562 research outputs found

    The effect of dietary chromium(III) on growth and carbohydrate utilization in mirror and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) L.

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    The aim of feed formulation in aquaculture is to supply a suitable diet that provides nutritional requirements at relatively low cost. Carbohydrates are the most economic energy source for animals compared to protein and lipid; however, fish have limited capacity for dietary carbohydrate utilization. Trivalent chromium is an essential micronutrient for carbohydrate metabolism in vertebrates. The primary objective of this thesis was to enhance understanding of the effects of organic and inorganic forms of Cr on carbohydrate utilization, growth performance, gene expression and activity of specific key liver enzymes in carp Cyprinus carpio. In addition, effects of dietary Cr on body composition, Cr tissue content, blood cells DNA damage, and tissue histopathology (liver and gut) were evaluated. The first experiment (Chapter 3) tested levels of dietary Cr (0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 mg Cr kg-1 as Cr chloride) to determine Cr requirement; the second experiment (Chapter 4) compared bioavailability of different forms of Cr (Cr chloride, Cr picolinate, and Cr yeast); and the third experiment (Chapter 5) evaluated different levels of Cr yeast (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mg Cr kg-1) on utilization of a starch or dextrin-based diet. A Cr supplementation of 0.5 mg Cr kg-1 (regardless of form of Cr) produced highest growth performance; whereas 2.0 mg Cr kg-1 did not differ from control. The 0.5 mg Cr kg-1 also enabled carp to utilize complex carbohydrates (e.g., starch) and did not affect final body composition. Only 2.0 mg Cr kg-1 caused DNA damage in blood cells and tissue damage (liver and gut histopathology). Cr content in whole body increased with dietary Cr, but Cr did not affect hexokinase gene expression. Overall, results indicate that Cr can improve growth performance of carp and that Cr supplementation can enhance utilization of carbohydrates in fish feed.The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/ Republic of Ira

    Sistem Prediksi Kelayakan Besaran Pinjaman Pemberian Kredit Pensiunan dengan Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic (Studi Kasus: PT. Bank Bukopin)

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    Kredit adalah penyediaan uang atau tagihan-tagihan yang dapat disamakan dengan itu berdasarkan persetujuan pinjam-meminjam antara bank dengan pihak lain dalam hal mana pihak peminjam berkewajiban melunasi utangnya setelah jangka waktu tertentu dengan bunga yang telah ditetapkan (Jayanti, 2014). Masalah kelayakan pemberian kredit cenderung bersifat samar (fuzzy) (Ariana & Suwadnyana, 2013), dimana untuk menentukan kelayakan besaran pinjaman tidak dapat ditentukan dengan mudah dan cepat, serta membutuhkan tenaga ahli. Kelayakan besaran pinjaman perlu dianalisa ataupun diprediksi (Misdiati & Rahayu, 2013), karena besarnya pinjaman merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kredit macet walaupun sebagian terbesar kredit macet diakibatkan salah dalam mengadakan analisis. Logika fuzzy (fuzzy logic) dapat digunakan untuk memodelkan suatu permasalahan yang matematis, dimana konsep matematis yang mendasari penalaran Fuzzy sangat sederhana dan mudah dimengerti, Logika fuzzy (fuzzy logic) adalah suatu metode atau cara yang tepat untuk memetakan kesuatu ruang input ke suatu ruang output (Widodo & Handayanto, 2012)

    Survivin a radiogenetic promoter for glioblastoma viral gene therapy independently from CArG motifs

