1,062 research outputs found


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    Lumen - Gaia - Atlas : architectuur, kunst en tuinen van de gebouwen van de Environmental Sciences Group

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    The Environmental Sciences Group (ESG) is a collaboration between the Wageningen University Department of Environmental Sciences and the research institute Alterra. ESG contributes to realising a relatively high-quality and sustainable green living environment through expert and independent research in the fields of water and climate, soils, landscape, geo-information and ecosystems. This publication describes the architecture of the three buildings and mentions the art products and gardens in and around them


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    Український народ у своїй історії має великий досвід духовного життя, бо з покоління в покоління передає набуті навички, що стали невід’ємною части-ною нашої національності. Але з кожним роком наше покоління, на жаль, втра-чає зв’язок з попередніми поколіннями. Тому, щоб зберегти традиції, націона-льні особливості, в різні часи різноманітні інститути, товариства, окремі дослі-дники намагались створити найоптимальнішу методику організації та прове-дення історико-краєзнавчих експедицій

    Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells do not enhance intra-synovial tendon healing despite engraftment and homing to niches within the synovium

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    Intra-synovial tendon injuries display poor healing, which often results in reduced functionality and pain. A lack of effective therapeutic options has led to experimental approaches to augment natural tendon repair with autologous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) although the effects of the intra-synovial environment on the distribution, engraftment and functionality of implanted MSCs is not known. This study utilised a novel sheep model which, although in an anatomically different location, more accurately mimics the mechanical and synovial environment of the human rotator cuff, to determine the effects of intra-synovial implantation of MSCs

    Electric field dependence of pairing temperature and tunneling

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    Using the Bethe-Salpeter equation including high electric fields, the dependence of the critical temperature of onsetting superconductivity on the applied field is calculated analytically. The critical temperature of pairing is shown to increase with the applied field strength. This is a new field effect and could contribute to the explanation of recent experiments on field induced superconductivity. From the field dependence of the Bethe-Salpeter equation, the two--particle bound state solution is obtained as a resonance with a tunneling probability analogous to the WKB solution of a single particle confined in a potential and coupled to the electrical field.Comment: 4 pages 1 figure, revised version from 29.10.02, Rev. B in pres

    Management of shoulder pain by UK general practitioners (GPs): a national survey

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    OBJECTIVES: Studies in Canada, the USA and Australia suggested low confidence among general practitioners (GPs) in diagnosing and managing shoulder pain, with frequent use of investigations. There are no comparable studies in the UK; our objective was to describe the diagnosis and management of shoulder pain by GPs in the UK. METHODS: A national survey of a random sample of 5000 UK GPs collected data on shoulder pain diagnosis and management using two clinical vignettes that described primary care presentations with rotator cuff tendinopathy (RCT) and adhesive capsulitis (AdhC). RESULTS: Seven hundred and fourteen (14.7%) responses were received. 56% and 83% of GPs were confident in their diagnosis of RCT and AdhC, respectively, and a wide range of investigations and management options were reported. For the RCT presentation, plain radiographs of the shoulder were most common (60%), followed by blood tests (42%) and ultrasound scans (USS) (38%). 19% of those who recommended a radiograph and 76% of those who recommended a USS did so 'to confirm the diagnosis'. For the AdhC presentation, the most common investigations were blood tests (60%), plain shoulder radiographs (58%) and USS (31%). More than two-thirds of those recommending a USS did so 'to confirm the diagnosis'. The most commonly recommended treatment for both presentations was physiotherapy (RCT 77%, AdhC 71%) followed by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (RCT 58%, AdhC 74%). 17% opted to refer the RCT to secondary care (most often musculoskeletal interface service), compared with 31% for the AdhC. CONCLUSIONS: This survey of GPs in the UK highlights reliance on radiographs and blood tests in the management of common shoulder pain presentations. GPs report referring more than 7 out of 10 patients with RCT and AdhC to physiotherapists. These findings need to be viewed in the context of low response to the survey and, therefore, potential non-response bias

    Dynamical structure factors of S=1/2S=1/2 two-leg spin ladder systems

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    We investigate dynamical properties of S=1/2S=1/2 two-leg spin ladder systems. In a strong coupling region, an isolated mode appears in the lowest excited states, while in a weak coupling region, an isolated mode is reduced and the lowest excited states become a lower bound of the excitation continuum. We find in the system with equal intrachain and interchain couplings that due to a cyclic four-spin interaction, the distribution of the weights for the dynamical structure factor and characteristics of the lowest excited states are strongly influenced. The dynamical properties of two systems proposed for SrCu2O3{\rm SrCu_2O_3} are also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Commitment to glycolysis sustains survival of NO-producing inflammatory dendritic cells

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    TLR agonists initiate a rapid activation program in dendritic cells (DCs) that requires support from metabolic and bioenergetic resources. We found previously that TLR signaling promotes aerobic glycolysis and a decline in oxidative phosphorylation (OXHPOS) and that glucose restriction prevents activation and leads to premature cell death. However, it remained unclear why the decrease in OXPHOS occurs under these circumstances. Using real-time metabolic flux analysis, in the present study, we show that mitochondrial activity is lost progressively after activation by TLR agonists in inflammatory blood monocyte–derived DCs that express inducible NO synthase. We found that this is because of inhibition of OXPHOS by NO and that the switch to glycolysis is a survival response that serves to maintain ATP levels when OXPHOS is inhibited. Our data identify NO as a profound metabolic regulator in inflammatory monocyte–derived DCs

    Overview of segmented glass optics development for the Constellation-X hard X-ray telescope

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    We report recent work on segmented glass optics for the Constellation-H hard x-ray telescope. This effort seeks to both improve the figure of the free-standing glass substrates, and to refine a newly-developed mounting technology for the substrates. We discuss metrology on recently characterized glass shells both unmounted and mounted. We also present plans for several prototype optics to be constructed in the upcoming year