692 research outputs found

    Reliability and validity of the Turkish translation of the beliefs about medicines questionnaire (BMQ-T) in patients with Behçet’s disease

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Turkish translation of the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ-T, ©Prof. Rob Horne) for patients with Behçet's disease. METHODS: This methodological study enrolled a sample of 125 patients. The scale was adapted to Turkish through a process including translation, comparison with versions in other languages, back translation, and pretesting. Construct validity was evaluated by factor analysis. Medication adherence evaluated as poor, moderate and good according to the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS). BMQ-T scores compared along medication adherence status groups. RESULTS: In our study, as in the original scale, the factor analysis confirmed that the BMQ-T had a four-factor structure explaining 54.73% of the total variance. The BMQ-T had acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha coefficient: Specific Necessity=.812; Specific Concerns=.672; General Harm=.677; General Overuse=.656), adequate test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficients: Specific Necessity=.715; Specific Concerns=.680; General Harm=.678; General Overuse=.327). Specific Necessity and Specific Concerns scores were significantly different between medication adherence status groups. CONCLUSIONS: The psychometric properties of the BMQ-T were consistent with those reported in the original study. The BMQ-T was found to be a valid and reliable tool for evaluating beliefs about medicines in patients with Behçet's disease

    Business as usual? The role of BRICS co- operation in addressing health system priorities in East and Southern Africa

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    There has been increased interest in whether “South-­‐South” co-­‐operation by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) advances more equitable initiatives for global health. This article examines the extent to which resolutions, commitments, agreements and strategies from BRICS and Brazil, India and China (BIC) address regionally articulated policy concerns for health systems in East and Southern Africa (ESA) within areas of resource mobilization, research and development and local production of medicines, and training and retention of health workers. The study reviewed published literature and implemented a content analysis on these areas in official BRICS and ESA regional policy documents between 2007 and 2014. The study found encouraging signals of shared policy values and mutuality of interest, especially on medicines access, although with less evidence of operational commitments and potential divergence of interest on how to achieve shared goals. The findings indicate that African interests on health systems are being integrated into south-­‐south BRICS and BIC platforms. It also signals, however, that ESA countries need to proactively ensure that these partnerships are true to normative aims of mutual benefit, operationalize investments and programs to translate policy commitments into practice and strengthen accountability around their implementation

    Transfusion-transmitted virus prevalence in subjects at high risk of sexually transmitted infection in Turkey

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    ObjectiveTo assess the possible sexual transmission of virus and to identify the prevalence of TTV viremia in Turkey and its association with other hepatotropic viruses.MethodsSerum samples were collected from 81 subjects (74 prostitutes and seven homosexual men) at high risk of sexually transmitted infection and from 81 healthy controls (74 females and seven males). Sera of patients and controls were tested for TTV, hepatitis A virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and human immunodeficiency virus. Also, serum alanine and aspartate aminotransferases were measured.ResultsThe prevalence rates of TTV viremia in the risk group and control group were 86.4% and 82.7%, respectively. There was a statistical difference in mean age between TTV-infected and uninfected subjects (38.6 ± 9.9 versus 32.2 ± 6.1 years, respectively, P < 0.001). Prevalence rates of TTV infection in subjects with positive anti-HAV and positive anti-HBc were high when compared with subjects who were negative for these.ConclusionWe suggest that TTV infection has a diverse route of transmission, and its prevalence increases with age; also, the prevalence rate of TTV is high in certain risk groups. The prevalence rates of TTV in the group at risk for sexual transmission (86.4%) and in the control group (82.7%) were among the highest ever reported in the world. Also, we suggest that TTV generally does not cause clinical disease, in spite of this high prevalence

    Hybrid inhibitor of peripheral cannabinoid-1 receptors and inducible nitric oxide synthase mitigates liver fibrosis

