137 research outputs found

    Discovery of FNDR-20123, a histone deacetylase inhibitor for the treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria

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    BACKGROUND: Emergence of anti-malarial drug resistance and perpetual increase in malaria incidence necessitates the development of novel anti-malarials. Histone deacetylases (HDAC) has been shown to be a promising target for malaria, despite this, there are no HDAC inhibitors in clinical trials for malaria treatment. This can be attributed to the poor pharmacokinetics, bioavailability and selectivity of the HDAC inhibitors. METHODS: A collection of HDAC inhibitors were screened for anti-malarial activity, and the best candidate was profiled in parasite-killing kinetics, growth inhibition of sensitive and multi-drug resistant (MDR) strains and against gametocytes. Absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion pharmacokinetics (ADME-PK) parameters of FNDR-20123 were determined, and in vivo efficacy was studied in a mouse model for Plasmodium falciparum infection. RESULTS: A compound library of HDAC inhibitors (180 in number) was screened for anti-malarial activity, of which FNDR-20123 was the most potent candidate. The compound had been shown to inhibit Plasmodium HDAC with IC50 of 31 nM and human HDAC with IC50 of 3 nM. The IC50 obtained for P. falciparum in asexual blood-stage assay was 42 nM. When compared to atovaquone and pyrimethamine, the killing profiles of FNDR-20123 were better than atovaquone and comparable to pyrimethamine. The IC50 values for the growth inhibition of sensitive and MDR strains were similar, indicating that there is no cross-resistance and a low risk of resistance development. The selected compound was also active against gametocytes, indicating a potential for transmission control: IC50 values being 190 nM for male and > 5 microM for female gametocytes. FNDR-20123 is a stable candidate in human/mouse/rat liver microsomes (> 75% remaining post 2-h incubation), exhibits low plasma protein binding (57% in humans) with no human Ether-a-go-go-Related Gene (hERG) liability (> 100 microM), and does not inhibit any of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoforms tested (IC50 > 25 microM). It also shows negligible cytotoxicity to HepG-2 and THP-1 cell lines. The oral pharmacokinetics in rats at 100 mg/kg body weight shows good exposures (Cmax = 1.1 microM) and half-life (T1/2 = 5.5 h). Furthermore, a 14-day toxicokinetic study at 100 mg/kg daily dose did not show any abnormality in body weight or gross organ pathology. FNDR-20123 is also able to reduce parasitaemia significantly in a mouse model for P. falciparum infection when dosed orally and subcutaneously. CONCLUSION: FNDR-20123 may be a suitable candidate for the treatment of malaria, which can be further developed

    Frequency-modulated atomic force microscopy localises viscoelastic remodelling in the ageing sheep aorta

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    We gratefully acknowledge funding from the Royal Society for the provision of an International Travel Grant for Collaboration (R112205) to RA, and Wellcome Trust Value in People Award to RA and MJS. MJS and BD gratefully acknowledge the support of the Medical Research Council (www.mrc.ac.uk: grant reference G1001398)

    Assessment of the nano-mechanical properties of healthy and atherosclerotic coronary arteries by atomic force microscopy.

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    Nano-indentation techniques might be better equipped to assess the heterogeneous material properties of plaques than macroscopic methods but there are no bespoke protocols for this kind of material testing for coronary arteries. Therefore, we developed a measurement protocol to extract mechanical properties from healthy and atherosclerotic coronary artery tissue sections. Young's modulus was derived from force-indentation data. Metrics of collagen fibre density were extracted from the same tissue, and the local material properties were co-registered to the local collagen microstructure with a robust framework. The locations of the indentation were retrospectively classified by histological category (healthy, plaque, lipid-rich, fibrous cap) according to Picrosirius Red stain and adjacent Hematoxylin & Eosin and Oil-Red-O stains. Plaque tissue was softer (p < 0.001) than the healthy coronary wall. Areas rich in collagen within the plaque (fibrous cap) were significantly (p < 0.001) stiffer than areas poor in collagen/lipid-rich, but less than half as stiff as the healthy coronary media. Young's moduli correlated (Pearson's ρ = 0.53, p < 0.05) with collagen content. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is capable of detecting tissue stiffness changes related to collagen density in healthy and diseased cardiovascular tissue. Mechanical characterization of atherosclerotic plaques with nano-indentation techniques could refine constitutive models for computational modelling

