gamma_{wA}-\gamma_{wB}. By Monte Carlo simulations of bridges, formed by one of the components in a binary Lennard-Jones liquid, connecting the two walls of a nanoscopic slit pore, θ\theta is estimated from the inclination of the interfaces, as a function of the wall-fluid interaction strength. The information on the surface tensions γwA\gamma_{wA}, γwB\gamma_{wB} are obtained independently from a new thermodynamic integration method, while γAB\gamma_{AB} is found from the finite-size scaling analysis of the concentration distribution function. We show that Young's equation describes the contact angles of the actual nanoscale interfaces for this model rather accurately and location of the (first order) wetting transition is estimated.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Plasmid- and strain-specific factors drive variation in ESBL-plasmid spread in vitro and in vivo

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    Horizontal gene transfer, mediated by conjugative plasmids, is a major driver of the global rise of antibiotic resistance. However, the relative contributions of factors that underlie the spread of plasmids and their roles in conjugation in vivo are unclear. To address this, we investigated the spread of clinical Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL)-producing plasmids in the absence of antibiotics in vitro and in the mouse intestine. We hypothesised that plasmid properties would be the primary determinants of plasmid spread and that bacterial strain identity would also contribute. We found clinical Escherichia coli strains natively associated with ESBL-plasmids conjugated to three distinct E. coli strains and one Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain. Final transconjugant frequencies varied across plasmid, donor, and recipient combinations, with qualitative consistency when comparing transfer in vitro and in vivo in mice. In both environments, transconjugant frequencies for these natural strains and plasmids covaried with the presence/absence of transfer genes on ESBL-plasmids and were affected by plasmid incompatibility. By moving ESBL-plasmids out of their native hosts, we showed that donor and recipient strains also modulated transconjugant frequencies. This suggests that plasmid spread in the complex gut environment of animals and humans can be predicted based on in vitro testing and genetic data

    From Capillary Condensation to Interface Localization Transitions in Colloid Polymer Mixtures Confined in Thin Film Geometry

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    Monte Carlo simulations of the Asakura-Oosawa (AO) model for colloid-polymer mixtures confined between two parallel repulsive structureless walls are presented and analyzed in the light of current theories on capillary condensation and interface localization transitions. Choosing a polymer to colloid size ratio of q=0.8 and studying ultrathin films in the range of D=3 to D=10 colloid diameters thickness, grand canonical Monte Carlo methods are used; phase transitions are analyzed via finite size scaling, as in previous work on bulk systems and under confinement between identical types of walls. Unlike the latter work, inequivalent walls are used here: while the left wall has a hard-core repulsion for both polymers and colloids, at the right wall an additional square-well repulsion of variable strength acting only on the colloids is present. We study how the phase separation into colloid-rich and colloid-poor phases occurring already in the bulk is modified by such a confinement. When the asymmetry of the wall-colloid interaction increases, the character of the transition smoothly changes from capillary condensation-type to interface localization-type. The critical behavior of these transitions is discussed, as well as the colloid and polymer density profiles across the film in the various phases, and the correlation of interfacial fluctuations in the direction parallel to the confining walls. The experimental observability of these phenomena also is briefly discussed.Comment: 36 pages, 15 figure