1,281 research outputs found

    Anti-Neoplastic Effects of Extracts from Gnaphalium gracile on Colon, Pancreatic, and Prostate Cancer Cells

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    Over 4,000 flavonoids have been identified, and among these, many of them are known to possess cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antitumor effects. However, most of these properties have yet to be fully understood. In this study, extracts from Gnaphalium gracile, thought to possess a mixture of flavonoids, have been tested for cytotoxic activity on pancreatic (MiaPaca, Panc28), colon (HCT-116, Caco-2), and prostate (PC3, LNCaP), cancer cell lines. Polar extracts from the leaves of G. gracile have the most cytotoxic effect on these cancer cell lines, particularly the prostate cancer cell lines PC3 and LNCaP. Evidence suggests the extracts have antineoplastic effects on these cancer cells lines possibly due to differentiation status on pancreatic and colon cancer, but not prostate cancer. Cytotoxic activity is not dependent on tumorigenic potential. Further research is needed to identify the bioactive compounds within these extracts

    Criminal narrative experience: relating emotions to offence narrative roles during crime commission

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    A neglected area of research within criminality has been that of the experience of the offence for the offender. The present study investigates the emotions and narrative roles that are experienced by an offender while committing a broad range of crimes and proposes a model of Criminal Narrative Experience (CNE). Hypotheses were derived from the Circumplex of Emotions (Russell, 1997), Frye (1957), Narrative Theory (McAdams, 1988) and its link with Investigative Psychology (Canter, 1994). The analysis was based on 120 cases. Convicted for a variety of crimes, incarcerated criminals were interviewed and the data were subjected to Smallest Space Analysis (SSA). Four themes of Criminal Narrative Experience (CNE) were identified: Elated Hero, Calm Professional, Distressed Revenger and Depressed Victim in line with the recent theoretical framework posited for Narrative Offence Roles (Youngs & Canter, 2012). The theoretical implications for understanding crime on the basis of the Criminal Narrative Experience (CNE) as well as practical implications are discussed

    Application of High-precision Timing Systems to Distributed Survey Systems

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    In any hydrographic survey system that consists of more than one computer, one of the most difficult integration problems is to ensure that all components maintain a coherent sense of time. Since virtually all modern survey systems are of this type, timekeeping and synchronized timestamping of data as it is created is of significant concern. This paper describes a method for resolving this problem based on the IEEE 1588 Precise Time Protocol (PTP) implemented by hardware devices, layered with some custom software called the Software Grandmaster (SWGM) algorithm. This combination of hardware and software maintains a coherent sense of time between multiple ethernet-connected computers, on the order of 100 ns (rms) in the best case, of the timebase established by the local GPS-receiver clock. We illustrate the performance of this techniques in a practical survey system using a Reson 7P sonar processor connected to a Reson 7125 Multibeam Echosounder (MBES), integrated with an Applanix POS/MV 320 V4 and a conventional data capture computer. Using the timing capabilities of the PTP hardware implementations, we show that the timepieces achieve mean (hardware based) synchronization and timestamping within 100-150 ns (rms), and that the data created at the Reson 7P without hardware timestamps has a latency variability of 28 µs (rms) due to software constraints within the capture system. This compares to 288 ms (rms) using Reson’s standard hybrid hardware/software solution, and 13.6 ms (rms) using a conventional single-oscillator timestamping model

    A Fundamental Comparison of International Real Estate Returns

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    This study analyzes commercial real estate returns in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States over the period 1985-95, from the perspective of a U.S. investor. Because national indices can consist of differing property mixes, this study separately analyzes the office, retail, and warehouse sectors. Moreover, these analyses also convert total returns into their fundamental components: initial yield, growth in income, and shifts in capitalization rates. The paths of currency-adjusted income and asset values and, therefore, capitalization rates are also presented. Generally speaking, the fundamental components of retail returns across the four countries exhibit greater divergence than the office and warehouse sectors. It is interesting that the U.S. property sectors showed the worst performance, while the Australian retail and the British office and warehouse sectors were the best performers (both before and after currency adjustments). Additionally, the currency-adjusted Australian returns were adversely effected by exchange rate movements, while the British returns were positively effected. Lastly, the correlation of the quarterly percentage change in income was generally lower and less statistically significant that the correlation patterns observed among the other components of return. This might suggest that more idiosyncratic risk can be found in the real estate space markets (as proxied by income changes) than in the real estate capital markets (as proxied by the pricing of the income--that is, capitalization rates), which appear to be more globally influenced.

