271 research outputs found

    Quantumness and memory of one qubit in a dissipative cavity under classical control

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    Hybrid quantum–classical systems constitute a promising architecture for useful control strategies of quantum systems by means of a classical device. Here we provide a comprehensive study of the dynamics of various manifestations of quantumness with memory effects, identified by non-Markovianity, for a qubit controlled by a classical field and embedded in a leaky cavity. We consider both Leggett–Garg inequality and quantum witness as experimentally-friendly indicators of quantumness, also studying the geometric phase of the evolved (noisy) quantum state. We show that, under resonant qubit-classical field interaction, a stronger coupling to the classical control leads to enhancement of quantumness despite a disappearance of non-Markovianity. Differently, increasing the qubit-field detuning (out-of-resonance) reduces the nonclassical behavior of the qubit while recovering non-Markovian features. We then find that the qubit geometric phase can be remarkably preserved irrespective of the cavity spectral width via strong coupling to the classical field. The controllable interaction with the classical field inhibits the effective time-dependent decay rate of the open qubit. These results supply practical insights towards a classical harnessing of quantum properties in a quantum information scenari

    Entanglement robustness via spatial deformation of identical particle wave functions

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    We address the problem of entanglement protection against surrounding noise by a procedure suitably exploiting spatial indistinguishability of identical subsystems. To this purpose, we take two initially separated and entangled identical qubits interacting with two independent noisy environments. Three typical models of environments are considered: amplitude damping channel, phase damping channel and depolarizing channel. After the interaction, we deform the wave functions of the two qubits to make them spatially overlap before performing spatially localized operations and classical communication (sLOCC) and eventually computing the entanglement of the resulting state. This way, we show that spatial indistinguishability of identical qubits can be utilized within the sLOCC operational framework to partially recover the quantum correlations spoiled by the environment. A general behavior emerges: the higher the spatial indistinguishability achieved via deformation, the larger the amount of recovered entanglement

    Fruit set and seed traits affected by N-phenyl-phetalamic acid in four grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars

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    Grapes are an important horticultural crop that is popularly consumed in a variety of different forms; the fruit is eaten in at its immature stage, as ripe fruit and dried as raisins and vine leaves are also consumed. Therefore any research on ways to improve production of Iranian grapes in terms of quality and quantity is valuable. The main purpose of this study was to test the use of Phenyl Phetalamic Acid (PPA) to improve fruit set and quality. The experiment was designed as a factorial for four grapevine cultivars; 'Razeghi', 'Askari', 'Sefidaly' and 'Rishbaba' and three concentrations of PPA (0, 500, 1000 mg∙L-1). Treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications. The experiment was done in the Kashmar vineyard (Khorasan Razavi province) during 2010 spring. PPA treatment was applied by foliar spraying at the stage of 50 % anthesis. Results showed that PPA levels had a significant effect on evaluated cluster traits (weight, length and number) and berry (number, weight, length and diameter). Fruit set index (number of berries per cluster) was 263.11 for 'Sefidaly' followed by 113, 109.89 and 76.11 for 'Askari', 'Razeghi' and 'Rishbaba', respectively. 'Askari' and 'Razeghi' cultivars showed similar and insignificant reactions but their difference was significant compared to 'Rishbaba'. The effect was significant for interactions of traits for cluster, berry and seed except for number of berries per cluster. Based on these results, cluster characters were significantly and positively affected by PPA treatment at the concentration of 1000 mg∙L-1. This concentration increased fruit set by 26.2 % compared to the control in all cultivars except for Askari. The PPA concentration 500 mg∙L-1, observed as the most effective treatment for improved berry characters, provided its non-significant difference with 1000 mg∙L-1. Seed number per berry decreased significantly in 'Askari' and 'Rishbaba' at 500 mg∙L-1, which was considered positive in terms of quality. In summary, results determined that PPA had a positive effect on fruit as an auxin synergist. These improved berry characteristics are hypothesized to occur through a decrease in the dominance of apical buds that would allow more metabolites to be directed to development of fruit clusters, although further research is required.

    A microfluidic approach to rapid sperm recovery from heterogeneous cell suspensions

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    The isolation of sperm cells from background cell populations and debris is an essential step in all assisted reproductive technologies. Conventional techniques for sperm recovery from testicular sperm extractions stagnate at the sample processing stage, where it can take several hours to identify viable sperm from a background of collateral cells such as white bloods cells (WBCs), red blood cells (RBCs), epithelial cells (ECs) and in some cases cancer cells. Manual identification of sperm from contaminating cells and debris is a tedious and time-consuming operation that can be suitably addressed through inertial microfluidics. Microfluidics has proven an effective technology for high-quality sperm selection based on motility. However, motility-based selection methods cannot cater for viable, non-motile sperm often present in testicular or epididymal sperm extractions and aspirations. This study demonstrates the use of a 3D printed inertial microfluidic device for the separation of sperm cells from a mixed suspension of WBCs, RBCs, ECs, and leukemic cancer cells. This technology presents a 36-fold time improvement for the recovery of sperm cells (> 96%) by separating sperm, RBCS, WBCs, ECs and cancer cells into tight bands in less than 5 min. Furthermore, microfluidic processing of sperm has no impact on sperm parameters; vitality, motility, morphology, or DNA fragmentation of sperm. Applying inertial microfluidics for non-motile sperm recovery can greatly improve the current processing procedure of testicular sperm extractions, simplifying the fertility outcomes for severe forms of male infertility that warrant the surgery

