259 research outputs found


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    Menstrual abnormalities are common in women nowadays due to lifestyle modifications, changes in dietary habits and lack of excercise. Of these menstrual disorders, amenorrhoea or absence of menstruation is a common clinical presentation for abnormalities of hypothalamo pituitory ovarian axis. Ayurvedic treatise, Vaidya Manorama and Chikitsamanjary mentions the use of root of Amleeka in treating Nastarthava (Amenorrhoea) ├втВмтАЬ which is absence or abnormal cessation of menstruation. Amenorrhoea causes much physical and psychological problems to affected women. Considering the disease scenario, drawbacks of existing treatment modalities in modern medicine (which advocates greater use of steroids, hormones or surgery), effectiveness of the drug used by traditional practitioners and its easy availability, it seems ideal to investigate the effect of root of Amleeka in Nashtartava so as to provide a safe and affordable treatment. The clinical trial was undertaken as a before and after trial with 30 patients for a period of 3 months with the test drug and three months follow up. The assessment criteria were the amount and duration of menstrual bleeding, interval of menstrual cycle and associated symptoms before trial, after trial and after follow up. The trial drug was found to be effective in improving amount of menstrual bleeding from scanty to moderate and duration of bleeding from short to moderate level (P<0.001***). Thus it can be concluded that study drug is effective in inducing menstruation

    Characterization of Vibrio spp. associated with Diseased Shrimp from Culture Ponds of Andhra Pradesh(India)

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    Surveys undertaken on diseases caused by Vibrio spp. in Penaeus monodon from culture ponds of coastal Andhra Pradesh recorded the occurrence of five types of diseases : tailnecrosis,shelldisease,reddisease,looseshellsyndrome(LSS), and white gut disease(WGD). Amongthese,LSS,WGD,and red disease caused mass mortalities in shrimp cultureponds. Six species of Vibrio V.harveyi,V.parahaemolyticus,V.alginolyticus,V.anguillarum,V.vulnificus,and V.splendidus are associated with the diseased shrimp. The number of Vibrio spp. associated with each disease ranged from two to five. Additionally,shrimp with red disease had concurrent infections with white spot syndrome virus.Vibrio harveyi in the case of LSS and WGD, V. parahaemolyticus for reddisease, and V.algino-lyticus for shell disease are the major etiologcalagents. Differences occur in the degree of virulence of different species of Vibrio and also different isolates of the same species. Vibrioharveyi isolated from LSS shrimp is the most virulent.Ingeneral, allthe Vibrio isolates from LSS shrimp tend to be more virulent as compared to their counter parts fromo the diseased shrimp.It is apparent that the degree of virulence of various Vibrio isolates depends on its source and the pond environmental conditions. Most of the Vibrio isolates showed susceptibility to oxy-tetracycline, norfloxacin, and ciprofloxacin. The luminous V.harveyi exhibited resistance to many antibiotics and susceptibility to only three drugs. Considering the emergence of antimicrobial resistant strains of Vibrio, the need for using probiotics in place of antibiotics for disease control is stressed

    Biochemical Constituents of Shrimps from Semi-Intensive and Modified-Extensive Culture Ponds

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    A quantitative study on the occurrence of major biochemical constituents including protein, carbohydrate, lipid and cholesterol in the muscle of different growth stages of Penaeus monodon collected from semi-intensive (SI) and modified-extensive (ME) culture ponds of coastal Andhra Pradesh, adopting different feeding schedules was undertaken. The objective was to determine the effects of the age of shrimp and the stocking density on the biochemical composition of the muscle. Protein was found to be the major biochemical constituent and an increase in protein content with advancement of shrimp age was recorded. Glycogen occurred only in traces. Lipid and cholesterol occurred in moderate quantities with concentrations slightly higher in shrimps of SI ponds as compared to those of ME ponds. Overall, the stocking density had little impact on protein and glycogen concentration in the muscle

    Characteristics, Pathogenicity and Antibiotic Sensitivity of Bacterial Isolates from White Spot Diseased Shrimp

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    A bacteriological study was undertaken on white spot diseased shrimp collected from extensive, modified-extensive and semi-intensive ponds located at Visakhapatnam and East Godavari districts of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh. The diseased shrimp exhibited white spots and red discoloration of the body. Four species of bacteria, V. alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus, V. anguillarum and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were isolated from the hemolymph of the diseased shrimp. V. alginolyticus was found to be the most dominant and virulent species. All the bacterial isolates showed sensitivity towards oxytetracycline which is a commonly used antibiotic in culture ponds

    Survival, Growth and Production of Penaeus monodon in Modified- Extensive and Semi Intensive Culture Systems of Andhra Pradesh, India

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    An analysis was made on the stocking density, survival, growth and production of Penaeus monodon in semi intensive (SI) and modified extensive (ME) shrimp culture ponds located in East Godavari district of Coastal Andhra Pradesh, India. Survival of shrimp in the ME systems with low stocking densities is higher (56 - 88%) than in the SI systems (12.3 тАУ 52%) with higher stocking densities. Growth of shrimp is dependent not only on the stocking density but also on the management practices. Although the percent survival is more in ME system the growth is much faster in SI system owing to better management practices. Weight gain of shrimp was more rapid in the SI system than in the ME system initially up to 90 days of culture (DOC) but the trend was reverse in the later age of culture period. The optimum stocking density for achieving maximum production in the area is suggested as 10-15 individuals / m2 in SI ponds and 3-5 individuals / m2 in ME ponds

