62 research outputs found

    Magnetisation switching in a ferromagnetic Heisenberg nanoparticle with uniaxial anisotropy: A Monte Carlo investigation

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    We investigate the thermal activated magnetisation reversal in a single ferromagnetic nanoparticle with uniaxial anisotropy using Monte Carlo simulations. The aim of this work is to reproduce the reversal magnetisation by uniform rotation at very low temperature in the high energy barrier hypothesis, that is to realize the N\'eel-Brown model. For this purpose we have considered a simple cubic nanoparticle where each site is occupied by a classical Heisenberg spin. The Hamiltonian is the sum of an exchange interaction term, a single-ion anisotropy term and a Zeeman interaction term. Our numerical data of the thermal variation of the switching field are compared to an approximated expression and previous experimental results on Co nanoparticles

    Lifetime of metastable states in resonant tunneling structures

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    We investigate the transport of electrons through a double-barrier resonant-tunneling structure in the regime where the current-voltage characteristics exhibit bistability. In this regime one of the states is metastable, and the system eventually switches from it to the stable state. We show that the mean switching time grows exponentially as the voltage across the device is tuned from the its boundary value into the bistable region. In samples of small area we find that the logarithm of the lifetime is proportional to the voltage (measured from its boundary value) to the 3/2 power, while in larger samples the logarithm of the lifetime is linearly proportional to the voltage.Comment: REVTeX 4, 5 pages, 3 EPS-figure

    Effect of point-contact transparency on coherent mixing of Josephson and transport supercurrents

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    The influence of electron reflection on dc Josephson effect in a ballistic point contact with transport current in the banks is considered theoretically. The effect of finite transparency on the vortex-like currents near the contact and at the phase difference ϕ=π,\phi =\pi , which has been predicted recently \cite{KOSh}, is investigated. We show that at low temperatures even a small reflection on the contact destroys the mentioned vortex-like current states, which can be restored by increasing of the temperature.Comment: 6 pages, 8 Figures, Latex Fil

    Josephson effect in point contacts between ''f-wave'' superconductors

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    A stationary Josephson effect in point contacts between triplet superconductors is analyzed theoretically for most probable models of the order parameter in UPt_{3} and Sr_{2}RuO_{4}. The consequence of misorientation of crystals in superconducting banks on this effect is considered. We show that different models for the order parameter lead to quite different current-phase dependences. For certain angles of misorientation a boundary between superconductors can generate the parallel to surface spontaneous current. In a number of cases the state with a zero Josephson current and minimum of the free energy corresponds to a spontaneous phase difference. This phase difference depends on the misorientation angle and may possess any value. We conclude that experimental investigations of the current-phase dependences of small junctions can be used for determination of the order parameter symmetry in the mentioned above superconductors.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Pinhole calculations of the Josephson effect in 3He-B

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    We study theoretically the dc Josephson effect between two volumes of superfluid 3He-B. We first discuss how the calculation of the current-phase relationships is divided into a mesoscopic and a macroscopic problem. We then analyze mass and spin currents and the symmetry of weak links. In quantitative calculations the weak link is assumed to be a pinhole, whose size is small in comparison to the coherence length. We derive a quasiclassical expression for the coupling energy of a pinhole, allowing also for scattering in the hole. Using a selfconsistent order parameter near a wall, we calculate the current-phase relationships in several cases. In the isotextural case, the current-phase relations are plotted assuming a constant spin-orbit texture. In the opposite anisotextural case the texture changes as a function of the phase difference. For that we have to consider the stiffness of the macroscopic texture, and we also calculate some surface interaction parameters. We analyze the experiments by Marchenkov et al. We find that the observed pi states and bistability hardly can be explained with the isotextural pinhole model, but a good quantitative agreement is achieved with the anisotextural model.Comment: 20 pages, 21 figures, revtex

    The Effect of Surfaces on the Tunneling Density of States of an Anisotropically Paired Superconductor

