1,006 research outputs found

    Plume Characterization of a One-Millipound Solid Teflon Pulsed Plasma Thruster, Phase 2

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    Measurements of the pulsed plasma thruster (PPT) plume upstream mass flux were made in the Molecular Sink (MOLSINK) vacuum facility in order to minimize the plume-tank wall reflected mass flux. Using specially designed collimators on 4 rows of Quartz Crystal Microbalanced (QCMs) mounted on a support extending radially away from the plume axis, measurements were made of the mass flux originating in a thin slice of the PPT primary plume at an arbitrary dip angle with respect to the thruster axis. The measured and analytically corrected mass flux from particles reflected from the MOLSINK walls was substracted from the collimated QCM measurements to improve their accuracy. These data were then analytically summed over dip angle to estimate the total plume backflow upstream of the thruster nozzle. The results indicate that the PPT backflow is of order 10 to the minus 10th power g/square cm/pulse in the region from 38 to 86 cm from the PPT axis in the nozzle exit plane. This flux drops with the square of the radial distance from the PPT axis and is comparable to the backflow of an 8 cm ion thruster, which has performance characteristics similar to those of the PPT

    A Cation-π Interaction in the Binding Site of the Glycine Receptor Is Mediated by a Phenylalanine Residue

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    Cys-loop receptor binding sites characteristically contain many aromatic amino acids. In nicotinic ACh and 5-HT3 receptors, a Trp residue forms a cation-{pi} interaction with the agonist, whereas in GABAA receptors, a Tyr performs this role. The glycine receptor binding site, however, contains predominantly Phe residues. Homology models suggest that two of these Phe side chains, Phe159 and Phe207, and possibly a third, Phe63, are positioned such that they could contribute to a cation-{pi} interaction with the primary amine of glycine. Here, we test this hypothesis by incorporation of a series of fluorinated Phe derivatives using unnatural amino acid mutagenesis. The data reveal a clear correlation between the glycine EC50 value and the cation-{pi} binding ability of the fluorinated Phe derivatives at position 159, but not at positions 207 or 63, indicating a single cation-{pi} interaction between glycine and Phe159. The data thus provide an anchor point for locating glycine in its binding site, and demonstrate for the first time a cation-{pi} interaction between Phe and a neurotransmitter

    The clinical value of [90Y-DOTA]-D-Phe1-Tyr3-octreotide (90Y-DOTATOC) in the treatment of neuroendocrine tumours: A clinical phase II study

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    Purpose: The aim of this phase II study was to evaluate the tumour response of neuroendocrine tumours to targeted irradiation with the radiolabelled somatostatin analogue 90Y-DOTATOC. In addition, the palliative effect of 90-Y-DO-TATOC treatment on the malignant carcinoid syndrome and tumour-associated pain was investigated. Patients and methods: Forty-one patients (mean age 53 years) with neuroendocrine gastroenteropancreatic and bronchial tumours were included. Eighty-two percent of the patients had therapy resistant and progressive disease. The treatment con sisted of four intravenous injections ofa total of 6000 MBq/m2 90Y-DOTATOC, administered at intervals of six weeks. Results:The overall response rate was 24%. For endocrine pancreatic tumours it was 36%. Complete remissions (CR) were found in 2% (1 of 41), partial remissions (PR) in 22% (9 of 41), minor response in 12% (5 of 41), stable disease (SD) in 49% (20 of4l) and progressive disease (PD) in 15% (6 of4l). The median follow up was 15 months (range 1 month to 36 months). The median duration of response has not been reached at 26 months. The two-year survival time was 76 ± 16%. Eighty-three percent of the patients suffering from the malignant carcinoid syndrome achieved a significant reduction of symptoms. The treatment was well tolerated. A reduction of pain score was observed in all patients (5 of 41) with morphine dependent tumour-associated pain. Side effects included grade LU (NCIGC) pancytopenia in 5%, and vomiting shortly after injection in 23%. No grade III—IV renal toxicity was observed. Conclusion: Targeted radiotherapy with 90Y-DOTATOC is a novel, well-tolerated treatment for neuroendocrine turnours with a remarkable objective response rate, survival time, and symptomatic respons

    Is diversity good?