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    BACKGROUND: Radiogenetic therapy is a novel approach in the treatment of cancer, which employs genetic modification to alter the sensitivity of tumor cells to the effect of applied radiation. AIM: To select a potent radiation inducible promoter in the context of brain tumors and to investigate if CArG radio responsive motifs or other elements in the promoter nucleotide sequences can correlate to its response to radiation. METHODS: To select initial candidates for promoter inducible elements, the levels of mRNA expression of six different promoters were assessed using Quantitative RTPCR in D54 MG cells before and after radiation exposure. Recombinant Ad/reporter genes driven by five different promoters; CMV, VEGF, FLT-1, DR5 and survivin were constructed. Glioma cell lines were infected with different multiplicity of infection of the (promoter) Ad or CMV Ad. Cells were then exposed to a range of radiation (0–12 Gy) at single fraction. Fluorescent microscopy, Luc assay and X-gal staining was used to detect the level of expression of related genes. Different glioma cell lines and normal astrocytes were infected with Ad survivin and exposed to radiation. The promoters were analyzed for presence of CArG radio-responsive motifs and CCAAT box consensus using NCBI blast bioinformatics software. RESULTS: Radiotherapy increases the expression of gene expression by 1.25–2.5 fold in different promoters other than survivin after 2 h of radiation. RNA analysis was done and has shown an increase in copy number of tenfold for survivin. Most importantly cells treated with RT and Ad Luc driven by survivin promoter showed a fivefold increase in expression after 2 Gy of radiation in comparison to non-irradiated cells. Presence or absence of CArG motifs did not correlate with promoter response to radiation. Survivin with the best response to radiation had the lowest number of CCAAT box. CONCLUSION: Survivin is a selective potent radiation inducible promoter for glioblastoma viral gene therapy and this response to radiation could be independent of CArG motifs

    Modern and Convensional Wound Dressing to Interleukin 1 and Interleukin 6 in Diabetic Wound

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    Introduction:Holistic wound care is one of the ways to prevent gangrene and amputation, modern wound dressing is more effective than convensional with increasing transforming growth factor and cytokine, especially interleukin. This study aims to identify the effectiveness of Modern and Convensional Wound Dressing to Interleukin 1 (IL-1) and Interleukin 6 (IL-6) in Diabetic wound. Method:A Quasi eksperimental pre-post with control group design was used. The intervention given was modern wound dressing and Control group by convensional wound dressing, This study was conducted in Makassar with 32 samples (16 in intervention group and 16 in control group). Result: The result of Pooled T- test showed that p = 0.00 (p < 0.05), it means that there was signifi cant correlation between modern wound dressing to IL-6 and IL-1 than Convensional wound dressing. Discussion: Process of wound healing was produced growth factor and cytokine (IL-1 and IL-6), it will stimulated by wound dressing, modern wound dressing (Calcium alginat) can absorb wound drainage, non oklusive, non adhesif, and autolytic debridement

    The environmental impact on the hydrogeochemical characterization of the Kurkar aquifer system, Gaza strip, Palestine.

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    The Gaza strip is suffering groundwater deterioration as a result of high population density where the outflow exceeds inflow by about 20 Mm3/y. This quantity of water is believed to be replaced by deep seawater intrusion and/or upconing of deep brines in the southern areas or by anthropogenic wastewater. Large cones of depression have been formed over the last 40 years within the Gaza, Khan Younis, and Rafah governorates. The salinity increases in the northwestern and the southeastern parts of Gaza Strip. Nitrate and chloride exceed the WHO maximum permissible limits and are considered as the major pollutants of the aquifer, their high concentration values are attributed to agricultural activity and leaked wastewaters as well as the scarcity of the resource. The cluster analysis (Q-mode) classified the data into 5 clusters and 3 independent cases depending upon salinity and nitrate concentrations. The rotated factor analysis identified 3 factors. The AquaChem program clarified that the study area was supersaturated with calcite and dolomite and undersaturated with gypsum and anhydrite minerals. In general, the groundwater was unsuitable for drinking according to their TDS and NO3 contents. The groundwater can be used in permeable soils for irrigation purposes

    CoNiFe-layered double hydroxide decorated Co-N-C network as a robust bi-functional oxygen electrocatalyst for zinc-air batteries

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    Rechargeable zinc-air batteries (ZABs) are cost-effective energy storage devices and display high-energy density. To realize high round-trip energy efficiency, it is critical to develop durable bi-functional air electrodes, presenting high catalytic activity towards oxygen evolution/reduction reactions together. Herein, we report a nanocomposite based on ternary CoNiFe-layered double hydroxides (LDH) and cobalt coordinated and N-doped porous carbon (Co-N-C) network, obtained by the in-situ growth of LDH over the surface of ZIF-67-derived 3D porous network. Co-N-C network contributes to the oxygen reduction reaction activity, while CoNiFe-LDH imparts to the oxygen evolution reaction activity. The rich active sites and enhanced electronic and mass transport properties stemmed from their unique architecture, culminated into outstanding bi-functional catalytic activity towards oxygen evolution/reduction in alkaline media. In ZABs, it displays a high peak power density of 228 mW cm−2 and a low voltage gap of 0.77 V over an ultra-long lifespan of 950 h. (Figure presented.)
