513 research outputs found

    Intercity interactions: evidence from the US

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    Using national level input-output matrices, we propose a strategy to identify pecuniary externalities operating through the markets for intermediate goods at the local level. Then, controlling for common shocks in a spatial econometric framework, (i) we estimate the e®ect of pecuniary externalities on productivity growth; (ii) we disentangle such e®ect from the one of other local interactions (i.e. knowledge or other face-to-face spillovers) and that of local characteristics; (iii) we evaluate the scope of operating of all kind of externalities using di®erent distance measures. Our estimates suggest that pecuniary externalities and other kinds of local interactions coexist, that their e®ect on productivity growth is decreasing with distance and that it depends on inter-city diversity and the pattern of local specialisationcustomer and supplier driven externalities, spatial autoregressive models, dynamic factors model

    Changes in transport and non transport costs: local vs. global impacts in a spatial network

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    We develop a multi-country Dixit-Stiglitz trade model and analyze how industry location and welfare respond to changes in: (i) transport frictions (e.g., infrastructure, transportation technology); and (ii) non-transport frictions (e.g., tariffs, standards and regulations). We show that changes in non-transport frictions, which are usually origin-destination specific, do not allow for any clear prediction as to changes in industry location and welfare; whereas changes in transport frictions, which are usually not origin-destination specific, may allow for such predictions. In particular, we show that reductions in transport frictions occurring at links around which the spatial network is locally a tree are Pareto welfare improving.trade frictions; multi-country trade models; monopolistic competition; spatial networks; international integration

    Weakly interacting oscillators on dense random graphs

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    We consider a class of weakly interacting particle systems of mean-field type. The interactions between the particles are encoded in a graph sequence, i.e., two particles are interacting if and only if they are connected in the underlying graph. We establish a Law of Large Numbers for the empirical measure of the system that holds whenever the graph sequence is convergent in the sense of graph limits theory. The limit is shown to be the solution to a non-linear Fokker-Planck equation weighted by the (possibly random) graph limit. No regularity assumptions are made on the graphon limit so that our analysis allows for very general graph sequences, such as exchangeable random graphs. For these, we also prove a propagation of chaos result. Finally, we fully characterize the graph sequences for which the associated empirical measure converges to the mean-field limit, i.e., to the solution of the classical McKean-Vlasov equation.Comment: 25 page

    Effect of energy degeneracy on the transition time for a series of metastable states: application to Probabilistic Cellular Automata

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    We consider the problem of metastability for stochastic reversible dynamics with exponentially small transition probabilities. We generalize previous results in several directions. We give an estimate of the spectral gap of the transition matrix and of the mixing time of the associated dynamics in terms of the maximal stability level. These model-independent results hold in particular for a large class of Probabilistic Cellular Automata (PCA), which we then focus on. We consider the PCA in a finite volume, at small and fixed magnetic field, and in the limit of vanishing temperature. This model is peculiar because of the presence of three metastable states, two of which are degenerate with respect to their energy. We identify rigorously the metastable states by giving explicit upper bounds on the stability level of every other configuration. We rely on these estimates to prove a recurrence property of the dynamics, which is a cornerstone of the pathwise approach to metastability. Further, we also identify the metastable states according to the potential-theoretic approach to metastability, and this allows us to give precise asymptotics for the expected transition time from any such metastable state to the stable state

    A Medium Survey of the Hard X-Ray Sky with ASCA. II.: The Source's Broad Band X-Ray Spectral Properties

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    A complete sample of 60 serendipitous hard X-ray sources with flux in the range 1×1013\sim 1 \times 10^{-13} \ecs to 4×1012\sim 4 \times 10^{-12} \ecs (2 - 10 keV), detected in 87 ASCA GIS2 images, was recently presented in literature. Using this sample it was possible to extend the description of the 2-10 keV LogN(>S)-LogS down to a flux limit of 6×1014\sim 6\times 10^{-14} \ecs (the faintest detectable flux), resolving about a quarter of the Cosmic X-ray Background. In this paper we have combined the ASCA GIS2 and GIS3 data of these sources to investigate their X-ray spectral properties using the "hardness" ratios and the "stacked" spectra method. Because of the sample statistical representativeness, the results presented here, that refer to the faintest hard X-ray sources that can be studied with the current instrumentation, are relevant to the understanding of the CXB and of the AGN unification scheme.Comment: 28 pages plus 6 figures, LaTex manuscript, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, Figure 5 can retrieved via anonymous ftp at ftp://ftp.brera.mi.astro.it/pub/ASCA/paper2/fig5.ps.g

    Social enrichment reverses the isolation-induced deficits of neuronal plasticity in the hippocampus of male rats

