202 research outputs found

    In memoriam Charles N.R. McCoy (1911-1984)

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    Development of a Small Scale Rotating Detonation Engine

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    The Rotating Detonation Engine (RDE) has been researched extensively in recent years, but the minimum size limits of an RDE have not been well investigated. The goal of this research was to build an RDE small enough to produce a detonation frequency above 20 kHz with a single detonation wave while also reducing the engine\u27s mass ow rate. An engine with these design characteristics would reduce hazards associated with previous RDE testing. This research objective resulted in the design of an RDE with an outer diameter sized at 28 mm using ethylene and nitrous oxide as a fuel and oxidizer. The engine was tested over a range of equivalence ratios between 0.5-1.5 and at mass ow rates of 0.025-0.075 kg/s to characterize its operation. Key design parameters were the injection hole diameter, detonation channel gap, detonation channel length, and detonation channel diameter. Detonation was achieved in an RDE of this scale, which proved operability of an engine with these design characteristics was possible

    Is the largest Lyapunov exponent preserved in embedded dynamics?

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    The method of reconstruction for an n-dimensional system from observations is to form vectors of m consecutive observations, which for m > 2n, is generically an embedding. This is Takens' result. Our analytical examples show that it is possible to obtain spurious Lyapunov exponents that are even larger than the largest Lyapunov exponent of the original system. Therefore, we present examples where the largest Lyapunov exponent may not be preserved under Takens' embedding theorem. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V

    Enantioselective Synthesis of the C1–C6 and C7–C23 Fragments of the Proposed Structure of Iriomoteolide 1a

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    Synthesis of the C1-C6 and C7-C23 fragments of the proposed structure of iriomoteolide 1a has been accomplished. Key steps include a cross metathesis to form the C15-C16 E olefin and a chelation controlled Grignard addition to form the tertiary alcohol at C14. Notably, 7 of the 9 stereocenters of the proposed structure have been set using various aldol reactions employing metallo enolates of thiazolidinethiones

    Enantioselective Total Synthesis of (−)-Pironetin: Iterative Aldol Reactions of Thiazolidinethiones

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    The enantioselective total synthesis of pironetin has been achieved in 11 steps from known aldehyde 2. The synthesis relies on the formation of 5 out of 6 stereocenters through titanium mediated iterative aldol reactions. Key steps in this synthesis include an acetal aldol reaction to establish the stereochemistry at C8 and C9, an acetate aldol reaction, and “Evans” syn aldol reaction

    Entanglement between Demand and Supply in Markets with Bandwagon Goods

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    Whenever customers' choices (e.g. to buy or not a given good) depend on others choices (cases coined 'positive externalities' or 'bandwagon effect' in the economic literature), the demand may be multiply valued: for a same posted price, there is either a small number of buyers, or a large one -- in which case one says that the customers coordinate. This leads to a dilemma for the seller: should he sell at a high price, targeting a small number of buyers, or at low price targeting a large number of buyers? In this paper we show that the interaction between demand and supply is even more complex than expected, leading to what we call the curse of coordination: the pricing strategy for the seller which aimed at maximizing his profit corresponds to posting a price which, not only assumes that the customers will coordinate, but also lies very near the critical price value at which such high demand no more exists. This is obtained by the detailed mathematical analysis of a particular model formally related to the Random Field Ising Model and to a model introduced in social sciences by T C Schelling in the 70's.Comment: Updated version, accepted for publication, Journal of Statistical Physics, online Dec 201

    A Model Analysis of Arterial Oxygen Desaturation during Apnea in Preterm Infants

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    Rapid arterial O2 desaturation during apnea in the preterm infant has obvious clinical implications but to date no adequate explanation for why it exists. Understanding the factors influencing the rate of arterial O2 desaturation during apnea () is complicated by the non-linear O2 dissociation curve, falling pulmonary O2 uptake, and by the fact that O2 desaturation is biphasic, exhibiting a rapid phase (stage 1) followed by a slower phase when severe desaturation develops (stage 2). Using a mathematical model incorporating pulmonary uptake dynamics, we found that elevated metabolic O2 consumption accelerates throughout the entire desaturation process. By contrast, the remaining factors have a restricted temporal influence: low pre-apneic alveolar causes an early onset of desaturation, but thereafter has little impact; reduced lung volume, hemoglobin content or cardiac output, accelerates during stage 1, and finally, total blood O2 capacity (blood volume and hemoglobin content) alone determines during stage 2. Preterm infants with elevated metabolic rate, respiratory depression, low lung volume, impaired cardiac reserve, anemia, or hypovolemia, are at risk for rapid and profound apneic hypoxemia. Our insights provide a basic physiological framework that may guide clinical interpretation and design of interventions for preventing sudden apneic hypoxemia
