408 research outputs found

    Some larval morphological characteristics of Camelostrongylus mentulatus and Nematodirus spathiger

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    Monitoring of gastrointestinal nematode parasites in ruminants (domestic and wild) is often based on fecal examination techniques, looking for excreted eggs and larval forms using morphological keys. These, are more available in domestic ruminants, in which helminths are widely studied, than in wild ruminants.  This study tried to provide certain morphological elements that will help to recognize the L3 larvae of Camelostrongylus mentulatus and Nematodirus spathiger that could parasite either domestic or wild ruminants. For that, we resorted first to the culture of L3 larvae from fecal samples taken from African antelopes, and second by the microscopic characterization of each isolated larval morphological pattern previously identified by sequencing of its internal transcribed spacer (ITS-2) regions of the ribosomal DNA. The results of different microscopic captured images showed that Camelostrongylus mentulatus larva is 16 intestinal cells that measuring approximately 820 ”m length, ‎≈ 25 ”m wide, and ‎≈ 47 ”m for its sheath tail extension and by this be closer to Teladorsagia circumcincta characteristics.  For Nematodirus spathiger, it possesses 8 gut cells and measuring about 1020 ”m long, ‎≈ 25 ”m wide, and‎ ≈ 143 ”m for its sheath tail extension with specific tail appendages. Have done this, we were able to get some clarifications on the morphology of the studied larvae, and we believe thus that this study will contribute to the establishment of morphological identification keys especially for parasitic nematodes of wild ruminants

    Effet d’un programme de dĂ©veloppement des qualitĂ©s physiques sur l’organisme Des jeunes handballeurs de 9-12ans.

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    RĂ©sumĂ©   Objectifs: ExpĂ©rimenter un programme d’entraĂźnement ayant pour finalitĂ© :le dĂ©veloppement des qualitĂ©s physiques  chez les jeunes handballeurs de 9-12ans MĂ©thodes : Vingt jeunes handballeurs ont subi un entraĂźnement physique Ă©talĂ© sur sept mois L’effet de entraĂźnement a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© par des tests de terrain relatifs au travail rĂ©alisĂ©, en l’occurrence : le dĂ©veloppement des qualitĂ©s physiques. RĂ©sultats : pour la qualitĂ© Vitesse, la diffĂ©rence entre le test prĂ©liminaire et le test final est significative Ă  p<0.05 .pour le test du lancer de balle, elle est significative Ă  p<0.001  Le test d’endurance la diffĂ©rence est significative  Ă  p<0.001 ; pour la dĂ©tente verticale, elle est statistiquement significative Ă  p<0.01 ; elle est aussi significative Ă  p<0.01 pour le test de souplesse.  Conclusion : Cette Ă©tude nous montre qu’un travail rationnel, basĂ© sur les principes de progression pĂ©dagogique exerce une influence positive sur l’organisme des jeunes sportifs, et les rĂ©sultats issus de notre expĂ©rimentation ne sont que rĂ©vĂ©lateur

    Hydrolysis study: Synthesis of novel styrenic Schiff bases derived from benzothiazole

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    AbstractNovel styrenic Schiff base derivatives of benzothiazole are synthesized. The condensation of 4-vinylbenzaldehyde 1 with either benzothiazol-2-amine or 4-methoxy-benzothiazol-2-amine leads to a mixture of two isomers. From 4-methyl-benzothiazol-2-amine and 6-fluoro-benzothiazol-2-amine, the N-(4-vinylbenzylidene)-4-methyl-benzothiazol-2-amine 8 and N-(4-vinylbenzylidene)-6-fluoro-benzothiazol-2-amine 9 are isolated, respectively. The structures of the synthesized Schiff bases are confirmed through a combination of various spectroscopic techniques including IR, UV, 1H and 13C NMR. A kinetic study of the hydrolysis process of derivatives 6 and 9 in buffered aqueous medium at pH 4.4, 7.4 and 8.5 is conducted by UV spectroscopy. It is shown that the hydrolysis of these compounds is a first order reaction showing an increasing rate as the medium acidity is enhanced

    Etude de la morphologie chez les étudiants sportifs algériens

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    RĂ©sumĂ© : Notre Ă©tude porte sur la dĂ©termination du profil morphologique de l’étudiant en sport algĂ©rien .Cette population est au nombre de 104 sujets ; rĂ©partis en groupe de sportifs (77) et de non sportifs (27) qualifiĂ©s comme tel par rapport Ă  leur expĂ©rience dans la pratique sportive qui n’excĂšde pas trois annĂ©es; arbitrairement reprĂ©sente la population sĂ©dentaire. L’intĂ©rĂȘt de cette Ă©tude Ă©mane du dĂ©ficit en matiĂšre de donnĂ©es nationales rĂ©fĂ©rentielles morphologiques de la population AlgĂ©rienne en gĂ©nĂ©ral et sportive en particulier dans toutes ces franges et Ă  tous les niveaux de qualification. AprĂšs avoir dĂ©fini les concepts relatifs Ă  la biomĂ©trie et le profil ; nous avons mis en exergue certains travaux universels relatifs Ă  des Ă©tude comparatives entre les Ă©tudiants et les athlĂštes de haute qualification afin de mieux comprendre la dynamique de l’évolution physique et de mieux cerner les caractĂ©ristiques morphologiques indexant chacune des deux catĂ©gories de pratiquants. A l’issue de l’étude de l’ensemble des caractĂšres et indices morphologiques de la population estudiantine en sport, nous avons procĂ©dĂ© Ă  une comparaison de nos rĂ©sultats Ă  ceux de la rĂ©fĂ©rences universelle relatifs aux homologues Ă©trangers et Ă  ceux des athlĂštes d’élite AlgĂ©riens. Par cette approche, nous avons abouti Ă  des rĂ©sultats  qui  incitent Ă  pousser des investigations plus poussĂ©es dans cet axe

