813 research outputs found

    The motion of bubbles inside drops in containerless processing

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    A theoretical model of thermocapillary bubble motion inside a drop, located in a space laboratory, due to an arbitrary axisymmetric temperature distribution on the drop surface was constructed. Typical results for the stream function and temperature fields as well as the migration velocity of the bubble were obtained in the quasistatic limit. The motion of bubbles in a rotating body of liquid was studied experimentally, and an approximate theoretical model was developed. Comparison of the experimental observations of the bubble trajectories and centering times with theoretical predictions lends qualified support to the theory

    Clustering Process for Mixed Dataset Using Shortest Path Non Parameterised Technique

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    Clustering in mixed dataset is a dynamic research focus in data mining concepts. The predictable clustering algorithm related to be more supportive to only one kind of attribute not for the mixed data type. Hence, the traditional clustering techniques processed with mixed attributes either by converting the numerical data type to categorical type or categorical type to numerical data type. But, utmost of the clustering processes are improved by converting numerical attributes. This progression of grouping ends up with two boundaries, the earlier limitation is that conveying numerical values to all types of categorical data is simply difficult. On the other hand the later drawback lies in the parameterized clustering which needs number of clusters as response for grouping the datasets. To succeed over the limitations the clustering technique is organised by incorporating shortest path and non-parameterized clustering. The proposed work of Shortest path non parameterised Clustering technique, the input parameter (number of clusters) is discovered spontaneously and the data objects of the cluster are grouped that are at the shortest distance

    Awareness of farmers about social forestry programme - an analysis

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    A study was conducted to assess the awareness level of farmers on various components of Social forestry Programme, implemented by the Social Forestry Department in Ke rala State, India. It could be inferred/rom the study that the awareness level on /arm/oreslry lVas very high. On the other hand the awareness level on coastal area plantations and fodder plantations was relatively lesser. Variables such as education, material possession, media participation, contact with extension agency and economic motivation had a positive relationship with the awarelIess level of marginal farmers whereas variables like age, occupation, social participation and risk orientation had a negative influence on awareness. It was also observed that exceptfor education and risk orientation, all the other variables had a positive relationship with the awareness level of small farmers

    Physical phenomena in containerless glass processing

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    Experiments were conducted on bubble migration in rotating liquid bodies contained in a sphere. Experiments were initiated on the migration of a drop in a slightly less dense continuous phase contained in a rotating sphere. A refined apparatus for the study of thermocapillar flow in a glass melt was built, and data were acquired on surface velocities in the melt. Similar data also were obtained from an ambient temperature fluid model. The data were analyzed and correlated with the aid of theory. Data were obtained on flow velocities in a pendant drop heated from above. The motion in this system was driven principally by thermocapillarity. An apparatus was designed for the study of volatilization from a glass melt

    Nanoscale quantum dot infrared sensors with photonic crystal cavity

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    We report high performance infrared sensors that are based on intersubband transitions in nanoscale self-assembled quantum dots combined with a microcavity resonator made with a high-index-contrast two-dimensional photonic crystal. The addition of the photonic crystal cavity increases the photocurrent, conversion efficiency, and the signal to noise ratio (represented by the specific detectivity D*) by more than an order of magnitude. The conversion efficiency of the detector at Vb=–2.6 V increased from 7.5% for the control sample to 95% in the PhC detector. In principle, these photonic crystal resonators are technology agnostic and can be directly integrated into the manufacturing of present day infrared sensors using existing lithographic tools in the fabrication facility

    Non-linear control algorithms for an unmanned surface vehicle

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    Although intrinsically marine craft are known to exhibit non-linear dynamic characteristics, modern marine autopilot system designs continue to be developed based on both linear and non-linear control approaches. This article evaluates two novel non-linear autopilot designs based on non-linear local control network and non-linear model predictive control approaches to establish their effectiveness in terms of control activity expenditure, power consumption and mission duration length under similar operating conditions. From practical point of view, autopilot with less energy consumption would in reality provide the battery-powered vehicle with longer mission duration. The autopilot systems are used to control the non-linear yaw dynamics of an unmanned surface vehicle named Springer. The yaw dynamics of the vehicle being modelled using a multi-layer perceptron-type neural network. Simulation results showed that the autopilot based on local control network method performed better for Springer. Furthermore, on the whole, the local control network methodology can be regarded as a plausible paradigm for marine control system design. © 2014 IMechE

    Involvement of extension personnel in implementing social forestry programmes

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    In a country like India, where the population is high and resources are limited, social forestry is an instrument for rural development, particularly for the poor people. Thus social forestry is identified as a forestry of the people, by the people and for the people

    Effect of TEA on the structural and magnetic properties of ferromagnetic ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles

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    Ferromagnetic ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles were synthesized by surfactant assisted hydrothermal method using different amount of triethylamine (TEA). The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and vibrating sample magnetometer. The formation of single phase ZnFe2O4 was investigated by addition of different amount of TEA. Regular spinel structure was obtained for all synthesized product except for lower amount of TEA, owing to the less alkaline atmosphere. All the synthesized nanoparticles were spherical in shape with a small aggregation. Observed size of the nanoparticles was 10 nm as determined from TEM measurement for the sample synthesized with a higher amount of TEA. Room temperature ferromagnetic behavior was observed in all the samples

    Measurement Of Film Thickness And Temperature On Horizontal Metal Spray Coated Tube Falling Film Evaporator Using Interferometric Techique

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    ’Water’ is the ’Essence of Life’. It is an irreplaceable precious resource that is core of life on earth, a vital commodity that is critical for human survival, socio-economic developments and for the preservation of a healthy ecosystem. Current trends indicate that two-thirds of the world’s population will be living in water-stressed countries by 2025(wat (2006)). In order to eradicate or to provide sufficient water requirement for mankind desalination plays a pivotal role. This paper presents studies on horizontal tube falling film evaporator for Multi effect desalination (MED) system with spray coated tubes. The most important component in any MED system is the falling film evaporator. The wide acceptance for this kind of evaporators is because of the fact that it is characterized by a very low-pressure drop. In MED systems, falling film evaporation takes place outside the tube geometry utilizing the latent heat of condensing vapour inside the tube. Convective evaporation, as well as low-temperature nucleate boiling, occur in the film as it flows over the tube depending on the operating conditions(Abraham and Mani (2015)). The liquid falls on the top of the tube and flows down along the curved tube surface. There is a phase change on both sides of the tube and the evaporation outside the tube helps vapour to be separated from the liquid as soon as it is formed. Two different tubes surfaces were studied, namely bare copper tube and copper tube coated with alloy of Al2O3 and TiO2. Scanning electron microscope, Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, 3D surface profilometer were utilized to study about the surface texture, composition and to find surface roughness values attributed with each tubes. An optical shadow method (non-intrusive) incorporating Otsus’s algorithm was used to evaluate the film thickness around the circumference of the cylinder, and a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) was employed to visualize the isotherm formation (Maliackal et al. (2021)). All studies were performed for complete wetting of the tube. The measured film thickness was compared with commonly used empirical formulas. Further, the effectiveness of using those empirical formulas for small diameter tubes was analyzed. A novel interferometric technique was used to analyze the film interface temperature, and a comparative study was performed for the two different tube geometries. A standard error of mean (SEM) analysis was performed on every data set