    The optimal age for performing surgery on patients with MEN 2B syndrome

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    Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndromes are characterized by the association of various endocrine neoplasias. Prophylactic thyroidectomy is the treatment of choice for patients with RET gene mutations. The age at which patients undergo prophylactic thyroidectomy may vary depending on the position of the RET gene codon. In cases of MEN 2B, when the mutation is carried in codons 883, 918 or 922, prophylactic thyroidectomy is performed prior to 6 months of age, due to the increased aggressiveness of these heterozygosities, which are capable of determining the onset of medullary cancer during the first months of life. We present two heterozygous twin patients with MEN 2B syndrome who were born 32 weeks premature, and who underwent prophylactic thyroidectomy at 7 months of age. The patients were carriers of the mutation at codon 918. We suggested the early surgery at 7 months as, due to their prematurity, the patients were required to gain weight to improve their condition prior to surgery. The two patients had medullary thyroid carcinoma without lymph node involvement. In conclusion, for a truly prophylactic thyroidectomy, such patients should undergo surgery within the first month of life, particularly if these patients are carriers of the mutation in codons 883, 918 or 922

    Potential for the Postharvest Biological Control of Phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) by Blattisocius tarsalis (Mesostigmata, Blattisociidae)

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    Phthorimaea operculella is one of the most important pests causing damage to stored potatoes. In this work, the effect of temperature (at 10, 20 and 30 °C) on the predation of pest eggs by Blattisocius tarsalis was studied in the laboratory. In addition, the effect of three predatory release rates on two pest densities was studied under microcosm conditions. The results showed that B. tarsalis maintains its predatory capacity at low temperatures (10 °C), obtaining an efficiency of 49.66 ± 5.06% compared to the control. In turn, at 20 °C, a maximum efficacy of 78.17 ± 4.77% was achieved, very similar to that presented at 30 °C (75.57 ± 4.34%). Under microcosm conditions and at low pest density (10 eggs/container), the mortality due to the mite was 96.97 ± 3.03%, 81.82 ± 8.84%, and 84.85 ± 8.30%, respectively, for the three predatory release rates (5, 10 or 20 mites/container). At the high infestation level, the pest control ranged from 61.54 ± 9.21% to 92.31 ± 2.74%, depending on the predatory release rate. The results obtained show that B. tarsalis could be a relevant control agent against P. operculella under non-refrigerated potato storage conditions, as well as in the first stages of their storage under refrigerated conditions

    Methodology of the Virtual Reconstruction of Arquitectonic Heritage: Ambassador Vich's Palace in Valencia

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    The 19th century was disastrous as far as the conservation of architectonic heritage is concerned. The awareness of the importance of preserving monuments that has prevailed since the end of the last century was dazzlingly absent in the previous, leading both to the disappearance of representative heritage works and the plundering of many others. The present study establishes the methodological basis to proceed with the virtual reconstruction of many disappeared architectures, representative of emblematic architectonic typologies. A method based on the combination of deduction and induction allows benchmarks to be created that signify a starting point to which the key and specific elements of each building are later incorporated, from the data extracted from the conserved parts and the graphic, literary and archive documents. The result is the virtual recovery of the general outlines of the architecture: morphology of the plot, volumetry, exterior and interior facades, and the functional layout. The good results obtained in the study of the disappeared Ambassador Vich's Palace, allow the methodology to be extended to the analysis of other similar examples, serving investigators as a tool to carry out an arduous task of deciphering a trail that is increasingly fading with the passing of time.Galiana Agullo, M.; Mas Tomas, MDLA.; Lerma Elvira, C.; Peñalver Martínez, MJ.; Conesa Tejada, S. (2014). Methodology of the Virtual Reconstruction of Arquitectonic Heritage: Ambassador Vich's Palace in Valencia. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 8(1):94-123. doi:10.1080/15583058.2012.672623S9412381Boix, V. 1979.Historical and topographic Valencia[in Spanish]. Vol. I261 S. A. Printing J. Rius.Estaban Chapapría, J. (2001). Impostación del patio del Embajador Vich en el ex-convento del Carmen (Valencia). Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración, (12), 26. doi:10.4995/loggia.2001.3605Morrish, S. W., & Laefer, D. F. (2010). Web-Enabling of Architectural Heritage Inventories. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 4(1), 16-37. doi:10.1080/15583050902731056Lotz, W. 1995.Architecture in Italy 1500–1600 [in Italian]35–37. ed. RizzoliYale University Press.Lourenço, P. B., Peña, F., & Amado, M. (2010). A Document Management System for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage Buildings. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 5(1), 101-121. doi:10.1080/15583050903318382Vila Ferrer, S. (2001). La recuperación del patio del palacio del Embajador Vich (Valencia). Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración, (12), 44. doi:10.4995/loggia.2001.3606Zonta, D., Pozzi, M., & Zanon, P. (2008). Managing the Historical Heritage Using Distributed Technologies. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2(3), 200-225. doi:10.1080/1558305080206369

