653 research outputs found

    Universality in percolation of arbitrary Uncorrelated Nested Subgraphs

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    The study of percolation in so-called {\em nested subgraphs} implies a generalization of the concept of percolation since the results are not linked to specific graph process. Here the behavior of such graphs at criticallity is studied for the case where the nesting operation is performed in an uncorrelated way. Specifically, I provide an analyitic derivation for the percolation inequality showing that the cluster size distribution under a generalized process of uncorrelated nesting at criticality follows a power law with universal exponent γ=3/2\gamma=3/2. The relevance of the result comes from the wide variety of processes responsible for the emergence of the giant component that fall within the category of nesting operations, whose outcome is a family of nested subgraphs.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. Mistakes found in early manuscript have been remove

    Understanding frequency distributions of path-dependent processes with non-multinomial maximum entropy approaches

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    Path-dependent stochastic processes are often non-ergodic and observables can no longer be computed within the ensemble picture. The resulting mathematical difficulties pose severe limits to the analytical understanding of path-dependent processes. Their statistics is typically non-multinomial in the sense that the multiplicities of the occurrence of states is not a multinomial factor. The maximum entropy principle is tightly related to multinomial processes, non-interacting systems, and to the ensemble picture; it loses its meaning for path-dependent processes. Here we show that an equivalent to the ensemble picture exists for path-dependent processes, such that the non-multinomial statistics of the underlying dynamical process, by construction, is captured correctly in a functional that plays the role of a relative entropy. We demonstrate this for self-reinforcing Pólya urn processes, which explicitly generalize multinomial statistics. We demonstrate the adequacy of this constructive approach towards non-multinomial entropies by computing frequency and rank distributions of Pólya urn processes. We show how microscopic update rules of a path-dependent process allow us to explicitly construct a non-multinomial entropy functional, that, when maximized, predicts the time-dependent distribution function

    On the origin of ambiguity in efficient communication

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    This article studies the emergence of ambiguity in communication through the concept of logical irreversibility and within the framework of Shannon's information theory. This leads us to a precise and general expression of the intuition behind Zipf's vocabulary balance in terms of a symmetry equation between the complexities of the coding and the decoding processes that imposes an unavoidable amount of logical uncertainty in natural communication. Accordingly, the emergence of irreversible computations is required if the complexities of the coding and the decoding processes are balanced in a symmetric scenario, which means that the emergence of ambiguous codes is a necessary condition for natural communication to succeed.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure

    How driving rates determine the statistics of driven non-equilibrium systems with stationary distributions

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    Sample space reducing (SSR) processes offer a simple analytical way to understand the origin and ubiquity of power-laws in many path-dependent complex systems. SRR processes show a wide range of applications that range from fragmentation processes, language formation to search and cascading processes. Here we argue that they also offer a natural framework to understand stationary distributions of generic driven non-equilibrium systems that are composed of a driving- and a relaxing process. We show that the statistics of driven non-equilibrium systems can be derived from the understanding of the nature of the underlying driving process. For constant driving rates exact power-laws emerge with exponents that are related to the driving rate. If driving rates become state-dependent, or if they vary across the life-span of the process, the functional form of the state-dependence determines the statistics. Constant driving rates lead to exact power-laws, a linear state-dependence function yields exponential or Gamma distributions, a quadratic function produces the normal distribution. Logarithmic and power-law state dependence leads to log-normal and stretched exponential distribution functions, respectively. Also Weibull, Gompertz and Tsallis-Pareto distributions arise naturally from simple state-dependent driving rates. We discuss a simple physical example of consecutive elastic collisions that exactly represents a SSR process

    The Spanish water ?pressure cooker?: Threading the interplay between resource resilient water governance outcomes by strengthening the robustness of water governance processes.

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    This paper uses the metaphor of a pressure cooker to highlight how water problems in Spain are highly geographical and sectorial in nature, with some specific hotspots which raise the temperature of the whole water complex system, turning many potentially solvable water problems into ?wicked problems?. The paper discusses the tendency for water governance to be hydrocentric, when often the drivers and in turn the ?solutions? to Spanish water problems lie outside the water sphere. The paper analyzes of the current water governance system by looking at water governance as both a process, and its key attributes like participation, trans- parency, equity and rule of law, as well as an analysis of water governance as an outcome by looking at efficiency and sustainability of water use in Spain. It concludes on the need to have a deeper knowledge on the interactions of water governance as a process and as an outcome and potential synergies and arguing that water governance is an inherently political process which calls for strengthening the capacity of the system by looking at the interactions of these different governance attributes

    Generació d'electricitat en plaques fotovoltaiques : seqüència didàctica per a l'estudi de les plaques fotovoltaiques

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    Treball que correspon a les pràctiques que es fan als tallers REVIR organitzats pel CRECIM de la UAB. La seqüència pretén que l'alumnat de segon a quart d'ESO assoleixi una major comprensió del fenomen de la generació d'electricitat a partir de plaques fotovoltaiques

    Exploring the randomness of Directed Acyclic Networks

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    The feed-forward relationship naturally observed in time-dependent processes and in a diverse number of real systems -such as some food-webs and electronic and neural wiring- can be described in terms of so-called directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). An important ingredient of the analysis of such networks is a proper comparison of their observed architecture against an ensemble of randomized graphs, thereby quantifying the {\em randomness} of the real systems with respect to suitable null models. This approximation is particularly relevant when the finite size and/or large connectivity of real systems make inadequate a comparison with the predictions obtained from the so-called {\em configuration model}. In this paper we analyze four methods of DAG randomization as defined by the desired combination of topological invariants (directed and undirected degree sequence and component distributions) aimed to be preserved. A highly ordered DAG, called \textit{snake}-graph and a Erd\:os-R\'enyi DAG were used to validate the performance of the algorithms. Finally, three real case studies, namely, the \textit{C. elegans} cell lineage network, a PhD student-advisor network and the Milgram's citation network were analyzed using each randomization method. Results show how the interpretation of degree-degree relations in DAGs respect to their randomized ensembles depend on the topological invariants imposed. In general, real DAGs provide disordered values, lower than the expected by chance when the directedness of the links is not preserved in the randomization process. Conversely, if the direction of the links is conserved throughout the randomization process, disorder indicators are close to the obtained from the null-model ensemble, although some deviations are observed.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures and 5 table

    Robustness of the European power grids under intentional attack

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    The power grid defines one of the most important technological networks of our times and sustains our complex society. It has evolved for more than a century into an extremely huge and seemingly robust and well understood system. But it becomes extremely fragile as well, when unexpected, usually minimal, failures turn into unknown dynamical behaviours leading, for example, to sudden and massive blackouts. Here we explore the fragility of the European power grid under the effect of selective node removal. A mean field analysis of fragility against attacks is presented together with the observed patterns. Deviations from the theoretical conditions for network percolation (and fragmentation) under attacks are analysed and correlated with non topological reliability measures.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Matching structure and bargaining outcomes in buyer–seller networks

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    We examine the relationship between the matching structure of a bipartite (buyer-seller) network and the (expected) shares of the unit surplus that each connected pair in this network can create. We show that in different bargaining environments, these shares are closely related to the Gallai-Edmonds Structure Theorem. This theorem characterizes the structure of maximum matchings in an undirected graph. We show that the relationship between the (expected) shares and the tructure Theorem is not an artefact of a particular bargaining mechanism or trade centralization. However, this relationship does not necessarily generalize to non-bipartite networks or to networks with heterogeneous link values
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