553 research outputs found

    Ensemble estimation of multivariate f-divergence

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    f-divergence estimation is an important problem in the fields of information theory, machine learning, and statistics. While several divergence estimators exist, relatively few of their convergence rates are known. We derive the MSE convergence rate for a density plug-in estimator of f-divergence. Then by applying the theory of optimally weighted ensemble estimation, we derive a divergence estimator with a convergence rate of O(1/T) that is simple to implement and performs well in high dimensions. We validate our theoretical results with experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, a condensed version of this paper was accepted to ISIT 2014, Version 2: Moved the proofs of the theorems from the main body to appendices at the en

    Meta learning of bounds on the Bayes classifier error

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    Meta learning uses information from base learners (e.g. classifiers or estimators) as well as information about the learning problem to improve upon the performance of a single base learner. For example, the Bayes error rate of a given feature space, if known, can be used to aid in choosing a classifier, as well as in feature selection and model selection for the base classifiers and the meta classifier. Recent work in the field of f-divergence functional estimation has led to the development of simple and rapidly converging estimators that can be used to estimate various bounds on the Bayes error. We estimate multiple bounds on the Bayes error using an estimator that applies meta learning to slowly converging plug-in estimators to obtain the parametric convergence rate. We compare the estimated bounds empirically on simulated data and then estimate the tighter bounds on features extracted from an image patch analysis of sunspot continuum and magnetogram images.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in proceedings of 2015 IEEE Signal Processing and SP Education Worksho

    Direct Estimation of Information Divergence Using Nearest Neighbor Ratios

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    We propose a direct estimation method for R\'{e}nyi and f-divergence measures based on a new graph theoretical interpretation. Suppose that we are given two sample sets XX and YY, respectively with NN and MM samples, where η:=M/N\eta:=M/N is a constant value. Considering the kk-nearest neighbor (kk-NN) graph of YY in the joint data set (X,Y)(X,Y), we show that the average powered ratio of the number of XX points to the number of YY points among all kk-NN points is proportional to R\'{e}nyi divergence of XX and YY densities. A similar method can also be used to estimate f-divergence measures. We derive bias and variance rates, and show that for the class of γ\gamma-H\"{o}lder smooth functions, the estimator achieves the MSE rate of O(N2γ/(γ+d))O(N^{-2\gamma/(\gamma+d)}). Furthermore, by using a weighted ensemble estimation technique, for density functions with continuous and bounded derivatives of up to the order dd, and some extra conditions at the support set boundary, we derive an ensemble estimator that achieves the parametric MSE rate of O(1/N)O(1/N). Our estimators are more computationally tractable than other competing estimators, which makes them appealing in many practical applications.Comment: 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT

    Information Theoretic Structure Learning with Confidence

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    Information theoretic measures (e.g. the Kullback Liebler divergence and Shannon mutual information) have been used for exploring possibly nonlinear multivariate dependencies in high dimension. If these dependencies are assumed to follow a Markov factor graph model, this exploration process is called structure discovery. For discrete-valued samples, estimates of the information divergence over the parametric class of multinomial models lead to structure discovery methods whose mean squared error achieves parametric convergence rates as the sample size grows. However, a naive application of this method to continuous nonparametric multivariate models converges much more slowly. In this paper we introduce a new method for nonparametric structure discovery that uses weighted ensemble divergence estimators that achieve parametric convergence rates and obey an asymptotic central limit theorem that facilitates hypothesis testing and other types of statistical validation.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    The intrinsic value of HFO features as a biomarker of epileptic activity

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    High frequency oscillations (HFOs) are a promising biomarker of epileptic brain tissue and activity. HFOs additionally serve as a prototypical example of challenges in the analysis of discrete events in high-temporal resolution, intracranial EEG data. Two primary challenges are 1) dimensionality reduction, and 2) assessing feasibility of classification. Dimensionality reduction assumes that the data lie on a manifold with dimension less than that of the feature space. However, previous HFO analyses have assumed a linear manifold, global across time, space (i.e. recording electrode/channel), and individual patients. Instead, we assess both a) whether linear methods are appropriate and b) the consistency of the manifold across time, space, and patients. We also estimate bounds on the Bayes classification error to quantify the distinction between two classes of HFOs (those occurring during seizures and those occurring due to other processes). This analysis provides the foundation for future clinical use of HFO features and buides the analysis for other discrete events, such as individual action potentials or multi-unit activity.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Image patch analysis and clustering of sunspots: a dimensionality reduction approach