    The keratin network of intermediate filaments regulates keratinocyte rigidity sensing and nuclear mechanotransduction

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    The keratin network of intermediate filaments provides keratinocytes with essential mechanical strength and resilience, but the contribution to mechanosensing remains poorly understood. Here, we investigated the role of the keratin cytoskeleton in the response to altered matrix rigidity. We found that keratinocytes adapted to increasing matrix stiffness by forming a rigid, interconnected network of keratin bundles, in conjunction with F-actin stress fiber formation and increased cell stiffness. Disruption of keratin stability by overexpression of the dominant keratin 14 mutation R416P inhibited the normal mechanical response to substrate rigidity, reducing F-actin stress fibers and cell stiffness. The R416P mutation also impaired mechanotransduction to the nuclear lamina, which mediated stiffness-dependent chromatin remodeling. By contrast, depletion of the cytolinker plectin had the opposite effect and promoted increased mechanoresponsiveness and up-regulation of lamin A/C. Together, these results demonstrate that the keratin cytoskeleton plays a key role in matrix rigidity sensing and downstream signal transduction

    Magnetic resonance microscopy and correlative histopathology of the infarcted heart

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    Altres ajuts:The present study was supported by the EU Joint Programming Initiative 'A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life' (JPI HDHL INTIMIC-085), Generalitat Valenciana (GV/2018/116), INCLIVA and Universitat de Valencia (program VLC-BIOCLINIC 20-nanomIRM-2016A).Delayed enhancement cardiovascular magnetic resonance (MR) is the gold-standard for non-invasive assessment after myocardial infarction (MI). MR microscopy (MRM) provides a level of detail comparable to the macro objective of light microscopy. We used MRM and correlative histopathology to identify infarct and remote tissue in contrast agent-free multi-sequence MRM in swine MI hearts. One control group (n = 3 swine) and two experimental MI groups were formed: 90 min of ischemia followed by 1 week (acute MI = 6 swine) or 1 month (chronic MI = 5 swine) reperfusion. Representative samples of each heart were analysed by contrast agent-free multi-sequence (T1-weighting, T2-weighting, T2*-weighting, T2-mapping, and T2*-mapping). MRM was performed in a 14-Tesla vertical axis imager (Bruker-AVANCE 600 system). Images from MRM and the corresponding histopathological stained samples revealed differences in signal intensities between infarct and remote areas in both MI groups (p-value < 0.001). The multivariable models allowed us to precisely classify regions of interest (acute MI: specificity 92% and sensitivity 80%; chronic MI: specificity 100% and sensitivity 98%). Probabilistic maps based on MRM images clearly delineated the infarcted regions. As a proof of concept, these results illustrate the potential of MRM with correlative histopathology as a platform for exploring novel contrast agent-free MR biomarkers after MI

    Stretch-Induced Stress Fiber Remodeling and the Activations of JNK and ERK Depend on Mechanical Strain Rate, but Not FAK

