854 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Berbicara dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Menggunakan Metode Role Playing di Kelas IV SD

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa dengan menggunakan metode role playing. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif. Bentuk penelitian adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian bersifat kolaboratif. Penelitian dilakukan di kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 54 Pontianak Barat dengan subyek penelitian yaitu siswa kelas IV yang berjumlah 32 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan keterampilan berbicara siswa pada base line, siswa yang tuntas yaitu 14 orang sedangkan yang tidak tuntas 18 orang dengan nilai rata – rata 71,25 dari 32 siswa, meningkat pada siklus I terlihat dari jumlah siswa yang tuntas yaitu 18 orang sedangkan yang tidak tuntas yaitu 14 orang dengan nilai rata – rata 72,71 dari 32 siswa, pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan terlihat, siswa yang tuntas yaitu 28 orang sedangkan yang tidak tuntas 4 orang dengan nilai rata – rata 83,15 dari 32 siswa, pada siklus III kembali mengalami peningkatan terlihat dari siswa yang tuntas yaitu 31 orang sedangkan yang tidak tuntas 1 orang dengan nilai rata – rata 94,06 dari 32 siswa. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode role playing dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 54 Pontianak Barat. Kata Kunci: peningkatan, keterampilan berbicara, metode role playing Abstrack: The purpose of research is to improve students' speaking skills using role playing. The method used descriptively. Form of research is classroom action research. Research is collaborative. The study was conducted in classes IV State Elementary School 54 West Pontianak with research subjects are students of fourth grade totaling 32 people. The results showed the students' speaking skills base line, students who completed ie 14 people, while the incomplete 18 people with value - average 71.25 of 32 students, increasing in the first cycle can be seen from the number of students who completed ie 18 people while not complete with 14 people with value - average 72.71 from 32 students in the second cycle increased visible, students who completed at 28 people, while incomplete 4 people with value - average 83.15 of 32 students, the third cycle back increased visible from students who completed ie 31 people, while an incomplete one person with value - average 94.06 of 32 students. It can be concluded that the method of role playing can improve students' speaking skills in learning Indonesian in class IV State Elementary School 54 West Pontianak

    Nieuwe grondstoffen voor biobrandstoffen : alternatieve 1e generatie energiegewassen

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    Bioenergie en dan vooral biobrandstoffen (voor transport) staan in de belangstelling. Hierbij gaat het vooral om de huidige zogenaamde 1e generatie biobrandstoffen. Deze zijn gebaseerd op suikers en zetmeel voor de productie van bioethanol als benzinevervanging of oliën en vetten voor de productie van biodiesel als dieselvervanging. De meeste biobrandstoffen zijn gebaseerd op gangbare grondstoffen zoals bijvoorbeeld suikerriet, koolzaad, maïs of palmolie. Er is ook een aanzienlijk aantal “nieuwe” of minder bekende biobrandstof grondstoffen. Regelmatig wordt er in de media aandacht besteed aan dergelijke nieuwe gewassen en worden deze gepresenteerd als veelbelovend en duurzaam. Echter, van deze “nieuwe” biobrandstof grondstoffen is veelal onduidelijk wat het potentieel is. Er zijn hierover veel vragen bij publiek, industrie en de overheid. Daarom wordt er in dit rapport een kort overzicht gegeven van een aantal alternatieve gewassen die grondstoffen voor 1e generatie biobrandstoffen kunnen leveren en wordt er een korte analyse gegeven van de mogelijkheid voor duurzame biobrandstofproductie. De volgende perspectiefvolle bioethanol- en biodieselgewassen zijn beschreven: Suikerpalm, Tropische suikerbiet, Cassave,Suiker sorghum, Nipa palm, Jatropha, Castor en Kokospal

    A high-affinity antibody against the CSP N-terminal domain lacks Plasmodium falciparum inhibitory activity

