4,116 research outputs found

    Charmonium in Medium: From Correlators to Experiment

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    We set up a framework in which in-medium charmonium properties are constrained by thermal lattice QCD and subsequently implemented into a thermal rate equation enabling the comparison with experimental data in heavy-ion collisions. Specifically, we evaluate phenomenological consequences for charmonium production originating from two different scenarios in which either the free or the internal energy are identified with the in-medium 2-body potential between charm and anti-charm quarks. These two scenarios represent J/ψJ/\psi "melting temperatures" of approximately 1.25\,TcT_c ("weak binding") and 2\,TcT_c ("strong binding"), respectively. Within current uncertainties in dissociation rates and charm-quark momentum spectra, both scenarios can reproduce the centrality dependence of inclusive J/ψJ/\psi yields in nuclear collisions at SPS and RHIC reasonably well. However, the "strong-binding" scenario associated the the internal energy as the potential tends to better reproduce current data on transverse momentum spectra at both SPS and RHIC.Comment: 18 pages, 30 figure

    Theory and Phenomenology of Heavy Flavor at RHIC

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    We review the problem of heavy-quark diffusion in the Quark-Gluon Plasma and its ramifications for heavy-quark spectra in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC. In particular, we attempt to reconcile underlying mechanisms of several seemingly different approaches that have been put forward to explain the large suppression and elliptic flow of non-photonic electron spectra. We also emphasize the importance of a quantitative description of the bulk medium evolution to extract reliable values for the heavy-quark diffusion coefficient.Comment: 8 pages latex, including 10 eps figures; plenary talk at SQM08, Beijing (China), Oct. 06-10, 200

    Medium Modifications of Charm and Charmonium in High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    The production of charmonia in heavy-ion collisions is investigated within a kinetic theory framework simultaneously accounting for dissociation and regeneration processes in both quark-gluon plasma (QGP) and hadron-gas phases of the reaction. In-medium modifications of open-charm states (c-quarks, D-mesons) and the survival of J/psi mesons in the QGP are included as inferred from lattice QCD. Pertinent consequences on equilibrium charmonium abundances are evaluated and found to be especially relevant to explain the measured centrality dependence of the psi'/psi ratio at SPS. Predictions for recent In-In experiments, as well as comparisons to current Au-Au data from RHIC, are provided.Comment: 4 Latex pages including 4 eps figures and IOP style files. Talk given at the 17th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Quark Matter 2004, Oakland, CA USA, 11-17 Jan 2004. To appear in J. Phys.

    Theory and Phenomenology of Vector Mesons in Medium

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    Electromagnetic probes promise to be direct messengers of (spectral properties of) hot and dense matter formed in heavy-ion collisions, even at soft momentum transfers essential for characterizing possible phase transitions. We examine how far we have progressed toward this goal by highlighting recent developments, and trying to establish connections between lattice QCD, effective hadronic models and phenomenology of dilepton production.Comment: 8 pages latex incl. 12 ps/eps files; invited plenary talk at Quark Matter 2006 conference, Shanghai (China), Nov. 14-20, 200

    Medium Effects in rho-Meson Photoproduction

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    We compute dilepton invariant mass spectra from the decays of rho mesons produced by photon reactions off nuclei. Our calculations employ a realistic model for the rho photoproduction amplitude on the nucleon which provides fair agreement with measured cross sections. Medium effects are implemented via an earlier constructed rho propagator based on hadronic many-body theory. At incoming photon energies of 1.5 -3 GeV as used by the CLAS experiment at JLAB, the average density probed for iron targets is estimated at about half saturation density. At the pertinent rho-meson 3-momenta the predicted medium effects on the rho propagator are rather moderate. The resulting dilepton spectra approximately agree with recent CLAS data.Comment: One numerical error corrected, conclusions unchange

    Dileptons in High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    The current status of our understanding of dilepton production in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions is discussed with special emphasis on signals from the (approach towards) chirally restored and deconfined phases. In particular, recent results of the CERN-SPS low-energy runs are compared to model predictions and interpreted. Prospects for RHIC experiments are given.Comment: Invited talk at ICPAQGP, Jaipur, India, Nov. 26-30, 2001; 1 Latex and 9 eps-/ps-files Reoprt No.: SUNY-NTG-02-0

    Interpretation of Recent SPS Dilepton Data

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    We summarize our current theoretical understanding of in-medium properties of the electromagnetic current correlator in view of recent dimuon data from the NA60 experiment in In(158 AGeV)-In collisions at the CERN-SPS. We discuss the sensitivity of the results to space-time evolution models for the hot and dense partonic and hadronic medium created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions and the contributions from different sources to the dilepton-excess spectra.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2006) v2: references added, minor typos correcte

    Space shuttle food system summary, 1981-1986

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    All food in the Space Shuttle food system was precooked and processed so it required no refrigeration and was either ready-to-eat or could be prepared for consumption by simply adding water and/or heating. A gun-type water dispenser and a portable, suitcase-type heater were used to support this food system during the first four missions. On STS-5, new rehydratable packages were introduced along with a needle-injection water dispenser that measured the water as it was dispensed into the packages. A modular galley was developed to facilitate the meal preparation process aboard the Space Shuttle. The galley initially flew on STS-9. A personal hygiene station, a hot or cold water dispenser, a convection oven, and meal assembly areas were included in the galley

    Photon and dilepton emission rates from high density quark matter

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    We compute the rates of real and virtual photon (dilepton) emission from dense QCD matter in the color-flavor locked (CFL) phase, focusing on results at moderate densities (3-5 times the nuclear saturation density) and temperatures T≃80T\simeq80 MeV. We pursue two approaches to evaluate the electromagnetic (e.m.) response of the CFL ground state: (i) a direct evaluation of the photon self energy using quark particle/-hole degrees of freedom, and (ii) a Hidden Local Symmetry (HLS) framework based on generalized mesonic excitations where the ρ\rho meson is introduced as a gauge boson of a local SU(3) color-flavor group. The ρ\rho coupling to generalized two-pion states induces a finite width and allows to address the issue of vector meson dominance (VMD) in the CFL phase. We compare the calculated emissivities (dilepton rates) to those arising from standard hadronic approaches including in-medium effects. For rather large superconducting gaps (several tens of MeV at moderate densities), as suggested by both perturbative and nonperturbative estimates, the dilepton rates from CFL quark matter turn out to be very similar to those obtained in hadronic many-body calculations, especially for invariant masses above M≃0.3M\simeq0.3 GeV. A similar observation holds for (real) photon production.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure
