3,192 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico do manuseio pós-colheita de pepino e de abobrinha em uma cooperativa de produtores de hortaliças de Planaltina-DF.

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    O presente trabalho faz parte de um projeto coordenado pelo Sebrae-DF, intitulado Desenvolvimento da Horticultura em Planaltina e Áreas Adjacentes com a participação da Embrapa Hortaliças e da Emater-DF, juntamente com instituições de ensino, outras entidades ligadas so Sistema S e associações de categorias profissionais. Tem por objetivo promover o desenvolvimento da produção olerícola na região de Planaltina visando à melhoria da qualidade de vida e renda dos agricultores com aumento nas vendas e faturamento, redução das perdas dos produtos e fortalecimento da cooperativa de agricultores da região.bitstream/item/102931/1/doc-132.pd

    Effects of Amphetamine on Striatal Dopamine Release, Open-Field Activity, and Play in Fischer 344 and Sprague–Dawley Rats

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    Previous work from our laboratories has shown that juvenile Fischer 344 (F344) rats are less playful than other strains and also appear to be compromised in dopamine (DA) functioning. To determine whether the dysfunctional play in this strain is associated with deficits in the handling and delivery of vesicular DA, the following experiments assessed the extent to which F344 rats are differentially sensitive to the effects of amphetamine. When exposed to amphetamine, striatal slices obtained from F344 rats showed a small increase in unstimulated DA release when compared with slices from Sprague–Dawley rats; they also showed a more rapid high K+-mediated release of DA. These data provide tentative support for the hypothesis that F344 rats have a higher concentration of cytoplasmic DA than Sprague–Dawley rats. When rats were tested for activity in an open field, F344 rats presented a pattern of results that was consistent with either an enhanced response to amphetamine (3 mg/kg) or a more rapid release of DA (10 mg/kg). Although there was some indication that amphetamine had a dose-dependent differential effect on play in the two strains, play in F344 rats was not enhanced to any degree by amphetamine. Although these results are not consistent with our working hypothesis that F344 rats are less playful because of a deficit in vesicular release of DA, they still suggest that this strain may be a useful model for better understanding the role of DA in social behavior during the juvenile period

    Evaluating System Usability, Workload Suitability, and User Experience of Game-Based Virtual Reality in Spaceflight Education and Training

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    Game-based instruction and immersive virtual reality are enhanced pedagogical methods beneficial in training environments involving complex disciplines, ranging from medical applications to construction engineering technology. This study investigated the use of game-based virtual reality (GBVR) when applied to the complex field of spaceflight education and training. As modern society places increasing demand on space-based amenities, the need for proficient satellite operators will also increase, requiring more accessible and advanced training options. Satellite ground control training scenarios, immersed in the GBVR environment, were developed and deployed to university student participants. Multiple validated scales were employed to measure the GBVR system regarding three main attributes: system usability, workload suitability, and user experience. Results revealed that the GBVR system usability scores ranked above average on the System Usability Scale (SUS). Secondly, the workload suitability ranked within the accepted mean value range of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Task Load Index (TLX). And lastly, the user experience scores were similar to popular video game scores on the Game User Experience Satisfaction Scale (GUESS-18). Even with a small sample size (n = 10), the findings indicate that GBVR is a feasible tool when applied to a complex discipline such as spaceflight education and training

    Kecerdasan Emosional Dan Psychological Well-being Pada Taruna Semester III Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang

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    Psychological well-being adalah kemampuan individu yang ditandai dengan adanya perasaan bahagia, mempunyai kepuasan hidup, dan tidak ada gejala-gejala depresi. Kecerdasan emosional adalah tentang mengelola emosi dan memotivasi diri sehingga subjek dapat menghibur diri, dapat melepaskan kecemasan, kemurungan, ketersinggungan, dapat bangkit kembali dari semua itu, mampu berpikir positif, mampu untuk terus berjuang ketika menghadapi hambatan, tidak putus asa dan kehilangan harapan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kecerdasan emosional dengan psychological well-being pada taruna semester III Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. Populasi penelitian adalah 443 taruna dan sampel penelitian berjumlah 210 taruna dengan karakteristik sampel: taruna yang sedang menjalani kehidupan asrama kampus. Sampel ditentukan dengan teknik simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan Skala Kecerdasan Emosional (33 aitem, α= 0,923) dan Skala Psychological Well-Being (32 aitem, α= 0,904). Analisis regresi sederhana menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif signifikan antara kecerdasan emosional dengan psychological well-being (rxy = 0,550 dengan p < 0,001) yang berarti bahwa semakin tinggi kecerdasan emosional maka semakin tinggi psychological well-being. Kecerdasan emosional memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 30,3% terhadap psychological well-being

    Hora da colheita: hora de cuidar do seu produto e de você. Unidade móvel para sombreamento de hortaliças após a colheita.

