409 research outputs found

    Towards a Foucauldian Urban Political Ecology of water: Rethinking the hydro-social cycle and scholars' critical engagement

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    Thirty years after the death of Michel Foucault, notwithstanding the fact that his thought has profoundly shaped the contemporary reflection and contributed to move beyond structuralism, the Urban Political Ecology in general and the Urban Political Ecology of water in particular are still dominated by Marxist-inspired theoretical frameworks. This paper aims to provide a theoretical rationale for the development and implementation of a Foucauldian approach to the UPE of water. We show how a Foucauldian approach could shed light on the hydro-social cycle and could be the basis of a specific form of scholarly political engagement

    How to govern the urban hydrosocial cycle : archaeo-genealogy of hydromentalities in the Swiss urban water sector between 1850 and 1950

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    Switzerland appears to be a privileged place to investigate the urban political ecology of tap water because of the specificities of its political culture and organization and the relative abundance of drinking water in the country. In this paper, we refer to a Foucauldian theorization of power that is increasingly employed in the social sciences, including in human geography and political ecology. We also implement a Foucauldian methodology. In particular, we propose an archaeo-genealogical analysis of discourse to apprehend the links between urban water and the forms of governmentality in Switzerland between 1850 and 1950. Results show that two forms of governmentality, namely biopower and neoliberal governmentality, were present in the water sector in the selected period. Nonetheless, they deviate from the models proposed by Foucault, as their periodization and the classification of the technologies of power related to them prove to be much more blurred than Foucault's work, mainly based on France, might have suggested

    VLBI observations of weak extragalactic radio sources for the alignment of the future GAIA frame with the ICRF

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    The space astrometry mission GAIA will construct a dense optical QSO-based celestial reference frame. For consistency between the optical and radio positions, it will be important to align the GAIA frame and the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) with the highest accuracy. Currently, it is found that only 10% of the ICRF sources are suitable to establish this link, either because they are not bright enough at optical wavelengths or because they have significant extended radio emission which precludes reaching the highest astrometric accuracy. In order to improve the situation, we have initiated a VLBI survey dedicated to finding additional high-quality radio sources for aligning the two frames. The sample consists of about 450 sources, typically 20 times weaker than the current ICRF sources, which have been selected by cross-correlating optical and radio catalogues. This paper presents the observing strategy and includes preliminary results of observation of 224 of these sources with the European VLBI Network in June 2007

    Micro-insurance through corporate-NGO partnerships in West Bengal : opportunities and constraints

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    This Practical Note examines the nascent micro-insurance sector in West Bengal, paying particular attention to the corporate- NGO partnership model for micro-insurance distribution,which has been enabled by India's unique regulatory framework. We challenge the popularconstruction of this model as a 'win - win' for all parties by analysing conflicting understandings of micro-insurance schemes and their purposes by insurance companies, NGOs, and poorvillagers. The article also considers the role of the specific political context of West Bengal inconstricting corporate- NGO micro-insuranc

    The Double Quasar Q2138-431: Lensing by a Dark Galaxy?

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    We report the discovery of a new gravitational lens candidate Q2138-431AB, comprising two quasar images at a redshift of 1.641 separated by 4.5 arcsecs. The spectra of the two images are very similar, and the redshifts agree to better than 115 km.sec1^{-1}. The two images have magnitudes BJ=19.8B_J = 19.8 and BJ=21.0B_J = 21.0, and in spite of a deep search and image subtraction procedure, no lensing galaxy has been found with R<23.8R < 23.8. Modelling of the system configuration implies that the mass-to-light ratio of any lensing galaxy is likely to be around 1000M/L1000 M_{\odot}/L_{\odot}, with an absolute lower limit of 200M/L200 M_{\odot}/L_{\odot} for an Einstein-de Sitter universe. We conclude that the most likely explanation of the observations is gravitational lensing by a dark galaxy, although it is possible we are seeing a binary quasar.Comment: 17 pages (Latex), 8 postscript figures included, accepted by MNRA

    The Crab Nebula at 1.3 mm: evidence for a new synchrotron component

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    We present the results of 1.3 mm observations of the Crab Nebula, performed with the MPIfR bolometer arrays at the IRAM 30-m telescope. The maps obtained, of unprecedented quality at these wavelengths, allow a direct comparison with high-resolution radio maps. Although the spatial structure of the Crab Nebula does not change much from radio to millimetre wavelengths, we have detected significant spatial variations of the spectral index between 20 cm and 1.3 mm. The main effect is a spectral flattening in the inner region, which can be hardly explained just in terms of the evolution of a single population of synchrotron emitting electrons. We propose instead that this is the result of the emergence of a second synchrotron component, that we have tried to extract from the data. Shape and size of this component resemble those of the Crab Nebula in X rays. However, while the more compact structure of the Crab Nebula in X rays is commonly regarded as an effect of synchrotron downgrading, it cannot be explained why a similar structure is present also at mm wavelengths, where the electron lifetimes far exceed the nebular age. Our data, combined with published upper limits on spatial variations of the radio spectral index, also imply a low-energy cutoff for the distribution of electrons responsible for this additional synchrotron component. Although no model has been developed so far to explain the details of this component, one may verify that the total number of the electrons responsible for it is in agreement with what predicted by the classical pulsar-wind models, which otherwise are known to fail in accounting for the number of radio emitting electrons. We have also detected a spectral steepening at mm wavelengths in some elongated regions, whose positions match those of radio synchrotron filaments.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 8 figures, JPEG, given separately Submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Optically bright Active Galactic Nuclei in the ROSAT-Faint Source Catalogue