    Comparison and Uncertainty Quantification of Two-Fluid Models forBubbly Flows with NEPTUNE_CFD and STAR-CCM+

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    International audienceThe nuclear industry is interested in better understanding the behavior of turbulent boiling flowsand in using modern computational tools for the design and analysis of advanced fuels and reactorsand for simulation and study of mitigation strategies in accident scenarios. Such interests serve asdrivers for the advancement of the 3-dimensional multiphase Computational Fluid Dynamicsapproach. A pair of parallel efforts have been underway in Europe and in the United States, theNEPTUNE and CASL programs respectively, that aim at delivering advanced simulation tools thatwill enable improved safety and economy of operations of the reactor fleet. Results from acollaboration between these two efforts, aimed at advancing the understanding of multiphaseclosures for pressurized water reactor (PWR) application, are presented. Particular attention is paidto the assessment and analysis of the different physical models implemented in NEPTUNE_CFDand STAR-CCM+ codes used in the NEPTUNE and the CASL programs respectively, forapplication to turbulent two-phase bubbly flows. The experiments conducted by Liu and Bankoff(Liu, 1989; Liu and Bankoff 1993a and b) are selected for benchmarking, and predictions from thetwo codes are presented for a broad range of flow conditions and with void fractions varyingbetween 0 and 50percent. Comparison of the CFD simulations and experimental measurements revealsthat a similar level of accuracy is achieved in the two codes. The differences in both sets of closuremodels are analyzed, and their capability to capture the main features of the flow over a wide rangeof experimental conditions are discussed. This analysis paves the way for future improvements ofexisting two-fluid models. The benchmarks are further leveraged for a systematic study of thepropagation of model uncertainties. This provides insights into mechanisms that lead to complexinteractions between individual closures (of the different phenomena) in the multiphase CFDapproach. As such, it is seen that the multi-CFD-code approach and the principled uncertaintyquantification approach are both of great value in assessing the limitations and the level of maturityof multiphase hydrodynamic closures

    Gridded global surface ozone metrics for atmospheric chemistry model evaluation

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    The concentration of ozone at the Earth's surface is measured at many locations across the globe for the purposes of air quality monitoring and atmospheric chemistry research. We have brought together all publicly available surface ozone observations from online databases from the modern era to build a consistent data set for the evaluation of chemical transport and chemistry-climate (Earth System) models for projects such as the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative and Aer-Chem-MIP. From a total data set of approximately 6600 sites and 500 million hourly observations from 1971-2015, approximately 2200 sites and 200 million hourly observations pass screening as high-quality sites in regionally representative locations that are appropriate for use in global model evaluation. There is generally good data volume since the start of air quality monitoring networks in 1990 through 2013. Ozone observations are biased heavily toward North America and Europe with sparse coverage over the rest of the globe. This data set is made available for the purposes of model evaluation as a set of gridded metrics intended to describe the distribution of ozone concentrations on monthly and annual timescales. Metrics include the moments of the distribution, percentiles, maximum daily 8-hour average (MDA8), sum of means over 35 ppb (daily maximum 8-h; SOMO35), accumulated ozone exposure above a threshold of 40 ppbv (AOT40), and metrics related to air quality regulatory thresholds. Gridded data sets are stored as netCDF-4 files and are available to download from the British Atmospheric Data Centre (doi:10.5285/08fbe63d-fa6d-4a7a-b952-5932e3ab0452). We provide recommendations to the ozone measurement community regarding improving metadata reporting to simplify ongoing and future efforts in working with ozone data from disparate networks in a consistent manner

    SIG on Telepresence Robots

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    In this document we explain the need and plans for a SIG Meeting at CHI on telepresence robots. We describe the organization of this SIG, our expected attendees, procedure and schedule of topics to be discussed, as well as our recruitment plan. Our goal is to provide a forum to discuss key issues surrounding the uses and usefulness of telepresence robots, including challenges and best practices

    Supernova Neutrino Spectrum with Matter and Spin Flavor Precession Effects

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    We consider Majorana neutrino conversions inside supernovae by taking into account both flavor mixing and the neutrino magnetic moment. We study the adiabaticity of various possible transitions between the neutrino states for both normal and inverted hierarchy within the various solar neutrino problem solutions. From the final mass spectrum within diffrent scenarios, we infer the consequences of the various conversion effects on the neutronization peak, the nature of final spectra, and the possible Earth matter effect on the final fluxes. This enable us to check the sensibility of the SN neutrino flux on magnetic moment interaction, and narrow down possible scenarios which depend on: the mass spectrum normal or inverted, the solution of the solar neutrino problem; and the value of MuxB.Comment: 24pages, 7 figure
