29 research outputs found

    Uncovering the Oppenheimer Siddur: using scientific analysis to reveal the production process of a medieval illuminated Hebrew manuscript

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    The aim of this research was to use non-invasive scientifc analysis to uncover evidence of the planning process and relationship between pigments used in text copying and artwork production in the Oppenheimer Siddur (Oxford Bodleian Library MS Opp. 776), an illuminated 15th-century Hebrew prayer book. In many medieval Hebrew illuminated manuscripts, the authorship of the artwork is unknown. This manuscript’s colophon states that it was copied by its scribe-owner for personal family use but does not confrm who was responsible for the artwork. Prior deductive analysis suggested that the scribe-owner may also have been the manuscript’s artist, based on common motifs and an apparent shared colour palette appearing in both texts and artwork. Visual examination using high resolution digital images also identifed points of contact between pigments used in the manuscript’s texts and artwork, raising questions about the pigment application sequence, and concurrent versus sequential text copying and artwork production. An in-house developed remote spectral imaging system (PRISMS) with 10 flters spanning the spectral range from 400 to 880 nm was modifed for close-range application to image two of the folios to examine the sequence of production, identify the pigments and compare the materials used for the illumination and the text. Optical microscopy and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy in the attenuated total refection mode (FTIR-ATR) were used directly on the folios to complement the spectral imaging data in binding media and pigment identifcation. The results revealed close matches in refectance spectra for the colorants and inks used in both text copying and illuminations, suggesting that the same mixture of colorants and inks have been used. The spectral imaging in the near infrared bands revealed a hidden underdrawing, indicating a design change during production of the manuscript, and the outlining of letters prior to coloured pigment being applied. The pigment use, the variation in the binder for diferent pigments and some elements of its production were found to be consistent with those described in historical sources. The evidence from this study supports the hypothesis that the scribe applied pigments for the manuscript’s artwork at the same time he did some of the scribal work which has implications for understandings of Jewish medieval visual cultures

    Hematoxylin shortages: their causes and duration, and other dyes that can replace hemalum in routine hematoxylin and eosin staining

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    The origins of repeated hematoxylin shortages are outlined. Lack of integration in the hematoxylin trade exacerbates the problems inherent in using a natural product. Separate corporations are engaged in tree growth and harvesting, dye extraction, processing of extracts to yield hematoxylin, and formulation and sale of hematoxylin staining solutions to the end users in biomedical laboratories. Hematoxylin has many uses in biological staining and no single dye can replace it for all applications. Probably, the most satisfactory substitutes for aluminum-hematoxylin (hemalum) are the ferric complexes of celestine blue (CI 51050; mordant blue 14) and eriochrome cyanine R (CI 43820; mordant blue 3, also known as chromoxane cyanine R and solochrome cyanine R). The iron-celestine blue complex is a cationic dye that binds to nucleic acids and other polyanions, such as those of cartilage matrix and mast cell granules. Complexes of iron with eriochrome cyanine R are anionic and give selective nuclear staining similar to that obtained with acidic hemalum solutions. Iron complexes of gallein (CI 45445; mordant violet 25), a hydroxyxanthene dye, can replace iron-hematoxylin in formulations for staining nuclei, myelin, and protozoa

    Histological examinations of facial glands in Saccopteryx bilineata (Chiroptera, Emballonuridae), and their potential use in territorial marking

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    Caspers B, Wibbelt G, Voigt CC. Histological examinations of facial glands in Saccopteryx bilineata (Chiroptera, Emballonuridae), and their potential use in territorial marking. ZOOMORPHOLOGY. 2009;128(1):37-43.Scent marking is widespread among individuals of Mammalia species, especially in resource defence social systems. Apart from urine and faeces that are used for claiming resource ownership, specialised scent glands are the main source of secretions in scent marking individuals. Most previous studies have described secretory epithelia macroscopically, since many glands are conspicuous. But macroscopically inconspicuous scent glands or morphological structures might then be overlooked. In Saccopteryx bilineata (greater sac-winged bat), behavioural observations suggest that both sexes have, apart from the conspicuous gular glands of males, specialised facial glands to display territorial marking. We investigated the facial glands of two males and one female S. bilineata histologically and found, first, that both sexes possess a bilateral symmetrically intermandibular gland, which is composed of a bed of modified apocrine sudoriferous cells. Second, we found lip glands consisting of modified apocrine sudoriferous cell units with pigmented ducts around the upper and the lower lip. Both gland types are probably involved during territorial marking