245 research outputs found

    Nonlethally assessing elasmobranch ontogenetic shifts in energetics

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    Body condition is an important proxy for the overall health and energetic status of fishes. The classically used Fulton's condition factor requires length and mass measurements, but mass can be difficult to obtain in large species. Girth measurements can replace mass for wild pelagic sharks. However, girth-calculated condition has not been validated against Fulton's condition factor intraspecifically, across ontogeny or reproduction, or in a controlled setting. We used the epaulette shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum), because they are amenable to captive reproduction, to track fine-scale body condition changes across life stages, oviparous reproduction and between condition indices. We measured four girths, total length and mass of 16 captive epaulette sharks across 1 year and tracked female reproduction daily. We also collected length and mass data from an additional 72 wild-caught sharks and 155 sharks from five previous studies and two public aquaria to examine the relationship between length and mass for this species. Even though data were derived from a variety of sources, a predictable length–mass relationship (R2 = 0.990) was achievable, indicating that combining data from a variety of sources could help overcome knowledge gaps regarding basic life history characteristics. We also found that condition factor decreased during early life stages, then increased again into adulthood, with predictable changes across the female reproductive cycle. Finally, we determined that both Fulton's and girth condition analyses were comparable. Outcomes from this study uniquely provide body condition changes across the complete life history, including fine-scale female reproductive stages, and validate the use of girths as a nonlethal whole-organism energetic assessment for fishes

    Testing the Persistence of Phenotypic Plasticity After Incubation in the Western Fence Lizard, Sceloporus Occidentalis

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    Hypothesis: Phenotypic variation in traits induced by different incubation temperatures does not persist into the lifetime of young lizards, and therefore contributes little to variation in long-term fitness. Organism: Western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis). Methods: Split-clutch laboratory incubation experiment including eggs from two different populations under two different incubation regimes, measurement of morphological traits at hatching, and tracking of morphology and temperature preference behaviour for 7 weeks after hatching. Results: Several morphological traits, including body mass, hindlimb length, inter-limb length, and tail length, initially differed between the two incubation treatments, but only the difference in tail length persisted to age 7 weeks. Thermal preference was relatively conserved, with juveniles showing no difference in mean selected body temperatures across treatments; however, warm-incubated lizards thermoregulated more precisely than their cool-incubated counterparts. Conclusion: Studies of incubation effects can reveal changes in animal phenotypes post-hatching, but if these effects do not persist, they may not be subject to natural selection and consequently be of little ecological relevance

    The relationship between body shape, body size and locomotor mode in extant lepidosaurs

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    Despite historic work, the mechanisms and evolutionary drivers associated with the adoption of a facultatively bipedal locomotor mode in extant lepidosaurs are unclear. Recent work has provided insights into the biomechanical triggers of bipedal locomotion, but the associated anatomies are yet to be fully understood, particularly with regard to body size across Lepidosauria. Using a dataset derived from museum specimens, representing a range of lepidosaur body shapes, we highlight the differences between obligate quadrupeds and facultative bipeds within this group and demonstrate the value of non-caudal skeletal material in identifying facultative bipeds using osteology alone. We use multiple statistical approaches to identify trends across locomotor modes relative to body size. Body size has a significant effect upon body proportions across the two locomotor modes, especially in the hindlimbs. Forelimbs lengths do not differ significantly across locomotor modes for animals of similar body size, but distal hindlimbs are significantly longer in facultative bipeds. Interestingly, femoral length does not differ across locomotor modes of a similar body size. Our findings contrast with historical tropes, and are significant for future work attempting to identify the factors driving the evolution of a facultatively bipedal locomotor mode in Lepidosauria

    Cryptic complexity in felid vertebral evolution: shape differentiation and allometry of the axial skeleton

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    Members of the mammalian family Felidae (extant and extinct cats) are grossly phenotypically similar, but display a 300-fold range in body size, from less than 1 kg to more than 300 kg. In addition to differences in body mass, felid species show dietary and locomotory specializations that correlate to skull and limb osteological measurements, such as shape or cross-sectional area. However, ecological correlates to the axial skeleton are yet untested. Here, we build on previous studies of the biomechanical and morphological evolution of the felid appendicular skeleton by conducting a quantitative analysis of morphology and allometry in the presacral vertebral column across extant cats. Our results demonstrate that vertebral columns of arboreal, scansorial and terrestrial felids significantly differ in morphology, specifically in the lumbar region, while no distinction based on dietary specialization was found. Body size significantly influences vertebral morphology, with clear regionalization of allometry along the vertebral column, suggesting that anterior (cervicals and thoracics) and posterior (lumbar) vertebrae may be independently subjected to distinct selection pressures

    Linking Ecomechanical Models and Functional Traits to Understand Phenotypic Diversity

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    Physical principles and laws determine the set of possible organismal phenotypes. Constraints arising from development, the environment, and evolutionary history then yield workable, integrated phenotypes. We propose a theoretical and practical framework that considers the role of changing environments. This \u27ecomechanical approach\u27 integrates functional organismal traits with the ecological variables. This approach informs our ability to predict species shifts in survival and distribution and provides critical insights into phenotypic diversity. We outline how to use the ecomechanical paradigm using drag-induced bending in trees as an example. Our approach can be incorporated into existing research and help build interdisciplinary bridges. Finally, we identify key factors needed for mass data collection, analysis, and the dissemination of models relevant to this framework

    Ecological release in White Sands lizards

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    Ecological opportunity is any change that allows populations to escape selection from competition and predation. After encountering ecological opportunity, populations may experience ecological release: enlarged population size, broadened resource use, and/or increased morphological variation. We identified ecological opportunity and tested for ecological release in three lizard colonists of White Sands, New Mexico (Sceloporus undulatus, Holbrookia maculata, and Aspidoscelis inornata). First, we provide evidence for ecological opportunity by demonstrating reduced species richness and abundance of potential competitors and predators at White Sands relative to nearby dark soils habitats. Second, we characterize ecological release at White Sands by demonstrating density compensation in the three White Sands lizard species and expanded resource use in White Sands S. undulatus. Contrary to predictions from ecological release models, we observed directional trait change but not increased trait variation in S. undulatus. Our results suggest that ecological opportunity and ecological release can be identified in natural populations, especially those that have recently colonized isolated ecosystems

    Limb proportions show developmental plasticity in response to embryo movement

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    Animals have evolved limb proportions adapted to different environments, but it is not yet clear to what extent these proportions are directly influenced by the environment during prenatal development. The developing skeleton experiences mechanical loading resulting from embryo movement. We tested the hypothesis that environmentally-induced changes in prenatal movement influence embryonic limb growth to alter proportions. We show that incubation temperature influences motility and limb bone growth in West African Dwarf crocodiles, producing altered limb proportions which may, influence post-hatching performance. Pharmacological immobilisation of embryonic chickens revealed that altered motility, independent of temperature, may underpin this growth regulation. Use of the chick also allowed us to merge histological, immunochemical and cell proliferation labelling studies to evaluate changes in growth plate organisation, and unbiased array profiling to identify specific cellular and transcriptional targets of embryo movement. This disclosed that movement alters limb proportions and regulates chondrocyte proliferation in only specific growth plates. This selective targeting is related to intrinsic mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) pathway activity in individual growth plates. Our findings provide new insights into how environmental factors can be integrated to influence cellular activity in growing bones and ultimately gross limb morphology, to generate phenotypic variation during prenatal development