2,680 research outputs found

    A Black Hole in the Galactic Center Complex IRS 13E?

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    The IRS 13E complex is an unusual concentration of massive, early-type stars at a projected distance of ~0.13 pc from the Milky Way's central supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). Because of their similar proper motion and their common nature as massive, young stars it has recently been suggested that IRS 13E may be the remnant of a massive stellar cluster containing an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) that binds its members gravitationally in the tidal field of Sgr A*. Here, we present an analysis of the proper motions in the IRS~13E environment that combines the currently best available data with a time line of 10 years. We find that an IMBH in IRS 13E must have a minimum mass of ~10^4 solar masses in order to bind the source complex gravitationally. This high mass limit in combination with the absence so far of compelling evidence for a non-thermal radio and X-ray source in IRS 13E make it appear unlikely that an IMBH exists in IRS 13E that is sufficiently massive to bind the system gravitationally.Comment: accepted by AP

    The instrumental polarization of the Nasmyth focus polarimetric differential imager NAOS/CONICA (NACO) at the VLT - Implications for time-resolved polarimetric measurements of Sgr A*

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    We report on the results of calibrating and simulating the instrumental polarization properties of the ESO VLT adaptive optics camera system NAOS/CONICA (NACO) in the Ks-band. We use the Stokes/Mueller formalism for metallic reflections to describe the instrumental polarization. The model is compared to standard-star observations and time-resolved observations of bright sources in the Galactic center. We find the instrumental polarization to be highly dependent on the pointing position of the telescope and about 4% at maximum. We report a polarization angle offset of 13.28{\deg} due to a position angle offset of the half-wave plate that affects the calibration of NACO data taken before autumn 2009. With the new model of the instrumental polarization of NACO it is possible to measure the polarization with an accuracy of 1% in polarization degree. The uncertainty of the polarization angle is < 5{\deg} for polarization degrees > 4%. For highly sampled polarimetric time series we find that the improved understanding of the polarization properties gives results that are fully consistent with the previously used method to derive the polarization. The small difference between the derived and the previously employed polarization calibration is well within the statistical uncertainties of the measurements, and for Sgr A* they do not affect the results from our relativistic modeling of the accretion process.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, 5 tables, accepted by A&A on 2010 October 1

    Reconstruction of Stellar Orbits Close to Sagittarius A*: Possibilities for Testing General Relativity

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    We have reconstructed possible orbits for a collection of stars located within 0.5 arcsec of Sgr A*. These orbits are constrained by observed stellar positions and angular proper motions. The construction of such orbits serves as a baseline from which to search for possible deviations due to the unseen mass distribution in the central 1000 AU of the Galaxy. We also discuss the likelihood that some of these stars may eventually exhibit detectable relativistic effects, allowing for interesting tests of general relativity around the 2.6 x 10^6 solar mass central object.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures submitted to Astrophysical Journal, substantial changes and additions based on referee's comment

    Breaking of axial symmetry in excited heavy nuclei as identified in Giant Dipole Resonance data

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    A recent theoretical prediction of a breaking of axial symmetry in quasi all heavy nuclei is confronted to a new critical analysis of photon strength functions of nuclei in the valley of stability. For the photon strength in the isovector giant dipole resonance (IVGDR) regime a parameterization of GDR shapes by the sum of three Lorentzians (TLO) is extrapolated to energies below and above the IVGDR. The impact of non-GDR modes adding to the low energy slope of photon strength is discussed including recent data on photon scattering and other radiative processes. These are shown to be concentrated in energy regions where various model calculations predict intermediate collective strength; thus they are obviously separate from the IVGDR tail. The triple Lorentzian (TLO) ansatz for giant dipole resonances is normalized in accordance to the dipole sum rule. The nuclear droplet model with surface dissipation accounts well for positions and widths without local, nuclide specific, parameters. Very few and only global parameters are needed when a breaking of axial symmetry already in the valley of stability is admitted and hence a reliable prediction for electric dipole strength functions also outside of it is expected.Comment: 21 pages, 21 figures, PACS: 26.50.+x, 25.20.Dc,27.60.+j Accepted by Europ. Phys. Journal

    Impact of Triaxiality on the Emission and Absorption of Neutrons and Gamma Rays in Heavy Nuclei

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    For many spin-0 target nuclei neutron capture measurements yield information on level densities at the neutron separation energy. Also the average photon width has been determined from capture data as well as Maxwellian average cross sections for the energy range of unresolved resonances. Thus it is challenging to use this data set for a test of phenomenological prescriptions for the prediction of radiative processes. An important ingredient for respective calculations is the photon strength function for which a parameterization was proposed using a fit to giant dipole resonance shapes on the basis of theoretically determined ground state deformations including triaxiality. Deviations from spherical and axial symmetry also influence level densities and it is suggested to use a combined parameterization for both, level density and photon strength. The formulae presented give a good description of the data for low spin capture into 124 nuclei with 72<A<244 and only very few global parameters have to be adjusted when the predetermined information on ground state shapes of the nuclei involved is accounted for.Comment: Contribution to the Proceedings of Scientific Workshop on Nuclear Fission Theory-2, November 2012 at Biarritz, Franc