    Expressive and Instrumental Offending: Reconciling the Paradox of Specialisation and Versatility

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    Although previous research into specialisation has been dominated by the debate over the existence of specialisation versus versatility, it is suggested that research needs to move beyond the restrictions of this dispute. The current study explores the criminal careers of 200 offenders based on their criminal records, obtained from a police database in the North West of England, aiming to understand the patterns and nature of specialisation by determining the presence of differentiation within their general offending behaviours and examining whether the framework of Expressive and Instrumental offending styles can account for any specialised tendencies that emerge. Fifty-eight offences were subjected to Smallest Space Analysis. Results revealed that a model of criminal differentiation could be identified and that any specialisation is represented in terms of Expressive and Instrumental offending styles

    High-Precision, High-Accuracy Timekeeping in Distributed Survey Systems

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    Accurate and precise timekeeping between computers in a distributed survey system is essential to ensure adequate data quality, especially with Multibeam Echosounders (MBES) which can otherwise suffer from significant motion artefacts. We show that clock synchronisation on the order of 100-150ns (rms) is readily achievable in a modern MBES-based survey system utilising an Ethernet-based time synchronisation mechanism and some custom timekeeping software. We also show that improving the timekeeping eliminates motion artefacts in the observed bathymetry, and simplifies the patch-test procedure.Para asegurar una calidad adecuada de los datos es esencial una exacta y precisa mantencion de la hora entre ordenadores en un sistema de levantamiento distribuido, especialmente con Sondadores Acusticos Multihaz (MBES), que sino pueden experimentar las consecuencias de un significativo movimiento de sus artefactos. Mostramos que la sincronizaci6n de un reloj en el orden de 100-150ns (rms) puede llevarse a cabo facilmente en un sistema moderno de levantamientos efectuados mediante MBES, utilizando un mecanismo Ethernet basado en la sincronizacion del tiempo y en algun programa de mantencion de la hora adaptado. Tambien mostramos que mejorando la mantencion de la hora se elimina el movimiento de los artefactos en la batimetria observada, y simplifica el procedimiento de pruebas en parches.Il est essentiel d'avoir un chronometrage exact et precis entre ordinateurs dans un systeme integre pour les leves hydrographiques afin d'assurer une qualite des donnees appropriee notamment pour les sondeurs multifaisceaux (MBES) qui, dans le cas contraire, peuvent patir de perturbations significatives liees au mouvement. Nous montrons qu'une synchronisation des horloges de l'ordre de 100 a 150ns (valeur quadratique moyenne) est facilement obtenue dans un systeme de leves moderne reposant sur les MBES et utilisant un mecanisme de synchronisation du temps dans un reseau Ethernet et un logiciel specifique de chronometrage. Nous demontrons egalement que l'amelioration du chronometrage permet de supprimer certaines perturbations liees au mouvement dans la bathymetrie observee et de simplifier la procedure d'essai par plage

    High-Precision, High-Accuracy Timekeeping in Distributed Survey Systems

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    Accurate and precise timekeeping between computers in a distributed survey system is essential to ensure adequate data quality, especially with Multibeam Echosounders (MBES) which can otherwise suffer from significant motion artefacts. We show that clock synchronisation on the order of 100-150ns (rms) is readily achievable in a modern MBES-based survey system utilising an Ethernet-based time synchronisation mechanism and some custom timekeeping software. We also show that improving the timekeeping eliminates motion artefacts in the observed bathymetry, and simplifies the patch-test procedure.Para asegurar una calidad adecuada de los datos es esencial una exacta y precisa mantencion de la hora entre ordenadores en un sistema de levantamiento distribuido, especialmente con Sondadores Acusticos Multihaz (MBES), que sino pueden experimentar las consecuencias de un significativo movimiento de sus artefactos. Mostramos que la sincronizaci6n de un reloj en el orden de 100-150ns (rms) puede llevarse a cabo facilmente en un sistema moderno de levantamientos efectuados mediante MBES, utilizando un mecanismo Ethernet basado en la sincronizacion del tiempo y en algun programa de mantencion de la hora adaptado. Tambien mostramos que mejorando la mantencion de la hora se elimina el movimiento de los artefactos en la batimetria observada, y simplifica el procedimiento de pruebas en parches.Il est essentiel d'avoir un chronometrage exact et precis entre ordinateurs dans un systeme integre pour les leves hydrographiques afin d'assurer une qualite des donnees appropriee notamment pour les sondeurs multifaisceaux (MBES) qui, dans le cas contraire, peuvent patir de perturbations significatives liees au mouvement. Nous montrons qu'une synchronisation des horloges de l'ordre de 100 a 150ns (valeur quadratique moyenne) est facilement obtenue dans un systeme de leves moderne reposant sur les MBES et utilisant un mecanisme de synchronisation du temps dans un reseau Ethernet et un logiciel specifique de chronometrage. Nous demontrons egalement que l'amelioration du chronometrage permet de supprimer certaines perturbations liees au mouvement dans la bathymetrie observee et de simplifier la procedure d'essai par plage

    Positronium reflection and positronium beams

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    Specular reflection of positronium, Ps was observed and that there is adequate intensity at higher energies to make further study worthwhile was established. The scattering appears to be restricted to the outermost surface with a mean free path of (0.75 + or - 0.15)A for Ps in LiF(100). With a greater intensity Ps beam one should see higher order diffraction beams as the result of the periodicity of the surface. Ps diffraction thus offers the possibility of being a novel and valuable probe to study the outermost surface and to study adsorbants on it. Two methods for producing Ps beams are described