71 research outputs found

    Orbital/ocular inflammatory involvement in VEXAS syndrome: Data from the international AIDA network VEXAS registry

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    VEXAS syndrome is a recently described monogenic autoinflammatory disease capable of manifesting itself with a wide array of organs and tissues involvement. Orbital/ocular inflammatory manifestations are frequently described in VEXAS patients. The objective of this study is to further describe orbital/ocular conditions in VEXAS syndrome while investigating potential associations with other disease manifestations. In the present study, twenty-seven out of 59 (45.8 %) VEXAS patients showed an inflammatory orbital/ocular involvement during their clinical history. The most frequent orbital/ocular affections were represented by periorbital edema in 8 (13.6 %) cases, episcleritis in 5 (8.5 %) patients, scleritis in 5 (8.5 %) cases, uveitis in 4 (6.8 %) cases, conjunctivitis in 4 (6.8 %) cases, blepharitis in 3 (5.1 %) cases, orbital myositis in 2 (3.4 %) cases. A diagnosis of systemic immune-mediated disease was observed in 15 (55.6 %) cases, with relapsing polychondritis diagnosed in 12 patients. A significant association was observed between relapsing polychondritis and orbital/ocular involvement in VEXAS syndrome (Relative Risk: 2.37, 95 % C.I. 1.03–5.46, p = 0.048). Six deaths were observed in the whole cohort of patients after a median disease duration of 1.2 (IQR=5.35) years, 5 (83.3 %) of which showed orbital/ocular inflammatory involvement. In conclusion, this study confirms that orbital/ocular inflammatory involvement is a common finding in VEXAS patients, especially when relapsing polychondritis is diagnosed. This makes ophthalmologists a key figure in the diagnostic process of VEXAS syndrome. The high frequency of deaths observed in this study seems to suggest that patients with orbital/ocular involvement may require increased attention and more careful follow-up

