19 research outputs found

    An Experimental-Intelligent Method to Predict Noise Value of Drilling in Dimension Stone Industry

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    The noise of drilling in the dimension stone business is unbearable for both the workplace and the people who work there. In order to reduce the negative effects drilling has on the health of the environment, the drilling noise has to be measured, assessed, and controlled. The main purpose of this work is to investigate an experimental-intelligent method to predict the noise value of drilling in the dimension stone industry. For this purpose, 135 laboratory tests are designed on five types of rocks (four types of hard rock and one type of soft rock): and their results are measured in the first step. In the second step, due to the unpredicted and uncertain issues in this case, artificial intelligence (AI) approaches are applied, and the modeling is conducted using three intelligent systems (IS): namely an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system-SCM (ANFIS-SCM): an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system-FCM (ANFIS-FCM): and the radial basis function network (RBF) neural network. 75% of the samples are considered for training, and the rest for testing. Several models are constructed, and the results indicate that although there is no significant difference between the models according to the performance indices, the proposed construction of ANFIS-SCM can be considered as an efficient tool in the evaluation of drilling noise. Finally, several scenarios are designed with different input modes, and the results obtained prove that the types of rock and the drill bits are more important than the operational characteristics of the machine

    Prognozowanie zwi膮zku pomi臋dzy drganiami urz膮dzenia a wsp贸艂czynnikiem krucho艣ci ska艂 w trakcie ich urabiania

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    The system vibration is a very significant measure of the sawing performance, because it indicates the amount of energy required to saw the rock. The maintenance cost of system is also dependant on system vibration. A few increases in system vibration cause a huge increase in the maintenance cost of the system. In this paper, the vibration of system in terms of RMSa was investigated and models for estimation of vibration by means of rock brittleness indexes and operational specifications were designed via statistical models and multiple curvilinear regression analysis. In this study, the relationships between rock brittleness indexes and operational specifications were investigated by regression analysis in statistical package for social science (SPSS) and the results of determination coefficients have been presented. In the second part, the diagrams show that a point lying on the line indicates an exact estimation. In the plot for model, the points are scattered uniformly about the diagonal line, suggesting that the models are good. It is very useful to evaluate the vibration of system and select the suitable operational characteristics by only some mechanical properties of rock.Drgania uk艂adu uwa偶ane s膮 za miernik wydajno艣ci procesu urabiania, poniewa偶 pokazuj膮 ilo艣膰 energii niezb臋dnej do urabiania ska艂y. Od poziomu drga艅 zale偶膮 tak偶e koszty eksploatacji systemu. Nieznaczny nawet wzrost poziomu drga艅 prowadzi do znacznego zwi臋kszenia koszt贸w eksploatacyjnych urz膮dzenia. W pracy tej przeprowadzono analiz臋 drga艅 (ich warto艣ci skutecznych) i opracowano model estymacji poziomu drga艅 w oparciu o wsp贸艂czynnik krucho艣ci ska艂 i parametry eksploatacyjne urz膮dzenia. W pracy wykorzystano modele statystyczne i wielokrotn膮 analiz臋 metod膮 regresji krzywoliniowej. W pracy obecnej zwi膮zek pomi臋dzy wsp贸艂czynnikiem krucho艣ci ska艂 a parametrami eksploatacyjnymi urz膮dzenia badano z wykorzystaniem analizy metod膮 regresji dost臋pnej w statystycznym pakiecie oprogramowania dla nauk spo艂ecznych (SPSS) a wyniki podano w postaci wyznaczonych wsp贸艂czynnik贸w. W drugiej cz臋艣ci pracy przedstawiono wykres pokazuj膮cy, ze punkt le偶膮cy na linii oznacza dok艂adne oszacowanie. W wykresie wykonanym dla modelu punkty rozrzucone s膮 r贸wnomiernie wok贸艂 linii przek膮tnej, co sugeruje 偶e modele s膮 w艂a艣ciwe. Okre艣lenie poziomu drga艅 urz膮dzenia jest niezwykle korzystnym zabiegiem pozwalaj膮cym na dob贸r parametr贸w pracy urz膮dzenia jedynie w oparciu o mechaniczne w艂a艣ciwo艣ci ska艂