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    BACKGROUND: Cells within tissues are subjected to mechanical forces caused by extracellular matrix deformation. Cells sense and dynamically respond to stretching of the matrix by reorienting their actin stress fibers and by activating intracellular signaling proteins, including focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and the mitogen-activated proteins kinases (MAPKs). Theoretical analyses predict that stress fibers can relax perturbations in tension depending on the rate of matrix strain. Thus, we hypothesized stress fiber organization and MAPK activities are altered to an extent dependent on stretch frequency. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Bovine aortic endothelial cells and human osteosarcoma cells expressing GFP-actin were cultured on elastic membranes and subjected to various patterns of stretch. Cyclic stretching resulted in strain rate-dependent increases in stress fiber alignment, cell retraction, and the phosphorylation of the MAPKs JNK, ERK and p38. Transient step changes in strain rate caused proportional transient changes in the levels of JNK and ERK phosphorylations without affecting stress fiber organization. Disrupting stress fiber contractile function with cytochalasin D or Y27632 decreased the levels of JNK and ERK phosphorylation. Previous studies indicate that FAK is required for stretch-induced cell alignment and MAPK activations. However, cyclic uniaxial stretching induced stress fiber alignment and the phosphorylation of JNK, ERK and p38 to comparable levels in FAK-null and FAK-expressing mouse embryonic fibroblasts. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that cyclic stretch-induced stress fiber alignment, cell retraction, and MAPK activations occur as a consequence of perturbations in fiber strain. These findings thus shed new light into the roles of stress fiber relaxation and reorganization in maintenance of tensional homeostasis in a dynamic mechanical environment

    From Cheese Whey Permeate To An Anti-Listeria Food Packaging Device: Bacterial Cellulose Nanocrystals/Sakacin-A Conjugates (Nanosak)

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    In the present project cheese whey permeate (CWP), the residual by-product obtained by extraction of whey proteins from cheese whey, was used as substrate for the growth of bacterial species that produce two appealing molecules: the anti-listerial bacteriocin sakacin-A and bacterial cellulose (BC). BC is then turned into nanocrystals (BCNCs) that are finally conjugated with sakacin-A to obtain an innovative antimicrobial device for food which could support Listeria monocytogenes growth. Sakacin-A was produced by Lactobacillus sakei DSMZ 6333 in liquid cultures. The highest bacteriocin production (around 300 AU/mL) was achieved after 9 h at 26\ub0C; a food-grade, salt-free enriched sakacin-A extract was obtained by using a gravity reverse phase chromatography. BC was produced by Komagataeibacter xylinus DSMZ 2325 by static fermentation of CWP in presence of 0.5 U/mL of \u3b2-galactosidase at 30\ub0C; after 7 days, BC yield was around 7 g/L. BCNCs were then obtained by acid hydrolysis mediated by sulfuric acid, with the goal of removing the amorphous regions of BC and introduce a net negative charge by esterification on the hydroxyl group on C6. BCNCs/sakacin-A conjugates were prepared by exploiting their opposite charge: enriched sakacin-A extract was mixed with BCNCs and, after incubation, conjugates collected by centrifugation have a specific activity of 100 AU/mg BCNCs. Among all peptides present in the enriched sample, sakacin-A appears to preferentially absorb onto BCNCs, thus allowing its further purification. Sakacin-A as well its BCNCs conjugates were then included in a hydroxypropil-cellulose coating spread onto paper sheets at a concentration of 5 and 25 AU/cm2. The addition of the coating did not bring any significant change in the oxygen barrier properties of the cellulosic substrate. In a similar way, the static contact angle of both uncoated and coated substrate was of approximately 130\ub0. However, the presence of BCNCs seemed to increase the swelling phenomenon of the coating. Sakacin A was also included in whey, caseine and cellulose derived matrices to prepare films and coatings with diverse results. The kinetics of Sakacin-A released from active films to aqueous food was analyzed by immersion of samples in water (as simulant) and measuring the anti-Listeria activity of the simulant after increasing times of exposure. In vitro and in vivo antimicrobial trials were carried out on real food products demonstrated their anti-listerial effectiveness, proving that the developed devices can contribute to increase shelf life, quality and safety of perishable foods