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    We present calculations of the tunneling density of states in an anisotropically paired superconductor for two different sample geometries: a semi-infinite system with a single specular wall, and a slab of finite thickness and infinite lateral extent. In both cases we are interested in the effects of surface pair breaking on the tunneling spectrum. We take the stable bulk phase to be of dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry. Our calculations are performed within two different band structure environments: an isotropic cylindrical Fermi surface with a bulk order parameter of the form Δkx2ky2\Delta\sim k_x^2-k_y^2, and a nontrivial tight-binding Fermi surface with the order parameter structure coming from an anti-ferromagnetic spin-fluctuation model. In each case we find additional structures in the energy spectrum coming from the surface layer. These structures are sensitive to the orientation of the surface with respect to the crystal lattice, and have their origins in the detailed form of the momentum and spatial dependence of the order parameter. By means of tunneling spectroscopy, one can obtain information on both the anisotropy of the energy gap, |\Delta(\p)|, as well as on the phase of the order parameter, \Delta(\p) = |\Delta(\p)|e^{i\varphi(\p)}.Comment: 14 pages of revtex text with 11 compressed and encoded figures. To appear in J. Low Temp. Phys., December, 199

    Josephson Effect between Condensates with Different Internal Structures

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    A general formula for Josephson current in a wide class of hybrid junctions between different internal structures is derived on the basis of the Andreev picture. The formula extends existing formulae and also enables us to analyze novel B-phase/A-phase/B-phase (BAB) junctions in superfluid helium three systems, which are accessible to experiments. It is predicted that BAB junctions will exhibit two types of current-phase relations associated with different internal symmetries. A ``pseudo-magnetic interface effect'' inherent in the system is also revealed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Superconducting fluctuations at low temperature

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    The effect of fluctuations on the transport and thermodynamic properties of two-dimensional superconductors in a magnetic field is studied at low temperature. The fluctuation conductivity is calculated in the framework of the perturbation theory with the help of usual diagram technique. It is shown that in the dirty case the Aslamazov-Larkin, Maki-Thomson and Density of States contributions are of the same order. At extremely low temperature, the total fluctuation correction to the normal conductivity is negative in the dirty limit and depends on the external magnetic field logarithmically. In the non-local clean limit, the Aslamazov-Larkin contribution to conductivity is evaluated with the aid of the Helfand-Werthamer theory. The longitudinal and Hall conductivities are found. The fluctuating magnetization is calculated in the one-loop and two-loop approximations.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quasiparticle Interface States in Junctions Involving d-Wave Superconductors

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    Influence of surface pair breaking, barrier transmission and phase difference on quasiparticle bound states in junctions with d-wave superconductors is examined. Based on the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity, an approach is developed to handle interface bound states. It is shown in SIS' junctions that low energy bound states get their energies reduced by surface pair breaking, which can be taken into account by introducing an effective order parameter for each superconductor at the junction barrier. More interestingly, for the interface bound states near the continuous spectrum the effect of surface pair breaking may result in a splitting of the bound states. In the tunneling limit this can lead to a square root dependence of a nonequilibrium Josephson current on the barrier transmision, which means an enhancement as compared to the conventional critical current linear in the transmission. Reduced broadening of bound states in NIS junctions due to surface pair breaking is found.Comment: 27 pages, Latex fil

    Two-scale localization in disordered wires in a magnetic field

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    Calculating the density-density correlation function for disordered wires, we study localization properties of wave functions in a magnetic field. The supersymmetry technique combined with the transfer matrix method is used. It is demonstrated that at arbitrarily weak magnetic field the far tail of the wave functions decays with the length Lcu=2LcoL_{{\rm cu}}=2L_{{\rm co}}, where LcoL_{{\rm co}} and LcuL_{{\rm cu}} are the localization lengths in the absence of a magnetic field and in a strong magnetic field, respectively. At shorter distances, the decay of the wave functions is characterized by the length LcoL_{{\rm co}}. Increasing the magnetic field broadens the region of the decay with the length LcuL_{{\rm cu}}, leading finally to the decay with LcuL_{{\rm cu}} at all distances. In other words, the crossover between the orthogonal and unitary ensembles in disordered wires is characterized by two localization lengths. This peculiar behavior must result in two different temperature regimes in the hopping conductivity with the boundary between them depending on the magnetic field.Comment: 4 page