1,623 research outputs found

    Quantum mode filtering of non-Gaussian states for teleportation-based quantum information processing

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    We propose and demonstrate an effective mode-filtering technique of non-Gaussian states generated by photon-subtraction. More robust non-Gaussian states have been obtained by removing noisy low frequencies from the original mode spectrum. We show that non-Gaussian states preserve their non-classicality after quantum teleportation to a higher degree, when they have been mode-filtered. This is indicated by a stronger negativity 0.033±0.005-0.033 \pm 0.005 of the Wigner function at the origin, compared to 0.018±0.007-0.018 \pm 0.007 for states that have not been mode-filtered. This technique can be straightforwardly applied to various kinds of photon-subtraction protocols, and can be a key ingredient in a variety of applications of non-Gaussian states, especially teleportation-based protocols towards universal quantum information processing

    Evolutionary origin of power-laws in Biochemical Reaction Network; embedding abundance distribution into topology

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    The evolutionary origin of universal statistics in biochemical reaction network is studied, to explain the power-law distribution of reaction links and the power-law distributions of chemical abundances. Using cell models with catalytic reaction network, we find evidence that the power-law distribution in abundances of chemicals emerges by the selection of cells with higher growth speeds. Through the further evolution, this inhomogeneity in chemical abundances is shown to be embedded in the distribution of links, leading to the power-law distribution. These findings provide novel insights into the nature of network evolution in living cells.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Minimum cbits for remote preperation and measurement of a qubit

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    We show that a qubit chosen from equatorial or polar great circles on a Bloch spehere can be remotely prepared with one cbit from Alice to Bob if they share one ebit of entanglement. Also we show that any single particle measurement on an arbitrary qubit can be remotely simulated with one ebit of shared entanglement and communication of one cbit.Comment: Latex, 7 pages, minor changes, references adde

    A New Constraint on the Lyα\alpha Fraction of UV Very Bright Galaxies at Redshift 7

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    We study the extent to which very bright (-23.0 < MUV < -21.75) Lyman-break selected galaxies at redshifts z~7 display detectable Lya emission. To explore this issue, we have obtained follow-up optical spectroscopy of 9 z~7 galaxies from a parent sample of 24 z~7 galaxy candidates selected from the 1.65 sq.deg COSMOS-UltraVISTA and SXDS-UDS survey fields using the latest near-infrared public survey data, and new ultra-deep Subaru z'-band imaging (which we also present and describe in this paper). Our spectroscopy has yielded only one possible detection of Lya at z=7.168 with a rest-frame equivalent width EW_0 = 3.7 (+1.7/-1.1) Angstrom. The relative weakness of this line, combined with our failure to detect Lya emission from the other spectroscopic targets allows us to place a new upper limit on the prevalence of strong Lya emission at these redshifts. For conservative calculation and to facilitate comparison with previous studies at lower redshifts, we derive a 1-sigma upper limit on the fraction of UV bright galaxies at z~7 that display EW_0 > 50 Angstrom, which we estimate to be < 0.23. This result may indicate a weak trend where the fraction of strong Lya emitters ceases to rise, and possibly falls between z~6 and z~7. Our results also leave open the possibility that strong Lya may still be more prevalent in the brightest galaxies in the reionization era than their fainter counterparts. A larger spectroscopic sample of galaxies is required to derive a more reliable constraint on the neutral hydrogen fraction at z~7 based on the Lya fraction in the bright galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    GSI-NIRS International Open Laboratory: filling the gap of oxygen effect measurements

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    The Quantum State of an Ideal Propagating Laser Field

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    We give a quantum information-theoretic description of an ideal propagating CW laser field and reinterpret typical quantum-optical experiments in light of this. In particular we show that contrary to recent claims [T. Rudolph and B. C. Sanders, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 077903 (2001)], a conventional laser can be used for quantum teleportation with continuous variables and for generating continuous-variable entanglement. Optical coherence is not required, but phase coherence is. We also show that coherent states play a priveleged role in the description of laser light.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, to appear in PRL. For an extended version see quant-ph/011115

    Peres-Horodecki separability criterion for continuous variable systems

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    The Peres-Horodecki criterion of positivity under partial transpose is studied in the context of separability of bipartite continuous variable states. The partial transpose operation admits, in the continuous case, a geometric interpretation as mirror reflection in phase space. This recognition leads to uncertainty principles, stronger than the traditional ones, to be obeyed by all separable states. For all bipartite Gaussian states, the Peres-Horodecki criterion turns out to be necessary and sufficient condition for separability.Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    New Improved Photometric Redshifts of Galaxies in the HDF

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    We report new improved photometric redshifts of 1048 galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field (HDF). A standard chi^2 minimizing method is applied to seven-color UBVIJHK photometry by Fernandez-Soto, Lanzetta, & Yahil (1999). We use 187 template SEDs representing a wide variety of morphology and age of observed galaxies based on a population synthesis model by Kodama & Arimoto (1997). We introduce two new recipes. First, the amount of the internal absorption is changed as a free parameter in the range of E(B-V)=0.0 to 0.5 with an interval of 0.1. Second, the absorption due to intergalactic HI clouds is also changed by a factor of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 around the opacity given by Madau (1995). The total number of template SEDs is thus 187x6x3=3,366, except for the redshift grid. The dispersion sigma_z of our photometric redshifts with respect to spectroscopic redshifts is sigma_z=0.08 and 0.24 for z2, respectively, which are smaller than the corresponding values (sigma_z=0.09 and 0.45) by Fernandez-Soto et al. Improvement is significant, especially in z>2. This is due to smaller systematic errors which are largely reduced mainly by including three opacities due to intergalactic HI clouds. We discuss redshift distribution N(z) and cosmic star formation rate based on our new photometric redshifts.Comment: 24 pages including 16 eps figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Generation and Eight-port Homodyne Characterization of Time-bin Qubits for Continuous-variable Quantum Information Processing

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    We experimentally generate arbitrary time-bin qubits using continuous-wave light. The advantage unique to our qubit is its compatibility with deterministic continuous-variable quantum information processing. This compatibility comes from its optical coherence with continuous waves, well-defined spatio-temporal mode, and frequency spectrum within the operational bandwidth of the current continuous-variable technology. We also demonstrate an efficient scheme to characterize time-bin qubits via eight-port homodyne measurement. This enables the complete characterization of the qubits as two-mode states, as well as a flexible analysis equivalent to the conventional scheme based on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer and photon-detection

    On the distillation and purification of phase-diffused squeezed states

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    Recently it was discovered that non-Gaussian decoherence processes, such as phase-diffusion, can be counteracted by purification and distillation protocols that are solely built on Gaussian operations. Here, we make use of this experimentally highly accessible regime, and provide a detailed experimental and theoretical analysis of several strategies for purification/distillation protocols on phase-diffused squeezed states. Our results provide valuable information for the optimization of such protocols with respect to the choice of the trigger quadrature, the trigger threshold value and the probability of generating a distilled state