    High frequency Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation in rubber tree via. vacuum infiltration

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    In a tree species like Hevea brasiliensis, genetic transformation offers a viable approach for crop improvement within a short period. Hevea being highly recalcitrant to in vitro culture, an efficient transformation protocol is necessary for generating large number of transgenic plants with stable foreign gene expression. After several modifications in the initial transformation protocol, the transformation frequency was increased to 14 per cent using proliferated anther callus. Therefore, vacuum infiltration was attempted for enhancing the transformation frequency. In the present work the conditions for vacuum infiltration viz. vacuum pressure and period of infiltration were standardized. Vacuum infiltration at 30 psi pressure for 10 minutes was found to be ideal for getting high frequency transformation in H. brasiliensis. Irrespective of the gene constructs experimented, transformation frequency was significantly improved by adopting vacuum infiltration. Employing this technique, the transformation efficiency of MnSOD gene construct with FMV34S promoter could be enhanced from 14 to 50 percent

    A study on association of preoperative anaemia and obesity with causes and postoperative outcome in women undergoing hysterectomy for abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding is most commonly encountered in 10-20% of women in reproductive age.┬а The objectives of the study are to assess the proportion and association with causes and postoperative outcome of preoperative anaemia and obesity in women with abnormal uterine bleeding who underwent hysterectomy.Methods: This was a retrospective observational record-based study conducted in the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital(SMVMCH), Pondicherry. The study population consisted of 169 patients who were admitted for abnormal uterine bleeding and underwent hysterectomy from January 2016 to December 2016 for a period of one year.Results: The mean age was 43years.The mean value of haemoglobin on admission was 9.89g/dl. The distribution frequencies of patients by WHO BMI classification as underweight, normal, overweight and obesity are 8, 59, 78 and 24 respectively. The distribution frequencies of patients by WHO anaemia classification as no anaemia, mild, moderate are 34, 37 and 98 respectively. Seventy-six patients had blood transfusion. Six patients had urinary tract infection and all of them were anaemic and obese. Two patients had developed respiratory tract infection and none of the patients had developed deep vein thrombosis. ┬аConclusions: Preoperative anaemia was more common in patients with fibroid and associated with increased morbidity in immediate postoperative period. There is more prevalence of SSI among overweight and obese women


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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic relapsing, pruritic, inflammatory skin disease in children associated with personal or family history of other atopic disease like asthma, allergic rhinitis. Clinically characterized by itching, dryness, erythema, vesiculation, exudation and lichenification etc. The present treatment for AD in modern science is steroids or calcinueurin inhibitors. But repeated course of steroids can cause immuno suppression and growth retardation. The drugs in Siddha system of medicine is well known for their effectiveness and less toxicity. One such medicine is Uthamani Chooranam (UC) indicated for AD. The activity of UC was studied by using histamine induced paw oedema in rats by phenylbutazone. Exposure of rats hind paw to histamine resulted in marked increase of paw tissue weight and skin thickness. After oral administration of UC at various dose levels of 200mg/kg and 400mg/ kg reduce the paw volume when compared to control group. The present studies shown the Siddha drug UC is significantly reduce the paw oedema and this study supports the anti-histamine effect of UC

    Open sea cage culture for marine finfish and shellfishes

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    Open sea cage culture for marine finfish and shellfishe


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    Objectives: The present study was carried out to detect the prevalence of efflux pump-mediated drug resistance in clinical isolates of multidrugresistant(MDR) Gram-negativebacteriaisolatedfromNorth Kerala.Methods: Clinical isolates (n = 123) of MDR Gram-negative bacteria were collected from various clinical laboratories in North Kerala, and their effluxmediateddrug resistancewasdetectedbytwosimple phenotypic assays-ethidiumbromide(EB)-agarcartwheelmethod andefflux pump inhibitor(EPI)-basedmicroplateassay,employingphenylalanine-arginine├О┬▓-naphthylamideas inhibitor.Results: The 123 Gram-negative MDR strains tested comprised Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter spp., and Klebsiella spp. TheEB-agar cartwheel method of screening revealed efflux activity in 20% (n=25) of the strains with representatives from all 4 genera. The efflux activitywas revealed at a minimum concentration of EB at 1 mg/l. P. aeruginosa strains showed the highest activity, many folds higher up to a concentrationof 2.5 mg/l. The confirmatory EPI-based microplate assay showed efflux activity only in 15% (n=18) strains with 6% (n=7) active against more thanone antibiotic. Efflux pump-mediated drug resistance was found to be most prevalent in P. aeruginosa (34.8%, n=8 out of 23), followed by that in E. coli(18.6%, n=8 out of 43), Acinetobacter spp. (9%, n=1out of 11), and Klebsiella spp. (2%, n=1 out of 46).Conclusion: This study reports on the emergence of efflux pump-based multidrug-resistance in North Kerala. Our results showed that 15% of drugresistance in Gram-negative MDR strains is attributable to efflux-related mechanisms, thereby emphasizing the need for inclusion of efflux-relatedtests in the diagnostic regimen for MDR clinical bacteria.Keywords: Gram-negative bacteria, Multidrug-resistance, Efflux pumps, Ethidium bromide, Efflux pump-inhibitor
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