80 research outputs found

    Chromosomal control of non-gliadin proteins from the 70% ethanol extract of wheat endosperm

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    The non-gliadin fraction of the 70% ethanol extracts of compensated nulli-tetrasomics and ditelosomics of Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring has been analyzed by combined electrofocusing and electrophoresis. Seventeen of the 21 protein map components of the euploid have been ascribed to eight chromosomes: 4A, 3BS, 6BS, 7BS, 3D, 4D, 5D and 7DS. The relationship of the different map components with other proteins previously associated with the same chromosomes is discusse

    Homoeologous chromosomal location of the genes encoding thionins in wheat and rye

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    Thionins are high sulphur basic polypeptides present in the endosperm of Gramineae. In wheat there are three thionins encoded by genes located in the long arms of chromosomes 1A, 1B and 1D. Rye has one thionin encoded by a gene which has been assigned to chromosome 1R after analysis of the Imperial-Chinese Spring rye-wheat disomic addition lines. Commercial varieties and experimental stocks with a 1B/1R substitution carry the thionin from rye ( R) instead of the B thionin from wheat. The R thionin gene is not located in the large chromosomal segment representing most of the short arm of chromosome 1R

    Apoptosis in hypertensive heart disease: a clinical approach

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: It is widely accepted that there are two principal forms of cell death, namely, necrosis and apoptosis. According to the classical view, necrosis is the major mechanism of cardiomyocyte death in cardiac diseases. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: In the past few years observations have been made showing that cardiomyocyte apoptosis occurs in diverse conditions including hypertensive heart disease, and that apoptosis may be a contributing cause of loss and functional abnormalities of cardiomyocytes in this condition. SUMMARY: This review will summarize recent evidence demonstrating the potential contribution of cardiomyocyte apoptosis to heart failure in hypertensive patients. In addition, some strategies aimed to detect and prevent apoptosis of cardiomyocytes will be considered

    Loss of redundant gene expression after polyploidization in plants

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    Based on chromosomal location data of genes encoding 28 biochemical systems in allohexaploid wheat,Triticum aestivum L. (genomes AABBDD), it is concluded that the proportions of systems controlled by triplicate, duplicate, and single loci are 57%, 25%, and 18% respectively


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    African Star Grass is one of the forage resources most commonly used by farmers in regions with warm-humid climates. This study was carried out to determine the nutritional and agronomic characteristics of African Star Grass (Cynodon plectostachyus) through the following variables: crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), organic matter digestibility (OMD), net forage accumulation (NFA), stem:leaf ratio, and live:dead matter ratio in the three pastures evaluated. The work took place from April 2007 to March 2008, with evaluations carried out on a monthly basis. The data were analyzed in a randomized block design in which the blocks were the pastures, and the treatments were the months of evaluation. There were no differences between the pastures evaluated for the NDF, ADF or OMD (P>0.05). Differences were found, however, in CP, while in the monthly evaluation, differences were found between the periods evaluated (P<0.05) for these variables. Differences were also found in the agronomic evaluation of pastures (P<0.05) among height of pasture, net forage accumulation (NFA), live matter, dead matter, leaf and stem, both among pastures and in the monthly evaluations. African Star Grass can therefore be considered a good choice for milk production systems in the southern region of the state of Mexico, due to its nutritional and agronomic characteristics

    Eyespot resistance gene Pch-1 from Aegilops ventricosa is associated with a different chromosome in wheat line H-93-70 than the resistance factor in "Roazon" wheat

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    The hexaploid wheat line H-93-70 carries a gene (Pch-1) that has been transferred from the wild grass Aegilops ventricosa and confers a high degree of resistance to eyespot diesease, caused by the fungus Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides. Crosses of the resistant line H-93-70 with the susceptible wheat Pané 247 and with a 7D/7Ag wheat/Agropyron substitution line were carried out and F2 kernels were obtained. The kernels were cut transversally and the halves carrying the embryos were used for the resistance test, while the distal halves were used for genetic typing. Biochemical markers were used to discriminate whether the transferred Pch-1 gene was located in chromosome 7D, as is the case for a resistance factor present in Roazon wheat. In the crosses involving Pané 247, resistance was not associated with the 7D locus Pln, which determines sterol ester pattern (dominant allele in H-93-70). In the crosses with the 7D/7Ag substitution line, resistance was neither associated with protein NGE-11 (7D marker), nor alternatively inherited with respect to protein C-7 (7Ag marker). It is concluded that gene Pch-1 represents a different locus and is not an allele of the resistance factor in Roazon whea

