24 research outputs found


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    Duplication of the jejunum in a dog was morphologically reported. A solitary lesion with a diameter of 4 mm was incidentally found near the mesenteric side of the intestinal wall. On the intestinal mucosa, a crater-like focus was observed. Histologically the nodular lesion was detected as a round and clearly circumscribed canal within the normal muscular layer of the small intestine. The inner surface of the canal had mucosa which was similar to the normal intestinal mucosa with villi in light and electron microscopy

    Osteoclast-like giant cell tumour arising from the kidney in a dog

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    Guvenc, Tolga/0000-0003-1468-3415WOS: 000229406800007PubMed: 15959980In this study, a case of osteoclast-like giant cell turnout arising from the kidney is reported in an eight-year-old female Anatolian Shepherd dog. Macroscopically, the tumorous mass covered the hilus of the left kidney. It was 26 x 22 x 12 cm in size and 3700 g in weight. Metastatic tumorous nodules, 0.5-2.0 cm in diameter, were found on the abdominal side of the diaphragm and in the lungs. Microscopically, numerous large osteoclast-like multinucleated giant cells and spindle-spheroidal-shaped cells were seen. Osteoblastic differentiation and osteoid matrix were noted in a few areas at the periphery of the tumour, near the connective tissue septa. The stroma of the tumour tissue was vascular, oedematous and loose. By immunoperoxidase staining, tumour cells showed immunoreactivity for vimentin but not for keratin and desmin, indicating that the tumour had mesenchymal origin. This is the first report in the literature on a malignant osteoclast-like giant cell turnout arising from a visceral organ in animals

    Duplication of the Jejunum in a Dog.

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    Osteoclast-like giant cell tumour arising from the kidney in a dog

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    In this study, a case of osteoclast-like giant cell tumour arising from the kidney is reported in an eight-year-old female Anatolian Shepherd dog. Macroscopically, the tumorous mass covered the hilus of the left kidney. It was 26×22×12 cm in size and 3700 g in weight. Metastatic tumorous nodules, 0.5-2.0 cm in diameter, were found on the abdominal side of the diaphragm and in the lungs. Microscopically, numerous large osteoclast-like multinucleated giant cells and spindle-spheroidal-shaped cells were seen. Osteoblastic differentiation and osteoid matrix were noted in a few areas at the periphery of the tumour, near the connective tissue septa. The stroma of the tumour tissue was vascular, oedematous and loose. By immunoperoxidase staining, tumour cells showed immunoreactivity for vimentin but not for keratin and desmin, indicating that the tumour had mesenchymal origin. This is the first report in the literature on a malignant osteoclast-like giant cell tumour arising from a visceral organ in animals

    The prevalence, colonization sites and pathological effects of gastric helicobacters in dogs

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    Akan, Mehmet/0000-0002-7342-1450WOS: 000174792400025The prevalence and colonization sites of Helicobacter slap. in the stomachs of dogs, and their association with gastric pathology were investigated. Scraping cytology, culture, urease test and histology were used to detect helicobacters in the stomachs of necropsied dogs. Gastric Helicobacter spp. were detected in 103 (84.4%) of 122 dogs from I month to 14 years of age. The uncultured spiral organisms seen in the most of stomachs were designated as H. heilmannii. Microscopical examination of stained mucosal scrapings was found to be superior for the diagnosis of gastric helicobacters. Six (4.9%) spiral organisms were isolated from 122 stomachs and all were identified as H. felis. Helicobacter spp. were detected in the fundus, corpus and antrum of 103, 101 and 53 dogs, respectively. Organisms were denser in the fundus and corpus than in the antrum, Histological changes comparable to mild chronic gastritis or chronic active gastritis were found in 56.3% of Helicobacter positive dogs and 47.4% of Helicobacter-negative dogs. H. felis was found only in dogs with chronic active gastritis

    An outbreak of avian tuberculosis in peafowl (Pavo cristatus) and pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) in a zoological aviary in Turkey

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    WOS: 000234011300005Avian tuberculosis was diagnosed histopathologically and microbiologically in two pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) and two peafowl (Pavo cristatus) kept in the same aviary. The incidence of avian tuberculosis in the aviary was 6%. Non-mineralized caseogranulomas were present in the liver (3 cases), spleen (3 cases), intestine (2 cases), lung (2 cases), and cloaca (1 case). Granulomas in the lung were present only in peafowl. The presence of granulomas in the lung of both infected peafowl suggests that peafowl were exposed to the agent via the respiratory route rather than the alimentary route. Histopathologic findings were typical of avian tuberculosis, including acid fast bacilli and centrally located caseo-necrosis surrounded by epitheloid macrophages, lymphocytes, and multinucleated giant cells. Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium was isolated from tissue samples of all infected birds

    Pullu sürüngen örneklerinin hazırlanması ve muhafazası için modifiye S10B silikon plastinasyonu metodu

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    Preparation and long-time preservation of reptile specimens need a meticulous work. Plastination is a convenient method to create real-like and durable specimens. However, the basic steps of silicone plastination should be changed or modified depending on the anatomical or histological features of the reptile species. Various species of scaled reptiles were plastinated for this research. The aim of this study was to evaluate the silicone plastination of scaled reptiles in a detailed manner and to create a fast but convenient protocol to obtain useful plastinates. Final products have revealed that padding with the acetone resistant and quick drying polymers before the fixation step was quite effective to provide a better anatomic form and position especially in hollow structures. Proper use of polyethylene glycol may help researchers to prevent superficial drying and adhesion of excess polymers and to inhibit the mould growth during the fixation stage. It is considered that preparation of reptile specimens with this modified plastination method will be efficacious for practical teaching of reptiles. © 2017, Chartered Inst. of Building Services Engineers. All rights reserved.Sürüngen preparatlarının hazırlanması ve uzun süreli muhafazası faaliyetleri, titiz bir çalışma gerektirir. Plastinasyon; dayanıklı ve gerçeğe özdeş görünümlü örnekler yaratabilmek için amaca yönelik bir metottur. Fakat sürüngen türlerinin anatomik ve histolojik özelliklerine bağlı olarak; silikon plastinasyonunun temel aşamalarında değişiklik veya modifikasyonlar yapılması gerekebilir. Bu araştırma için çeşitli pullu sürüngen türleri plastine edildi. Bu çalışmadaki amaç; sürüngen örnekler için silikon plastinasyonu işlemini detaylı bir şekilde değerlendirmek, faydalı plastinatlar elde edebilmek adına hızlı fakat amaca yönelik bir plastinasyon protokolü geliştirebilmekti. Elde edilen son ürünler, fiksasyon işlemi öncesi örneklerde asetona dayanıklı, hızlı sertleşen polimer dolgu malzemelerinin kullanılmasının, özellikle boşluklu yapılarda daha iyi anatomik form ve pozisyonu sağlayabilmek bakımından çok etkin olduğunu ortaya çıkarmıştır. Fiksasyon süreci boyunca polietilen glikol’ün örnekler üzerinde uygun kullanımının, yüzeyel kurumayı önlemesi, küf mantarı aktivitesini baskılaması, fazla polimerin örnek yüzeyine yapışmasını önlemesi açısından araştırıcılara yardımcı olacağı düşünülmektedir. Çeşitli sürüngen örneklerinin belirtilen modifiye silikon plastinasyon metodu ile hazırlanmasının, sürüngenlerin uygulamalı öğretimi için çok faydalı olacağı öngörülmüştü