41 research outputs found

    Dynamics of notch pathway expression during mouse testis post-natal development and along the spermatogenic cycle

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    Articles in International JournalsThe transcription and expression patterns of Notch pathway components (Notch 1–3, Delta1 and 4, Jagged1) and effectors (Hes1, Hes2, Hes5 and Nrarp) were evaluated (through RT-PCR and IHC) in the mouse testis at key moments of post-natal development, and along the adult spermatogenic cycle. Notch pathway components and effectors are transcribed in the testis and expressed in germ, Sertoli and Leydig cells, and each Notch component shows a specific cell-type and timewindow expression pattern. This expression at key testis developmental events prompt for a role of Notch signaling in prepubertal spermatogonia quiescence, onset of spermatogenesis, and regulation of the spermatogenic cycle

    Epithelial cell polarity: a major gatekeeper against cancer?

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    The correct establishment and maintenance of cell polarity are crucial for normal cell physiology and tissue homeostasis. Conversely, loss of cell polarity, tissue disorganisation and excessive cell growth are hallmarks of cancer. In this review, we focus on identifying the stages of tumoural development that are affected by the loss or deregulation of epithelial cell polarity. Asymmetric division has recently emerged as a major regulatory mechanism that controls stem cell numbers and differentiation. Links between cell polarity and asymmetric cell division in the context of cancer will be examined. Apical–basal polarity and cell–cell adhesion are tightly interconnected. Hence, how loss of cell polarity in epithelial cells may promote epithelial mesenchymal transition and metastasis will also be discussed. Altogether, we present the argument that loss of epithelial cell polarity may have an important role in both the initiation of tumourigenesis and in later stages of tumour development, favouring the progression of tumours from benign to malignancy

    Sonic Hedgehog and Notch Signaling Can Cooperate to Regulate Neurogenic Divisions of Neocortical Progenitors

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    Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) and innate-like lymphocytes have important roles in immune responses in the context of infection, cancer, and autoimmunity. The factors involved in driving the differentiation and function of these cell types remain to be clearly defined. There are several cellular signaling pathways involved in embryogenesis, which continue to function in adult tissue. In particular, the WNT, NOTCH, and Hedgehog signaling pathways are emerging as regulators of hematopoietic cell development and differentiation. This review discusses the currently known roles of WNT, NOTCH, and Hedgehog signaling in the differentiation and function of ILCs and innate-like lymphocytes

    The Reference Site Collaborative Network of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

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    Regulation of Microtubule Stability and Organization by Mammalian Par3 in Specifying Neuronal Polarity

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    Polarization of mammalian neurons with a specified axon requires precise regulation of microtubule and actin dynamics in the developing neurites. Here we show that mammalian partition defective 3 (mPar3), a key component of the Par polarity complex that regulates the polarization of many cell types including neurons, directly regulates microtubule stability and organization. The N-terminal portion of mPar3 exhibits strong microtubule binding, bundling and stabilization activity, which can be suppressed by its C-terminal portion via an intra-molecular interaction. Interestingly, the inter-molecular oligomerization of mPar3 is able to relieve the intra-molecular interaction and thereby promote microtubule bundling and stabilization. Furthermore, disruption of this microtubule regulatory activity of mPar3 impairs its function in axon specification. Together, these results demonstrate a role for mPar3 in directly regulating microtubule organization that is crucial for neuronal polarization

    Stereotyped fetal brain disorganization is induced by hypoxia and requires lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 (LPA1) signaling

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    Fetal hypoxia is a common risk factor that has been associated with a range of CNS disorders including epilepsy, schizophrenia, and autism. Cellular and molecular mechanisms through which hypoxia may damage the developing brain are incompletely understood but are likely to involve disruption of the laminar organization of the cerebral cortex. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a bioactive lipid capable of cortical influences via one or more of six cognate G protein-coupled receptors, LPA1–6, several of which are enriched in fetal neural progenitor cells (NPCs). Here we report that fetal hypoxia induces cortical disruption via increased LPA1 signaling involving stereotyped effects on NPCs: N-cadherin disruption, displacement of mitotic NPCs, and impaired neuronal migration, as assessed both ex vivo and in vivo. Importantly, genetic removal or pharmacological inhibition of LPA1 prevented the occurrence of these hypoxia-induced phenomena. Hypoxia resulted in overactivation of LPA1 through selective inhibition of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 expression and activation of downstream pathways including Gαi and Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1. These data identify stereotyped and selective hypoxia-induced cerebral cortical disruption requiring LPA1 signaling, inhibition of which can reduce or prevent disease-associated sequelae, and may take us closer to therapeutic treatment of fetal hypoxia-induced CNS disorders and possibly other forms of hypoxic injury