2,150 research outputs found

    Entropy in the Classical and Quantum Polymer Black Hole Models

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    We investigate the entropy counting for black hole horizons in loop quantum gravity (LQG). We argue that the space of 3d closed polyhedra is the classical counterpart of the space of SU(2) intertwiners at the quantum level. Then computing the entropy for the boundary horizon amounts to calculating the density of polyhedra or the number of intertwiners at fixed total area. Following the previous work arXiv:1011.5628, we dub these the classical and quantum polymer models for isolated horizons in LQG. We provide exact micro-canonical calculations for both models and we show that the classical counting of polyhedra accounts for most of the features of the intertwiner counting (leading order entropy and log-correction), thus providing us with a simpler model to further investigate correlations and dynamics. To illustrate this, we also produce an exact formula for the dimension of the intertwiner space as a density of "almost-closed polyhedra".Comment: 24 page

    Resolving galaxies in time and space: II: Uncertainties in the spectral synthesis of datacubes

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    In a companion paper we have presented many products derived from the application of the spectral synthesis code STARLIGHT to datacubes from the CALIFA survey, including 2D maps of stellar population properties and 1D averages in the temporal and spatial dimensions. Here we evaluate the uncertainties in these products. Uncertainties due to noise and spectral shape calibration errors and to the synthesis method are investigated by means of a suite of simulations based on 1638 CALIFA spectra for NGC 2916, with perturbations amplitudes gauged in terms of the expected errors. A separate study was conducted to assess uncertainties related to the choice of evolutionary synthesis models. We compare results obtained with the Bruzual & Charlot models, a preliminary update of them, and a combination of spectra derived from the Granada and MILES models. About 100k CALIFA spectra are used in this comparison. Noise and shape-related errors at the level expected for CALIFA propagate to 0.10-0.15 dex uncertainties in stellar masses, mean ages and metallicities. Uncertainties in A_V increase from 0.06 mag in the case of random noise to 0.16 mag for shape errors. Higher order products such as SFHs are more uncertain, but still relatively stable. Due to the large number statistics of datacubes, spatial averaging reduces uncertainties while preserving information on the history and structure of stellar populations. Radial profiles of global properties, as well as SFHs averaged over different regions are much more stable than for individual spaxels. Uncertainties related to the choice of base models are larger than those associated with data and method. Differences in mean age, mass and metallicity are ~ 0.15 to 0.25 dex, and 0.1 mag in A_V. Spectral residuals are ~ 1% on average, but with systematic features of up to 4%. The origin of these features is discussed. (Abridged)Comment: A&A, accepte

    Benzo-fused Lactams from a Diversity-oriented Synthesis (DOS) Library as Inhibitors of Scavenger Receptor BI (SR-BI)-mediated Lipid Uptake

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    We report a new series of 8-membered benzo-fused lactams that inhibit cellular lipid uptake from HDL particles mediated by Scavenger Receptor, Class B, Type I (SR-BI). The series was identified via a high-throughput screen of the National Institutes of Health Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Repository (NIH MLSMR), measuring the transfer of the fluorescent lipid DiI from HDL particles to CHO cells overexpressing SR-BI. The series is part of a previously reported diversity-oriented synthesis (DOS) library prepared via a build-couple-pair approach. Detailed structure–activity relationship (SAR) studies were performed with a selection of the original library, as well as additional analogs prepared via solution phase synthesis. These studies demonstrate that the orientation of the substituents on the aliphatic ring have a critical effect on activity. Additionally, a lipophilic group is required at the western end of the molecule, and a northern hydroxyl group and a southern sulfonamide substituent also proved to be optimal. Compound 2p was found to possess a superior combination of potency (av IC50 = 0.10 μM) and solubility (79 μM in PBS), and it was designated as probe ML312

    Classical Setting and Effective Dynamics for Spinfoam Cosmology

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    We explore how to extract effective dynamics from loop quantum gravity and spinfoams truncated to a finite fixed graph, with the hope of modeling symmetry-reduced gravitational systems. We particularize our study to the 2-vertex graph with N links. We describe the canonical data using the recent formulation of the phase space in terms of spinors, and implement a symmetry-reduction to the homogeneous and isotropic sector. From the canonical point of view, we construct a consistent Hamiltonian for the model and discuss its relation with Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmologies. Then, we analyze the dynamics from the spinfoam approach. We compute exactly the transition amplitude between initial and final coherent spin networks states with support on the 2-vertex graph, for the choice of the simplest two-complex (with a single space-time vertex). The transition amplitude verifies an exact differential equation that agrees with the Hamiltonian constructed previously. Thus, in our simple setting we clarify the link between the canonical and the covariant formalisms.Comment: 38 pages, v2: Link with discretized loop quantum gravity made explicit and emphasize

    Discovery of Bisamide-heterocycles as Inhibitors of Scavenger Receptor BI (SR-BI)-mediated Lipid Uptake

