916 research outputs found

    Photon Statistics for Single Molecule Non-Linear Spectroscopy

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    We consider the theory of the non-linear spectroscopy for a single molecule undergoing stochastic dynamics and interacting with a sequence of two laser pulses. General expressions for photon counting statistics are obtained, and an exact solution to the problem of the Kubo-Anderson process is found. In the limit of impulsive pulses the information on the photon statistics is contained in the molecule's dipole correlation function. The selective limit where temporal resolution is maintained, the semi-classical approximation and the fast modulation limit exhibit general behaviors of this new type of spectroscopy. We show how the design of the external field leads to rich insights on dynamics of individual molecules which are different than those found for an ensemble

    Learning Curves for Mutual Information Maximization

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    An unsupervised learning procedure based on maximizing the mutual information between the outputs of two networks receiving different but statistically dependent inputs is analyzed (Becker and Hinton, Nature, 355, 92, 161). For a generic data model, I show that in the large sample limit the structure in the data is recognized by mutual information maximization. For a more restricted model, where the networks are similar to perceptrons, I calculate the learning curves for zero-temperature Gibbs learning. These show that convergence can be rather slow, and a way of regularizing the procedure is considered.Comment: 13 pages, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Towards deterministic equations for Levy walks: the fractional material derivative

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    Levy walks are random processes with an underlying spatiotemporal coupling. This coupling penalizes long jumps, and therefore Levy walks give a proper stochastic description for a particle's motion with broad jump length distribution. We derive a generalized dynamical formulation for Levy walks in which the fractional equivalent of the material derivative occurs. Our approach will be useful for the dynamical formulation of Levy walks in an external force field or in phase space for which the description in terms of the continuous time random walk or its corresponding generalized master equation are less well suited

    Random Time-Scale Invariant Diffusion and Transport Coefficients

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    Single particle tracking of mRNA molecules and lipid granules in living cells shows that the time averaged mean squared displacement δ2‾\overline{\delta^2} of individual particles remains a random variable while indicating that the particle motion is subdiffusive. We investigate this type of ergodicity breaking within the continuous time random walk model and show that δ2‾\overline{\delta^2} differs from the corresponding ensemble average. In particular we derive the distribution for the fluctuations of the random variable δ2‾\overline{\delta^2}. Similarly we quantify the response to a constant external field, revealing a generalization of the Einstein relation. Consequences for the interpretation of single molecule tracking data are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures.Article accompanied by a PRL Viewpoint in Physics1, 8 (2008

    Ergodicity Breaking in a Deterministic Dynamical System

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    The concept of weak ergodicity breaking is defined and studied in the context of deterministic dynamics. We show that weak ergodicity breaking describes a weakly chaotic dynamical system: a nonlinear map which generates subdiffusion deterministically. In the non-ergodic phase non-trivial distribution of the fraction of occupation times is obtained. The visitation fraction remains uniform even in the non-ergodic phase. In this sense the non-ergodicity is quantified, leading to a statistical mechanical description of the system even though it is not ergodic.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Analytical and Numerical Study of Internal Representations in Multilayer Neural Networks with Binary Weights

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    We study the weight space structure of the parity machine with binary weights by deriving the distribution of volumes associated to the internal representations of the learning examples. The learning behaviour and the symmetry breaking transition are analyzed and the results are found to be in very good agreement with extended numerical simulations.Comment: revtex, 20 pages + 9 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Theory of Single File Diffusion in a Force Field

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    The dynamics of hard-core interacting Brownian particles in an external potential field is studied in one dimension. Using the Jepsen line we find a very general and simple formula relating the motion of the tagged center particle, with the classical, time dependent single particle reflection R{\cal R} and transmission T{\cal T} coefficients. Our formula describes rich physical behaviors both in equilibrium and the approach to equilibrium of this many body problem.Comment: 4 Phys. Rev. page

    Investigation of a generalized Obukhov Model for Turbulence

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    We introduce a generalization of Obukhov's model [A.M. Obukhov, Adv. Geophys. 6, 113 (1959)] for the description of the joint position-velocity statistics of a single fluid particle in fully developed turbulence. In the presented model the velocity is assumed to undergo a continuous time random walk. This takes into account long time correlations. As a consequence the evolution equation for the joint position-velocity probability distribution is a Fokker-Planck equation with a fractional time derivative. We determine the solution of this equation in the form of an integral transform and derive a relation for arbitrary single time moments. Analytical solutions for the joint probability distribution and its moments are given.Comment: 10 page
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