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    Liver fibrosis, a consequence of chronic liver injury and a way station to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, lacks effective treatment. Endocannabinoids acting via cannabinoid-1 receptors (CB1R) induce profibrotic gene expression and promote pathologies that predispose to liver fibrosis. CB1R antagonists produce opposite effects, but their therapeutic development was halted due to neuropsychiatric side effects. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) also promotes liver fibrosis and its underlying pathologies, but iNOS inhibitors tested to date showed limited therapeutic efficacy in inflammatory diseases. Here, we introduce a peripherally restricted, orally bioavailable CB1R antagonist, which accumulates in liver to release an iNOS inhibitory leaving group. In mouse models of fibrosis induced by CCl4 or bile duct ligation, the hybrid CB1R/iNOS antagonist surpassed the antifibrotic efficacy of the CB1R antagonist rimonabant or the iNOS inhibitor 1400W, without inducing anxiety-like behaviors or CB1R occupancy in the CNS. The hybrid inhibitor also targeted CB1R-independent, iNOS-mediated profibrotic pathways, including increased PDGF, Nlrp3/Asc3, and integrin alphavbeta6 signaling, as judged by its ability to inhibit these pathways in cnr1-/- but not in nos2-/- mice. Additionally, it was able to slow fibrosis progression and to attenuate established fibrosis. Thus, dual-target peripheral CB1R/iNOS antagonists have therapeutic potential in liver fibrosis


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    Abstract OZEN, M. R., I. I. TURNA and K. CINAR, 2008. As an example of ecological devastation Egirdir lake (Turkey). Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., Egirdir Lake is placed Anatolian Peninsula in 500 km 2 , its mean depth takes 16 meters. They are made use of watering and due to oligotrphical characteristic and drinkable water besides fishing (Fish and Crayfish). Since 1950, 9 different species of fishes of Cyprinidae were lived this lake. There were cause irreversible alterations by way of implantation of pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) in here for to aim more economical production. In the first year while the while the level of prosperity of the people rising, and the following years there were obtained catching low recolte neither carp nor pike-perch catching. Local government and fisherman were negative effected in this situation, and they were implantation in the lake in early 1990. In this implantation who nobody knows Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch, 1783 was implanted in this lake. This species which is rapidly increased more rapidly growth and more become dominant species than pike-perch. Velvet fish (Tinca tinca) were implanted in Egirdir Lake in 1996. But they couldn&apos;t become any their population. They were found 10 different species by Balik et al. (2002) in Lake Egirdir. The last implantation in Egirdir Lake was silver fish (Atherina boyeri) while there were caught 80 tons carps, 300 ton pike-perch in 1985; 5.5 ton carp and 4 ton pike-perch were caught in 2004. Depend on decreasing of the pike-perch&apos;s body criterion, economical production of this fishes was also decreased. In this situation of the lake ecosystem is worried about Local government and fisherman. In this study, some hydrobiological characteristics of the lake were defined and the negative changes of the fish population were also examined

    Global behavior of the difference equation x n+1 =

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    abstract: The aim of this work is to investigate the global stability, periodic nature, oscillation and the boundedness of all admissible solutions of the difference equation where A, B, C are positive real numbers

    Feasibility of time-lapse seismic methodology for monitoring the injection of small quantities of CO2 into a saline formation, CO2CRC Otway Project

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    A key objective of Stage 2 of the CO2CRC Otway Project is to explore the ability of geophysical methods to detect and monitor injection of greenhouse gas into a saline formation. For this purpose, injection of some 10,000 30,000 tonnes of CO2-rich mixture into the Paaratte formation, a saline aquifer located at a depth of about 1,400 m, is planned. Before such an injection experiment is undertaken, we assess the feasibility of geophysical monitoring using computer modelling. To examine the detectability of the plume we need to estimate the time-lapse signal and time- lapse noise. The time lapse signal is modelled using flow simulations, fluid substitution and seismic forward modelling. In order to assess the applicability of time-lapse seismic to monitor the injection, the predicted signal is compared to the time-lapse noise level from the recent 4D seismic survey acquired at the Otway site in 2009-2010. The methodology is applied to two alternative reservoir intervals located at a depth of 1392-1399 m and 1445-1465 m below the sea level, respectively. These intervals are considered to be the two possible options for the injection. The results show that injection into the lower interval will produce a plume of a larger thickness and smaller lateral extent, and a seismic response that is more likely to be detectable. The developed feasibility assessment workflow, and the results of its application to the Otway site, can be used to assess the ability of seismic methods to detect and monitor greenhouse gas leakage in other CCS projects

    An alternative surgical approach to subclavian and innominate stenosis: a case series

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    We report three cases of symptomatic stenosis of the great vessels or supra-aortic trunks successfully treated surgically with aorto-subclavian and aorto-innominate bypass. Two were performed via manubriotomy and a third case via standard median sternotomy because of concomitant coronary revascularisation. There was complete symptomatic relief on follow-up, and radiological imaging confirmed good flow in the grafts and post-stenotic arteries