    Implementing opportunistic spectrum access in LTE-Advanced

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    Long term evolution advanced (LTE-A) has emerged as a promising mobile broadband access technology aiming to cope with the increasing traffic demand in wireless networks. However, the enhanced spectral efficiency offered by LTE-A may become futile without a better management of scarce and overcrowded electromagnetic spectrum. In this sense, cognitive radio (CR) has been proposed as a potential solution to the problem of spectrum scarcity. Among all the mechanisms provided by CR, opportunistic spectrum access (OSA) aims at a dynamic and seamless use of certain licensed bands provided the licensee is not harmfully affected. This operation requires spectral awareness in order to avoid interferences with licensed systems. In spite of implementing some spectrum sensing mechanisms, LTE-A technology lacks other tools that are needed in order to improve the knowledge of the radio environment. This work studies the adoption of a Geo-located data base (Geo-DB) that cooperatively retrieves and maintains information regarding the location of unutilized portions of spectrum potentially available for OSA. Moreover, the potential benefit of this LTE-compliant OSA solution is evaluated using a calibrated simulation tool, by which numerical results allow us to optimally configure the system and show that the proposed opportunistic system is able to significantly improve its performance.The authors would like to thank the funding received from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion within the Project number TEC2011-27723-C02-02 and from the Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio TSI-020100-2011-266 funds. This article had been written in the framework of the CELTIC project CP08-001 COMMUNE. Study by X. Gelabert is funded by the BP-DGR 2010 scholarship (ref. 00192). The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions of their colleagues.Osa Ginés, V.; Herranz Claveras, C.; Monserrat Del Río, JF.; Gelabert, X. (2012). Implementing opportunistic spectrum access in LTE-Advanced. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2012(99):1-17. https://doi.org/10.1186/1687-1499-2012-99S117201299Martín-Sacristán D, Monserrat JF, Cabrejas-Peñuelas J, Calabuig D, Garrigas S, Cardona N: On the way towards fourth-generation mobile: 3GPP LTE and LTE-Advanced. EURASIP J Wirel Commun Netw 2009, 2009: 1-10.Ratasuk R, Tolli D, Ghosh A: Carrier aggregation in LTE-Advanced. In IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2010-Spring). Taipei; 2010:1-5.Wang H, Rosa C, Pedersen K: Performance of uplink carrier aggregation in LTE-advanced systems. In IEEE 72nd Vehicular Technology Conference Fall (VTC 2010-Fall). Ottawa; 2010:1-5.Tandra R, Sahai A, Mishra S: What is a spectrum hole and what does it take to recognize one? Proc IEEE 2009, 97(5):824-848.Mitola IJ, Maguire JGQ: Cognitive radio: making software radios more personal. IEEE Personal Commun 1999, 6(4):13-18. 10.1109/98.788210Haykin S: Cognitive radio: brain-empowered wireless communications. IEEE J Sel Areas Commun 2005, 23(2):201-220.IEEE 802.22 Working Group on Wireless Regional Area Networks. [ http://www.ieee802.org/22/ ]ITU-R BT1368: Planning criteria for digital terrestrial television services in the VHF/UHF bands.ITU-R BT1786: Criterion to assess the impact of interference to the terrestrial broadcasting service (BS).Kawade S, Nekovee M: Cognitive radio-based urban wireless broadband in unused TV bands. In 20th International Radioelektronika Conference. Brno; 2010:1-4.Modlic B, Sisul G, Cvitkovic M: Digital dividend--Opportunities for new mobile services. In International Symposium ELMAR 2009 (ELMAR'09). Zadar; 2009:1-8.Zhao X, Guo Z, Guo Q: A cognitive based spectrum sharing scheme for LTE advanced systems. In International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT). Moscow; 2010:965-969.Hussain S, Fernando X: Spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks: Up-to-date techniques and future challenges. In IEEE Toronto International Conference on Science and Technology for Humanity (TIC-STH). Toronto; 2009:736-741.Xu Y, Sun Y, Li Y, Zhao Y, Zou H: Joint sensing period and transmission time optimization for energy-constrained cognitive radios. EURASIP J Wirel Commun Netw 2010, 2010: 1-16.Yucek T, Arslan H: A survey of spectrum sensing algorithms for cognitive radio applications. IEEE Commun Surv Tutor 2009, 11: 116-130.Cabric D, Mishra S, Brodersen R: Implementation issues in spectrum sensing for cognitive radios. In Conference Record of the Thirty-Eighth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers. Volume 1. Pacific Grove; 2004:772-776.Zeng Y, Liang YC, Hoang A, Peh E: Reliability of spectrum sensing under noise and interference uncertainty. In IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, 2009. ICC Workshops. Dresden; 2009:1-5.Bixio L, Ottonello M, Raffetto M, Regazzoni CS: Comparison among cognitive radio architectures for spectrum sensing. EURASIP J Wirel Commun Netw 2011, 2011: 1-18.Mustonen M, Matinmikko M, Mammela A: Cooperative spectrum sensing using quantized soft decision combining. In 4th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications, 2009 (CROWNCOM'09). Hannover; 2009:1-5.Xiao L, Liu K, Ma L: A weighted cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. In International Conference on Information Networking and Automation (ICINA). Volume 2. Kunming; 2010:45-48.Pan Q, Chang Y, Zheng R, Zhang X, Wang Y, Yang D: Solution of information exchange for cooperative sensing in cognitive radios. In IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2009 (WCNC'2009). Budapest; 2009:1-4.Masri A, Chiasserini CF, Perotti A: Control information exchange through UWB in cognitive radio networks. In 5th IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC). Modena; 2010:110-115.Celebi H, Arslan H: Utilization of location information in cognitive wireless networks. IEEE Wirel Commun 2007, 14(4):6-13.FCC: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, in the Matter of Unlicensed Operation in the TV Broadcast Bands (ET Docket no. 04-186) and Additional Spectrum for Unlicensed.Marcus MJ, Kolodzy P, Lippman A: Reclaiming the vast wasteland: why unlicensed use of the white space in the TV bands will not cause interference to DTV viewers. New America Foundation: wireless future program, tech rep 2005.Nam H, Ghorbel M, Alouini M: Proc. of the Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented. In Proc of the Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks Communications (CROWNCOM). Cannes; 2010:1-5.IEEE Std 80221-2008: IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part 21: Media Independent Handover. 2009.3GPP TS 36133: Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Requirements for support of radio resource management.Sesia S, Baker M, Toufik I: LTE, the UMTS long term evolution: from theory to practice. Wiley, New Haven; 2009.Digham FF, Alouini MS, Simon MK: On the energy detection of unknown signals over fading channels. In IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2003 (ICC'03). Volume 5. Anchorage; 2003:3575-3579.Ghasemi A, Sousa ES: Collaborative spectrum sensing for opportunistic access in fading environments. In First IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN). Baltimore; 2005:131-136.Gelabert X, Akyildiz IF, Sallent O, Agustí R: Operating point selection for primary and secondary users in cognitive radio networks. Comput Netw 2009, 53(8):1158-1170. 10.1016/j.comnet.2009.02.009Taniuchi K, Ohba Y, Fajardo V, Das S, Tauil M, Cheng YH, Dutta A, Baker D, Yajnik M, Famolari D: IEEE 802.21: media independent handover: features, applicability, and realization. IEEE Commun Mag 2009, 47: 112-120.3GPP TS 36305: Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN); Stage 2 functional specification of User Equipment (UE) positioning in E-UTRAN.3GPP TS 36355: Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access; LTE Positioning Protocol (LPP).3GPP TS 36455: Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access; LTE Positioning Protocol A (LPPa).Ren W, Zhao Q, Swami A: Power control in cognitive radio networks: how to cross a multi-lane highway. IEEE J Sel Areas Commun 2008, 27(7):1283-1296.3GPP R1-084424: Control Channel Design Issues for Carrier Aggregation in LTE-A.Dajie J, Haiming W, Malkamaki E, Tuomaala E: Principle and performance of semi-persistent scheduling for VoIP in LTE system. In International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2007 (WiCom 2007). Shanghai; 2007:2861-2864.Rajbanshi R, Wyglinski AM, Minden GJ: An efficient implementation of NC-OFDM transceivers for cognitive radios. In Proc of 1st Conf on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Commun. Mykonos; 2006:1-5.Wellens M, Riihijarvi J, Mahonen P: Modeling primary system activity in dynamic spectrum access networks by aggregated ON/OFF-processes. In 6th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks Workshops, 2009. SECON Workshops'09. Rome; 2009:1-6.3GPP TS 36214: Physical layer; Measurements.Ofuji Y, Morimoto A, Abeta S, Sawahashi M: Comparison of packet scheduling algorithms focusing on user throughput in high speed downlink packet access. In 13th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. Volume 3. Lis-boa; 2002:1462-1466.ITU-R ITU M2135: Guidelines for evaluation of radio interface technologies for IMT-Advanced 2008

