69 research outputs found

    Extravertebrale RĂŒckenschmerzen – Es muss nicht immer der RĂŒcken sein!

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    Retrospektive Studie ĂŒber Langzeitergebnisse und LebensqualitĂ€t nach Resektion von primĂ€ren Knochentumoren im Becken unter besonderer BerĂŒcksichtigung verschiedener Rekonstruktionsmethoden

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    Welche Rekonstruktion nach Tumorresektion bietet neben guten onkologischen und funktionellen Resultaten einen komplikationsarmen Verlauf? Unter diesen Gesichtspunkten sind zwischen 1980 und 1998 an der OrthopĂ€dischen UniversitĂ€tsklinik MĂŒnster 124 Patienten recherchiert worden, die an malignen Knochentumoren des Beckens erkrankt sind. Von 118 Operationen erfolgten zehn primĂ€re Amputationen und 108 Rekonstruktionsverfahren je nach Defektausmaß. Anhand des MSTS-Score nach Enneking wurden funktionelle Ergebnisse von 59 Patienten ermittelt. Im Vergleich der postoperativen Funktion zeigen sich gute Resultate nach Rekonstruktion mit Autograft, Allograft, nach Defektbelassung oder HĂŒftverschiebeplastik. Schlechtere Resultate ergaben sich nach Amputationen, nach Rekonstruktionen mit Prothesen, mit Komposit-Allograft und mit Auto- und Allograft. Unter BerĂŒcksichtigung aller erhobenen Daten kann nach periacetabulĂ€ren Resektionen die HĂŒftverschiebeplastik fĂŒr junge Patienten empfohlen werden


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    This paper is a descriptive synthesis of approximately 17 months of phytoplankton sampling in the shellfish culture area of Enseada de Armação do Itapocoroy (Penha - Santa Catarina - Brazil). The goal of this program was to know the local phytoplankton composition, specially the toxic and potentially toxic ones; to verify the characteristics of water masses associated to the different phytoplankton assemblies and to monitor the occurrence of blooms of toxic or potentially toxic species, in order to prevent human intoxication by ingestion of contaminated shellfish. The results have indicated the occurrence of seasonal patterns in species succession. Potential producers of diarrhetic toxins tend to occur in winter and spring. From late spring to late summer the occurrence of Trichodesmium spp. indicate the possible presence of cyanobacteria toxins. Alexandrium fraterculus - a potential producer of paralytic toxin - has ocurred only in low cell densities and mainly in winter.O presente trabalho trata-se de uma sĂ­ntese de aproximadamente 17 meses de amostragens de fitoplĂąncton na ĂĄrea de maricultura da Enseada de Armação do Itapocoroy, municĂ­pio de Penha, Santa Catarina. Os objetivos foram conhecer as principais espĂ©cies de microalgas planctĂŽnicas ocorrentes no local, especialmente as espĂ©cies tĂłxicas ou potencialmente tĂłxicas; verificar as caracterĂ­sticas das massas de ĂĄgua associadas Ă s diferentes espĂ©cies ou assemblĂ©ias de microalgas (salinidade, temperatura e transparĂȘncia) e monitorar a ocorrĂȘncia de densidades elevadas de espĂ©cies tĂłxicas ou potencialmente tĂłxicas para prevenir possĂ­veis intoxicaçÔes pela ingestĂŁo de moluscos com acĂșmulo de ficotoxinas. Os resultados indicam a ocorrĂȘncia de padrĂ”es sazonais de sucessĂŁo de espĂ©cies. EspĂ©cies potencialmente produtoras de toxinas diarrĂ©icas e amnĂ©sicas tendem a ocorrer nos meses de inverno e primavera. Entre o final da primavera e durante o verĂŁo a ocorrĂȘncia de Trichodesmium spp. indica possibilidade de toxinas de cianobactĂ©rias. Alexandrium fraterculus - um potencial produtor de toxina paralisante - ocorreu em pequenas densidades e principalmente no inverno

    Characterizing the multi-dimensional reaction dynamics of dihalomethanes using XUV-induced Coulomb explosion imaging

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    Site-selective probing of iodine 4d orbitals at 13.1 nm was used to characterize the photolysis of CH2I2 and CH2BrI initiated at 202.5 nm. Time-dependent fragment ion momenta were recorded using Coulomb explosion imaging mass spectrometry and used to determine the structural dynamics of the dissociating molecules. Correlations between these fragment momenta, as well as the onset times of electron transfer reactions between them, indicate that each molecule can undergo neutral three-body photolysis. For CH2I2, the structural evolution of the neutral molecule was simultaneously characterized along the C-I and I-C-I coordinates, demonstrating the sensitivity of these measurements to nuclear motion along multiple degrees of freedom