    Statistical Study to Evaluate Performance of Cutting Machine in Dimension Stone Cutting Process

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    Predicting the amperage consumption of cutting machines could be one of the critical steps in optimizing the energy-consuming points for the dimension stone cutting industry. Hence, the study of the relationship between the operational characteristics of cutting machines and rocks with focusing on the machine's energy-consuming is unavoidable. For this purpose, in the first step, laboratory studies under different operating conditions at different cutting depths and feed rates are performed on 12 soft and hard rock samples. In the continuation of the laboratory studies, the rock samples are transferred to the rock mechanics laboratory in order to determine the mechanical properties (uniaxial compressive strength and modulus of elasticity). The statistical studies are performed in the SPSS software in order to predict the electrical current consumption of the cutting machine according to the mechanical characteristics of the rock samples, cutting depth, and feed rate. The statistical models proposed in this work can be used with a high reliability in order to estimate the electrical current consumed in the cutting process

    Numerical and Analytical Investigation of Ground Surface Settlement Due to Subway Excavation

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    In the congested urban areas, tunnelling close to existing structures often occurs due to the lack of space. Consequently, tunnelling-induced ground movements may cause serious damage to the adjacent structures. Ground surface settlement caused by tunnel excavation varies in magnitude and trend depending on several factors such as tunnel geometry, ground conditions, etc. There are several empirical, semi-empirical equations and numerical methods available to estimateground surface settlement associated with excavation activities, however among these methods most of empirical and semi-empirical based methods do not simultaneously take all the relevant factors in the complex condition into account. In complex conditions, numerical methods can be used for resulting accurate predictions. In this paper, ground movement in a highly populated region of Iran鈥檚 capital city, Tehran, induced by excavation and construction of 7th line of Tehran subway has been investigated. It was aimed to analyse the ground displacements and surface settlement which hasbeen induced by tunnelling using Earth Pressure Balance-Shield Tunnel Boring Machine. The analysis was performed by Finite difference Method (FDM) using FLAC3D FDM package. Results from performed numerical analysis show good agreement with obtained results from analytical and empirical methods. In addition, effect o f some important factors such as tunnel geometry and ground properties on ground surface settlement has been investigated. Obtained results indicate that ground surface settlement is more sensitive to tunnel geometry rather than height of tunnel placement

    Numerical and Analytical Investigation of Ground Surface Settlement Due to Subway Excavation

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    Abstract In the congested urban areas, tunnelling close to existing structures often occurs due to the lack of space. Consequently, tunnelling-induced ground movements may cause serious damage to the adjacent structures. Ground surface settlement caused by tunnel excavation varies in magnitude and trend depending on several factors such as tunnel geometry, ground conditions, etc. There are several emp irical, semi-emp irical equations and numerical methods available to estimateground surface settlement associated with excavation activit ies, however among these methods most of empirical and semi-emp irical based methods do not simu ltaneously take all the relevant factors in the co mplex condition into account. In comp lex conditions, numerical methods can be used for resulting accurate predictions. In this paper, ground movement in a highly populated region of Iran's capital city, Tehran, induced by excavation and construction of 7 th line of Tehran subway has been investigated. It was aimed to analyse the ground displacements and surface settlement which hasbeen induced by tunnelling using Earth Pressure Balance-Shield Tunnel Boring Machine. The analysis was performed by Finite difference Method (FDM ) using FLA C 3D FDM package. Results from performed nu merical analysis show good agreement with obtained results fro m analytical and empirical methods. In addition, effect o f some impo rtant factors such as tunnel geometry and ground properties on ground surface settlement has been investigated. Obtained results indicate that ground surface settlement is more sensitive to tunnel geometry rather than height of tunnel placement