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    To build a large, optically bright, X-ray selected AGN sample we have correlated the ROSAT-FSC catalogue of X-ray sources with the USNO catalogue limited to objects brighter than O=16.5 and then with the APS database. Each of the 3,212 coincidences was classified using the slitless Hamburg spectra. 493 objects were found to be extended and 2,719 starlike. Using both the extended objects and the galaxies known from published catalogues we built up a sample of 185 galaxies with O_APS < 17.0 mag, which are high-probability counterparts of RASS-FSC X-ray sources. 130 galaxies have a redshift from the literature and for another 34 we obtained new spectra. The fraction of Seyfert galaxies in this sample is 20 %. To select a corresponding sample of 144 high-probability counterparts among the starlike sources we searched for very blue objects in an APS-based color-magnitude diagram. Forty-one were already known AGN and for another 91 objects we obtained new spectra, yielding 42 new AGN, increasing their number in the sample to 83. This confirms that surveys of bright QSOs are still significantly incomplete. On the other hand we find that, at a flux limit of 0.02 count /-1 and at this magnitude, only 40 % of all QSOs are detected by ROSAT.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, accepted by A&

    Informal production of the city: Momos, migrants, and an urban village in Delhi

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    This paper attempts to understand the production of the city through informality. In particular, informal practices related to the momo (dumpling) industry, concentrated in the ‘urban village’ of Chirag Dilli, are analysed in their dialectic relationship with formal planning and legislation in Delhi. We use a Lefebvrian framework that views city-making as an interaction of formal representations in the form of master plans, etc., informal and formal spatial practices (including momo production and living patterns) and representational (imagined) spaces related to neighbourhoods and the city. Drawing on primary qualitative data, we examine how informality informed the formal planning. The uneven application of state legislation, in turn, fostered particular informal practices (such as momo manufacturing) and the emergence of a distinct urban morphology and of new cohabitation practices. The informal momo industry also altered the representational associations made with both the Chirag Dilli neighbourhood and the city of Delhi. The paper shows how informal practices constantly interact with formal frameworks to co-produce urban space and consequently the city. We argue that informal practices are not necessarily in conflict with formal planning or subverting it, but that they play a central role in their own right for the production of space

    Diagnostics of the structure of AGN's broad line regions with reverberation mapping data: confirmation of the two-component broad line region model

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    We re-examine the ten Reverberation Mapping (RM) sources with public data based on the two-component model of the Broad Line Region (BLR). In fitting their broad H-beta lines, six of them only need one Gaussian component, one of them has a double-peak profile, one has an irregular profile, and only two of them need two components, i.e., a Very Broad Gaussian Component (VBGC) and an Inter-Mediate Gaussian Component (IMGC). The Gaussian components are assumed to come from two distinct regions in the two-component model; they are Very Broad Line Region (VBLR) and Inter-Mediate Line region (IMLR). The two sources with a two-component profile are Mrk 509 and NGC 4051. The time lags of the two components of both sources satisfy tIMLR/tVBLR=VVBLR2/VIMLR2t_{IMLR}/t_{VBLR}=V^2_{VBLR}/V^2_{IMLR}, where tIMLRt_{IMLR} and tVBLRt_{VBLR} are the lags of the two components while VIMLRV_{IMLR} and VVBLRV_{VBLR} represent the mean gas velocities of the two regions, supporting the two-component model of the BLR of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). The fact that most of these ten sources only have the VBGC confirms the assumption that RM mainly measures the radius of the VBLR; consequently, the radius obtained from the R-L relationship mainly represent the radius of VBLR. Moreover, NGC 4051, with a lag of about 5 days in the one component model, is an outlier on the R-L relationship as shown in Kaspi et al. (2005); however this problem disappears in our two-component model with lags of about 2 and 6 days for the VBGC and IMGC, respectively.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in the Special Issue of Science in China (G) "Astrophysics of Black holes and Related Compact Objects

    Unification of Radio Galaxies and Their Accretion/Jet Properties

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    We investigate the relation between black hole mass, M_bh, and jet power, Q_jet, for a sample of BL Lacs and radio quasars. We find that BL Lacs are separated from radio quasars by the FR I/II dividing line in M_bh-Q_jet plane, which strongly supports the unification scheme of FR I/BL Lac and FR II/radio quasar. The Eddington ratio distribution of BL Lacs and radio quasars exhibits a bimodal nature with a rough division at L_bol/L_Edd~0.01, which imply that they may have different accretion modes. We calculate the jet power extracted from advection dominated accretion flow (ADAF), and find that it require dimensionless angular momentum of black hole j~0.9-0.99 to reproduce the dividing line between FR I/II or BL Lac/radio quasar if dimensionless accretion rate mdot=0.01 is adopted, which is required by above bimodal distribution of Eddington ratios. Our results suggest that black holes in radio galaxies are rapidly spinning.Comment: To appear JAA in Jun