24,508 research outputs found

    Low-frequency GMRT observations of the magnetic Bp star HR Lup (HD 133880)

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    We present radio observations of the magnetic chemically peculiar Bp star HR Lup (HD 133880) at 647 and 277 MHz with the GMRT. At both frequencies the source is not detected but we are able to determine upper limits to the emission. The 647 MHz limits are particularly useful, with a 5\sigma\ value of 0.45 mJy. Also, no large enhancements of the emission were seen. The non-detections, along with previously published higher frequency detections, provide evidence that an optically thick gyrosynchrotron model is the correct mechanism for the radio emission of HR Lup.Comment: 7 pages, accepted for publication in the Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, to appear in the June issu

    The Effects of Auditor Tenure on Fraud and Its Detection

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    We examine the strategic effects of auditor tenure on the auditor's testing strategy and the manager's inclination to commit fraud. Most empirical studies conclude that longer tenure improves audit quality. Proponents of restricting tenure argue that longer tenure impairs auditor independence and a "fresh look" from a new auditor results in higher audit quality. Validating this argument requires testing whether the observed difference in audit quality between a continuing auditor and a change in auditors is less than the theoretically expected difference in audit quality without impairment. Our findings provide the guidance necessary for developing such tests. Our results show that audit risk (the probability that fraud exists and goes undetected) is lower in both periods for the continuing auditor than with a change in auditors. More importantly, we show that across both periods, expected undetected fraud is lower for the continuing auditor than with a change in auditors

    Three-geometry and reformulation of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation

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    A reformulation of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation which highlights the role of gauge-invariant three-geometry elements is presented. It is noted that the classical super-Hamiltonian of four-dimensional gravity as simplified by Ashtekar through the use of gauge potential and densitized triad variables can furthermore be succinctly expressed as a vanishing Poisson bracket involving three-geometry elements. This is discussed in the general setting of the Barbero extension of the theory with arbitrary non-vanishing value of the Immirzi parameter, and when a cosmological constant is also present. A proposed quantum constraint of density weight two which is polynomial in the basic conjugate variables is also demonstrated to correspond to a precise simple ordering of the operators, and may thus help to resolve the factor ordering ambiguity in the extrapolation from classical to quantum gravity. Alternative expression of a density weight one quantum constraint which may be more useful in the spin network context is also discussed, but this constraint is non-polynomial and is not motivated by factor ordering. The article also highlights the fact that while the volume operator has become a preeminient object in the current manifestation of loop quantum gravity, the volume element and the Chern-Simons functional can be of equal significance, and need not be mutually exclusive. Both these fundamental objects appear explicitly in the reformulation of the Wheeler-DeWitt constraint.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX fil

    Development of a regenerable carbon dioxide removal system Final report, Jun. 1965 - Jan. 1968

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    Design criteria for regenerative carbon dioxide removal system for manned spacecraf

    MDCC: Multi-Data Center Consistency

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    Replicating data across multiple data centers not only allows moving the data closer to the user and, thus, reduces latency for applications, but also increases the availability in the event of a data center failure. Therefore, it is not surprising that companies like Google, Yahoo, and Netflix already replicate user data across geographically different regions. However, replication across data centers is expensive. Inter-data center network delays are in the hundreds of milliseconds and vary significantly. Synchronous wide-area replication is therefore considered to be unfeasible with strong consistency and current solutions either settle for asynchronous replication which implies the risk of losing data in the event of failures, restrict consistency to small partitions, or give up consistency entirely. With MDCC (Multi-Data Center Consistency), we describe the first optimistic commit protocol, that does not require a master or partitioning, and is strongly consistent at a cost similar to eventually consistent protocols. MDCC can commit transactions in a single round-trip across data centers in the normal operational case. We further propose a new programming model which empowers the application developer to handle longer and unpredictable latencies caused by inter-data center communication. Our evaluation using the TPC-W benchmark with MDCC deployed across 5 geographically diverse data centers shows that MDCC is able to achieve throughput and latency similar to eventually consistent quorum protocols and that MDCC is able to sustain a data center outage without a significant impact on response times while guaranteeing strong consistency

    Random projections and the optimization of an algorithm for phase retrieval

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    Iterative phase retrieval algorithms typically employ projections onto constraint subspaces to recover the unknown phases in the Fourier transform of an image, or, in the case of x-ray crystallography, the electron density of a molecule. For a general class of algorithms, where the basic iteration is specified by the difference map, solutions are associated with fixed points of the map, the attractive character of which determines the effectiveness of the algorithm. The behavior of the difference map near fixed points is controlled by the relative orientation of the tangent spaces of the two constraint subspaces employed by the map. Since the dimensionalities involved are always large in practical applications, it is appropriate to use random matrix theory ideas to analyze the average-case convergence at fixed points. Optimal values of the gamma parameters of the difference map are found which differ somewhat from the values previously obtained on the assumption of orthogonal tangent spaces.Comment: 15 page

    The entropic origin of disassortativity in complex networks

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    Why are most empirical networks, with the prominent exception of social ones, generically degree-degree anticorrelated, i.e. disassortative? With a view to answering this long-standing question, we define a general class of degree-degree correlated networks and obtain the associated Shannon entropy as a function of parameters. It turns out that the maximum entropy does not typically correspond to uncorrelated networks, but to either assortative (correlated) or disassortative (anticorrelated) ones. More specifically, for highly heterogeneous (scale-free) networks, the maximum entropy principle usually leads to disassortativity, providing a parsimonious explanation to the question above. Furthermore, by comparing the correlations measured in some real-world networks with those yielding maximum entropy for the same degree sequence, we find a remarkable agreement in various cases. Our approach provides a neutral model from which, in the absence of further knowledge regarding network evolution, one can obtain the expected value of correlations. In cases in which empirical observations deviate from the neutral predictions -- as happens in social networks -- one can then infer that there are specific correlating mechanisms at work.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted in Phys. Rev. Lett. (2010
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