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    Environmental enrichment is known to improve brain plasticity and protect synaptic function from negative insults. In the present study we used the exposure to social enrichment to ameliorate the negative effect observed in post weaning isolated male rats in which neurotrophic factors, neurogenesis, neuronal dendritic trees and spines were altered markedly in the hippocampus. After the 4 weeks of post-weaning social isolation followed by 4 weeks of reunion, different neuronal growth markers as well as neuronal morphology were evaluated using different experimental approaches. Social enrichment restored the reduction of BDNF, NGF and Arc gene expression in the whole hippocampus of social isolated rats. This effect was paralleled by an increase in density and morphology of dendritic spines, as well as in neuronal tree arborisation in granule cells of the dentate gyrus. These changes were associated with a marked increase in neuronal proliferation and neurogenesis in the same hippocampal subregion that were reduced by social isolation stress. These results further suggest that the exposure to social enrichment, by abolishing the negative effect of social isolation stress on hippocampal plasticity, may improve neuronal resilience with a beneficial effect on cognitive function

    GPU-optimized approaches to molecular docking-based virtual screening in drug discovery: A comparative analysis

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    Finding a novel drug is a very long and complex procedure. Using computer simulations, it is possible to accelerate the preliminary phases by performing a virtual screening that filters a large set of drug candidates to a manageable number. This paper presents the implementations and comparative analysis of two GPU-optimized implementations of a virtual screening algorithm targeting novel GPU architectures. This work focuses on the analysis of parallel computation patterns and their mapping onto the target architecture. The first method adopts a traditional approach that spreads the computation for a single molecule across the entire GPU. The second uses a novel batched approach that exploits the parallel architecture of the GPU to evaluate more molecules in parallel. Experimental results showed a different behavior depending on the size of the database to be screened, either reaching a performance plateau sooner or having a more extended initial transient period to achieve a higher throughput (up to 5x), which is more suitable for extreme-scale virtual screening campaigns

    Real-time monitoring of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation on endotracheal tubes in vitro

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    BACKGROUND: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic bacterial pathogen responsible for both acute and chronic infections in humans. In particular, its ability to form biofilm, on biotic and abiotic surfaces, makes it particularly resistant to host's immune defenses and current antibiotic therapies as well. Innovative antimicrobial materials, like hydrogel, silver salts or nanoparticles have been used to cover new generation catheters with promising results. Nevertheless, biofilm remains a major health problem. For instance, biofilm produced onto endotracheal tubes (ETT) of ventilated patients plays a relevant role in the onset of ventilation-associated pneumonia. Most of our knowledge on Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm derives from in vitro studies carried out on abiotic surfaces, such as polystyrene microplates or plastic materials used for ETT manufacturing. However, these approaches often provide underestimated results since other parameters, in addition to bacterial features (i.e. shape and material composition of ETT) might strongly influence biofilm formation. RESULTS: We used an already established biofilm development assay on medically-relevant foreign devices (CVC catheters) by a stably transformed bioluminescent (BLI)-Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain, in order to follow up biofilm formation on ETT by bioluminescence detection. Our results demonstrated that it is possible: i) to monitor BLI-Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm development on ETT pieces in real-time, ii) to evaluate the three-dimensional structure of biofilm directly on ETT, iii) to assess metabolic behavior and the production of microbial virulence traits of bacteria embedded on ETT-biofilm. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, we were able to standardize a rapid and easy-to-perform in vitro model for real-time monitoring Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation directly onto ETT pieces, taking into account not only microbial factors, but also ETT shape and material. Our study provides a rapid method for future screening and validation of novel antimicrobial drugs as well as for the evaluation of novel biomaterials employed in the production of new classes of ETT

    Papillary muscle intervention vs mitral ring annuloplasty in ischemic mitral regurgitation

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    Background and Aims The main pathophysiological factor of chronic ischemic mitral regurgitation (MR) is the outward displacement of the papillary muscles (PMs) leading to leaflet tethering. For this reason, papillary muscle intervention (PMI) in combination with mitral ring annuloplasty (MRA) has recently been introduced into clinical practice to correct this displacement, and to reduce the recurrence of regurgitation. Methods A meta‐analysis was conducted comparing the outcomes of PMI and MRA performed in combination vs MRA performed alone, in terms of MR recurrence and left ventricular reverse remodeling (LVRR). A meta‐regression was carried out to investigate the impact of the type of PMI procedure on the outcomes. Results MR recurrence in patients undergoing both PMI and MRA was lower than in those who only had MRA (log incidence rate ratio, −0.66; lower‐upper limits, −1.13 to 0.20; I2 = 0.0%; p = .44; Egger's test: intercept 0.35 [−0.78 to 1.51]; p = .42). The group with both PMI and MRA and that with only MRA showed a slightly higher reduction in left ventricular diameters (−5.94%; −8.75% to 3.13%,). However, in both groups, LVRR was p = .33). Conclusions Using PMI and MRA together has a lower MR recurrence than using MRA alone. No significant LVRR was observed between the two groups nor between the PMI techniques employed