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    Malaria is a global health concern and research efforts are ongoing to develop a superior vaccine to RTS,S/AS01. To guide immunogen design, we seek a comprehensive understanding of the protective humoral response against Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein (PfCSP). In contrast to the well-studied responses to the repeat region and the C-terminus, the antibody response against the N-terminal domain of PfCSP (N-CSP) remains obscure. Here, we characterized the molecular recognition and functional efficacy of the N-CSP-specific monoclonal antibody 5D5. The crystal structure at 1.85 Åresolution revealed that 5D5 binds an α-helical epitope in N-CSP with high affinity through extensive shape and charge complementarity, and the unusual utilization of an N-linked glycan. Nevertheless, functional studies indicated low 5D5 binding to live Pf sporozoites, and lack of sporozoite inhibition in vitro and in mosquitoes. Overall, our data on low recognition and inhibition of sporozoites do not support the inclusion of the 5D5 epitope into the next generation of CSP-based vaccines.Summary Statement The Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite surface protein, PfCSP, is an attractive vaccine target, but the antibody response against the CSP N-terminal domain has remained understudied. Here, to guide immunogen design, Thai et al. provide insights into the binding motif and functional efficacy of the N-terminal domain-specific monoclonal antibody, 5D5

    Biodistribution of 111In-labelled IgG and IgM in experimental infection

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    Common Cenozoic Echinoids from Florida

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    Investigation of the Young’s modulus and thermal expansion of amorphous titania-doped tantala films

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    The current generation of advanced gravitational wave detectors utilize titania-doped tantala/silica multilayer stacks for their mirror coatings. The properties of the low-refractive-index silica are well known; however, in the absence of detailed direct measurements, the material parameters of Young’s modulus and coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the high refractive index material, titania-doped tantala, have been assumed to be equal to values measured for pure tantala coatings. In order to ascertain the true values necessary for thermal noise calculations, we have undertaken measurements of Young’s modulus and CTE through the use of nanoindentation and thermal-bending measurements. The measurements were designed to assess the effects of titania-doping concentration and post-deposition heat-treatment on the measured values in order to evaluate the possibility of optimizing material parameters to further improve thermal noise in the detector. Young’s modulus measurements on pure tantala and 25% and 55% titania-doped tantala show a wide range of values, from 132 to 177 GPa, which are dependent on both titania concentration and heat-treatment. Measurements of CTE give values of (3.9±0.1)×10^(−6)  K^(−1) and (4.9±0.3)×10^(−6)  K^(−1) for 25% and 55% titania-doped tantala, respectively, without dependence on post-deposition heat-treatment

    Targeted therapy in nuclear medicine—current status and future prospects

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    In recent years, a number of new developments in targeted therapies using radiolabeled compounds have emerged. New developments and insights in radioiodine treatment of thyroid cancer, treatment of lymphoma and solid tumors with radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), the developments in the application of radiolabeled small receptor-specific molecules such as meta-iodobenzylguanidine and peptides and the position of locoregional treatment in malignant involvement of the liver are reviewed. The introduction of recombinant human thyroid-stimulating hormone and the possibility to enhance iodine uptake with retinoids has changed the radioiodine treatment protocol of patients with thyroid cancer. Introduction of radiolabeled mAbs has provided additional treatment options in patients with malignant lymphoma, while a similar approach proves to be cumbersome in patients with solid tumors. With radiolabeled small molecules that target specific receptors on tumor cells, high radiation doses can be directed to tumors in patients with disseminated disease. Radiolabeled somatostatin derivatives for the treatment of neuroendocrine tumors are the role model for this approach. Locoregional treatment with radiopharmaceuticals of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma or metastases to the liver may be used in inoperable cases, but may also be of benefit in a neo-adjuvant or adjuvant setting. Significant developments in the application of targeted radionuclide therapy have taken place. New treatment modalities have been introduced in the clinic. The concept of combining therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals with other treatment modalities is more extensively explore