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    Prominent ethical and policy issues such as affirmative action and female enrollment in science and engineering revolve around the idea that diversity is good. However, even though diversity is an ambiguous concept, a precise definition is seldom provided. We show that diversity may be construed as a factual description, a craving for symmetry, an intrinsic good, an instrumental good, a symptom, or a side effect. These acceptions differ vastly in their nature and properties. The first one cannot lead to any action and the second one is mistaken. Diversity as intrinsic good is a mere opinion, which cannot be concretely applied; moreover, the most commonly invoked forms of diversity (sexual and racial) are not intrinsically good. On the other hand, diversity as instrumental good can be evaluated empirically and can give rise to policies, but these may be very weak. Finally, symptoms and side effects are not actually about diversity. We consider the example of female enrollment in science and engineering, interpreting the various arguments found in the literature in light of this polysemy. Keywords: ethics, policy, higher education, female students, minority students, affirmative actionComment: 7 page

    Tracing fetal and childhood exposure to lead using isotope analysis of deciduous teeth

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    We report progress in using the isotopic composition and concentration of Pb in the dentine and enamel of deciduous teeth to provide a high resolution time frame of exposure to Pb during fetal development and early childhood. Isotope measurements (total Pb and 208Pb/206Pb, 207Pb/206Pb ratios) were acquired by laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry at contiguous 100 micron intervals across thin sections of the teeth; from the outer enamel surface to the pulp cavity. Teeth samples (n=10) were selected from two cohorts of children, aged 5–8 years, living in NE England. By integrating the isotope data with histological analysis of the teeth, using the daily incremental lines in dentine, we were able to assign true estimated ages to each ablation point (first 2–3 years for molars, first 1–2 years for incisors+pre-natal growth). Significant differences were observed in the isotope composition and concentration of Pb between children, reflecting differences in the timing and sources of exposure during early childhood. Those born in 2000, after the withdrawal of leaded petrol in 1999, have the lowest dentine Pb levels (0.4 µgPb/g) with 208Pb/206Pb (mean ±2σ: 2.145–2.117) 208Pb/206Pb (mean ±2σ: 0.898–0.882) ratios that can be modelled as a binary mix between industrial aerosols and leaded petrol emissions. Short duration, high intensity exposure events (1–2 months) were readily identified, together with evidence that dentine provides a good proxy for childhood changes in the isotope composition of blood Pb. Our pilot study confirms that laser ablation Pb isotope analysis of deciduous teeth, when carried out in conjunction with histological analysis, permits a reconstruction of the timing, duration and source of exposure to Pb during early childhood. With further development, this approach has the potential to study larger cohorts and appraise environments where the levels of exposure to Pb are much higher

    Does Particulate Air Pollution Contribute to Infant Death? A Systematic Review

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    There is now substantial evidence that both short- and long-term increases in ambient air pollution are associated with increased mortality and morbidity in adults and children. Children’s health is particularly vulnerable to environmental pollution, and infant mortality is still a major contributor to childhood mortality. In this systematic review we summarize and evaluate the current level of epidemiologic evidence of an association between particulate air pollution and infant mortality. We identified relevant publications using database searches with a comprehensive list of search terms and other established search methods. We included articles in the review according to specified inclusion criteria. Fifteen studies met our inclusion criteria. Evidence of an association between particulate air pollution and infant mortality in general was inconsistent, being reported from locations with largely comparable pollution levels. There was some evidence that the strength of association with particulate matter differed by subgroups of infant mortality. It was more consistent for post-neonatal mortality due to respiratory causes and sudden infant death syndrome. Differential findings for various mortality subgroups within studies suggest a stronger association of particulate air pollution with some causes of infant death. Research is needed to confirm and clarify these links, using the most appropriate methodologies for exposure assessment and control of confounders

    Advanced Energy Retrofit Guide (AERG): Practical Ways to Improve Energy Performance; Healthcare Facilities (Book)

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    The Advanced Energy Retrofit Guide for Healthcare Facilities is part of a series of retrofit guides commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy. By presenting general project planning guidance as well as detailed descriptions and financial payback metrics for the most important and relevant energy efficiency measures (EEMs), the guides provide a practical roadmap for effectively planning and implementing performance improvements in existing buildings. The Advanced Energy Retrofit Guides (AERGs) are intended to address key segments of the U.S. commercial building stock: retail stores, office buildings, K-12 schools, grocery stores, and healthcare facilities. The guides' general project planning considerations are applicable nationwide; the energy and cost savings estimates for recommended EEMs were developed based on energy simulations and cost estimates for an example hospital tailored to five distinct climate regions. These results can be extrapolated to other U.S. climate zones. Analysis is presented for individual EEMs, and for packages of recommended EEMs for two project types: existing building commissioning projects that apply low-cost and no-cost measures, and whole-building retrofits involving more capital-intensive measures