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    Potential for a biogenic influence on cloud microphysics over the ocean: a correlation study with satellite-derived data

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    Aerosols have a large potential to influence climate through their effects on the microphysics and optical properties of clouds and, hence, on the Earth's radiation budget. Aerosol–cloud interactions have been intensively studied in polluted air, but the possibility that the marine biosphere plays an important role in regulating cloud brightness in the pristine oceanic atmosphere remains largely unexplored. We used 9 yr of global satellite data and ocean climatologies to derive parameterizations of the temporal variability of (a) production fluxes of sulfur aerosols formed by the oxidation of the biogenic gas dimethylsulfide emitted from the sea surface; (b) production fluxes of secondary organic aerosols from biogenic organic volatiles; (c) emission fluxes of biogenic primary organic aerosols ejected by wind action on sea surface; and (d) emission fluxes of sea salt also lifted by the wind upon bubble bursting. Series of global monthly estimates of these fluxes were correlated to series of potential cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) numbers derived from satellite (MODIS). More detailed comparisons among weekly series of estimated fluxes and satellite-derived cloud droplet effective radius (r[subscript e]) data were conducted at locations spread among polluted and clean regions of the oceanic atmosphere. The outcome of the statistical analysis was that positive correlation to CCN numbers and negative correlation to r[subscript e] were common at mid and high latitude for sulfur and organic secondary aerosols, indicating both might be important in seeding cloud droplet activation. Conversely, primary aerosols (organic and sea salt) showed widespread positive correlations to CCN only at low latitudes. Correlations to r[subscript e] were more variable, non-significant or positive, suggesting that, despite contributing to large shares of the marine aerosol mass, primary aerosols are not widespread major drivers of the variability of cloud microphysics. Validation against ground measurements pointed out that the parameterizations used captured fairly well the variability of aerosol production fluxes in most cases, yet some caution is warranted because there is room for further improvement, particularly for primary organic aerosol. Uncertainties and synergies are discussed, and recommendations of research needs are given

    The influence of a silvopastoral system on carbon stocks in the Brazilian Savanna

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    Climate changes have caused wide ranges of adversities. The deforestation process, resulting in degradated pastures, is one of the main sources of greenhouse gases. Trees in pastures, constituting silvopastoral systems, have the potential to reduce greenhouse gases levels in the atmosphere. Aimed at evaluating trees’ contribution to carbon sink, the present experiment was conducted in Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The system has been under development since 1984, through the natural regeneration of pioneer trees of the species Zeyheria tuberculosa Vell. Bur, a native species of the Brazilian savanna. Tree density was 160 ha-1 and the grass forage chosen was Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. The total carbon stocked in the silvopastoral systems was 69,536.42 kg ha-1: 13,995.04 kg, in the trees, 2,430.78 kg in the annual trees litterfall, and 53,110.60 kg in a depth of 0 to 40 cm of soil. Soil carbon stock in the monoculture was 61,081.25 kg ha-1 of carbon. The apparent increase in the silvopastoral systems carbon stocks demonstrates the possibility of conciliation between animal production and greenhouse gases reduction.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    The Effects of Lead-Vehicle Size on Driver Following Behavior: Is Ignorance Truly Bliss?

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    The objective of this study was to examine whether size of a lead vehicle (passenger car or light truck) affects the distance at which following vehicles travel. Naturalistic following data were collected from drivers using instrumented passenger cars in place of their own vehicles. The results show that these drivers followed light trucks at shorter distances than they followed other passenger cars by an average of 5.6 m, or .19 s in headway time margin, but at the same velocities and range-rates. This result is discussed in the context of a passenger car driver’s ability to see beyond a lead vehicle to assess, and respond to, the status of traffic downstream. The results of this study suggest that knowing the state of traffic beyond the lead vehicle, even by only one additional vehicle, affects gap length. Specifically, it appears that when dimensions of lead vehicles permit other drivers to see through, over, or around them, drivers maintain significantly longer (i.e., safer) distances

    The influence of a silvopastoral system on carbon stocks in the Brazilian Savanna

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    Climate changes have caused wide ranges of adversities. The deforestation process, resulting in degradated pastures, is one of the main sources of greenhouse gases. Trees in pastures, constituting silvopastoral systems, have the potential to reduce greenhouse gases levels in the atmosphere. Aimed at evaluating trees’ contribution to carbon sink, the present experiment was conducted in Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The system has been under development since 1984, through the natural regeneration of pioneer trees of the species Zeyheria tuberculosa Vell. Bur, a native species of the Brazilian savanna. Tree density was 160 ha-1 and the grass forage chosen was Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. The total carbon stocked in the silvopastoral systems was 69,536.42 kg ha-1: 13,995.04 kg, in the trees, 2,430.78 kg in the annual trees litterfall, and 53,110.60 kg in a depth of 0 to 40 cm of soil. Soil carbon stock in the monoculture was 61,081.25 kg ha-1 of carbon. The apparent increase in the silvopastoral systems carbon stocks demonstrates the possibility of conciliation between animal production and greenhouse gases reduction.Universidad Nacional de La Plat