909 research outputs found

    Altered white matter connectivity associated with visual hallucinations following occipital stroke

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    Introduction: Visual hallucinations that arise following vision loss stem from aberrant functional activity in visual cortices and an imbalance of activity across associated cortical and subcortical networks subsequent to visual pathway damage. We sought to determine if structural changes in white matter connectivity play a role in cases of chronic visual hallucinations associated with visual cortical damage. Methods: We performed diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and probabilistic fiber tractography to assess white matter connectivity in a patient suffering from continuous and disruptive phosphene (simple) visual hallucinations for more than 2 years following right occipital stroke. We compared these data to that of healthy age-matched controls. Results: Probabilistic tractography to reconstruct white matter tracts suggests regeneration of terminal fibers of the ipsilesional optic radiations in the patient. However, arrangement of the converse reconstruction of these tracts, which were seeded from the ipsilesional visual cortex to the intrahemispheric lateral geniculate body, remained disrupted. We further observed compromised structural characteristics, and changes in diffusion (measured using diffusion tensor indices) of white matter tracts in the patient connecting the visual cortex with frontal and temporal regions, and also in interhemispheric connectivity between visual cortices. Conclusions: Cortical remapping and the disruption of communication between visual cortices and remote regions are consistent with our previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data showing imbalanced functional activity of the same regions in this patient (Rafique et al, 2016, Neurology, 87, 1493–1500). Long-term adaptive and disruptive changes in white matter connectivity may account for the rare nature of cases presenting with chronic and continuous visual hallucinations.York University Librarie

    Enhancing Knowledge Acquisition in Pharmaceutical Organisations based in Pakistan

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    Absorptive Capacity (ACAP) depicts the sequential order of activities connecting externally generated knowledge into an organisation; this involves a company’s ability to acquire new knowledge from an external source, assimilate and transform it, and eventually exploit it via its industrial processes and products/services. The sandwiched role of middle managers, being interlinked between decision makers and employees, has been argued as vital to organisational success. However, their role is often viewed as having conflicts astride management i.e. between employees and decision makers. This study, using a thematic analysis approach, explores and identifies the common and conflicting role of middle managers, as viewed by different respondents in organisational hierarchies. Results, based on a sample of 33 employees operating in the Pakistan Pharmaceutical sector, indicate that conflicting roles of middle managers also persist with more common roles in organisations

    Global and regional variability and change in terrestrial ecosystems net primary production and NDVI: A model-data comparison

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    The net primary productivity (NPP) is commonly used for understanding the dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems and their role in carbon cycle. We used a combination of the most recent NDVI and model-based NPP estimates (from five models of the TRENDY project) for the period 1982–2012, to study the role of terrestrial ecosystems in carbon cycle under the prevailing climate conditions. We found that 80% and 67% of the global land area showed positive NPP and NDVI values, respectively, for this period. The global NPP was estimated to be about 63 Pg C·y−1, with an increase of 0.214 Pg C·y−1·y−1. Similarly, the global mean NDVI was estimated to be 0.33, with an increasing trend of 0.00041 y−1. The spatial patterns of NPP and NDVI demonstrated substantial variability, especially at the regional level, for most part of the globe. However, on temporal scale, both global NPP and NDVI showed a corresponding pattern of increase (decrease) for the duration of this study except for few years (e.g., 1990 and 1995–1998). Generally, the Northern Hemisphere showed stronger NDVI and NPP increasing trends over time compared to the Southern Hemisphere; however, NDVI showed larger trends in Temperate regions while NPP showed larger trends in Boreal regions. Among the five models, the maximum and minimum NPP were produced by JULES (72.4 Pg C·y−1) and LPJ (53.72 Pg C·y−1) models, respectively. At latitudinal level, the NDVI and NPP ranges were ~0.035 y−1 to ~−0.016 y−1 and ~0.10 Pg C·y−1·y−1 to ~−0.047 Pg C·y−1·y−1, respectively. Overall, the results of this study suggest that the modeled NPP generally correspond to the NDVI trends in the temporal dimension. The significant variability in spatial patterns of NPP and NDVI trends points to a need for research to understand the causes of these discrepancies between molded and observed ecosystem dynamics, and the carbon cycle

    Experiencing space–time: the stretched lifeworlds of migrant workers in India

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    In the relatively rare instances when the spatialities of temporary migrant work, workers’ journeys, and labour-market negotiations have been the subject of scholarly attention, there has been little work that integrates time into the analysis. Building on a case study of low-paid and insecure migrant manual workers in the context of rapid economic growth in India, we examine both material and subjective dimensions of these workers’ spatiotemporal experiences. What does it mean to live life stretched out, multiplyattached to places across national space? What kinds of place attachments emerge for people temporarily sojourning in, rather than moving to, new places to reside and work? Our analysis of the spatiotemporalities of migrant workers’ experiences in India suggests that, over time, this group of workers use their own agency to seek to avoid the experience of humiliation and indignity in employment relations. Like David Harvey, we argue that money needs to be integrated into such analysis, along with space and time. The paper sheds light on processes of exclusion, inequality and diff erentiation, unequal power geometries, and social topographies that contrast with neoliberalist narratives of ‘Indian shining