    Importance of nuclear triaxiality for electromagnetic strength, level density and neutron capture cross sections in heavy nuclei

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    Cross sections for neutron capture in the range of unresolved resonances are predicted simultaneously to level distances at the neutron threshold for more than 100 spin-0 target nuclei with A >70. Assuming triaxiality in nearly all these nuclei a combined parameterization for both, level density and photon strength is presented. The strength functions used are based on a global fit to IVGDR shapes by the sum of three Lorentzians adding up to the TRK sum rule and theory-based predictions for the A-dependence of pole energies and spreading widths. For the small spins reached by capture level densities are well described by only one free global parameter; a significant collective enhancement due to the deviation from axial symmetry is observed. Reliable predictions for compound nuclear reactions also outside the valley of stability as expected from the derived global parameterization are important for nuclear astrophysics and for the transmutation of nuclear waste.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the ERINDA workshop held at CERN in October 2013 with modification

    Peering through the veil: near-infrared photometry and extinction for the Galactic nuclear star cluster

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    The aims of this work are to provide accurate photometry in multiple near-infrared broadband filters, to determine the power-law index of the extinction-law toward the central parsec of the Galaxy, to provide measurements of the absolute extinction toward the Galactic center, and finally to measure the spatial variability of extinction on arcsecond scales.We use adaptive optics observations of the central parsec of the Milky Way. Absolute values for the extinction in the H, Ks, and L'-bands as well as of the power-law indices of the H to Ks and Ks to L' extinction-laws are measured based on the well-known properties of red clump stars. Extinction maps are derived based on H-Ks and Ks-L' colors. We present Ks-band photometry for ~7700 stars (H and L' photometry for a subset). From a number of recently published values we compute a mean distance of the Galactic center of R_0=8.03+-0.15 kpc, which has an uncertainty of just 2%. Based on this R_0 and on the RC method, we derive absolute mean extinction values toward the central parsec of the Galaxy of A_H=4.48+-0.13 mag, A_Ks=2.54+-0.12$ mag, and A_L'=1.27+-0.18 mag. We estimate values of the power-law indices of the extinction-law of alpha_{H-Ks}=2.21+-0.24 and alpha_{Ks-L'}=1.34+-0.29. A Ks-band extinction map for the Galactic center is computed based on this extinction law and on stellar H-Ks colors. Mean extinction values in a circular region with 0.5" radius centered on Sagittarius A* are A_{H, SgrA*}=4.35+-0.12, A_{Ks, SgrA*}=2.46+-0.03, and A_{L', SgrA*}=1.23+-0.08.Comment: accepted for publication by Astronomy & Astrophysics; please contact RS for higher quality figure

    Sgr A* ``Visual Binaries'': A Direct Measurement of the Galactocentric Distance

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    We present a new geometrical method for measuring the distance to the Galactic center (R_0) by solving for the Keplerian orbit of individual stars bound to the black hole associated with the Sgr A* from radial velocity and proper motion measurements. We identify three stars to which the method may be applied, and show that 1-5 % accuracy of R_0 can be expected after 15 years of observing, and 0.5-2 % after 30 years of observing, depending on what the orbital parameters of these three stars turn out to be. Combining the measurements of the three stars with favorable orbital parameters leads to even more precise values. In the example that we present, such combined solution yields 4 % accuracy already by the year 2002. All these estimates assume that annual position measurements will continue to be made with the 2 mas precision recently reported by Ghez et al. The precision of the distance measurement is relatively insensitive to the radial velocity errors, provided that the latter are less than 50 km/s. Besides potentially giving an estimate of R_0 that is better than any currently in use, the greatest advantage of this method is that it is free from systematic errors.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 14 pages, 8 figure

    The need for a second black hole at the Galactic center

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    Deep infra-red observations and long-term monitoring programs have provided dynamical evidence for a supermassive black hole of mass 3.e6 solar masses associated with the radio source Sagitarrius A* at the center of our Galaxy. The brightest stars orbiting within 0.1 parsecs of the black hole appear to be young, massive main sequence stars, n spite of an environment near the black hole that is hostile to star formation. We discuss mechanisms by which stars born outside the central parsec can sink towards the black hole and conclude that the drag coming from plausible stellar populations does not operate on the short timescales required by the stellar ages. We propose that these stars were dragged in by a second black hole of mass of 1.e3-1.e4 solar masses, which would be classified as an intermediate-mass black hole. We discuss the implications for the stellar populations and the kinematics in the Galactic center. Finally we note that continued astrometric monitoring of the central radio source offers the prospect for a direct detection of such objects.Comment: 5 pages, 2 postscript figures, submitted to ApJ letters The introduction section has been updated since submission to Ap
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