    Ingeniería molecular en "Triticum"

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    Se resumen las investigaciones realizadas sobre genética bioquímica de la especie aloploide de Triticum aestivum L. (trigo común). Dichas investigaciones abarcan los siguientes aspectos: a) localización cromosómica de genes que controlan sistemas moleculares; b) formas de interacción entre los genomios integrados en dicha especie; c) transferencia genética extraespecífica y extragenérica desde Aegilops ventricosa, Sécale cereale y Agropyron elongatum a trigo. Se especula sobre las implicaciones evolutivas de los resultados obtenidos y se enumeran las aplicaciones prácticas

    Examining sociodemographic correlates of opioid use, misuse, and use disorders in the All of Us Research Program

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    BACKGROUND: The All of Us Research Program enrolls diverse US participants which provide a unique opportunity to better understand the problem of opioid use. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of opioid use and its association with sociodemographic characteristics from survey data and electronic health record (EHR). METHODS: A total of 214,206 participants were included in this study who competed survey modules and shared EHR data. Adjusted logistic regressions were used to explore the associations between sociodemographic characteristics and opioid use. RESULTS: The lifetime prevalence of street opioids was 4%, and the nonmedical use of prescription opioids was 9%. Men had higher odds of lifetime opioid use (aOR: 1.4 to 3.1) but reduced odds of current nonmedical use of prescription opioids (aOR: 0.6). Participants from other racial and ethnic groups were at reduced odds of lifetime use (aOR: 0.2 to 0.9) but increased odds of current use (aOR: 1.9 to 9.9) compared with non-Hispanic White participants. Foreign-born participants were at reduced risks of opioid use and diagnosed with opioid use disorders (OUD) compared with US-born participants (aOR: 0.36 to 0.67). Men, Younger, White, and US-born participants are more likely to have OUD. CONCLUSIONS: All of Us research data can be used as an indicator of national trends for monitoring the prevalence of receiving prescription opioids, diagnosis of OUD, and non-medical use of opioids in the US. The program employs a longitudinal design for routinely collecting health-related data including EHR data, that will contribute to the literature by providing important clinical information related to opioids over time. Additionally, this data will enhance the estimates of the prevalence of OUD among diverse populations, including groups that are underrepresented in the national survey data

    Development and evaluation of the Galleria mellonella (greater wax moth) infection model to study Brucella host-pathogen interaction

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    Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease caused by Gram-negative bacteria of the genus Brucella. These pathogens cause long-lasting infections, a process in which Brucella modifications in the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and envelope lipids reduce pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) recognition, thus hampering innate immunity activation. In vivo models are essential to investigate bacterial virulence, mice being the most used model. However, ethical and practical considerations impede their use in high-throughput screening studies. Although lacking the complexity of the mammalian immune system, insects share key-aspects of innate immunity with mammals, and Galleria mellonella has been used increasingly as a model. G. mellonella larvae have been shown useful in virulence analyses, including Gram-negative pathogens like Klebsiella pneumoniae and Legionella pneumophila. To assess its potential to study Brucella virulence, we first evaluated larva survival upon infection with representative Brucella species (i.e.B. abortus 2308W, B. microti CCM4915 and B. suis biovar 2) and mutants in the VirB type-IV secretion system (T4SS) or in the LPS-O-polysaccharide (O-PS). As compared to K.pneumoniae, the Brucella spp. tested induced a delayed and less severe mortality profile consistent with an escape of innate immunity detection. Brucella replication within larvae was affected by the lack of O-PS, which is reminiscent of their attenuation in natural hosts. On the contrary, replication was not affected by T4SS dysfunction and the mutant induced only slightly less mortality (not statistically significant) than its parental strain. We also evaluated G. mellonella to efficiently recognise Brucella and their LPS by quantification of the pro-phenoloxidase system and melanisation activation, using Pseudomonas LPS as a positive control. Among the brucellae, only B. microti LPS triggered an early-melanisation response consistent with the slightly increased endotoxicity of this species in mice. Therefore, G. mellonella represents a tool to screen for potential Brucella factors modulating innate immunity, but its usefulness to investigate other mechanisms relevant in Brucella intracellular life is limited