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    A new series of potent inhibitors of cellular lipid uptake from HDL particles mediated by scavenger receptor, class B, type I (SR-BI) was identified. The series was identified via a high-throughput screen of the National Institutes of Health Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Repository (NIH MLSMR) that measured the transfer of the fluorescent lipid DiI from HDL particles to CHO cells overexpressing SR-BI. The series is characterized by a linear peptidomimetic scaffold with two adjacent amide groups, as well as an aryl-substituted heterocycle. Analogs of the initial hit were rapidly prepared via Ugi 4-component reaction, and select enantiopure compounds were prepared via a stepwise sequence. Structure–activity relationship (SAR) studies suggest an oxygenated arene is preferred at the western end of the molecule, as well as highly lipophilic substituents on the central and eastern nitrogens. Compound 5e, with (R)-stereochemistry at the central carbon, was designated as probe ML279. Mechanistic studies indicate that ML279 stabilizes the interaction of HDL particles with SR-BI, and its effect is reversible. It shows good potency (IC50 = 17 nM), is non-toxic, plasma stable, and has improved solubility over our alternative probe ML278

    Star formation histories in mergers: the spatially resolved properties of the early-stage merger luminous infrared galaxies IC 1623 and NGC 6090

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    The role of major mergers in galaxy evolution is investigated through a detailed characterization of the stellar populations, ionized gas properties and star formation rates (SFR) in the early-stage merger luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) IC 1623 W and NGC 6090, by analysing optical integral field spectroscopy and high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope imaging. The spectra were processed with the starlight full spectral fitting code, and the emission lines measured in the residual spectra. The results are compared with non-interacting control spiral galaxies from the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey. Merger-induced star formation is extended and recent, as revealed by the young ages (50–80 Myr) and high contributions to light of young stellar populations (50–90 per cent), in agreement with merger simulations in the literature. These early-stage mergers have positive central gradients of the stellar metallicity, with an average ∼0.6 Z⊙. Compared to non-interacting spirals, they have lower central nebular metallicity, and flatter profiles, in agreement with the gas inflow scenario. We find that they are dominated by star formation, although shock excitation cannot be discarded in some regions, where high velocity dispersion is found (170–200 km s−1). The average SFR in these early-stage mergers (∼23–32 M⊙ yr−1) is enhanced with respect to main-sequence Sbc galaxies by factors of 6–9, slightly above the predictions from classical merger simulations, but still possible in about 15 per cent of major galaxy mergers, where U/LIRGs belong

    Indolinyl-Thiazole Based Inhibitors of Scavenger Receptor-BI (SR-BI)-Mediated Lipid Transport

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    A potent class of indolinyl-thiazole based inhibitors of cellular lipid uptake mediated by scavenger receptor, class B, type I (SR-BI) was identified via a high-throughput screen of the National Institutes of Health Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Repository (NIH MLSMR) in an assay measuring the uptake of the fluorescent lipid DiI from HDL particles. This class of compounds is represented by ML278 (17–11), a potent (average IC50 = 6 nM) and reversible inhibitor of lipid uptake via SR-BI. ML278 is a plasma-stable, noncytotoxic probe that exhibits moderate metabolic stability, thus displaying improved properties for in vitro and in vivo studies. Strikingly, ML278 and previously described inhibitors of lipid transport share the property of increasing the binding of HDL to SR-BI, rather than blocking it, suggesting there may be similarities in their mechanisms of action

    Resolving galaxies in time and space: I: Applying STARLIGHT to CALIFA data cubes

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    Fossil record methods based on spectral synthesis techniques have matured over the past decade, and their application to integrated galaxy spectra fostered substantial advances on the understanding of galaxies and their evolution. Yet, because of the lack of spatial resolution, these studies are limited to a global view, providing no information about the internal physics of galaxies. Motivated by the CALIFA survey, which is gathering Integral Field Spectroscopy over the full optical extent of 600 galaxies, we have developed an end-to-end pipeline which: (i) partitions the observed data cube into Voronoi zones in order to, when necessary and taking due account of correlated errors, increase the S/N, (ii) extracts spectra, including propagated errors and bad-pixel flags, (iii) feeds the spectra into the STARLIGHT spectral synthesis code, (iv) packs the results for all galaxy zones into a single file, (v) performs a series of post-processing operations, including zone-to-pixel image reconstruction and unpacking the spectral and stellar population properties into multi-dimensional time, metallicity, and spatial coordinates. This paper provides an illustrated description of this whole pipeline and its products. Using data for the nearby spiral NGC 2916 as a show case, we go through each of the steps involved, presenting ways of visualizing and analyzing this manifold. These include 2D maps of properties such as the v-field, stellar extinction, mean ages and metallicities, mass surface densities, star formation rates on different time scales and normalized in different ways, 1D averages in the temporal and spatial dimensions, projections of the stellar light and mass growth (x,y,t) cubes onto radius-age diagrams, etc. The results illustrate the richness of the combination of IFS data with spectral synthesis, providing a glimpse of what is to come from CALIFA and future surveys. (Abridged)Comment: A&A, accepte
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