36,555 research outputs found

    Leak test system

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    System for quantitative determination of leak rates in large pressurized compartments is described. Method uses pressure reference cylinder placed in thermal contact with internal environment of compartment. Construction of equipment and details of operational procedure are reported. Illustration of equipment is included

    Numerical methods for incompressible viscous flows with engineering applications

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    A numerical scheme has been developed to solve the incompressible, 3-D Navier-Stokes equations using velocity-vorticity variables. This report summarizes the development of the numerical approximation schemes for the divergence and curl of the velocity vector fields and the development of compact schemes for handling boundary and initial boundary value problems

    Wave propagation in stepped and joined shells Annual report, 1 Sep. 1968 - 1 Sep. 1969

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    Shell impact response and wave propagation in cylindrical and conical shells by experimental and analytical method

    Automated Identification of Unhealthy Drinking Using Routinely Collected Data: A Machine Learning Approach

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    Background: Unhealthy drinking is prevalent in the United States and can lead to serious health and social consequences, yet it is under-diagnosed and under-treated. Identifying unhealthy drinkers can be time-consuming for primary care providers. An automated tool for identification would allow attention to be focused on patients most likely to need care and therefore increase efficiency and effectiveness. Objectives: To build a clinical prediction tool for unhealthy drinking based solely on routinely collected demographic and laboratory data. Methods: We obtained demographic and laboratory data on 89,325 adults seen at the University of Vermont Medical Center from 2011-2017. Logistic regression, support vector machines (SVM), k-nearest neighbor, and random forests were each used to build clinical prediction models. The model with the largest area under the receiver operator curve (AUC) was selected. Results: SVM with polynomials of degree 3 produced the largest AUC. The most influential predictors were alkaline phosphatase, gender, glucose, and serum bicarbonate. The optimum operating point had sensitivity 31.1%, specificity 91.2%, positive predictive value 50.4%, and negative predictive value 82.1%. Application of the tool increased the prevalence of unhealthy drinking from 18.3% to 32.4%, while reducing the target population by 22%. Limitations: Universal screening was not used during the time data was collected. The prevalence of unhealthy drinking among those screened was 60% suggesting the AUDIT-C was administered to confirm rather than screen for unhealthy drinking. Conclusion: An automated tool, using commonly available data, can identify a subset of patients who appear to warrant clinical attention for unhealthy drinking

    Fluidic Proportional Thruster System Final Report

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    Fluidic proportional thrust control system with vortex valve

    Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) software analysis

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    The Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) System, an extension of the Space Transportation System (STS) operating regime to include higher orbits, orbital plane changes, geosynchronous orbits, and interplanetary trajectories is presented. The IUS software design, the IUS software interfaces with other systems, and the cost effectiveness in software verification are described. Tasks of the IUS discussed include: (1) design analysis; (2) validation requirements analysis; (3) interface analysis; and (4) requirements analysis

    Interpretation of x-ray-absorption dichroism experiments

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    A rule is derived to use x-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectra to extract the magnetic moment of the conduction-band states with j= l -1/2 separately from those with j= l + 1/2 as a function of energy. This quantity is straightforward to determine from the electronic band structure. The rule is illustrated with an application to pure iron and to the random substitutional alloy Fe_{80}CO_{20}

    Giant electrocaloric effect around Tc_c

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    We use molecular dynamics with a first-principles-based shell model potential to study the electrocaloric effect (ECE) in lithium niobate, LiNbO3_3, and find a giant electrocaloric effect along a line passing through the ferroelectric transition. With applied electric field, a line of maximum ECE passes through the zero field ferroelectric transition, continuing along a Widom line at high temperatures with increasing field, and along the instability that leads to homogeneous ferroelectric switching below TcT_c with an applied field antiparallel to the spontaneous polarization. This line is defined as the minimum in the inverse capacitance under applied electric field. We investigate the effects of pressure, temperature and applied electric field on the ECE. The behavior we observe in LiNbO3_3 should generally apply to ferroelectrics; we therefore suggest that the operating temperature for refrigeration and energy scavenging applications should be above the ferroelectric transition region to obtain large electrocaloric response. We find a relationship among TcT_c, the Widom line and homogeneous switching that should be universal among ferroelectrics, relaxors, multiferroics, and the same behavior should be found under applied magnetic fields in ferromagnets.Comment: 5 page

    Comments on Anomaly Cancellations by Pole Subtractions and Ghost Instabilities with Gravity

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    We investigate some aspects of anomaly cancellation realized by the subtraction of an anomaly pole, stressing on some of its properties in superspace. In a local formulation these subtractions can be described in terms of a physical scalar, an axion and related ghosts. They appear to be necessary for the unitarization of the theory in the ultraviolet, but they may generate an infrared instability of the corresponding effective action, signalled by ghost condensation. In particular the subtraction of the superanomaly multiplet by a pole in superspace is of dubious significance, due to the different nature of the chiral and conformal anomalies. In turn, this may set more stringent constraints on the coupling of supersymmetric theories to gravity.Comment: 18 pages. Revised version. To appear in "Classical and Quantum Gravity
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