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    Sunspots, as seen in white light or continuum images, are associated with regions of high magnetic activity on the Sun, visible on magnetogram images. Their complexity is correlated with explosive solar activity and so classifying these active regions is useful for predicting future solar activity. Current classification of sunspot groups is visually based and suffers from bias. Supervised learning methods can reduce human bias but fail to optimally capitalize on the information present in sunspot images. This paper uses two image modalities (continuum and magnetogram) to characterize the spatial and modal interactions of sunspot and magnetic active region images and presents a new approach to cluster the images. Specifically, in the framework of image patch analysis, we estimate the number of intrinsic parameters required to describe the spatial and modal dependencies, the correlation between the two modalities and the corresponding spatial patterns, and examine the phenomena at different scales within the images. To do this, we use linear and nonlinear intrinsic dimension estimators, canonical correlation analysis, and multiresolution analysis of intrinsic dimension.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, accepted to ICIP 201

    OBCS: The Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics

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    Statistics play a critical role in biological and clinical research. To promote logically consistent representation and classification of statistical entities, we have developed the Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics (OBCS). OBCS extends the Ontology of Biomedical Investigations (OBI), an OBO Foundry ontology supported by some 20 communities. Currently, OBCS contains 686 terms, including 381 classes imported from OBI and 147 classes specific to OBCS. The goal of this paper is to present OBCS for community critique and to describe a number of use cases designed to illustrate its potential applications. The OBCS project and source code are available at http://obcs.googlecode.com

    Image patch analysis of sunspots and active regions. II. Clustering via matrix factorization

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    Separating active regions that are quiet from potentially eruptive ones is a key issue in Space Weather applications. Traditional classification schemes such as Mount Wilson and McIntosh have been effective in relating an active region large scale magnetic configuration to its ability to produce eruptive events. However, their qualitative nature prevents systematic studies of an active region's evolution for example. We introduce a new clustering of active regions that is based on the local geometry observed in Line of Sight magnetogram and continuum images. We use a reduced-dimension representation of an active region that is obtained by factoring the corresponding data matrix comprised of local image patches. Two factorizations can be compared via the definition of appropriate metrics on the resulting factors. The distances obtained from these metrics are then used to cluster the active regions. We find that these metrics result in natural clusterings of active regions. The clusterings are related to large scale descriptors of an active region such as its size, its local magnetic field distribution, and its complexity as measured by the Mount Wilson classification scheme. We also find that including data focused on the neutral line of an active region can result in an increased correspondence between our clustering results and other active region descriptors such as the Mount Wilson classifications and the RR value. We provide some recommendations for which metrics, matrix factorization techniques, and regions of interest to use to study active regions.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (SWSC). 33 pages, 12 figure

    Image patch analysis of sunspots and active regions. I. Intrinsic dimension and correlation analysis

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    The flare-productivity of an active region is observed to be related to its spatial complexity. Mount Wilson or McIntosh sunspot classifications measure such complexity but in a categorical way, and may therefore not use all the information present in the observations. Moreover, such categorical schemes hinder a systematic study of an active region's evolution for example. We propose fine-scale quantitative descriptors for an active region's complexity and relate them to the Mount Wilson classification. We analyze the local correlation structure within continuum and magnetogram data, as well as the cross-correlation between continuum and magnetogram data. We compute the intrinsic dimension, partial correlation, and canonical correlation analysis (CCA) of image patches of continuum and magnetogram active region images taken from the SOHO-MDI instrument. We use masks of sunspots derived from continuum as well as larger masks of magnetic active regions derived from the magnetogram to analyze separately the core part of an active region from its surrounding part. We find the relationship between complexity of an active region as measured by Mount Wilson and the intrinsic dimension of its image patches. Partial correlation patterns exhibit approximately a third-order Markov structure. CCA reveals different patterns of correlation between continuum and magnetogram within the sunspots and in the region surrounding the sunspots. These results also pave the way for patch-based dictionary learning with a view towards automatic clustering of active regions.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (SWSC). 23 pages, 11 figure