    Carbon Nanotube Reinforced High Density Polyethylene Materials for Offshore Sheathing Applications

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    Multiwall carbon nanotube (CNT)-filled high density polyethylene (HDPE) nanocomposites were prepared by extrusion and considered for their suitability in the offshore sheathing applications. Transmission electron microscopy was conducted to analyse dispersion after bulk extrusion. Monolithic and nanocomposite samples were subjected to accelerated weathering and photodegradation (carbonyl and vinyl indices) characterisations, which consisted of heat, moisture (seawater) and UV light, intended to imitate the offshore conditions. The effects of accelerated weathering on mechanical properties (tensile strength and elastic modulus) of the nanocomposites were analysed. CNT addition in HDPE produced environmentally resilient nanocomposites with improved mechanical properties. The energy utilised to extrude nanocomposites was also less than the energy used to extrude monolithic HDPE samples. The results support the mass substitution of CNT-filled HDPE nanocomposites in high-end offshore applications

    Use of the 'Accountability for Reasonableness' Approach to Improve Fairness in Accessing Dialysis in a Middle-Income Country

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    Universal access to renal replacement therapy is beyond the economic capability of most low and middle-income countries due to large patient numbers and the high recurrent cost of treating end stage kidney disease. In countries where limited access is available, no systems exist that allow for optimal use of the scarce dialysis facilities. We previously reported that using national guidelines to select patients for renal replacement therapy resulted in biased allocation. We reengineered selection guidelines using the 'Accountability for Reasonableness' (procedural fairness) framework in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, applying these in a novel way to categorize and prioritize patients in a unique hierarchical fashion. The guidelines were primarily premised on patients being transplantable. We examined whether the revised guidelines enhanced fairness of dialysis resource allocation. This is a descriptive study of 1101 end stage kidney failure patients presenting to a tertiary renal unit in a middle-income country, evaluated for dialysis treatment over a seven-year period. The Assessment Committee used the accountability for reasonableness-based guidelines to allocate patients to one of three assessment groups. Category 1 patients were guaranteed renal replacement therapy, Category 3 patients were palliated, and Category 2 were offered treatment if resources allowed. Only 25.2% of all end stage kidney disease patients assessed were accepted for renal replacement treatment. The majority of patients (48%) were allocated to Category 2. Of 134 Category 1 patients, 98% were accepted for treatment while 438 (99.5%) Category 3 patients were excluded. Compared with those palliated, patients accepted for dialysis treatment were almost 10 years younger, employed, married with children and not diabetic. Compared with our previous selection process our current method of priority setting based on procedural fairness arguably resulted in more equitable allocation of treatment but, more importantly, it is a model that is morally, legally and ethically more defensible

    Recent Development and Results with the MERLIN Tracking Code

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    MERLIN is a high performance accelerator simulation code which is used for modelling the collimation system at the LHC. It is written in extensible object-oriented C++ so new physics processes can be easily added. In this article we present recent developments needed for the Hi-Lumi LHC and future high energy colliders including FCC, such as hollow electron lenses and composite materials. We also give an overview of recent simulation work, validation against LHC data from run 1 and 2, and loss maps for Hi-Lumi LHC

    Anti-inflammatory effects of topical lactobacillus acidophilus and antibiotic in wound repair on the basis of microscopic parameters: a comparative study in rats

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    Background: Wound treatment still a task for medical professionals, according to the time advancement. We need to elaborate further new interventions to cope up this common factor of community. The objective of the study was to assess the anti-inflammatory topical role of Lactobacillus acidophilus with antibiotic in wound repair of rats based on of microscopic parameters. This comparative study was conducted in the Department of Anatomy Al-Tibri Medical Collage and Hospital Isra University Karachi Campus from December 2018 to April 2019.Methods: Total 18 male of wistar rats were randomly selected for this study. The study comprised of three topical groups Control, Antibiotic and Lactobacillus acidophilus groups respectively.Results: The samples were taken from the wound site for the preparation of microscopic slides, to count the numbers of neutrophils, lymphocytes and macrophages for the evaluation of anti-inflammatory process in both groups on day 3 and 7. Data obtained were analyzed by SPSS version 20 by applying One Way ANOVA and post hoc Tukey’s test.Conclusions: The results were shown potent anti-inflammatory effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus group in comparison with other conventional therapy. The study concludes that the topical application of Lactobacillus acidophilus had remarkable anti-inflammatory effects in wound management
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