417 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de Paté de lapa, Patella spp. com adição de medronho, Arbutus unedo

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    Limpets Patella are gastropods molluscs with an increasing use in human food, being a popular food too much appreciated in several coastal regions of Portugal. According to the chain of seafood, the consumption of fishery products rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, has replaced the products of terrestrial animals through the filleted products, restructured products and precooked products. Food oxidation is the most important cause in the deterioration of nutritional and sensory quality of fish products. So, in recent years, there has been an increasing utilization of natural antioxidants of vegetable origin (fruits and vegetables) in substitution of the synthetic antioxidants in the preparation of restructured products of animal origin (burgers, sausages and pâtés). In addition to this antioxidant effect, there is a beneficial relationship between the consumption of fruit and vegetable rich in phenolic compounds in the prevention of certain diseases. So, this project intends to produce and characterize physical-chemical properties, sensorial analysis and microbiological analysis in one pâté elaborate with limpets and with addition of arbutus wild fruit, as well as valorisation of these raw materials to providing the nutritional/functional and economic value to the development of an innovative product (pâté). Furthermore, we evaluated the oxidative stability of pâté in refrigeration for 90 days and its acceptability. Thus, we produced three types of innovative pâtés: I) Patella spp. pâté with BHT (PCON), II) Patella spp. pâté with 3% of the Arbutus unedo (PAU3) and III) Patella spp. pâté with 6% of the Arbutus unedo (PAU6). The results of the evaluation of oxidative stability (PAU6>PAU3>PCON) confirm the high performance of the Arbutus unedo extract rich in phenolic compounds as effective inhibitor in lipid oxidation of the Patella spp. pâté and with good sensory acceptability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Morfofisiologia de gramíneas forrageiras tropicais cultivadas sob diferentes suprimentos hídricos e condições edafoclimáticas.