    Expansion of Single Cell Transcriptomics Data of SARS-CoV Infection in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells to COVID-19

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    Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the causative agent of coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) that was emerged as a new member of coronaviruses since December 2019 in Wuhan, China and then after was spread in all continentals. Since SARS-CoV-2 has shown about 77.5 similarity to SARS-CoV, the transcriptome and immunological regulations of SARS-CoV-2 was expected to have high percentage of overlap with SARS-CoV. Results: In this study, we applied the single cell transcriptomics data of human bronchial epithelial cells (2B4 cell line) infected with SARS-CoV, which was annotated in the Expression Atlas database to expand this data to COVID-19. In addition, we employed system biology methods including gene ontology (GO) and Reactome pathway analyses to define functional genes and pathways in the infected cells with SARS-CoV. The transcriptomics analysis on the Expression Atlas database revealed that most genes from infected 2B4 cell line with SARS-CoV were downregulated leading to immune system hyperactivation, induction of signaling pathways, and consequently a cytokine storm. In addition, GO:0016192 (vesicle-mediated transport), GO:0006886 (intracellular protein transport), and GO:0006888 (ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport) were shown as top three GOs in the ontology network of infected cells with SARS-CoV. Meanwhile, R-HAS-6807070 (phosphatase and tensin homolog or PTEN regulation) showed the highest association with other Reactome pathways in the network of infected cells with SARS-CoV. PTEN plays a critical role in the activation of dendritic cells, B- and T-cells, and secretion of proinflammatory cytokines, which cooperates with downregulated genes in the promotion of cytokine storm in the COVID-19 patients. Conclusions: Based on the high similarity percentage of the transcriptome of SARS-CoV with SARS-CoV-2, the data of immunological regulations, signaling pathways, and proinflammatory cytokines in SARS-CoV infection can be expanded to COVID-19 to have a valid platform for future pharmaceutical and vaccine studies. © 2020 The Author(s)

    Enhancing nonclassical bosonic correlations in a quantum walk network through experimental control of disorder

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    The presence of disorder and inhomogeneities in quantum networks has often been unexpectedly beneficial for both quantum and classical resources. Here we experimentally realize a controllable inhomogenous quantum walk (QW) dynamics, which can be exploited to investigate the effect of coherent disorder on the quantum correlations between two indistinguishable photons. Through the imposition of suitable disorder configurations, we observe two-photon states that exhibit an enhancement in the quantum correlations between two selected modes of the network, compared to the case of an ordered QW. Different configurations of disorder can steer the system toward different realizations of such an enhancement, thus allowing spatial and temporal manipulation of quantum correlations between remote modes of QW networks

    Identification and characterization of a silent mutation in RNA binding domain of N protein coding gene from SARS-CoV-2

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    Objective: This study describes the occurrence of a silent mutation in the RNA binding domain of nucleocapsid phosphoprotein (N protein) coding gene from SARS-CoV-2 that may consequence to a missense mutation by onset of another single nucleotide mutation. Results: In the DNA sequence isolated from severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) in Iran, a coding sequence for the RNA binding domain of N protein was detected. The comparison of Chinese and Iranian DNA sequences displayed that a thymine (T) was mutated to cytosine (C), so �TTG� from China was changed to �CTG� in Iran. Both DNA sequences from Iran and China have been encoded for leucine. In addition, the second T in �CTG� in the DNA or uracil (U) in �CUG� in the RNA sequences from Iran can be mutated to another C by a missense mutation resulting from thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG) of human and base excision repair mechanism to produce �CCG� encoding for proline, which consequently may increase the affinity of the RNA binding domain of N protein to viral RNA and improve the transcription rate, pathogenicity, evasion from human immunity system, spreading in the human body, and risk of human-to-human transmission rate of SARS-CoV-2. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Identification and characterization of the first fish parvalbumin-like protein data from a pathogenic fungal species, Trichophyton violaceum

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    Parvalbumins are the most important fish allergens, which are heat-stable, classified in the family of calcium-binding EF-hand proteins, and contain one magnesium binding site. The functional connection between calcium and parvalbumin gives fish the high-speed swimming ability because of high concentration of Ca2+-binding parvalbumin in fish white muscles. Although parvalbumins are widely studied and conceivably play crucial roles in the physiology and swimming pattern of fishes, still no report is available about their presence in microbes, such as pathogenic fungal species. We detected a DNA sequence in the genome of Trichophyton violaceum and used in silico and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique with a designed pair of primers to identify it as parvalbumin-coding gene. © 2020 The Author

    Potential therapeutic agents to COVID-19: An update review on antiviral therapy, immunotherapy, and cell therapy

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in Wuhan, China, in December 2020 and coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) was later announced as pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Since then, several studies have been conducted on the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 by potential vaccines and drugs. Although, the governments and global population have been attracted by some vaccine production projects, the presence of SARS-CoV-2-specific antiviral drugs would be an urge necessity in parallel with the efficient preventive vaccines. Various nonspecific drugs produced previously against other bacterial, viral, and parasite infections were recently evaluated for treating patients with COVID-19. In addition to therapeutic properties of these anti-COVID-19 compounds, some adverse effects were observed in different human organs as well. Not only several attentions were paid to antiviral therapy and treatment of COVID-19, but also nanomedicine, immunotherapy, and cell therapy were conducted against this viral infection. In this review study, we planned to introduce the present and potential future treatment strategies against COVID-19 and define the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment strategy. © 2021 The Author