    Global Experiences on Wastewater Irrigation: Challenges and Prospects

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    ¬Map of Rock-Cut Sites in the Mediterranean Basin, and classification of the related hydraulic works.

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    Blooming of rupestrian communities is a significant phenomenon in central-southern Italy (southern Tuscany, northern Latium, Campania, Molise, Basilicata, Apulia and Sicily), and in many other countries of the Mediterranean Basin (Algeria, France, Libya, Malta, Greece, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey), as well as of Africa (Ethiopia), the Middle East (Jordan, Israel, Syria), and central Asia (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan). Further, it is also present in other regions of the world, from the ancient Persia, to China, to the high valleys in the Himalaya. The speleological research in artificial cavities, which started in Italy and nowadays is widespread in many other countries, has largely contributed to acquisition of a large amount of data of great interest about the different typologies of cavities (civilian settlements, underground working places, defensive works, hermitage sites), and the structures necessary to daily life and to development of a variety of activities as well. Speleologists, by comparing the techniques used in the realization of the different works, and the related aims, have collected data about tens of thousands of underground sites excavated by man, of high historical and anthropological interest. Thanks to this work of many decades, we can today compare and analyze all these data, which in turn feed several projects, as for the case of the Map of Rock-Cut Sites in the Mediterranean Basin

    Simboli cartografici per cavitĂ  artificiali: recenti attivitĂ  delle Commissioni UIS

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    La definizione di standard cartografici, e dei simboli da utilizzare per la rappresentazione degli elementi caratterizzanti grotte naturali e cavità artificiali, è di estremo interesse ai fini della corretta documentazione e divulgazione del mondo sotterraneo. Specialmente nel caso delle cavità artificiali, all’interno delle quali è possibile osservare significativi elementi di grande importanza storica e archeologica, risulta necessario stabilire una simbologia unica, accettata e validata dalla comunità internazionale. Di recente, partendo da una serie di esperienze condotte in ambito delle cavità artificiali, e dalla esistente simbologia cartografica per grotte naturali, il Gruppo di Lavoro su Rilievo e Cartografia (Commissione per l’Informatica) e la Commissione sulle Cavità Artificiali della International Union of Speleology (UIS) hanno avviato lavori congiunti per giungere a definire un set di simboli utilizzabile per le cavità di origine antropica. Il presente lavoro riassume le attività sinora svolte

    Idraulica rupestre in Turchia

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    La Turchia, ed in particolare la Cappadocia, rappresentano indubbiamente uno dei siti al mondo maggiormente famosi per lo sviluppo di cavità scavate dall’uomo, con veri e propri insediamenti che caratterizzano vaste aree del territorio. In questo contesto, nonostante l’abbondante bibliografia esistente sui siti della Cappadocia, non molti lavori sono stati dedicati agli aspetti di idraulica rupestre. Con il presente contributo ci proponiamo l’obiettivo di colmare, almeno parzialmente, questa lacuna, fornendo una prima, seppur sintetica, descrizione delle tipologie di opere idrauliche individuate

    Preliminary study of the hypogeum structures of the Kale of Bitlis in south-western Turkey

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    Archaeological excavations conducted since 2004 at the Kale (castle) of Bitlis in south-western Turkey have revealed several different rooms inside of the imposing fortress that overlooks the city. During this research, besides the wall structures, pottery, glass and metals were found which made it possible to determine the chronology and use of the building and of its various rooms. Among the various structures that were found, two of them, completely hypogeal, were surveyed and studied by the Center for Subterranean Studies of Genoa and in this article are discussed and compared with other similar subterranean structures
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