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    Resumo: Objetivou-se avaliar as trocas gasosas, o fluxo de biomassa e as características estruturais e de biomassa de cinco gramíneas forrageiras tropicais: Búffel (Pennisetum ciliare (L.) Link) cultivar Gayndah; Paiaguás e Piatã (Urochloa brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) R.D. Webster); Massai e Tamani (Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B.K. Simon & S.W.L. Jacobs), implantadas em duas classes texturais de solo (arenosa e média) e supridas com diferentes regimes de irrigação. As gramíneas foram agrupadas em gêneros botânicos para a condução das análises estatísticas, sendo comparadas entre sinas fases de crescimento. No caso do capim-búffel, as informações foram agrupadas em períodos, sendo comparado o desempenho da cultivar entre período de crescimento. As trocas gasosas foram conduzidas em três fases: estabelecimento, onde foi realizado um curso diário sob o regime de irrigação de 100% da Et0, e períodos seco e de transição seco/chuvoso quando o ensaio se deu em solo de textura arenosa; e seco e chuvoso quando as avaliação foram realizadas em solo de textura média. As avaliações de fluxo de biomassa e características de biomassa e estruturais também foram realizadas em três períodos, seguindo o mesmo desenvolvimento das trocas gasosas. Com relação aos resultados em solo de textura arenosa, o capim-búffel apresentou as melhores respostas morfofisiológicas e estruturais no período seco, com o maior acúmulo de forragem verificado no regime de 90% da Et0. Já no tocante aos capins Massai e Tamani observaram-se maiores taxas de senescência foliar e maior acúmulo de biomassa de colmo verde no capim-tamani e, a semelhança do capim-búffel, o nível de 90% da Et0 favorece o desempenho das funções fisiológicas desta, traduzindo em melhores características produtivas. No que se refere aos capins Paiaguás e Piatã, as melhores características morfofisiológicas, estruturais e de produção de biomassa de lâminas foliares foram verificadas no capim-piatã, especialmente pela menor taxa de senescência foliar, das hastes e maior produção de lâminas foliares no regime de 30% da Et0 no período seco. Já em relação aos resultados em solo de textura média, o capim búffel apresentou as melhores respostas no período seco, como maior eficiência no uso da água, maior relação lâmina foliar/colmo e número de folhas vivas, sendo observado que, no regime de 60% da Et0 durante o período seco, favoreceu as melhores características estruturais e produtivas quando do início do período chuvoso. No tocante aos capins Massai e Tamani, o capim-massai apresentou comportamento semelhante nos períodos seco e chuvoso, principalmente pela reduzida taxa de senescência foliar e baixo alongamento das hastes, mostrando-se mais resiliente aos menores regimes de irrigação. Para os capins Paiaguás e Piatã, por sua vez, foi verificado maior eficiência no uso da água e maior produção de lâminas foliares na fase de estabelecimento no capim-piatã, característica morfofisiológica interessante para uso em sistemas de baixo regime hídrico, além de apresentar menor biomassa de colmo e de forragem morta nos períodos seco e chuvoso. De maneira geral, os maiores registros dos parâmetros fisiológicos foram observados nos horários de maior intensidade luminosa, independentemente da cultivar e da classe de solo a que estavam implantadas, o que mostra elevada capacidade fotossintética das gramíneas forrageiras tropicais. De igual modo, o regime de 30% da Et0 no período seco possibilitou a manutenção do status morfofisiológico das gramíneas sem ocasionar morte de perfilhos e perda do vigor da rebrotação com a entrada no período das águas. Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the gas exchange, the biomass flow and the structural and biomass characteristics of five tropical forage grasses: Búffel (Pennisetum ciliare (L.) Link) cv. Gayndah; Paiaguás and Piatã (Urochloa brizantha (Hochst. Ex A. Rich.) R.D. Webster); Massai and Tamani (Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B.K. Simon & S.W.L. Jacobs), implanted in two soil texture classes (sandy and medium) and supplied with different irrigation regimes. The grasses were grouped in botanical genera to conduct the statistical analyzes, being compared among themselves in the growth phases. In the case of the buffel grass, the information was grouped in periods, being compared the performance of the cultivar between period of growth. The gas exchanges were conducted in three phases: establishment, where a daily course was performed under the 100% Et0 irrigation regime, and dry and dry/rainy transition periods when the test occurred in sandy soil; and dry and rainy when the evaluations were performed in medium texture soil. Biomass flow and biomass and structural characteristics were also evaluated in three periods, following the same development of gas exchanges. Regarding the results in sandy soil, buffel grass had the best morphophysiological and structural responses in the dry period, with the highest forage accumulation verified in the 90% Et0 regimen. Regarding the Massai and Tamani grasses, there was a higher leaf senescence rate and a higher accumulation of green stem biomass in the tall grass, and similar to the buffel grass, the 90% level of Et0 favors the performance of the physiological functions of this, translating into better productive characteristics. Regarding the Paiaguás and Piatã grasses, the best morphophysiological, structural and biomass characteristics of leaf blades were observed in the piatã grass, especially due to the lower foliar senescence rate, stems and greater foliar leaf production in the 30% Et0 in the dry period. Regarding the results in medium textured soil, buffel grass presented the best responses in the dry period, such as higher water use efficiency, higher leaf/stem ratio and number of live leaves, and it was observed that in the 60% of Et0 during the dry season favored the best structural and productive characteristics at the beginning of the rainy season. Massai and Tamani grasses showed similar behavior in the dry and rainy seasons, mainly due to the reduced rate of leaf senescence and low elongation of the stems, which was more resilient to the lower irrigation regimes. For Paiaguás and Piatã grasses, in turn, greater efficiency in the use of water and greater production of leaf blades in the stage of establishment in the piatã grass, an interesting morphophysiological characteristic for use in systems of low water regime were verified, besides presenting lower stem biomass and dead forage in the dry and rainy seasons. In general, the greatest records of physiological parameters were observed at the highest light intensity, independently of the cultivar and the soil class to which they were implanted, which shows high photosynthetic capacity of the tropical forage grasses. Likewise, the regime of 30% Et0 in the dry season allowed the maintenance of morphophysiological status of grasses without causing tiller death and loss of regrowth vigor with the entry into the water period.Dissertação (Mestrado em Zootecnia. Área de concentração: Forragicultura e Pastagem) - Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú, Sobral. Orientador: Roberto Cláudio Fernandes Franco Pompeu; Co-orientador: Henrique Antunes de Souz

    Reduction of atherosclerotic lesions in rabbits treated with etoposide associated with cholesterol-rich nanoemulsions

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    Elaine R Tavares1, Fatima R Freitas1, Jayme Diament1, Raul C Maranhão1,21Heart Institute of the Medical School Hospital (InCor), University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; 2Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilObjectives: Cholesterol-rich nanoemulsions (LDE) bind to low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors and after injection into the bloodstream concentrate in aortas of atherosclerotic rabbits. Association of paclitaxel with LDE markedly reduces the lesions. In previous studies, treatment of refractory cancer patients with etoposide associated with LDE had been shown devoid of toxicity. In this study, the ability of etoposide to reduce lesions and inflammatory factors in atherosclerotic rabbits was investigated.Methods: Eighteen New Zealand rabbits were fed a 1% cholesterol diet for 60 days. Starting from day 30, nine animals were treated with four weekly intravenous injections of etoposide oleate (6 mg/kg) associated with LDE, and nine control animals were treated with saline solution injections.Results: LDE-etoposide reduced the lesion areas of cholesterol-fed animals by 85% and intima width by 50% and impaired macrophage and smooth muscle cell invasion of the intima. Treatment also markedly reduced the protein expression of lipoprotein receptors (LDL receptor, LDL-related protein-1, cluster of differentiation 36, and scavenger receptor class B member 1), inflammatory cytokines (interleukin-1β and tumor necrosis factor-α), matrix metallopeptidase-9, and cell proliferation markers (topoisomerase IIα and tubulin).Conclusion: The ability of LDE-etoposide to strongly reduce the lesion area and the inflammatory process warrants the great therapeutic potential of this novel preparation to target the inflammatory-proliferative basic mechanisms of the disease.Keywords: atherosclerosis treatment, drug delivery, LDL-receptor

    Nanotechnology for the treatment of deep endometriosis: uptake of lipid core nanoparticles by LDL receptors in endometriotic foci

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    OBJECTIVE: Rapidly dividing cells in multiple types of cancer and inflammatory diseases undergo high low density lipoprotein (LDL) uptake for membrane synthesis, and coupling an LDL-like nanoemulsion, containing lipid nanoparticles (LDE) to a chemotherapeutic agent efficiently targets these cells without significant systemic effects. This was a prospective exploratory study that evaluated the uptake of a radioactively labeled LDE emulsion by receptors of endometriotic foci and the capacity of the LDE for cellular internalization. METHODS: The lipid profile of each patient was determined before surgery, and labeled LDE were injected into fourteen patients with intestinal or nonintestinal endometriosis. The radioactivity of each tissue sample (intestinal endometriosis, nonintestinal endometriosis, healthy peritoneum, or topical endometrium) was measured. RESULTS: The group with intestinal endometriosis presented higher levels of plasma LDL but lower LDE uptake by foci than the nonintestinal group, suggesting less cell division and more fibrosis. The uptake of LDE was highest in the topical endometrium, followed by the healthy peritoneum, and lowest in the endometriotic lesion. Since the endometriotic foci showed significant LDE uptake, there was likely increased consumption of LDL by these cells, similar to cells in cancers and inflammatory diseases. Plasma cholesterol levels had no influence on LDE uptake, which showed that the direct delivery of the nanoemulsion to target tissues was independent of serum lipoproteins. There were no significant differences in the parameters (p40.01) because of the small sample size, but the findings were similar to those of previous studies. CONCLUSION: Nanotechnology is a promising therapeutic option for surgery and hormonal blockage for deep endometriosis, with a lower complication rate and no systemic side effects

    Anti-inflammatory effects of intravenous methotrexate associated with lipid nanoemulsions on antigen-induced arthritis

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    OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that intravenous use of methotrexate associated with lipid nanoemulsions can achieve superior anti-inflammatory effects in the joints of rabbits with antigen-induced arthritis compared with commercial methotrexate. METHODS: Arthritis was induced in New Zealand rabbits sensitized with methylated bovine serum albumin and subsequently intra-articularly injected with the antigen. A nanoemulsion of methotrexate labeled with 3H-cholesteryl ether (4 mg/kg methotrexate) was then intravenously injected into four rabbits to determine the plasma decaying curves and the biodistribution of the methotrexate nanoemulsion by radioactive counting. Additionally, the pharmacokinetics of the methotrexate nanoemulsion were determined by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Twenty-four hours after arthritis induction, the animals were allocated into three groups, with intravenous injection with saline solution (n=9), methotrexate nanoemulsion (0.5 µmol/kg methotrexate, n=7), or commercial methotrexate (0.5 µmol/kg, n=4). The rabbits were sacrificed 24 h afterward. Synovial fluid was then collected for protein leakage and cell content analyses and synovial membranes were collected for histopathological analysis. RESULTS: The methotrexate nanoemulsion was taken up mainly by the liver and the uptake by arthritic joints was two-fold greater than that by control joints. The methotrexate nanoemulsion treatment reduced leukocyte influx into the synovial fluid by nearly 65%; in particular, mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells were reduced by 47 and 72%, respectively. In contrast, cell influx was unaffected following treatment with commercial methotrexate. Protein leakage into the arthritic knees of the rabbits was also more limited following methotrexate nanoemulsion treatment than following commercial methotrexate treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The intravenous methotrexate nanoemulsion showed anti-inflammatory effects on the synovia of arthritic joints that were clearly superior to the effects of a commercial methotrexate preparation. This result is conceivably due to greater methotrexate uptake by the joints when the drug is associated with a nanoemulsion

    Experimental dynamic evaluation of three-phase reactors

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    The hydrodynamic parameters were determined for two different three-phase systems (fluidized-bed and trickle-bed) through the experimental evaluation of the dynamic residence time distribution in the gas or liquid phase. For different fluid phase flow rates the fluidized-bed system was operated with a tracer in the gas phase and in the trickle-bed with a tracer in the liquid phase. The analysis of the processes was achieved through the application of different models representing the dynamic behavior of tracers present in the gas and liquid phases with a simulation of experimental operations of the three-phase reactors. The transfer functions developed for the two systems made it possible to estimate the hydrodynamic parameters providing the gas holdup (2.22 x 10-2 to 8.42 x 10-2) and the gas phase Peclet number (54.18 to 41.20) for the fluidized-bed and the liquid holdup (0.16 to 0.25), the liquid phase Peclet number (20.37 to 4.52) and wetting efficiency (0.34 to 0.56) for the trickle-bed.443452Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    DRIS standards for nutritional evaluation of Phaseolus vulgaris in Cerrado, Goiás State, Brazil.

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    The knowledge of nutritional requirements of beans, the efficiency of soil acidity correction and the fertilization programs are essential to increase productivity. The Integrated Recommendation and Diagnosis System (DRIS) assists with nutritional diagnosis of cultivated plants based on existing interactions between nutrients and the hierarchizing of limitations. This study aimed at establishing standards using the DRIS method for areas of production of irrigated common beans and at determining the most limiting nutritional factors to production using leaf analyses interpreted by concentration ranges and DRIS. Eighteen different beanproducing areas were selected in a central pivot irrigation system, from which 82 sampling points were established to collect leaves of crop and determine their nutritional contents. The reference population had productivity of over 3,000 kg ha- 1. Using DRIS, we determined that phosphorus is the most limiting nutrient regarding its deficiency, with great sensitivity to diagnose nutritional problems of plants, especially micronutrients. Phosphorus (68.3%), molybdenum (65.9%), iron (64.6 %) and sodium (63.4%) and are nutrients with highest percentage of samples presenting levels below adequate according to sufficiency ranges for plants. Using DRIS, we can evaluate interactions among nutrients and determine of the magnitude of crop nutritional limitation whether due to deficiency or excess. These results may indicate which nutrients are limiting the crop productive capacity, allowing greater efficiency in its correction in soil

    Modelling \u3ci\u3eLeucaena\u3c/i\u3e Biomass Under Rainfed Production Systems of Semiarid Regions

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    The climatic variability of semiarid regions is the main source of uncertainties associated with forage and animal production, indicating a need for tools that accurately estimate forage production in order to construct a forage budgeting plan for livestock. This study simulated the biomass of Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) using the PHYGROW model in four locations located in Brazilian Semiarid. The work was carried out based on field data collected from 2019 to 2021. After sowing in 2018, leucaena was harvested when it reached 200 cm and to a target residual height of 70 cm. The biomass (fresh matter) was weighed, sampled and dried to obtain the total forage biomass (BFT) of each sample. The BFT was also estimated using the PHYGROW model, with field data being used to parameterize, calibrate and validate the model. The model performance, in turn, was evaluated based on the mean forecast error (BIAS %), root mean square error (RMSE) and Willmott index. Afterwards, a BFT time series was downloaded for each location, with the highest biomass simulated for each year being evaluated in the @Risk regarding their probability distribution. Thereafter, probability calculations of biomass production were performed, based on different levels of warranty in SigmaPlot software (11.0). The model underestimated the BFT collected in two locations and overestimated BFT in the others. The Weibull function was the best one to describe the data. Regarding biomass production under a 95% natural warranty, it was observed that leucaena showed low variation among locations (2240 ± 752 kg of DM ha-1 year-1 ). The PHYGROW model accurately predicted the leucaena BFT which, in turn, demonstrated significant adaptation potential to the various soil and climate conditions of Brazilian Semiarid. The use of probability analysis can contribute to forage planning, thus reducing the uncertainties related to climate variability, especially in rainfed production systems of dry areas